More than 50% of Americans support Gay Marriage

LMAO. Atheism is the belief in the lack of a God. It very much is a belief. Christian/Catholic God? Who? I don't even believe in Christian/Catholic Jesus, I do however believe in Jesus

I love it when people who don't know anything about a topic scoff at correct definitions and then presume to insert their own invented ones instead.

"Chicken is meat? LMAO! Obviously, chicken is fish, which, as we all know, is water."

You don't even seem to know what the word "believe" means. You don't believe in "Christian/Catholic Jesus" but you do believe in Jesus? How's that now?
Atheism - The theory or belief that God does not exist.

Via I say again, atheism is a belief.
Exactly, you believe that he is NOT there.

You've got it backwards. You are asserting that there is a God. I do not believe in God. All of the belief is on your end, not mine. How do I believe in something that isn't there?

I don't believe in Zeus, but I do believe in Ares god of war.

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.
I don't understand this type of marraige. How can I marry my fellow man? Am not comfortable with that type of marraige. How can we procreate? How can we have sex together and enjoy it?
I totally disagree with gay marraige. It looks as if people who accept or practise this type of marraige are not real humans.
I don't understand this type of marraige. How can I marry my fellow man?

By standing in front of a judge or a priest?

Am not comfortable with that type of marraige.

Nor with the proper spelling of "marriage," apparently.

How can we procreate?

You can't. At least, not with each other.

Did you really need to ask that question? And what relevance does procreation have to marriage? Have you never heard of a childless married couple? For that matter, have you never heard of gay couples with children?

How can we have sex together and enjoy it?

Are you asking for tips?

I totally disagree with gay marraige. It looks as if people who accept or practise this type of marraige are not real humans.

It is not surprising that the people seeking to dehumanize homosexuals (and proponents of gay marriage regardless of sexual orientation, it seems) are the ones who can't even spell the word.
You've got it backwards. You are asserting that there is a God. I do not believe in God. All of the belief is on your end, not mine. How do I believe in something that isn't there?

Now you're just embarrassing yourself.

You believe that he isn't there, you do not know that he is not. I do believe he is there, I certainly do not know that he is. How am I embarrassing myself? Do you know something I don't? Don't challenge MY FAITH, unless you have science or knowledge with you.
You believe that he isn't there, you do not know that he is not.

As I said, I do believe your god isn't there, and this opinion is based on evidence, not faith. So I do not "believe" as you believe.

I do believe he is there, I certainly do not know that he is. How am I embarrassing myself? Do you know something I don't?

Oh, I know quite a lot that you don't. As evidenced by your assertion that you believe in the Greek god of war.

Don't challenge MY FAITH, unless you have science or knowledge with you.

First, I'll challenge your faith all day. You're not going to get reverence out of me. If you want to attack my position from half-assed arguments for God, don't feign offense when you get challenged on it. And I do have science on my side.

Second, I'm not entirely sure what it is you believe. You've stated a disbelief in "Christian/Catholic Jesus" but instead a belief in "Jesus," which makes no sense whatsoever, and you've also said you believe in Ares. Quite the pantheon you have going there. Care to clarify some of these items?
As I said, I do believe your god isn't there, and this opinion is based on evidence, not faith. So I do not "believe" as you believe.

Oh, I know quite a lot that you don't. As evidenced by your assertion that you believe in the Greek god of war.

Second, I'm not entirely sure what it is you believe. You've stated a disbelief in "Christian/Catholic Jesus" but instead a belief in "Jesus," which makes no sense whatsoever, and you've also said you believe in Ares. Quite the pantheon you have going there. Care to clarify some of these items?

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE GOD IS NOT THERE!!!! So you believe, that simple. Ok. First things first. If you want my faith you are going to need to be a very patient and open minded man. What exactly do you want me to clarify?

There's also no evidence against a celestial teapot. One cannot disprove (at least as of yet) that a creator is not present or was not present at the beginning of the universe. However, Mr. All-Caps, the model works without any reference to a creator, so I do not need to disprove a creator to be reasonably sure none exists.

So you believe, that simple.

Nope. I have no belief. I have the absence of belief. My worldview is not based on the absence of something.

Ok. First things first. If you want my faith you are going to need to be a very patient and open minded man. What exactly do you want me to clarify?

It's not that difficult, "Knowledge". You said you believe in Jesus and Ares. How and why?
There's also no evidence against a celestial teapot. One cannot disprove (at least as of yet) that a creator is not present or was not present at the beginning of the universe. However, Mr. All-Caps, the model works without any reference to a creator, so I do not need to disprove a creator to be reasonably sure none exists.

Nope. I have no belief. I have the absence of belief. My worldview is not based on the absence of something.

It's not that difficult, "Knowledge". You said you believe in Jesus and Ares. How and why?

You literally believe there is no God, you certainly do not know this. Because there doesn't need to be a God for there to be a universe, which is for certain, means that there is no God? That makes no sense to me. I also believe in the Illuminati. This is a science website, I will respect that. My faith is based on nothing but my own reasoning, and voices in my head. BTW, the voices don't prove or disprove God.
By standing in front of a judge or a priest?
Well, that can only happen in your own part of the world; certianly not mine.

Nor with the proper spelling of "marriage," apparently.
Well, you can't judge me with that. Why? Because am not the inventor of English language niether is it my first language.

You can't. At least, not with each other.

Did you really need to ask that question? And what relevance does procreation have to marriage? Have you never heard of a childless married couple? For that matter, have you never heard of gay couples with children?
Then, I see no reason practising it because I stand to gain nothing from it.

Are you asking for tips?
Do you have any?

It is not surprising that the people seeking to dehumanize homosexuals (and proponents of gay marriage regardless of sexual orientation, it seems) are the ones who can't even spell the word.
I have already told you that you can't judge me with that.
You literally believe there is no God, you certainly do not know this.
You keep confusing terms. If you mean I believe that there is no creator of the universe, that is incorrect. On that matter, the best I can do is say I don't know. If you mean I believe there is no Christian God, then yes, I do believe that. But it isn't a "belief" in the sense of a religious belief. It's a conclusion reached based on evidence.

Because there doesn't need to be a God for there to be a universe, which is for certain, means that there is no God?

It isn't for certain that no god was required. There simply doesn't seem to be any apparent requirement; in other words, "the model works without one."

That makes no sense to me.

Well, if it was for certain that no god was necessary, then that kind of rules out god, doesn't it? No creation = No creator?

I also believe in the Illuminati.

That figures. Are you aware that the Illuminati was a real thing, before all of this conspiracy stuff started?

This is a science website, I will respect that. My faith is based on nothing but my own reasoning, and voices in my head. BTW, the voices don't prove or disprove God.

Fair enough. But do not equate your faith with my intellectual positions.
I'd love to see it go to a vote....with a small proviso that each voter write a brief passage on why they hold that belief.
Any responses which couldn't withstand basic scrutiny of simple logic to be discarded.

I fancy gay marriage would go through with a 95:5 majority vote.

Matter of fact, I think that should hold for all elections, things might be a bit different.
I'd love to see it go to a vote....with a small proviso that each voter write a brief passage on why they hold that belief.
Any responses which couldn't withstand basic scrutiny of simple logic to be discarded.

I fancy gay marriage would go through with a 95:5 majority vote.

Matter of fact, I think that should hold for all elections, things might be a bit different.

It would, unfortunately, depend on who was judging what "simple logic" actually meant.

Civil rights should never be put to a vote. I sincerely doubt abolition or suffrage would have passed a popular vote, even if more than half of Americans supported them, just as I doubt gay marriage would pass a vote. Hell, it couldn't pass a vote in California, the gayest state in the union. The reason being that people against something like this are always going to come out in greater numbers than those in favor, especially when the item in question is opposed by the church.
is there really anyway around the fact that there are same sex attractions ?

there isn't

although I still think that a child should be brought up in hetersex enviroment , assuming its a healthy enviroment
Well, that can only happen in your own part of the world; certianly not mine.

What is your part of the world?

Well, you can't judge me with that. Why? Because am not the inventor of English language niether is it my first language.

Well, I apologize then. Your comments were so fundamentally stupid that I simply assumed your spelling errors were just another strike against your intellect.

Then, I see no reason practising it because I stand to gain nothing from it.

So you only have sex for procreative purposes?

Do you have any?

I don't. But he might.

I have already told you that you can't judge me with that.

You're right, that's my bad. I'll simply judge you on your comments, which are extremely ignorant.
If you mean I believe that there is no creator of the universe, that is incorrect. On that matter, the best I can do is say I don't know.

Very well, kind sir. One question, do you believe there is? Personally I don't think God intelligently made the universe blow up, but I do think he caused it.

If you mean I believe there is no Christian God, then yes, I do believe that. But it isn't a "belief" in the sense of a religious belief. It's a conclusion reached based on evidence.

My best theology to disprove Christian God, the God of the King James Bible is that God would not intervene for his prophet Moses, and then leave Jesus to die 2,000 years later. That does not disprove either Jesus, or Moses, but it does show the lacking of intelligence from something that needs to be all knowing.

It isn't for certain that no god was required. There simply doesn't seem to be any apparent requirement; in other words, "the model works without one."

What is the model?

Well, if it was for certain that no god was necessary, then that kind of rules out god, doesn't it? No creation = No creator?

The universe defiantly came into being, I think. God either created, caused it, came into being along side it, or was created by human beings one way or another.

That figures. Are you aware that the Illuminati was a real thing, before all of this conspiracy stuff started?

Yea, accept its not really called the Illuminati by members of the so called Illuminati. Your talking about the Illuminati founded by Adam Wiesaupt. My theory is that the Illuminati was created as a last resort cover up to save the elite of the organization now known as the Illuminati incase of exposure. My Illuminati dates back to 3200 b.c.

Fair enough. But do not equate your faith with my intellectual positions.

My position is faith, and it is purely intellectual.
What is your part of the world?
Am an African.

I apologize then. Your comments were so fundamentally stupid that I simply assumed your spelling errors were just another strike against your intellect.
I have accepted your apology.

So you only have sex for procreative purposes?
Am still a young man who have not yet married; if am having sex now, then am doing it for procreative purpose.

I got no relevant information from him.

You're right, that's my bad. I'll simply judge you on your comments, which are extremely ignorant.
How are my comments extremely ignorant?