More than 50% of Americans support Gay Marriage

I have one argument, and one argument against gay marriage. Once we allow two men to get married its only a mater of time until a man can mary what ever he fathoms.
Very well, kind sir. One question, do you believe there is? Personally I don't think God intelligently made the universe blow up, but I do think he caused it.

As I just said, I don't know. As for your silly postulation, you again seem to contradict yourself. You don't think he did it, but you think he did it?

My best theology to disprove Christian God, the God of the King James Bible is that God would not intervene for his prophet Moses, and then leave Jesus to die 2,000 years later. That does not disprove either Jesus, or Moses, but it does show the lacking of intelligence from something that needs to be all knowing.

Well, that's one inconsistency within the Bible, certainly. I would also point to similarities between the OT and the NT, particularly the parallels between Jesus and Joseph, as well as the Nativity story in the Gospel of Matthew appearing to be a kind of rehash of the birth story of Moses, which raise the question of whether or not the NT is in many ways simply a forgery of the OT. The patriarchal nature of the texts are also a dead giveaway of their human origins, as are their parochial nature; the entirety of the world seems to be that one particular region, and the laws reflect that. They also decidedly belong to a certain age, with no reference to the scientific advancements made before it, and a codified morality that simply cannot apply to a more modern society, or even one that wasn't in that particular region.

What is the model?

The universe. It works without any reference to or reliance on a god.

The universe defiantly came into being, I think. God either created, caused it, came into being along side it, or was created by human beings one way or another.

Obviously the universe came into being. My point was that if the universe was not created by a god, then a god probably wouldn't exist.

I do agree that the concept of god was created by human beings. I think this much is obvious, whether there is a creator or not. I think this fact speaks to the low likelihood of a creator existing, but again, there's no way as of yet to be sure.

Yea, accept its not really called the Illuminati by members of the so called Illuminati. Your talking about the Illuminati founded by Adam Wiesaupt. My theory is that the Illuminati was created as a last resort cover up to save the elite of the organization now known as the Illuminati incase of exposure. My Illuminati dates back to 3200 b.c.

So you mean you believe in the fake Illuminati.

My position is faith, and it is purely intellectual.

If it's intellectual, I haven't seen evidence of that yet. What was this bit about believing in the god of war? And of believing in Jesus but not Jesus? Can you explain that to me?
Am an African.

Well, Africa is a big place, so it's hard to say what qualifies as your part of the world, but South Africa has recognized same-sex marriage since 2006.

I have accepted your apology.

Of course you do.

Am still a young man who have not yet married; if am having sex now, then am doing it for procreative purpose.

So you only have sex to get the woman pregnant? That's what "procreative purposes" means.

I got no relevant information from him.

Keep reading, he's quite good.

How are my comments extremely ignorant?

Gee, I dunno, maybe because you said anyone who accepts or practices gay marriage is "not real human"?
I have one argument, and one argument against gay marriage. Once we allow two men to get married its only a mater of time until a man can mary what ever he fathoms.

That's a fallacious argument for many reasons, and one I don't advise you speaking aloud in mixed company.
Well, Africa is a big place, so it's hard to say what qualifies as your part of the world, but South Africa has recognized same-sex marriage since 2006.
That is their own cup of tea. They can go ahead and accept whatever they wish.
To be more precise, am from one of the countries in West Africa.

Of course you do.

So you only have sex to get the woman pregnant? That's what "procreative purposes" means.
For sure! That's what it meant to me; especially now that am thirsty for a child/children.

Keep reading, he's quite good.
No I can't. Am already tired. My eyes are getting strained and my brain is losing focus; maybe you will take over.

Gee, I dunno, maybe because you said anyone who accepts or practices gay marriage is "not real human"?
Apparently yes; is unnatural for any real human or sane person(s) to practise such an abominable act.
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That is their own cup of tea. They can go ahead and accept whatever they wish.
To be more precise, am from one of the countries in West Africa.

So it's kinda in your part of the world, contrary to what you said before.

For sure! That's what it meant to me.

That's probably not the smartest idea. But even so, you act as if sex for non-procreative purposes is this alien idea. I assure you, it's the norm.

Apparently yes; is unnatural for any human real or sane person(s) to practise such an abominable act.

Homosexuality is perfectly natural. It occurs in nature, and at about the same rate we see it in humanity.
If I were god I would probably be more worried about children dying of starvation than one man putting his penis up another man's bum.

God's priorities:

#1: Kill son to rescue humans who ate magical fruit they weren't supposed to eat.
#2: Cut off everyone's foreskin
#3: Stop men from sticking their penis in another man's bum.

I don't get the fixation. No gay man has ever forced me to watch them have sex with their partner, so I don't understand why my approval or disapproval of what they do in private with another consenting adult matters. And if they choose to commit to each other in marriage then that's their business too. Personally I think they should have the same rights as anyone else, but my opinion shouldn't matter.
So it's kinda in your part of the world, contrary to what you said before.
What did I say before?

That's probably not the smartest idea. But even so, you act as if sex for non-procreative purposes is this alien idea. I assure you, it's the norm.

Homosexuality is perfectly natural. It occurs in nature, and at about the same rate we see it in humanity.
That is your own cup of tea. You can go and stick your penis into the anus of any willing male who is ready to open his for you. You can as well, open yours to any willing male who is ready to enter you from behinde.
All I know is that I will never, support, accept or practise such abominable act, come what may. That's my convictions and opinion and it stands.
What did I say before?

That this sort of thing (gay marriage) doesn't happen in your part of the world.

That is your own cup of tea. You can go and stick your penis into the anus of any willing male who is ready to open his for you. You can as well, open yours to any willing male who is ready to enter you from behinde.

I wasn't asking for your permission, but thanks. At any rate, it strikes me as odd that you would be so fixated on the male-male version of homosexual sex. You are aware that women do this sort of thing, too, are you not? Or does this very graphic depiction and overeager denouncement, as it so often does, perhaps hint at some inner conflict? You've dedicated quite a lot of real estate to men entering each other from behind for an allegedly straight man.

All I know is that I will never, support, accept or practise such abominable act, come what may. That's my convictions and opinion and it stands.

And I don't ask you to change. However, I do not have to accept your opinion as valid, I don't have to pretend it isn't ignorant and bigoted, and I don't have to allow fallacious arguments such as "it's unnatural" slip by unchallenged. You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.
That this sort of thing (gay marriage) doesn't happen in your part of the world.
Please can you point out one or more of the western African countries where this (gay marriage) abominable act is legalized and practised, so that we can analyse.

I wasn't asking for your permission, but thanks. At any rate, it strikes me as odd that you would be so fixated on the male-male version of homosexual sex. You are aware that women do this sort of thing, too, are you not? Or does this very graphic depiction and overeager denouncement, as it so often does, perhaps hint at some inner conflict? You've dedicated quite a lot of real estate to men entering each other from behind for an allegedly straight man.
As far am concern, diffrence exist between homosexuality and lesbianism. The word "homosexuality," is used when is done between males. The word "lesbianism," is used when is done between females. For all I care, both are morally wrong.

And I don't ask you to change. However, I do not have to accept your opinion as valid, I don't have to pretend it isn't ignorant and bigoted, and I don't have to allow fallacious arguments such as "it's unnatural" slip by unchallenged. You can have your own opinions, but you can't have your own facts.
I have my own fact as well. Mathematically, my own opinion is equal to my own facts.:-D
Please can you point out one or more of the western African countries where this (gay marriage) abominable act is legalized and practised, so that we can analyse.

South Africa is close enough to be "your part of the world." It's the same continent, isn't it?

But you are right, West African countries, at best, do not recognize gay marriage. At worst, they put homosexuals to death. So it's quite easy to see why you are so intolerant. You come from a barbaric society.

As far am concern, diffrence exist between homosexuality and lesbianism. The word "homosexuality," is used when is done between males. The word "lesbianism," is used when is done between females. For all I care, both are morally wrong.

You're confusing "homosexuality" for "gay". Homosexuality describes both male and females. "Gay" tends to describe males, while "lesbian" describes females.

I have my own fact as well. Mathematically, my own opinion is equal to my own facts.:-D

Don't know what math has to do with it (doubt you do, either) but that's definitely not right. Your opinions are your opinions, but they are not facts.
South Africa is close enough to be "your part of the world." It's the same continent, isn't it?

But you are right, West African countries, at best, do not recognize gay marriage. At worst, they put homosexuals to death. So it's quite easy to see why you are so intolerant. You come from a barbaric society.
If my society is barbaric, then yours is what? Apparently, yours is immoral society.
Let me disprove what you have just said; my society is not barbaric as you earliar said, but they are only trying to uphold what is right in the sight of God and man.
If God had wanted man to be having sexual relationship with his follow man, he would not have created woman (Eve). If God had wanted woman to be having sexual relationship with his fellow woman, he would not have create man (Adam). God created every creature male and female. Have you ever seen where a male animal, say male dog for instance mating with a male dog.
Gay marriage is unatural and is only practised in a society where evil has taken full ground. And the goverments of such societies legalize it and say they are protecting human right. What kind of human right is that? Such govermts are only promoting evil.
Let me disprove you again:
who told you that West African countries are putting gay people to death? Give a proof to support your claim. They only gave them appropriate punishment for choosing to go the unatural way.

You're confusing "homosexuality" for "gay". Homosexuality describes both male and females. "Gay" tends to describe males, while "lesbian" describes females.
"Gay" describes the general act rrespective of wether man or woman is involved. Is only of recent that the meaning of the word is solely confine to the act when is done between man and man . I think your dictionary will be of immense help to you this time.
Look into the link below for clearification:

Don't know what math has to do with it (doubt you do, either) but that's definitely not right. Your opinions are your opinions, but they are not facts.
Forget about the maths, that is just my own formulated theory. As far as my formulated theory is concerned, my opinion is equal to my facts in this matter.
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If there is no God, as I believe, then your argument goes right out the window. The purposes of sex in human culture are multiple. It's not just for procreation. We can see from studies of our closest relatives in the natural world, apes, that sex is used to maintain social cohesion, relieve stress, and establish dominance.

If God didn't want us to have gay sex, he would not have made sodomy so pleasurable or even possible.

Anyway, there is no God, so get over it.
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God have mercy on men. The devil has made what ought not to be right the most attractive in the sight of men. Sign of end time! Am not suprised.
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If my society is barbaric, then yours is what? Apparently, yours is immoral society.
Let me disprove what you have just said; my society is not barbaric as you earliar said, but they are only trying to uphold what is right in the sight of God and man.
If God had wanted man to be having sexual relationship with his follow man, he would not have created woman (Eve). If God had wanted woman to be having sexual relationship with his fellow woman, he would not have create man (Adam). God created every creature male and female. Have you ever seen where a male animal, say male dog for instance mating with a male dog.
Gay marriage is unatural and is only practised in a society where evil has taken full ground. And the goverments of such societies legalize it and say they are protecting human right. What kind of human right is that? Such govermts are only promoting evil.
Let me disprove you again:
who told you that West African countries are putting gay people to death? Give a proof to support your claim. They only gave them appropriate punishment for choosing to go the unatural way.

This is so much noise. I've already made my point about why you're wrong about homosexuality being unnatural, and the rest is just Christian rote being recited by someone who probably has never even read the relevant texts. Evil? Do you even have a concept of what that means, or is this just something your pastor tells you?

As for the death penalty, it exists in Mauritania, and lawmakers in Liberia are trying to pass a bill that would make the act punishable by death. Outside of West Africa, it's punishable by death in Nigeria and Sudan, and Uganda is trying to pass a death-penalty bill right now. And in 38 African countries, homosexuality is illegal, and criminalized in most of them, with ten years in prison commonplace.

"Gay" describes the general act rrespective of wether man or woman is involved. Is only of recent that the meaning of the word is solely confine to the act when is done between man and man . I think your dictionary will be of immense help to you this time.
Look into the link below for clearification:

"Gay" describes the general act, but it also describes the person. And perhaps if you're going to cite a dictionary, you should also quote one, as opposed to Wikipedia. Here is a dictionary entry for "Gay"

a homosexual person, especially a male.

As for "Homosexual"

of, pertaining to, or exhibiting homosexuality.

Understand now? "Gay" is one of those elastic words that can mean a dozen things. Perhaps that's leading to your confusion.

Forget about the maths,

What maths??

that is just my own formulated theory. As far as my formulated theory is concerned, my opinion is equal to my facts in this matter.

Your theory is too familiar to be original. This is nothing more than a fear and hatred handed down from generation to generation, no formulation necessary. You hate because your parents hated, because your neighbors hate. There isn't an original thought in there. You don't even understand what morality is. How is homosexuality a moral issue when it hurts no one, causes no one suffering? It isn't. It's just your hang-up, and it's only your hang-up because you were raised to think that way.

You and yours are a dime a dozen.
God have mercy on men. The devil has made what ought not to be right the most attractive in the sight of men. Sign of end time! Am not suprised.

If God didn't want there to be gay people, why did he create gay people?
God have mercy on men. The devil has made what ought not to be right the most attractive in the sight of men. Sign of end time! Am not suprised.

Ah, not surprising that you'd parrot the endtimes fearmongering that is the backbone of any good monotheistic religion. Gays are a sign of the endtimes? They've been around as long as people have been around.
I have a few arguments for chikis...

1. If you believe the Bible, why don't you follow all the old testament laws?
2. Even if you believe the Bible forbids gay sex, why outlaw it for others who may not believe as you do?
3. If sexual orientation is a choice, when did you decide to be heterosexual?
4. Is it right to encourage births in a country that may have lots of poor people?
I think your making a play on "God", the all powerful force of the universe. Maybe those things do exist, but how do they hide so well?

Why don't you believe in Zeus? What if the most powerful force in the universe turns out to be the electroweak force or something equally tiny in scale and purely physical in nature?
I'm not a big fan of gay anything, but I don't hold it against anyone who is that way. I don't like hearing what anyone says about what God wants, because their is no God and that makes you a control freak using a concept of what God wants to control others. As to what's natural in the animal world, please review the very long list of unnatural animals in the link below.