Most convincing evidense concerning aliens, ufos, and the government coverup.

It can never be absolutely proven that "Flying Saucers" do not exist
and it can never be absolutely proven that the invisble fish that lives in my back pocket (it's purple and 93 feet long by the way) doesn't exist, 'cos when you come to check he'll be on holiday.
Occam's razor people.
Just because you can't prove something doesn't exist cannot be be taken to mean it therefore does (but my fish does, he told me)
when comparing the suppression of a tchnology with other issues
what technology has been suppressed? How come I never heard of it?
Do you exactely know how your cellular works? Do you know then when exactely they first started experimenting with microwaves?

Of course one can look that up, why don't you look up how UFO's work for example?

I Just find it fantastic to marvel at all these technologies, not commonly known to mankind, like gravity-shielding! man what a rush,...

but don't tell that people in the streets,....they'll call you a lunatic instantely!

and please, you didn't get this from me :)

I can find out what don't I know about my phone, I can check up on the introduction of microwaves.
I can't look up how UFOs work because every site that has details is either (or both) speculation or amusingly unworkable.
I won't tell anyone you said anything, mainly because I was already reading about Podkletnov's work years ago.
My apologies, when you said hidden/ suppressed technologies I took it to mean applicable technology as opposed to lab experiments and/or wild speculation.
BTW gravity shielding not commonly known to mankind - Podkletnov's work has been covered on and off for years, in a magazine available in every branch W H Smith's I've ever been in - it's called New Scientist, presumably Scientific American covers much the same. They're both cheap magazines, try them
barehandkiller said:
Try looking at the first post in this thread for info on the hidden technology.

Didn't see anything factual at the Disclosure Project... I did, however, notice that there was lot that was "for sale" or memberships that could be had with your Visa/MC.
People will declare you insane, regardless of what's being written or covered by new scientist or other mags
Why would they do that? They look at the hard data and mutter something like "wow, two whole grammes less weight under very special conditions unreproducible outside a lab" which is much my attitude except I also have "I wonder if it'll ever be viable"
I've seen americanantigravity, and I'm still looking for "suppressed technologies"
The above site doesn't qualify on two counts:
it's not suppressed - unless "publicly available on the internet for anyone that wants a look" is the definition of suppressed
it's not a technology - it's an infant (as in at the baby stage, not infantile) lab experiment with some interesting possibilities - IF IT PANS OUT. To be a technology requires that it be applicable, and that isn't except for indoor kite flying
The question is not, "why would they do that"
The question is: "why DO they do that!"
Nope: you said I'd be called insane or worse. That what's I answered. I agree with Podkletnov's experiment the question how does it, or why does it do that. And that's what physics and science does, find those answers by rational inquiry.
I've never been called insane by anyone for showing the results of a lab experiment, (except for a slight glitch when I demonstrated that G inside the Reading university physics lab is about one-third normal :eek: ) That was fun.
Just read it, including the "formula". Have you ever noticed that suppressed technology is normally a load of semi-literate bunkum? It's not so much "suppressed" as recognised as the inane droolings of a fevered mind that it really is. It's funny, but how come a mind capable of understanding the inner secret workings of the universe has problems with the concept of lucid, literate presentation of ideas?
Why bother suppressing something that is, as given, not understandable except to the idiot that thought of it, always inexplicably esoteric and incapable of being written without reference to unprovable "waves/ radiations/ vibrationary states".
I ask again, show me an example of a suppressed technology.
I just ran across the electric motor thing, i dont claim to know much about them. I just really do hope theres much more tech out there than what we use now, what we use is so boring. I want spaceships and stuff, exploring the universe would rock! :D
I want spaceships and stuff, exploring the universe would rock
I'm in 100% agrrement, sign me up :D . But we're not going to get there by some bozo inventing unreal theories based on "higher dimensional vibrations" etc. Still working through the electric motor thing.
I'd have to disagree about current tech being boring - as an engineer I might put myself out of a job :eek:
Edit: just finished reading the electric motor thing". I will admit the grammar is better than usual. Lazar was wrong/ a liar/ misguided (take your pick). Work based on Lazar's "theories" is au fond wrong.
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The Universe balanceing itself for all this time by harmonics makes more sense to me than by gravity alone, with the eliptical orbits(which i think is caused by a shattered planet*which now forms saturns ring, and various scattered chunks*) I think this planet was destroyed by its ancient inhabitants, but before there would've been perfectly harmonized orbits. Just makes more sense to me (im sure there will be arguments).
What I see as suppressed for instance is like when those two scientists discovered cold 'tabletop' fusion,....

They were dismissed and obbliterating critic killed their credibility.

sometimes the suppression is a social mechanism in place, that comes into action, every time there's a revolutionary dicovery being made.

Suppression is also the rediculing of theories and even evidence wich is being ignored and not taken into account, take for instance cropcircles: they're real, but people still think it's a bunch of bogus idiots, making things up.

I'm not shure about Lazar,...but the rest seems quite sound to me.
persides: the idear of folding spacetime is not new, so it is possible to back-engineer it from there,....

Wow, you got that right BHK.
How does "harmonics" balance the universe? Wouldn't the asteroid belt be a better candidate than Saturn's rings for the "shattered planet", it's in the right place for Bode's Law? Shame you missed that one. Evidence for the "planet" being a planet in the first place, and it having inhabitants? Describe a pefectly "harmonised" orbit.
They were dismissed and obbliterating critic killed their credibility
nearly every scientific establishment in the world tripped over themselves to VERIFY the results and got zilch results - Try Frank Close, Hotter Than The Sun for a readable account.
Crop circles are real, they exist I've been in one. But I've also read the book by the guys that admitted making them...
If something is based on Lazar's ideas then it doesn't matter how reasonable it sounds, Lazar was way off base with just about everything to do with science and engineering.
so it is possible to back-engineer it from there
okay try this one from Brit comedian Bill Bailey: "writing comedy isn't hard, I start with the laugh and work backwards to the joke". That's a joke of his by the way.
Reverse engineering is A) not that easy and B) not a valid prospect when you haven't got anything but a wild idea. "Folding space-time" is an idea that's not new, but it's got no real theory as to how it could be done, let alone having hardware to reverse-engineer.
That tabletop fusion is proven because there is tritium left by the reaction.

Now the military take up their intrest into the subject, and it gets supressed.

That's you've been in a cropcircle made by Bob and Dave doesn't messure against all the other cropcircles that you also should take into account.

The level of neutrons, tritium and 3He reported from the Fleischmann-Pons experiment was well below the level expected in view of the heat reported
Wikipedia, 'cos that's the first one I came across that mentioned by-products. The presence of tritium does not automatically indicate that fusion took place.
As for the military suppressing it, 1) why, 2) the method was published, and hundreds if not thousands of people have seen or still got the data on how to start their own "cold fusion". If it worked. Which it doesn't.
The remark about crop circles is that it has been proved and demonstrated that they can and have been made by humans, there is no need to ascribe aliens to the subject, without solid evidence. Again, there may be occassions when an occurrence gets filed under "causes unknown, insufficient data for explanation" which pisses me off 'cos I'd like to know the answers to all the mysteries, but there is no evidence to put forward a UFO theory.
Sonoluminescense means generating light from ULTRAsound. As you know, we can
impart energy via ULTRAsound As an example, you can feel the energy of sound in the
form of fluctuating air pressure in front of a high power speaker.
Pressure (from sound or mechanical force) can induce a voltage in some
materials; these are referred to as piezoelectric materials.

They replaced the medium (h²O) by acetone and got much better results.

third: tritium = prove of fusion since there was no tritium present in the medium beforehand (deleted)

Now the military have taken over this investigation before it get's used for peacefull means, because they want to find out if someone with less then nothing equipment and a million dollar could produce a H bomb.
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