More than 50% of Americans support Gay Marriage

How do you know that Jesus Christ is the final judge? and not some other guy that lived 2000 years ago?

How do you know that John the Baptist, Zeus, or Mohammad, or David Koresh is not the final judge?

Lets put it this way, you will stand before the Christ to state your case.
Lets put it this way, you will stand before the Christ to state your case.

No...because he died 2000 years ago. It doesn't matter what I do...when I die, I die...and that is it...When my body ceases to exist...then that is it...blackness. Just like everything else. It's only you Christians that desire something else after death.
Lets put it this way, you will stand before the Christ to state your case.

Where is Ares in all of this? Is he hanging out in the background, or is he like the bailiff?

Are your Illuminati also incorporeal, or do they strictly handle earthly business? I'm just saying, you sound awfully certain for someone whose religion is basically a mix tape of random shit he's heard of.
Actually homosexual pairing is common in the animal world. If God didn't want gay people, why did he make people gay? Tell me, how do you know it's unnatural? Married men and women do anal all the time, should there be a law against it? If so why? How does it hurt you? Why do you have to control other people's behavior?
I will never see water and opt for blood as the best solvent for washing my face. God made the penis for the vagina and vise versa, but you have choosen the anus as the perfect sheath for the penis thereby disobeying God.
I think the question of how it hurts me is not what you should be intrested in now, rather you should be intrested more about how it hurts God your creator.
I will never see water and opt for blood as the best solvent for washing my face. God made the penis for the vagina and vise versa, but you have choosen the anus as the perfect sheath for the penis thereby disobeying God.
I think the question of how it hurts me is not what you should be intrested in now, rather you should be intrested more about how it hurts God your creator.

Lol unless god lives in the ass of gay people gay sex shouldn't hurt him.
Dogs will hump anything...including this cat...and your leg:


However male chimpanzees will fuck other males in the brood to establish their dominance.
I guess you have just told a cheap lie to save your self from this hot agurment, but I assure you, you wont have your way.
No...because he died 2000 years ago. It doesn't matter what I do...when I die, I die...and that is it...When my body ceases to exist...then that is it...blackness. Just like everything else. It's only you Christians that desire something else after death.

Im not Christian. So you have been to death and back?
I will never see water and opt for blood as the best solvent for washing my face. God made the penis for the vagina and vise versa, but you have choosen the anus as the perfect sheath for the penis thereby disobeying God.
I think the question of how it hurts me is not what you should be intrested in now, rather you should be intrested more about how it hurts God your creator.

There is no God, so why would I care?
If God is all-powerful, then nothing can hurt him. We are talking about love too, not just sex. I notice you avoid mentioning that you want to punish people for love, when God said, "Thou shall not kill".

Why do you care about this subject more than the other religious laws in the Bible?

Don't wear clothes made of more than one fabric (Leviticus 19:19)
People who have flat noses, or is blind or lame, cannot go to an altar of God (Leviticus 21:17-18)
Don't cut your hair nor shave. (Leviticus 19:27)
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Why the fuck would god have an objection to Superstring and his partner committing to a monogamous relationship with each other?

Why is two guys or two girls professing their devotion for each other any different than a man and women?
You have a stronger mind than most, if that's the case. Logic was not something you could easily dismiss, and so it swayed you. For you, not even the risk of being disowned was worth pretending you believed. The same cannot be said for most.

But did you really believe that science was the work of the devil? It doesn't really sound that way. I get the inkling from your writing that you were never really sold on any of this stuff, which is what lead to your doubt. But even if that's not the case, not everyone is willing or able to do what you did.

I will say, however, that it is often the scholarship of one's own holy text that is the strongest case against their faith. I have mentioned this several times recently, but Dan Dennett recently conducted a study of priests who were secretly atheists, and found that many seminary students bail out or at the very least react angrily to the biblical scholarship they are made to undertake. Once it becomes clear that the text they believed to be inerrant (or at the very least, the word of god) contains wishy-washy translations, and was compiled at best arbitrarily, and often for political purposes, it's a stunning blow to their faith. One priest even went so far as to say, albeit jokingly, that it was impossible to graduate the seminary as anything other than an atheist.

But the same misinformation that has been applied to other arguments against them can be applied to stories of their founding. I just watched an old clip of Christopher Hitchens guest-hosting a news-talk program from the early 90s in which he interviewed a father-son white supremacist/separatist duo, and the level of delusion was amazing. The father at one point meekly admitted to being found civilly culpable for a black man's death, but claimed that the witnesses brought against him were bribed.

Being against the law to believe in something has never stopped that thing from being believed. Look at Christianity! Anyway, you're talking about a separate issue. As with anything illegal, its availability is hardly a problem. For example, if marijuana were legal today, I'd have to drive to the corner store to buy some. But because it's illegal, I could in all probability knock on two or three doors in my complex and find someone willing to sell me some. The same would apply to the Torah if Judaism were illegal, or the Koran if Islam were illegal, or to The Selfish Gene if evolution and natural selection discussions and reading materials were outlawed.

Unless, of course, you're Amish, as was your case(?), in which you're pretty much secluded from modern society. But in other cases, it's not that children and adults don't have access to alternative theories, it's that they have built-in defenses against them.

You misunderstand my point. I'm not saying it's impossible. I'm saying that you're stronger than most people, because most people who are born into a religion stay with that religion their entire lives. I don't discount the dulling effect on religion that secular society has had, and as a result how few people are truly as pious as they might profess to be, but that too is beside the point.

Yes, I had my defenses up when researching my religion and the Bible. I believed everything 100%. You can see my thread where it took me 10 pages to just put a kink in my defenses enough for me to want to research more. It took me almost a year to get out of a semi-depressive state because I wasn't quite sure what there was to life without knowing there is life after death or everlasting life. I have to come to a point where my mind has to believe in the possibility of something in order to survive. I am guessing this is because of the way I was grown up? Other atheists don't see to have a problem with dying, or maybe they just never think about it.

I have to think about it, though. I have to think about everything. Whatever pops in my head. I have to have an answer for it, even if I say I don't know. So I have become agnostic atheist in everything, really. I HAVE to have that POSSIBILITY to survive. I say that I don't know. I don't say for sure that there is not anything supernatural like many atheists do. I thought most atheists were agnostic atheists, but yet when I talk about the possibility of an afterlife they write it off and say it's not possible? When I speak about the possibility of Aliens they write it off and say not in our lifetime? :shrug: Even Dr. Michio Kaku recognizes that 95% of UFO sightings are false and can be explained, but there is 5% of UFO sightings that have good eyewitnesses and proof that cannot be explained. His words were that we don't have smoking gun proof of Alien UFOs, but we certainly have the smoke.

This is my belief also. And maybe I need to believe it for me to have purpose in life. Fear of nothing. Love of the Unknown.
Why the fuck would god have an objection to Superstring and his partner committing to a monogamous relationship with each other?

Why is two guys or two girls professing their devotion for each other any different than a man and women?
