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God has asked me to warn gays and this seems as good place as any. Hell is real and gays go straight to hell maybe Jesus can save odd few who knows, but I just say do what Jesus would do.

I have some questions.

How do you know Hell is real?
Why do gays go straight to hell?
Why would Jesus save some and not others?
How do you know what Jesus would do?

God has asked me to warn gays and this seems as good place as any. Hell is real and gays go straight to hell maybe Jesus can save odd few who knows, but I just say do what Jesus would do.

Jesus healed the pais of the Roman Centurion. He did not condemn the Roman for his gay relationship with his "beloved", he praised the Centurion's faith. I don't know the source for the voices you hear in your head, but it isn't Jesus. Seek professional help, just not professional religious help(an oxymoron).

I have some questions.

How do you know Hell is real?

Spirits from hell as well God and angels talk to me. That's proof enough.

Why do gays go straight to hell?

Being gay is a sin.

Why would Jesus save some and not others?

I believe that faith in Jesus and his teachings can help gays too. I can't give 100% sure answer to this.

How do you know what Jesus would do?

Jesus would quite propably say he's straight if someone asked.

He praised the Centurion's faith. I don't know the source for the voices you hear in your head, but it isn't Jesus. Seek professional help, just not professional religious help(an oxymoron).


Faith can save you from a lot of things. I have all the professional help I need. The voices come from Spirits from hell, God and angels. I have yet to try to talk to Jesus, but I guess I could try that too if I am succesfull with the others. It's a gift really sometimes it's annoying if they don't shut up as spirits tend to do and they don't say much just an odd informational line here and there.
Welcome Pongeli,
I will just inform you that you seem close to preaching IMO. An its in the rules that you should not preach here. Just sayin. '

Faith can save you from a lot of things. I have all the professional help I need. The voices come from Spirits from hell, God and angels. I have yet to try to talk to Jesus, but I guess I could try that too if I am succesfull with the others. It's a gift really sometimes it's annoying if they don't shut up as spirits tend to do and they don't say much just an odd informational line here and there.

Sorry, I thought I was answering a post from a sane person, never mind.


Sorry, I thought I was answering a post from a sane person, never mind.


It might not be sane if you consider psychology and I know not all ppl can talk with deities. However I am happy that I can converse with my Father in Heaven and he has given me my faith which makes me part of His grace which reaches all the way up to the Heaven. I hope also you can follow Jesus and believe his gospel. I have few things you can try so you also can believe in God and His angels.

Try sitting still and ask your Guardian Angel to touch your hand. In a moment you will feel a touch in your hand. Remember to thank the angel.

Try sitting still and ask Archangel Mikael to give you energy so that you will feel it. In a moment you will feel energy pour from Heaven in your head and thru your whole body. I have felt it and so can you. Remember to thank Archangel Mikael.

You can also ask angels to take away the pain in your head if you have headache and other numerous things they can do.

All I say is believe.
It might not be sane if you consider psychology and I know not all ppl can talk with deities. However I am happy that I can converse with my Father in Heaven and he has given me my faith which makes me part of His grace which reaches all the way up to the Heaven. I hope also you can follow Jesus and believe his gospel. I have few things you can try so you also can believe in God and His angels.

Try sitting still and ask your Guardian Angel to touch your hand. In a moment you will feel a touch in your hand. Remember to thank the angel.

Try sitting still and ask Archangel Mikael to give you energy so that you will feel it. In a moment you will feel energy pour from Heaven in your head and thru your whole body. I have felt it and so can you. Remember to thank Archangel Mikael.

You can also ask angels to take away the pain in your head if you have headache and other numerous things they can do.

All I say is believe.

Pongeli, if people who are condemned to Hell are being punished. Why would they be allowed to speak to you? I think maybe its demons trying to influence you.
Pongeli, if people who are condemned to Hell are being punished. Why would they be allowed to speak to you? I think maybe its demons trying to influence you.

Well, I don't speak about that. On the positive side also God, Jesus and angels talk to me. God has told satan to stop talking with me and he listens to God at least on that, which makes me glad. Just now I had a nice chat with Archangel Mikael, where I asked him to help me with my studies and he agreed. He's such a nice guy and I thank him and my Father for that.