Mohammad's Character

They can answer to Allah like the rest of us then.

And, when it comes time for YOU to answer Allah, what will you say to save your sorry ass when your own failures to uphold Islam are presented?

Yeah but its only in the ghettos that it means guns, tattoos and gangs. Not everyone needs his son to feel the pain of ritual passage to be a man, otherwise you might still be hanging from trees by wooden slivers pierced under your muscles.

Or do you look like this?


I'm not speaking of ghettos. But okay, your example is an other form of showing your manliness, too.
Interesting, so one likes cows and one likes pigs. or one dont like cows and one dont like pigs...or one dont like cows cause the other one dont like cows etc.
And, when it comes time for YOU to answer Allah, what will you say to save your sorry ass when your own failures to uphold Islam are presented?


I'm sure we can arrive at an acceptable compromise on priorities. :p
That is a really childish outcome(in reference to the newspaper bit).

Either way, didn't the Brits use a similar method to divide both groups?
Theres a lot of mix up in the religions anyway. For one thing, I'm not certain why the cow became sacred, the devas all eat meat.

Another point which has recently got me wondering is why we have circumcision in Islam, its not mentioned in the Qur'an; one could argue that since Islam is against mutilation, then Muslims should actually oppose circumcision.
I'm sure we can arrive at an acceptable compromise on priorities.

Yes, you in a burning pit of eternal flame. If you actually believed in Islam, that is. But, we all know you really don't follow the religion, it's just an accessory, like some life-long bangle hanging round your wrist.
Another point which has recently got me wondering is why we have circumcision in Islam, its not mentioned in the Qur'an; one could argue that since Islam is against mutilation, then Muslims should actually oppose circumcision.

The hypocrisy of your cult is staggering, isn't it? :)
Yes, you in a burning pit of eternal flame. If you actually believed in Islam, that is. But, we all know you really don't follow the religion, it's just an accessory, like some life-long bangle hanging round your wrist.

The hypocrisy of your cult is staggering, isn't it? :)

Is that what it is? Make up your mind. :)