Most convincing evidense concerning aliens, ufos, and the government coverup.

Hey Barehanded.
I can feel for your efforts to try and convince others of the possibility of visitation.

But be practical about it.
You cant change a believers mind.

There are two groups of people looking into the subject. The true believers and the pragmatists. And the pragmatists believe when they hear a story of a UFO sighting, for instance, that either there's a mental problem or there's a hoax involved here or that it really happened.
The true believers on the other hand, like many of the contributers on this thread, would certainly be some of those "true believers".
The true believers know in advance that this did not happen, that this is a false memory or hoax. In other words, rather than investigating they make the assumption that these circumstances are simply impossible.

Thats not to say that there probly arent some quacks out there making some ridiculous claims.
But of the hundreds of thousands of claims and only takes one....
I digress.

I dont know what you have seen yourself, but I have seen silver metallic crafts. About 30 of them, with a freind in broad daylight over Kelowna, B.C. Canada.

Clear as day.
No ifs ands or buts.

I have shared this many times on Sciforums.

But you have to ask yourself, why are you trying to change someones elses opinion?
Who cares?!

Some people on here who manage to maintain a more objective mind on the subject like Skinwalker, I myself am happy to have people like him not be so easily swayed by such non common matters.

There is a lot of crap, controversy, conspiracies, etc., that if it were not for guys like him a lot of people would fall under such harmful hypnosis of some people out there with ill intentions.

I mean it is mind boggling,...I dont even allow myself to really get into thinking about what it could all mean.

Just continue to do what makes you happy in life.
Because until there really is some hard eveidence that can be shown to people on a mass scale...then......

But then again, if you enjoy sharing information like this and wish to try and convince those who already "believe", then go atter! :D

As well, because I have never actually seen these "alien life forms", in the flesh....just the crafts.....
there is hope that our existence on this planet can be .....less complicated.

P.S. Yes, the disclosure project is the best step forward in such matters thus far........unfortunately.
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Jeremirroer said:
anyone who believes aliens have come to the earth. is a moron.
A true believer.
Thanks for noticing.
Any other insights?
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I'm going to admit I can't be open minded about some of the preposed sightings that people put forwards, However thats because my angle has been created through the interaction of a Mindcontrol/experiment group acting on me.

Quite simply their system uses radiological interaction to place sounds, manipulate thoughts and cause involuntary physical movements. They haven't gone as far as pushing telekinesis yet, however I think thats purely down to them being dangerous enough as it is as apposed to not being able to do it.

There is natural phenomona that can manipulate UFO's and the like, however because of the popular media churning it out for films (like "War of the Worlds") they too have to keep people interested in the genre because is "Sells". This is also why there are alot of people all too readily outputting their exposure notes for a "price" as soon as they can smell some form of capital gain.

To stay open minded you'll have to understand that some want to make money, and others just want to continue adding conspiracy as a diversion from the truth. Afterall if you aren't probing the governments for what their real projects are, your hunting for things that you'll never find because they aren't real.
Okay, I'm going to post the whole interview with Gary McKinnon, that's the guy who recentely hacked into +/- 100 defence computers and is wanted by the US:

I believe his story, you should believe the seriousness of his discoveries is important enough for the US to want him spent the rest of his life in prison, with primarely a ban on using computers too.

here it is: so it will be remembered!! (admin, please leave interview un-edited)
By Colin Barker, ZDNet (UK)
Published on ZDNet News: July 15, 2005, 5:55 AM PT
Gary McKinnon: Scapegoat or public enemy?
An unemployed North Londoner has been accused of committing the "biggest military computer hack of all time" by the U.S. government while authorities in Britain chose to release him without charge.

Gary McKinnon has a lot to worry about. His job prospects are bleak. He will shortly have to leave his home in North London and could be facing up to 70 years in a U.S. federal prison--a prospect that terrifies him.

His actions have been well-recorded. Over a period of years he managed to bypass the security of what should be the most sophisticated IT systems on the planet, many of which belong to the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA.

That was back in 2002. McKinnon has already been investigated thoroughly by the legal authorities in the United Kingdom and released without charge. But what some see as the slow-working cogs of the U.S. legal system are clicking into action now--leaving him hanging in limbo as he awaits a hearing later this month that will determine whether he's to be extradited. He's accused of hacking and causing damage to federal defense systems. Paul McNulty, the U.S. attorney for the eastern district of Virginia, said in 2002 that "Mr. McKinnon is charged with the biggest military computer hack of all time," according to several publications, including CNN.

The unemployed UFO enthusiast was, metaphorically speaking, able to walk right in, look around and make himself at home in what are supposedly some of the most secure systems in the world. Although breaking into the Department of Defense required a combination of ingenuity and hours of mindless drudgery, ultimately, McKinnon says, it was the "dangerously lax IT systems" that made it possible, he claims. And as for the "minor" damage to the systems concerned, it was not deliberate, he said, but happened accidentally while he was trying to cover his tracks.

McKinnon, now 39, admits that there was a period of his life when he was "addicted" to computers. It threatened his life, his health and his relationships at the time, but he couldn't leave them alone.

His interest in IT was sparked, as it was for many others, by an interest in science, science fiction and the unknown. It was the search for proof of extraterrestrial life and suspicions about federal policies and actions in the wake of Sept. 11, 2001, that led him to the restricted government sites in the first place.

McKinnon's story, some say, raises critical issues about the rights of British citizens accused of committing crimes in the United States, the state of IT security internationally, and the possible existence of antigravity technology in a U.S. military establishment.

Q: Why do you think the U.S. authorities behaved the way they did, with an extradition order?
McKinnon: Well, the reason they give is that I, on my own, closed down the entire metro district of Washington for a few days, including a weapons station, which I dispute.

My thing was being quiet and not being seen and getting the information out. And also, when I was there, you do a NetStat routine and you see all the other connections to that machine, and there is a permanent weakness for foreign hackers because their security is not even lax, it is nonexistent. You wouldn't believe it.

They might claim that by installing a remote control program, I opened them (the systems) up, but the access was already there. I didn't even have to crack passwords.

What about the damage you are said to have caused?
McKinnon: What they call damage is really just them realizing that they have been accessed without authorization. Then they say things like I deleted 300 users, deleted systems files and such. That was one instance when I did a batch file to clean up all my stuff--I think once and only once, though perhaps I ran it on the root drive of the "c:" drive. But it certainly wasn't every machine I was on and, if you believe them, they talk about 94 networks being damaged.

Surely all the data was backed up anyway?
McKinnon: Well, it should be, and it should be behind a firewall, and the local administrator should not have a blank password. Take one defense computer, where they use image-based installation techniques where most of the machines have the same BIOS, the same hard drive, the same hardware specification, and you just whack it out across the systems. Unfortunately for them, the local system administrator's password was blank. So you don't even need to become the domain administrator. That's 5,000 machines all with a blank system level administrator password. To be fair to them, as I got deeper into it, they closed me down pretty quickly.

Did it worry you, this lack of protection for systems?
McKinnon: I was always very frightened when I realized there were always other people from all over the world on there. These were like foreign ISPs, routinely going through things. It is very worrying that it is the world's only superpower, and it is that easy to breach security.

What were you doing prior to the most recent arrest?
McKinnon: I wanted to get the trailing documentation to screw the Americans. I looked at things and I didn't like what I was seeing. They talk about the war on terror, and meanwhile they are training people in torture techniques, breaking and entering, and close-quarter fighting, and these are all little South American dictatorships. And then there is the humanist angle of antigravity technology and the 9/11 thing, but that didn't get very far.

Was your main motivation the search for extraterrestrials?
McKinnon: That is how it started off, and it then grew into suspicions about 9/11, because there are hundreds of unanswered questions about 9/11: the dragging away of all the forensics evidence, and the sale of all the concrete and steel to China. Even the firemen of New York organized their own Web site to complain that this isn't a proper process. Then there are the schools for terrorists run by America to help Latin-American dictatorships and stuff.

So when you were searching for extraterrestrial life, how did you feel about it? Was it just fun?
McKinnon: It was mainly very, very boring. You had to trawl through so much, and bear in mind that it wasn't publicly accessible Web sites, it was all private military Web sites. So it was about logistics, support and, basically, as soon as I controlled a network, I ran a file-searching program looking for keywords in files. So it was exciting every time you did turn up something, which only happened a few times. That was very exciting. I called it research, but it is a bit of a misnomer really.

Was the fun part just in being where you are not supposed to be?
McKinnon: Yes. There (was) a definite illicit thrill that didn't last very long. The issues around the UFO thing, as I discovered more and learned more, became much more serious. Eventually it became all about the issue of suppressed technology. I know for a fact that they have antigravity. And the basic quantum-physical mechanics of having antigravity imply a free source of energy, getting energy direct from the vacuum. Now to me, that would stop all the wars over oil. It would help fight famine and (help) with irrigation. It would be free energy, and that is a huge thing.

So the U.S. has have developed an antigravity device?
McKinnon: Yes. Recently, I think two years ago, Boeing Aerospace announced that they were putting $50 million into investigating antigravity research. For me, the timing was interesting because I think it is something they already have, but it's not general knowledge, and if they were caught they would probably say that it was renegade factions high up in NASA, high up in the military and high up in commerce.

How do you come across these things? Is information on antigravity devices freely available?
McKinnon: Some of it is, but it is a combination of what is freely available and what isn't. Take the Disclosure Project, which is a Washington lobbyist group run by Steven Greer, a military doctor, and he had 300 testimonials in his book from people, ranging from civilian air traffic controllers to ex-commanders-in-chief of NATO, all saying, "Yes, UFOs exist; yes, certain parts of the military know about this, and have this and are using the technology and implementing a trickle-down thing so that eventually the technology will be everywhere."

How does the possibility of being extradited to the U.S. make you feel?
McKinnon: Better than I was the first time around (in 2002), although it is very similar. I had lots of work lined up which was Internet-related--computer games testing--and I have lost that because of my bail conditions. My landlord wants me out, because of all the press and police attention we had, so it is a bit of a rerun of 2002. Lost the flat, lost the work, but I managed to keep the girlfriend this time.

For a few days it was very dark, but I am feeling quite up now because we have been talking to Boris Johnson (a conservative member of Parliament), who is leading a Parliamentary Early Day Motion against the 2003 Extradition Act along with the Enron Three--or the NatWest Three, as they like to be called now (three British bankers who are also facing extradition to the U.S. on charges related to the Enron financial scandal). So together we are trying to get a judicial review going and change the law.

So what is the official position?
McKinnon: I asked my solicitor why the CPS had taken (my) case away from the U.K. police and handed it to the U.S. She was speaking to someone who was fairly high up, and he said that it had gone way above his head. Reading between the lines, that means the Home Office.

Is that a good thing?
McKinnon: No. It almost sounds like a done deal to me. The fact that I am not alone is encouraging. We are getting nearly 70 MPs (members of Parliament) signed up to the early day motion.

Have you had much response, or help, from the hacker community?
McKinnon: I never really mixed with the hacker community, if you can call them that. In fact, after all of this happened back in 2002, some of them contacted me, but they are not really hackers. In fact they are all professionals, but they used to hack, and they are very good and they are a knowledgeable lot. Some know about the law, some know forensic computing, and there has been a good bit of support there. In fact, the Free Gary Web site came from one of those people.

A Web site you are not allowed to use, of course, because of your bail conditions?
Right, I have to collect printouts of my e-mails and stuff, which is silly, as I have been free to use the Internet for three years, although I haven't actually had my own Internet account.
and maby, just maby, you should considder reading these websites:

I think if you have brains, and eyes, and the patience to put them to work, you will find that there really are no secrets, that everything is laid out in public, for every one to see.

Personally I think it wasn't even neccesary to 'hack' those military websites, but he did and therefore makes his claims more 'reliable' to me. It should to you too.

Although the Gary post (And my response) would proably have done better in Computer Science I'll leave it here for now.

Quite frankly 70 years is too much for his crime, simply with the changes in the information act, most of the things he was reading and accessing will be available within 50 years time, meaning he would spend 20 years more than necessary to make it a current topic of the day.

Further more the costs of housing someone for 70 years in a jail, Dealing with the constant bombardment of people partitioning for his release and potentially 70 years worth of Juvenials that are pissed at acne and are willing to take revenge out on the system for any good cause that they see fit.

They would just be turning him into a Martyr for a hidden cause. A far greater one than Mitnick ever made. (sorry Kev)

He'd be better off maxing at 10-15 years, as within 10-15 years technology and programming will advance so far that he won't be able to get back into the swing of what he did, especially at the age of 50-55.

As for the actual military sites being hacked, looking at the interview the systems must have been underfunded and poorly managed, perhaps a scapegoat was needed to gain access for stricter laws to be passed and greater funding to emerge in that particular area (Perhaps the funding was syphoned off to be used elsewhere?). Especially if they had loads of black project linen placed out on the drying line.
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Yeah, thanks for that Fukushi, I'd only seen the 'abridged' version of that interview...

It is a bit much to expect those involved in regular science to take anything in the UFO field seriously.
It takes a concerted effort to sort the wheat from the chaff, and those of us that have had sightings of metallic craft are not easily swayed by talk of 'swamp gas' or 'weather balloons'
If there's nothing happening out there, then why the continual disinfo program from the military and Majestic over the last 50 years?

I'm sure Greer's 300 witnesses are really going to make a killing when they divvy up the proceeds from their project....heh

The deafening silence from the media after that press conference is all the evidence you need on who's really pulling the strings here...

But don't worry...
you can rely on SETI (Silly Efforts To Investigate) to give you the real low-down on the ET presence

Meanwhile, your government will keep you safe from harm...
Good point. I have not researched any of the topics you state.

Crystals could be tested on sick patients and thus can be debunked or verified.

Mermaids, I have never read about or seen anyone that claims to have seen one. I would have to see the context of the stories. Maybe they were all stated in jest. I have seen no mermaid videos, no mermaids have been seen lately.

Virgin Mary - Long time ago, hard to tell.

UFOs won't go away like mermaids and other lore have. People keep seeing them. If it were just a fad then they would fade away with the rest of old folklore but they do not. So we can continue to ignore them, even if they are here they don't seem to be hurting anything so why care if they are here or not? The only reason I would care is we could stop spending money on SETI and other space missions.

Lets say the Goverments Condon report was good (most don't think so) but lets say there are correct and UFOS pose no threat and do not posses technology beyound our own. Since then the goverment claims it has zero interest in UFOs, they do not waste time looking into them because they simply are not real.

Ok now lets say real UFOs actually show up in 2006, does it make sense for our military to ignore them? Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain?
Maybe civilians are the first to see them. I guess the military will be too busy
with other things to take notice. I'm wondering what it would take for real UFOs to get their attention. Would it be the case of the boy that cried wolf?

I'm guessing that the military takes all UFO reports seriously and they do investigate them. Project blue book and condon report gives them a "Get out of talking to the press" free card.

I can't believe the military takes no defensive action when a airline pilot reports a large 500 foot object at 30,000 feet that has no identification beacon. This has happened many times with radar locks from NORAD. Thats about all the info you can gather. YOu can't find out how many jets were scrambled to see what it was. The don't have to talk about it as they officially are not in the business of chasing UFOs. So even if UFOs are real you are not going to get info from the military. Don't expect it.

James R said:

Lots of people claim to have met the Virgin Mary, or seen a vision of her. Do you believe them, too? Lots of people claim that crystals can have healing properties? Do you believe them? In the past, there were thousands of accounts of sailors seeing Mermaids on sea voyages. Do you believe in mermaids?

If you don't believe in some of these things, please tell me why not. After all, there are many many accounts of them, and a lot of the people talking about these things sounded really genuine.
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So are you saying that a person in the military has a greater than 50% chance of being fooled?

Maybe they are shooting 50% + of our own troops because they are aways getting fooled. :)

Just yankin your chain but saying that the military are just being fooled is on ice
just as thin as the UFO topic.

Silas said:
I've not actually looked at the testimony, but I do feel that ex-US military guys are actually less likely to lie than most of the rest of the population (pace Oliver North). It seems to me much more likely that they've been fooled.
That would be awsome sitting in a stealth. I'd take it over a Ferri drive :)

SkinWalker said:
It's all the evidence you have. I've been in one.

Call it what you want, but bunk is what the video is.
It should be said:
It records an attempt to build a model of the typical UFO and an ultimate finding that UFOs come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. It concludes as follows:

It can never be absolutely proven that "Flying Saucers" do not exist. . . . Scientifically evaluated and arranged, the data as a whole did not show any marked patterns or trends. . . . A critical examination of the distributions of the important characteristics of sightings, plus an intensive study of the sightings evaluated as unknown, led to the conclusion that a combination of factors . . . resulted in the failure to identify as Knowns most of the objects classified as Unknowns. An intensive study aimed at finding a verified example of a "Flying Saucer" or at deriving a verified model or models of "Flying Saucers" led to the conclusion that neither goal could be attained using the present data.

It is emphasized that there was a complete lack of any valid evidence consisting of physical matter in any case of a reported unidentified aerial object. Thus, the probability that any of the unknowns considered in this study are "Flying Saucers" is concluded to be extremely small, since the most complete and reliable reports from the present data, when isolated and studied, conclusively failed to reveal even a rough model, and since the data as a whole failed to reveal any marked patterns or trends.

Therefore, on the basis of this evaluation of the information, it is considered to be highly improbable that any of the reports of unidentified aerial objects examined in this study represent observations of technological developments outside the range of present-day scientific knowledge.
That's the conclusion of a Goverment Panel who without a doubt, conducted scientific methods with the knowledge available to them in that particular era (project Blue book)

However: as we are living in the 21st century,...(yeah we made it this far hooray!) new and improved psysics are available to us,...and now we have figured it out for ourselves, something a goverment with a lot more resources aparentely can't do.

It shows how resolved your goverment is at either witholding information from its people or,...and this is more likely: that this goverment is totally inapt to do what it is there for and that is: take intrest in intresting things,...things that the people want to know more about,...

the issue of govermental concern, that means: that can pose a treat to national security, only that of admitting what the public already knows,...and they know it too. They shouldn't be governing!
"new and improved psysics"

Did you mean to say "new and improved physics" or "new and improved psychics"? :p

Stryder said:
Quite frankly 70 years is too much for his crime, simply with the changes in the information act, most of the things he was reading and accessing will be available within 50 years time, meaning he would spend 20 years more than necessary to make it a current topic of the day.
Can I just say how sick and tired I am of always hearing of these ludicrously long sentences that people under indictment in the states are always being claimed they "could" serve. They always add up the possible terms attached to each charge (and there are always multiple charges) and then assume that they will run consecutively. I wish, for once, that the media would actually provide some useful information and state what a person who has hacked into a military computer is actually likely to get.

It certainly sounds like that McKinnon bloke has the American federal authorities fooled, if he's got his information from Stephen Greer's Disclosure Project. Probably the British authorities let him go because they could tell an ill-informed looney when they saw one.
Goblin said:
So are you saying that a person in the military has a greater than 50% chance of being fooled?

Maybe they are shooting 50% + of our own troops because they are aways getting fooled. :)

Just yankin your chain but saying that the military are just being fooled is on ice
just as thin as the UFO topic.
That wasn't what I was really saying, but if you think the military can't be fooled, I recommend you take a look at The Pentagon Wars (that is the link to the movie, this is the book). There's also The Men Who Stare at Goats which includes coverage of the Remote Viewing farrago and tells of an army Colonel who believes that he can pass through walls - or would if he could only concentrate his mind hard enough.
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GREAT THREAD...worth revivin...Thaks FUkushi for reminding me of that ..folk heroe actually...Gary McKinnon.

I only recently have begun wonderin again about the UFO phemomenon. I found outabout William Lyne. he also claims tha there has been a massive cover up stretching decades
regarding advanced technology.....'it annoyed my the interv iew how interviewer seemed to quickly change te subject about his amazing findings...would you agree that Gary seems to be emphasizing a cover-up of advanced technology rather than aliens?
Due to the Coldwar, Dictatoral Governments, Growing Nuclear Powers and of course the recent Terrorism concerns (with religious foundations), Any self respecting super-power would be attempting to stay one step ahead of those that could potentially be out to undermine or hurt them.

This of course would mean the development of technologies under Military conditions which means that the Patents and research is classified and therefore likely that such technologies would not be known about by the public, since they would not be made knowledge.

Notibly certain things that would be hidden from the public is weapons development and Foreign Policy/Strategies.

Over the past 30-40 years however most of the newer projects have moved into the "Contractor" arena, where Large multinational corporations deal in multiple countries secret projects. (afterall spending Tax payers money on the creation of weapons was causing a slight dilemma in the form of Public Accounting acknowledgements, or "Black Budgets". Therefore rather than having a bottomless pit which money gets poured into to develop internal technologies, it makes more sense that such security corporations that can sell such technologies to all those that they deal with, should have the money instead. Notibly any Security corporation would have "Contracts" that forbid them to deal with any embargo'd country or state.)

This is one of the reasons why I suggested that Governments don't necessarily know the truth about "UFO's" because it could quite easily be a "Contractor" doing some "Classified Contracted" work which if they divulged information about they could potentially penalise their contract or future contracts.
maybe...and, what seems mor plausible to me, when comparing the suppression of a tchnology with other issues, seeming unrelated, isthat the very fact that this power elite may be sitting on advanced techno wich may include free energy is that PUBLIC knowledge of tis would create an inprecidented revolution. It could change EVERYTHING and drastically effect the POWER this power-elite has regarding its monopoly over fossil fuels etc

This happened in the 30s with HEMP. This fascinating story of hemp is available to read online. in summary, HEMP had been used for ages before its demonization in the early part of 20the century, and it was used for all manner of things, being one of THE most versatile plants on earth. But is natrual uses and potential seriously affected the growing industries, owned by the power elite, such as plastics, paper and so on, so they deonized it, by focussing on its psychoactive properties. They renameds that aspect 'marijuana' and released black propaganda flims called Reefer Madness. etc...............Of course the people being naive bought this, and it was successfully outlawed in ....ALL ITS FORMS. Hemp became te dreaded 'marijuana'!

This is not to change te subject or to warrant any snide dope-symbols by reply. I am just showing the precedence of big business crushing any competetion to furthewr rtheir monopoly of elitist power structures.

If so with Hemp, so it muat be with technology. Suppressing public knowledg of advanced technology to keep their power
everyone should check out i just posting this and leaving so dont try to talk to me. forbidden knowledge shows alot that i found on my own and did not find at all. really check it out. for people who believe in god and dont want to know anything wierd, dont go.
Megatird said:
for people who believe in god and dont want to know anything wierd, dont go.
Just as well he used the and and not an or, else it would have eliminated everyone here.