Muslim Women Dress Code?

So also in the desert, there are health and safety reasons for covering up.

Women in Rajasthan

I see them on a daily basis when I go over and pick up my son from school. There isn't any health factors here as to why their whole faces are covered. They seem to be multiplying because there were not so many of them around last yr.

Did I ever tell you that when my youngest one was about 3 we saw a woman dressed up like that on the street. It was about mid October at the time. He said Mom isn't it a little early for Halloween? :D
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Only if the majority of the people do not feel oppressed. Occupiers do not count, the people do not have the ability to decide under occupation. :)

Or did you miss that part completely?

So lets say your in a slave state and your slaves have been brainwashed to think that their position is OK, that they are who they are set by god(s) and the color of their skin: does that make slavery ok? Examples like pre-communist tibet,or why not the Indian cast system as well?
So lets say your in a slave state and your slaves have been brainwashed to think that their position is OK, that they are who they are set by god(s) and the color of their skin: does that make slavery ok? Examples like pre-communist tibet,or why not the Indian cast system as well?

We had 200 years of the British educating us "savages". I understand western supremacism completely.

I believe they also re-educated the Inuit, the native Americans and the Aboriginals. Their success stories have been very inspiring to us backwoods types. :rolleyes:

I see them on a daily basis when I go over and pick up my son from school. There isn't any health factors here as to why their whole faces are covered. They seem to be multiplying because there were not so many of them around last yr.

Did I ever tell you that when my youngest one was about 3 we saw a woman dressed up like that on the street. It was about mid October at the time. He said Mom isn't it a little early for Halloween? :D

Sounds like ignorance runs in the family.
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We had 200 years of the British educating us "savages". I understand western supremacism completely.

I believe they also re-educated the Inuit, the native Americans and the Aboriginals. Their success stories have been very inspiring to us backwoods types. :rolleyes:

I'm not implying savagery, reducing sexism, racism and classicism is not western supremacism.
I'm not implying savagery, reducing sexism, racism and classicism is not western supremacism.

This from the country that says to the rest of the world, do as we say, not as we do.

Its supremacism to imply that anyone who does not act, dress, talk or think like you do, needs re-educating. Believe me, it engenders nothing but contempt.

On my part, the reaction is amused contempt, you seek to educate me on a place and people that I have lived with for five years, based on your ignorance of their language, social dynamics, self-determination and culture. Really, am I supposed to even take you seriously?
This from the country that says to the rest of the world, do as we say, not as we do.

Its supremacism to imply that anyone who does not act, dress, talk or think like you do, needs re-educating. Believe me, it engenders nothing but contempt.

Ad hominem! It does not matter who the messenger is, why can't you learn how to make a logical argument?

I'm not asking that they act, talk, think like I do, I asking for abolishment of sexism, racism and classicism, even the USA has not managed to completely abolish such things. Surely women rights activist in Saudi Arabia engender nothing but contempt for what they do.
Like I said, you are ignorant of their society, so your opinion is irrelevant
I'm not implying savagery, reducing sexism, racism and classicism is not western supremacism.
M*W: Wanted to point out that the word "savages" is contraction of the word "salvages." White man thought he could dress them in American garb, teach them, force christianity on them. They didn't have a choice, oh they did, the Battle of Little Big Horn aka Custer's Last Stand. Read this in Native American history.
S.A.M.: So? In western society men can show their boobs in public. Does this mean women are oppressed?

Yes. Our burkas cover smaller forbidden zones, but they are there for men and women in the west as well.

One of the more interesting aspects of Burningman is the fully clothing optional aspect. People can wear as much or as little as they please.

It will be nice when we finally dump these needless religious taboos.
Yeah, let me know when nakidity is haute couture

Ad Hominem. Ignorance does not mean I'm wrong, prove I'm wrong, calling me ignorant proves nothing.

I already proved it, several times over. You seem to be under an assumption that the rest of the world wants to lead your life, roam naked and smoke pot. Even in India, it would be an uproarious joke, forget Saudi Arabia.