Most convincing evidense concerning aliens, ufos, and the government coverup.

Sonoluminescence - I am aware of the meaning, but how (or why) did you work that into the thread? I was totally unaware of piezo-electric materials, but I do have a magic cigarette lighter that makes me wonder :) (That's sarcasm).
They replaced the medium (h²O) by acetone and got much better results
So, are they getting consistent results? No. Is anyone else? No. Are they getting repeatable resul... I won't continue.
Hey, I'm an idiot. Tritium is a by-product, but there none of the other by products, like massive radiation. Presence of tritium alone is proof that the whole thing needs investigating, not fusion per se. Get real.
The military have taken over. You still haven't accounted for the thousands that got the data, the ongoing industry-funded programmes around the world, the massive outpourings on the web. Oh I get, all of those are part of a disinformation programme. I should have realised.
the military have taken over this investigation before it get's used for peacefull means[/i] you seem to believe that "the military" have a dislike of peaceful means. Patently not true.
Quick pointer, if a technology is suppressed then by definition it will not be on half a million websites round the world. Look at it the other way: maybe "the military" want this sort of stuff to work, but paying some guy peanuts to trawl through a couple of dozen websites a day for worthwhile-looking results from conspiracy theorists" is far far cheaper than setting up massive labs :)
Now there's a conspiracy for you - the military-industrial complex is using a world-wide network of unpaid anti-military bozos to do its research for it. I like it - watch out for my forthcoming website on "real the truth behind conspiracy theory" :eek:
barehandkiller said:
Hello all, im new to forums but found a website recently that is really great. Theeres a great video on the website nearly 2 hours long but filled with interesting accounts of various ex government employees and such with there experiences with aliens, ufos both alien and ones our government has manufactured. Looking at these people speak i truly believe there stories, and i cant wait till the government lets go of there secrets. And they will sooner or later, cause people will eventually learn the truth and want these technologies. Free energy, interstelar travel andwho knows what all it could lead to! If there was a resistance to join, i would. Death to the Shadow Government!!!!!

Its funny how, when they speak their eyes keep darting down instead of up, showing that they are not accessing their memory to tell the story, its either a lie for most of them, or somthing written down and recited.

Its all bullshit, and your a moron for beleiving it.
Perhaps they Did write there stories down and for the sake of time crunching memorized a short summary of the most important events...
Its all bullshit, and your a moron for beleiving it
yeah, phuh,...I mean life on a planet called earth, DUH! Tssss...who believes that shit!?

Al who believes that is a moronic asshole!
Hi :

Fukushi,Have you really analyzed on a scientific way all the data involved around the Ufo Phenomenon? If not,please do it before coming here to insult some people about their valid opinion of the most complex mystery of our time.This will give you a better point of view of all of these real facts about Ufo's.

Best Regards,

>yes I've analysed on a scientific way, ALL the data involved around the UFO phenomenon!

>I am not the one that trows insults at people: I just trow them back at them,...asshole:)

I'm 35 now, and most of my life, I've analysed data at hand, so don't make it seem like I don't know JACK-SHIT about the phenomenon. I'm also not bragging to know everyting, unlike some other people here who say they are sure that they do, and especially, that they know that you don't.

Furthermore they say that will give them a 'better point' then their own perspective on the 'real' fact(s) and the nature of their experiences.

Fuk u
Hi :

Your obscene language really disturbes me.But from now on I will not bother
reading any of your comments.I will not treat you like you treat me.

GOD Bless you
Have a nice day!

okay, i am hearing that there is no suppressed twechnology. of hve i got tht wrong?

i mean are you claiming that i tcouldn't BE suppressed IF it is being spken about online? is that correct?

secondly, would you agree-disrgarding what is being spoken about on teweb for a moment-that terer may exist supprssed technology?

am i clear? are you willling to believe tat there actually is technology which is not being alowed for us to know about?
Okay, I know there are technologies are not generally available to the general public, (having worked on some), I know there are technologies that are deliberately kept as secret as possible (the finer details of stealth, for example). So I assume that there are technologies that are as hidden as possible - which may be described as "suppressed".
What I am saying is that if I can google for any one the examples so far mentioned then I can get anywhere between a dozen and a hundred hits (or more) and read all about it. That in my book does not count as suppressed - somebody got hold of the details and is publicising them. If they were really a suppressed technology how long would it be before the person responsible was in jail/ dead for releasing state secrets?
Those "technologies" generally described as suppressed have been examined in great detail to see if they truly do offer anything and then either dismissed as not worth the paper they're written on or put on the back burner for further study.
I cannot, by definition, state there are or are not, genuinely suppressed technologies. Personally I think there may be - all governments have secrets, (even if it's only what their budget for next year is), but massive government cover ups of
Free energy, interstelar travel[/i]? I think not.
I'm also fairly sure that any "suppressed" technology, should it exist, is a result of human invention and not a gift from alien UFOs - but that's what this thread is about - I'm waiting for evidence.
when yo say you have actually worked on suppresseds tchnology, then tis confirms my point of the possibility of that fact, right?

next question is, now deep have you worked. Area 51, are we talking?

regarding free energy, it Alien, or human. i have been looking into this...since a short while, mainly inspired by current events, 9/11, and especiall 7/7 --which is closer to home

i am exploring the probability it is rqthewr human than alien...

although seeming digerssing, it is important. what do you think of hemp as a suppressed 'technology'--am not just meaning its 'high' vartiety, but its general use which got supprssed in the 1930s....thay was suppressed nd known about--now, wasn't/isn't it?
I admitted there there may be "suppressed" technology - probably military, and if so, I'd largely agree with the secrecy. Although I think "suppressed" as in "no-one must be allowed to work on this" is the wrong term.
Area 51, nope, nothing so esoteric (I wish). Individual companies have secrets, things they don't want competitors to know. Things as simple as patentable ideas.
Hemp, sorry, beer or caffeine is my chemical of choice, hemp (assuming you mean MJ) does nothing for/ to me, so I don't bother with it.
Oli said:
I admitted there there may be "suppressed" technology - probably military, and if so, I'd largely agree with the secrecy.

me: ok, good, we aeem to agree on that important point then. THAT suppressed technology actualy exists as you admit to it

Although I think "suppressed" as in "no-one must be allowed to work on this" is the wrong term.

me: hmmmm, not sure how you jump to that conclusion exactly. It being suppressed means that others cannot work on it. cause it IS suppressed/not known about/secret

Area 51, nope, nothing so esoteric (I wish). Individual companies have secrets, things they don't want competitors to know.

me: EXactly referring to my previousn point!

Things as simple as patentable ideas.
Hemp, sorry, beer or caffeine is my chemical of choice, hemp (assuming you mean MJ) does nothing for/ to me, so I don't bother with it.

but i dd emphasize i wasn't particulaly meanig its 'high' strain. i was meaning/pointing tp the fact that HEMP production--a 'technology' was suppreessed by growing corporations, plastics, paper, oil in the 1930s. how they did this was to dewmonize HEMP in its 'high' function, by creating blackpropaganda films , comics known as 'reefer madness'---you should loook at this, it is very revealing.

of course the gullible public bought this abusrdity, and the othe functions of hemp which had been known about and used fro many generations--such as fr paper, ropee--all manner of things was suppressed so as to allow the other Natue-damaging industries--controlled by the elite--to prosper!
I'll have a look at that one, do you mean that it's illegal to research or use any technological by-products of hemp?
The signal was sent out 1974 and a reply was found in 2001. From 27,000 light years away (according to the site). So they intercepted a message at a range of 26986.5 LY, decoded it in nothing flat and then replied? By leaving a crop circle next to a radio telescope with a triangular aerial?
This means that the the alien race have a "net 27000 LY (give or take) in radius and still have neough precision to detect a single geometric configuartion from that distance...
There is no proof that telepathy exists, let alone that it can pick up radio waves. Read the interpretation of the reply, they have ASSUMED that telepathy is involved, and they have ASSUMED that "scalar" forces are involved.
That site has a vested interest in playing up their interpretation.
Oli said:
I'll have a look at that one, do you mean that it's illegal to research or use any technological by-products of hemp?

not sure. it sure is illegal to ingest the high variety. even for people who need it for major diseases! this should be a hint that there is a great oppression regarding this simple plant.
i used this exmple to expose how big business crush oppositon. if so with a simple plant, why not with mega technology. technology which if known about would stip billions away from he super rich elite ecocidal psychopaths
The power of the beamed message was equivalent to a 20 trillion watt omnidirectional broadcast, and would have been detectable almost anywhere in the galaxy.
Is it that hard to imagine that they somewere picked up the signal that could be heard all over the frig'n GALAXY!!!

Man what a turd. At least give me an alternative explanation when you denounce it for 'some' reason.

Is there another explanation according to you?
I believe that if these pictures were genuine. Scientists all over the world would be very keen to examine and assess them.
barehandkiller said:
Hello all, im new to forums but found a website recently that is really great. Theeres a great video on the website nearly 2 hours long but filled with interesting accounts of various ex government employees and such with there experiences with aliens, ufos both alien and ones our government has manufactured. Looking at these people speak i truly believe there stories, and i cant wait till the government lets go of there secrets. And they will sooner or later, cause people will eventually learn the truth and want these technologies. Free energy, interstelar travel andwho knows what all it could lead to! If there was a resistance to join, i would. Death to the Shadow Government!!!!!
hi....i take it your implying that precisley because scientists from all over the world AREN@T clamouring to investgate them that tat means they are false?

you see, i see that attiude naive. it doesn't take into account 'secrcey' and scientists on the whole being AGENTS working FOR the government....not some independent heros who seek to bring truth to the Orwell