Mohammad's Character

Here 786
how can any one follow a religion that promotes killing of their own daughters? Read the links below about muslim fathers who killed their daughters. These are real proof of who Mohamed was, this is what Mohamed teaches? If his followers are willing to kill their own daughters what can the rest of us expect from muslims? - Cached - Similar - -

And many more links....
Aren't you ashamend of yourselves to do this to women?? If Mohamed justifies this behavior he is the Antichrist and this is the proof.

Haven't read the bible much, have you? It advocates killing one's children for mere disobedience. How can anyone be a Christian in that case?:rolleyes:
Haven't read the bible much, have you? It advocates killing one's children for mere disobedience. How can anyone be a Christian in that case?:rolleyes:

I am not sure about that; but if it is true the fact that Christians do not go around killing their children; speaks very well about them, don't you think?

Besides, no Christian would try to defend such behaviour like you are doing now.
On the other hand, the Torah also says "an eye for an eye" yet the Jewish have not gone and started killing Germans after all they have done to them.

How many women have being killed in your family? I am sure you have seen or learned about muslim women been killed. What have you done about that? How come you have allowed this to happen? Do you guys have some ethical, moral values, some compassion despite the fact that you have been brainwashed by a monster?
A father who kills a daughter is a barbarian coward monster who do not deserve to be called human. If your religion promotes this barbarian behaviour it will disappear from the face of earth, no evil such as this last for ever.
Please provide some scientific evidence to back up your claim. That is what you're always asking for 786 - so do it.

Hmm.... Go read anything on the matter. If you find a differing account let me know. You are the one making the opposite claim to traditional history-- as a revisionist then I would hope you can come up with actual evidence to the contrary... I'm not going to play into your bullshit.

Anyway, the "revelations" were not from Allah 786 - Mohammad decided what was and wasn't "reveled".

Thats your opinion- not what was believed by the people.

Were there any OTHER Muslims that had more than 4 wives? Or somehow only Mohammad happened to take more than 4 over these 23 years? Because if we went withou your hypothesis then there is no reason many, if not ALL, the other companions wouldn't have ALSO taken many more than 4 wives.

This is a very very stupid argument. The fact is that Arab society was polygamous- they weren't racing to have the most marriages- if Muhammad married more than 4 than that doesn't automatically require anyone to be racing him in the matter.

As an Islamic apologist you need to think a little bit more before you post.

Its not my job to be Islamic apologist- I think you need to get a brain transplant because you clearly can't think. History revision.... where is your proof?

Peace be unto you ;)
@yasmin- what people do doesn't have to reflect what the religion teaches.

@Michael- I'm not going to get defensive just because you have an endless supply of bullshit- I'm sure you honestly think they are good ideas- but you're the one doing history revision not me.... you should be the one presenting the proof that is contrary to traditional history

And its not me who needs to think before posting but you. I would recommend you get a brain transplant.

@Q- There is no reason why I will honor all of his requests for proof when clearly he can't present anything contrary to what is traditional history. I'm not stupid enough to entertain his masturbation through which he gets these ideas.

Peace be unto you ;)
Can I ask you a question?

What contemporary evidence do you have that the man did not exist?
The only somewhat mention of someone who may be Mohammad is a Greek Patriarch complaining about a Christian Heretic in the south who was raiding caravans and acting as a warlord/terrorist.

So, that may be what part of the Mohammad myth is based on - this person.

When Islam was first starting out, Christian contemporaries thought Mohammad was such an embarrassment it was likely he actually was a real person (or based on a few real people) as anyone who was going to make up a person would have made him less of a joke. It no different than the way Ron Hubbard and Scientologists are sometimes viewed - Imagine 40 years ago: Xenu?!? Is this guy for real? Now Scientology is a religion/superstition on par with Xianity and Islam. They have churches, millions of members, do community services, etc...

Do I have evidence of non-existence? Other than what I posted above, what other sort of evidence would you be looking for?

There's a pretty good evidence that Arabs were wondering why Jews, Persians, Egyptians and Christians all had been sent Prophets by the God and why hadn't they been sent one yet? a sort of: "Where's our prophet :( What about us? Also, monotheistic cults were very VERY common in the area. Very common. In essence, Arabs were ripe for a both a myth or person(s) claiming to be a Prophet, and more than likely both.

786, maybe you don't get this, but, it doesn't matter how MANY people believe something OR how LONG something has been believed. For example, see the flat earth hypothesis.

There is no evidence for Gods and so the starting point is they don't exist. This being the case, Prophetic sayings were not inspired in any way by Gods. So, what does this say about Prophets and their character? I think it says a lot actually and it says something about the TYPE of arguments they were making. As opposed to, say, Philosophers and the sorts of arguments they make. I'm not sure but I don't remember Philosophers condemning people to death for questioning their philosophy? They often encourage it. On the other than hand, Kings, Imams, Prophets, Ayatollahs, Emperors - question their philosophy (oh, I mean "revelation") and find yourself either changing your opinion to agreement or dead real quick. There's no arguing with Gods now is there.

See the difference?

Funny that out of the thousands of Muslims ONLY Mohammad happened to have the MOST wives. Yeah, right. He would have statistically been UNLIKELY to have the most. And if he happened to have the most then statistically some of the followers would have had more than 4. It's obvious what's going on here. Find a better apology. Geesh, why not just go with what the MOhammad character went with: God said I get more, so, I get more.

No arguing with Gods 786 - you do believe in them right?

Side note:
Imagine trying to conduct Greek archeology thinking there really was a Zeus? All the sorts of screwball conclusions you'd come up with. Now imagine conducting Greek archeology thinking all of it was from Allah or YHWA - that was the problem faced by early archeologists. Or conducting archeology into Classical Greece and making the assumption XENU was real :eek: and how THAT would screw up your research.

Now a days we just assume that Gods and Goddesses and Alien Overlords are not real when doing this research. Which is why this thread was posited as such.
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I am not sure about that; but if it is true the fact that Christians do not go around killing their children; speaks very well about them, don't you think?

Christians kill their children all the time. Watch the news or pick up a newspaper. Then again, so do people from other religions. Killing one's child or children is not about religion. It is about being batshit insane.

Besides, no Christian would try to defend such behaviour like you are doing now.
What exactly do you think I am defending? Killing one's children?

On the other hand, the Torah also says "an eye for an eye" yet the Jewish have not gone and started killing Germans after all they have done to them.
No. They have the Palestinians to kill. Priorities and all that.

How many women have being killed in your family?
Thankfully none.

I am sure you have seen or learned about muslim women been killed.
I have seen and learned of men, women and children of all faiths being killed all the time.

What have you done about that?
I have sent a few to jail. How about you? Except for procrastinate and point the finger at the dreaded Muslims...

How come you have allowed this to happen?
Allowed what to happen? Batshit insane individuals who murder their family members? How exactly am I meant to prevent what people around the world do?

Do you guys have some ethical, moral values, some compassion despite the fact that you have been brainwashed by a monster?
Who is this "you guys" of which you speak?

A father who kills a daughter is a barbarian coward monster who do not deserve to be called human.
I doubt anyone would disagree with you there, regardless of their religion. Tell me something, have you ever actually spoken to a Muslim and asked them if they would kill their daughter? Or are you just going on mere speculation and riding that large anti-Islamic wave that is hitting the world at the moment?

If your religion promotes this barbarian behaviour it will disappear from the face of earth, no evil such as this last for ever.
What religion do you think I belong to? Let me give you a bit of a hint. Not only have you jumped to massive conclusions that are so wrong that it is downright funny, but you have also shown yourself to be a bigot and ignorant to boot.
Christians kill their children all the time. Watch the news or pick up a newspaper. Then again, so do people from other religions. Killing one's child or children is not about religion. It is about being batshit insane.

But not because their religion enables them to do so, not because Jesus (their leader) killed anyone.

What exactly do you think I am defending? Killing one's children?

Yes, or are just trying to be politically correct?

No. They have the Palestinians to kill. Priorities and all that.

They have been massivelly killed by Germans and Muslims and nobody wanted to let them settle anywhere.They have to start defending themselves.

I have seen and learned of men, women and children of all faiths being killed all the time.

Yes, and you seem to be very comfortable with it.

I have sent a few to jail. How about you? Except for procrastinate and point the finger at the dreaded Muslims...

At least I do not take sides with murderers, I am attaccking their ideology right now, perhaps one of the muslims who read this would start thinking and start the changes needed to protect muslim women.And be smart enough to see that if there are no changes from within; muslim women would either convert to other religions or being killed when they try, and therefore there will be less and less muslims in the world.

Allowed what to happen? Batshit insane individuals who murder their family members? How exactly am I meant to prevent what people around the world do?

The same way all americans are resposible for the mass killings of teenagers at schools, because of our enabling of bullying and their support of weapons to be easily available to everybody. The same way all americans are responsible for the War in Irak based on a confirmed lie, while there are no massive rallies against this war; all muslims are responsible for the murders of 9/11 and the murders of muslim women, the guilt is on the ones who directly kill and also on those who look the other way.

Who is this "you guys" of which you speak?

All the supporters of muslim killings.

Tell me something, have you ever actually spoken to a Muslim and asked them if they would kill their daughter? Or are you just going on mere speculation and riding that large anti-Islamic wave that is hitting the world at the moment?

Acutally I have middle eastern blood, but my ancestors converted to Chrisitanity once they migrated and got in contact with a different culture.

What religion do you think I belong to? Let me give you a bit of a hint. Not only have you jumped to massive conclusions that are so wrong that it is downright funny, but you have also shown yourself to be a bigot and ignorant to boot.
I do not care what religion you belong to, the fact that you are taking their side now speaks for itself. Whatever religion you belong to, has not thaught you enough that you have to be against killing, not a supporter.
But not because their religion enables them to do so, not because Jesus (their leader) killed anyone.
I would suggest you look back in history.

And many carry their bible as the book of faith and place all their faith and health, as well as that of their children, into that one little book. So much so that they refuse and fail to provide essential medical help for their sick children. Why? Because they believe the miracles they have read about in their Bible. That's not even the start of it.

Lets look at your obsession with Muslims apparently blatantly and always killing their women for whatever reason. Lets compare..

If a bride is not a virgin on her wedding night:

"But if this charge is true , and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst." (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)​

How about some baby killing?..

"Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children (Isaiah 13:15-18)​

"If even then you remain hostile toward me and refuse to obey, I will inflict you with seven more disasters for your sins. I will release wild animals that will kill your children and destroy your cattle, so your numbers will dwindle and your roads will be deserted." (Leviticus 26:21-22)​

I could go on and on.. but I would hope that you might get the point. We shall see.

Yes, or are just trying to be politically correct?
What? By saying that people who kill their children are psychos instead of saying 'it's because they are Muslims'? Righteo.

They have been massivelly killed by Germans and Muslims and nobody wanted to let them settle anywhere.They have to start defending themselves.
So when they shoot a little girl in the back as she is trying to flee in terror, that's self defense? How about when they bomb a school or hospital? Self defense? So if someone came to your house one day, ordered you to leave at gunpoint and gave your house to someone else, you would not want some form of compensation or want to try to get your house back? Righteo.

Yes, and you seem to be very comfortable with it.
Comfortable with killing? Why do you say that? My dear girl, I have seen and heard of things that would make you throw up and then curl up in a ball and cry like a baby. It is not comfort. Just resignation that psychos exist in every part of the world, regardless of their religious belief.

At least I do not take sides with murderers, I am attaccking their ideology right now, perhaps one of the muslims who read this would start thinking and start the changes needed to protect muslim women.And be smart enough to see that if there are no changes from within; muslim women would either convert to other religions or being killed when they try, and therefore there will be less and less muslims in the world.
No. You are attacking the people who belong to the religion. Do you think all Muslims kill their daughters? You have made broad accusations that are completely unfounded and based solely on your own bigotry and hatred and possibly fear. You don't care about Muslim women. So you can cut the 'think of the women routine'. If you cared about Muslim women, you would not accuse them of supporting murder as you have been doing by branding all Muslims as such. It is words by people such as yourself that sets their attempts to fight for their own freedoms many steps back. Instead of concentrating on their own struggles, they are having to defend their faith to morally inept individuals such as yourself.

The same way all americans are resposible for the mass killings of teenagers at schools, because of our enabling of bullying and their support of weapons to be easily available to everybody.
I'm sorry, but what?

The same way all americans are responsible for the War in Irak based on a confirmed lie, while there are no massive rallies against this war; all muslims are responsible for the murders of 9/11 and the murders of muslim women, the guilt is on the ones who directly kill and also on those who look the other way.
That does not make sense. Do you live in a cave? There is a massive movement against the war in Iraq. There was when the war started and it continues to this day. Do you think a Muslim living his/her life in a quiet village somewhere in Africa without even power or phone is responsible for the 9/11 attacks? Do you think a 5 year old American child is responsible for the war in Iraq?

All the supporters of muslim killings.
So Christians are also supporters of murder when a Christian family elects to go with faith healing instead of life saving treatment? How about if a man beats his wife? Does that mean all men support beating women simply because they are male?

Acutally I have middle eastern blood, but my ancestors converted to Chrisitanity once they migrated and got in contact with a different culture.
Yes, and your edumacation shows.

So your family converted to Christianity? Should we now blame you for the Jonestown killings? How about the killing of children that is sanctioned in your bible? What about the decisions of Christians to refuse essential medical treatment because they believe that praying and their bible will save their children? I guess I can point the finger at you and your family by the mere fact that you are in fact Christian.

I do not care what religion you belong to, the fact that you are taking their side now speaks for itself. Whatever religion you belong to, has not thaught you enough that you have to be against killing, not a supporter.

Oh, but you do care. You virtually accused me of being a Muslim, as though being a Muslim would automatically make me a supporter of murder or a murderer myself. You have accused me of being comfortable with murdering children, a very, very fine line to tread with me, and yes, that is a warning because it amounts to slander.

You point the finger at other religions without knowing that your own religion and religious texts also contains passages about killing women and children. You have shown yourself to be a bigot. I would strongly advise you to get your facts straight before posting on this forum again.
Absolutely brilliant response Bells. My hat goes off to you. I have alot more respect for you. Cheers to you matey:D!
In reference to the verse part - Well, what Bells is showing shouldn't be too surprising. Islam has drawn a lot of elements from Christianity, and Judaism. Would wish they'd remove all those babbling verses out of those three religious documents for once and all.
@ Bells and Bizza:
I appreciate the fact you took your time to answer back. It shows very well the way you think. i do not need to hear any more. And I do not think people in the forum need to hear any more.
I am sorry for all women who are trapped in your culture, the fact that they try to get out even when they are risking their lives shows how they are treated by you. I promise you that I will do any thing that I can to save those women from this barbarian culture. Is already happening in Iran and it will continue....No guys you will not succeed again evil never last forever
@ Bells and Bizza:
I appreciate the fact you took your time to answer back. It shows very well the way you think. i do not need to hear any more. And I do not think people in the forum need to hear any more.
I am sorry for all women who are trapped in your culture, the fact that they try to get out even when they are risking their lives shows how they are treated by you. I promise you that I will do any thing that I can to save those women from this barbarian culture. Is already happening in Iran and it will continue....No guys you will not succeed again evil never last forever

Well as a woman "trapped in that culture" I assure you, I'm doing very fine .;)
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Well as a woman "trapped in that culture" I assure you, I'm doing very fine .;)

I am glad to hear that, yet many women there are being killed by their own fathers or husbands apparently just because they want to challenge that religion. This, of course, according to the news from countries that are not muslims, where these people migrate. I can only imagine how many women are killed on a daily basis in muslim countries....
I am glad to hear that, yet many women there are being killed by their own fathers or husbands apparently just because they want to challenge that religion. This, of course, according to the news from countries that are not muslims, where these people migrate. I can only imagine how many women are killed on a daily basis in muslim countries....
Oh my Gods, I can't believe it. Shouldn't there be a post by SAM right about here concerning Israel the USA, Iraq and Palestine???

Yasmin, one question I have is this: What are the percentages of Arab Christians, Arab Jews and Arab Muslims that kill their daughters in so-called honor killings? Take Syria for example. This would be to try and dissect out the some of the effects of culture and those of religion. It would be good if there is little genetic diversity between the populations as well.

NOTE: By "Arab" I am referring to culture - language, food, customs, etc...
@ Bells and Bizza:
I appreciate the fact you took your time to answer back. It shows very well the way you think. i do not need to hear any more. And I do not think people in the forum need to hear any more.

So you don't want to hear or, to be more exact, see me call you a bigot? Oh well, ho hum.

I am sorry for all women who are trapped in your culture, the fact that they try to get out even when they are risking their lives shows how they are treated by you.
So you have proof that Australian women are trapped in Australian culture? I was having too much fun watching you jump through hoops like a demented puppy. I am actually an Australian woman who lives in Australia. Since you have made such spurious claims about my culture and myself, I expect you to back up those claims or shut the hell up after you apologise to me and others you have insulted on this site.

I promise you that I will do any thing that I can to save those women from this barbarian culture.
What women? Muslim women? Have you asked every single Muslim woman about her culture? But hey, you go right ahead and do that. When they tell you to sod off because in saving them, you are also insulting them and their religion and culture, you might just get the hint that your words amount to such extreme bigotry and hypocrisy that it is quite nauseating. You want to save Muslim women but you insult and denigrate them at the same time. How hypocritical are you?

You are so obsessed with Muslim women and their apparent need to have you as their saviour (in your own mind of course) that you completely ignore the plight of women around the world. What about women in Africa raped by the God's Liberation Army? You know, the Christian Fundamental Army who are hell bent implementing laws that force people to live by the 10 commandments and any resistance results in death? What about the young girls in Thailand and other parts of Asia who are being forced into prostitution? Shall I go on? What about the plight of little girls in China, where the one child policy has resulted in the death and abandonment of thousands upon thousands of little girls? What about the plight of women in Mexico, who like their sisters in Thailand and other parts of Asia are being forced into prostitution to survive? What about the societies that cause these kinds of issues for women around the world?

If you care about the plight of women, you would not be insulting Muslim women and have them having to divert their efforts at defending their religion against the likes of you.

Is already happening in Iran and it will continue....No guys you will not succeed again evil never last forever
Who exactly are you talking to? Who is this "you guys"? And be sure you don't slip and fall off that soapbox. Lord knows what other gibberish you would come out with then.
No. You're bourgeoisie. Educated abroad, with white-collar job and spare time to bloviate on Sciforums.

Thats the typical Muslim woman of my social class. There are others with more free time and less financial worries, but I only meet them on weekends
Thats the typical Muslim woman of my social class. There are others with more free time and less financial worries, but I only meet them on weekends

It may be typical of Muslim women in your class, but it doesn't negate the fact that you are very much elitist bourgeoisie.

If a bride is not a virgin on her wedding night:

"But if this charge is true , and evidence of the girls virginity is not found, they shall bring the girl to the entrance of her fathers house and there her townsman shall stone her to death, because she committed a crime against Israel by her unchasteness in her father's house. Thus shall you purge the evil from your midst." (Deuteronomy 22:20-21)​

How about some baby killing?..

"Anyone who is captured will be run through with a sword. Their little children will be dashed to death right before their eyes. Their homes will be sacked and their wives raped by the attacking hordes. For I will stir up the Medes against Babylon, and no amount of silver or gold will buy them off. The attacking armies will shoot down the young people with arrows. They will have no mercy on helpless babies and will show no compassion for the children (Isaiah 13:15-18)​

"If even then you remain hostile toward me and refuse to obey, I will inflict you with seven more disasters for your sins. I will release wild animals that will kill your children and destroy your cattle, so your numbers will dwindle and your roads will be deserted." (Leviticus 26:21-22)​

You quoted passages from the Old Covenant (the "Old Testament"). They do not apply to Christians as they were nullified by the arrival of the messiah. The Old Testament is, as Jesus said, good for teaching morality, but not for legalistic purposes.
