More than 50% of Americans support Gay Marriage

5. Even if there is a God, how does anyone know what he wants? Is it possible that his wishes evolve over time?

6. Do you think preventing gay marriage will prevent homosexuality? Or do you think it will help prevent sodomy? I say it will not prevent any such thing, so what's the point? Gay people that can't get married will still have sex and some will live together.
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Now, what about everyone else that thinks God hates fags? Can I kill them for not following God's will as told to me personally?
Now, what about everyone else that thinks God hates fags? Can I kill them for not following God's will as told to me personally?

Dont mock me. God loves his children. If he leaves out a friend of mine for such reason so goes me from Heaven.
Oh, wait, I asked God and he said yes, I should kill all gay people with hammers. Thanks for the advice brother!
I simply followed your advice about finding out what God wants, what's the problem? Did he tell you something different? You know, maybe He's playing a trick on us. I guess if I'm wrong, he will stop me before someone gets hurt.
I agree with former candidate for Texas Governor, Kinky Friedman (who ran on the slogan "Kinky for Governernor, why the hell not?")...self-styled "Jewish Cowboy", avid cigar smoker, poet, humorist, and writer of such great songs like "They ain't making Jews like Jesus anymore". (NSFW lyrics) He said:

I support gay marriage. I believe they have a right to be as miserable as the rest of us.
-Kinky Friedman

I simply followed your advice about finding out what God wants, what's the problem? Did he tell you something different? You know, maybe He's playing a trick on us. I guess if I'm wrong, he will stop me before someone gets hurt.

Don't mock me, and don't egg me on. You a liar.
OK, I admit it, but such ideas deserve mocking. After all everyone could hallucinate their own deity who says different things, couldn't they?
OK, I admit it, but such ideas deserve mocking. After all everyone could hallucinate their own deity who says different things, couldn't they?

Of course they could. The question is do the truly believe, and b. are the sociopaths bent on world domination?
So if they truly believe..then it makes it true? My schizophrenic cousin truly believes that M&Ms have nano-scale tracking devices in them....does that make it true?
How do I speak for God? I don't have evidence of my claim so no point of stating it here.