Mohammad's Character

What I am referring to is called logic.

No Sam, what you're referring to is pure speculation. There is no logic in gods existing when there isn't one iota of evidence to demonstrate gods. Your holy book can make whatever claims it wishes to make, but the fact remains, those claims are empty without some evidence.

Faith in gods does not equate to logic.
No Sam, what you're referring to is pure speculation. There is no logic in gods existing when there isn't one iota of evidence to demonstrate gods. Your holy book can make whatever claims it wishes to make, but the fact remains, those claims are empty without some evidence.

Faith in gods does not equate to logic.

Whole nature is like a book with unlimited amount of words in it- all books are interpretative- thus anyone can take whatever out from it-

There is no iota of evidence against God-:rolleyes:
And no faith in God doesn't equate to logic either, you probably knew that too :rolleyes:

Peace be unto you ;)
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No, the proposition is perfectly illogical. History is build upon historical evidence, and historical evidence shows that Muhammad and all of his followers believed in One God and because of that they became united.
You have some contemporary evidence for the existence of Mohammad? Please provide it.

Secondly, it's equally as possible, and more then likely, Mohammad didn't believe in God but that yes his "followers" did.
You have some contemporary evidence for the existence of Mohammad? Please provide it.

Secondly, it's equally as possible, and more then likely, Mohammad didn't believe in God but that yes his "followers" did.

You're the one who wants to revise history... you should provide the alternate proof so that you can revise history... I have not interest in revising history :D

Peace be unto you ;)
historical revisionism is the reinterpretation of orthodox views on evidence, motivations, and decision-making processes surrounding a historical event.

Denialism is the refusal to accept an empirically verifiable reality. It is an essentially irrational action that withholds validation of a historical experience or event. Individuals, or groups who reject propositions on which a scientific or scholarly consensus exists are said to be engaging in denialism when they seek to influence policy processes and outcomes by using rhetorical tactics to give the appearance of argument or legitimate debate, when in actuality there is none.

Anti-intellectuals often perceive themselves as champions of the ordinary people and populism against elitism, especially academic elitism.

In the past people worshiped Zeus. Back then, Greek historians interpreted Greece and Greeks in light of Greek mythology. Now-a-days Greek historians have reinterpreted Greek History from the point of view that Zeus never existed. It makes things much clearer. No one would bat an eyelash. But, reinterpret Islamic history from the point of view that Allah never existed and the Sheeple go ape-shit mental.

I wonder why?
historical revisionism is the reinterpretation of orthodox views on evidence, motivations, and decision-making processes surrounding a historical event.

Yes, but it requires more than an opinion or a brain fart. It requires evidence since history is based on scholarship, not mental masturbation.

Note: I am using the kind of terms which I hope will be easier for you to understand the concept; this is an experiment in communicating with your thought patterns.
Yes, but it requires more than an opinion or a brain fart. It requires evidence since history is based on scholarship, not mental masturbation.

Note: I am using the kind of terms which I hope will be easier for you to understand the concept; this is an experiment in communicating with your thought patterns.



But yes - It's no show of intelligence if you can simply quote some definition - intelligence (at least) is that you can understand them.

I see the word "evidence". You are the one going against the grain- instead of asking me for proof of Muhammad's existence - you are the one who needs to prove otherwise because you are the one wanting to revise history- if you think current historians are all lying then why don't you show us your genious and prove 'em wrong (WITH EVIDENCE).

History doesn't assume god's exist or not - history shows that Greeks BELIEVED in Zeus. History is NOT about gods but about PEOPLE!

Peace be unto you ;)

So, not only don't you have any evidence for Allah but you don't even have any contemporary evidence for Mohammad.

Then why get so pissy?
Yes, but it requires more than an opinion or a brain fart. It requires evidence since history is based on scholarship, not mental masturbation.
Oh, so now SAM has some evidence for Allah or contemporary evidence for Mohammad. Please feel free to provide it.

Like I said, I could have easily opened a thread about the Iliad and we'd have had no problem discussing this poem with the understanding that the characters are fictional and the Gods are pretend. But, open a thread contemplating the Mohammad character (for which there is no contemporary evidence) and in light of Allah being pretend and SAM goes ape-shit.

Tell Xenu I said hello,
I see the word "evidence". You are the one going against the grain- instead of asking me for proof of Muhammad's existence - you are the one who needs to prove otherwise because you are the one wanting to revise history- if you think current historians are all lying then why don't you show us your genious and prove 'em wrong (WITH EVIDENCE).

History doesn't assume god's exist or not - history shows that Greeks BELIEVED in Zeus. History is NOT about gods but about PEOPLE!
Christians were dragged kicking and screaming just like you into the modern history and they didn't like one bar of it. Which is why we see Christians attacking Darwin and writing their own Origin of Species.

You're no different than them IMM.

Biblical criticism
Often assumes there is no God. And whether you like it or not the Qur'an is presently being dismantled in a similar fashion. Actually it's been happening for some time now. And just like Xians 300 years ago, Muslims are kicking and screaming and being dragged into the modern age.
Oh, so now SAM has some evidence for Allah or contemporary evidence for Mohammad. Please feel free to provide it.

Why? I am not interested in reviewing for the nth time the same discussion we have already had before. You're the revisionist. Lets see what you have to offer as evidence against them.
"evidence against them" SAM? please.
You brought up evidence not I, provide some.

Lastly, again, IF we were talking about the Iliad and the roles Achilles and Zeus played it wouldn't be a question, we'd assume Achilles was majority literary creation and Zeus was completely pretend. Because it's the Qur'an, and the roles played by Mohammad and Allah - It's all Ape Shit.

Well, get this, people can and do treat Islam as not different that any other primitive mythology while they study it and it's effects on people.
I merely stated what historical revisionism entails, which you brought up. If its brain farts you are restricting yourself to, thats fine, but it will be seen as brain farts not historical revisionism, unless you have any scholarship to back up your assertions. Otherwise you're simply in denial

Revisionism, in their view, entails a refinement of existing knowledge about a historical event, not a denial of the event itself, a refinement that comes through the examination of new empirical evidence or a reexamination or reinterpretation of existing evidence. Legitimate historical revisionism acknowledges a 'certain body of irrefutable evidence' or a 'convergence of evidence' that suggest that an event — like the black plague, American slavery, or the Holocaust — did in fact occur.[9] Denial, on the other hand, rejects the entire foundation of historical evidence....
I merely stated what historical revisionism entails, which you brought up. If its brain farts you are restricting yourself to, thats fine, but it will be seen as brain farts not historical revisionism, unless you have any scholarship to back up your assertions. Otherwise you're simply in denial
I have no idea what you are prattling on about. It's a fact that as modern historians study early Islam they assume there is no Allah. Just as they assume there is no Zeus.

I don't think it can get any simpler than this. But, maybe the words "no Allah" cause you to Ape Shit?

So, not only don't you have any evidence for Allah but you don't even have any contemporary evidence for Mohammad.

Then why get so pissy?

Mods should put any thread you make automatically into the cespool. That is where the "unintelligent" debate happens.

I'm not the one who needs to provide proof- go read a history book. If you strongly feel they are wrong then you are the one who needs to provide the evidence.

It is funny how you are ducking the challenge ever time and pinning it on me. You have YET to provide a single piece of evidence- all you are saying are worthless statements and in the words of S.A.M "brain farts"- I'm not getting pissed off, I'm simply amazed at your inability to understand anything. And amazed that you can not provide a single piece of evidence (with source) to back up your claims - yet the mods are letting this thread run.

I'm not the one trying to revise history- YOU ARE- so put up the evidence or STFU- [does such language go through to you? Or do you not have the ability to synthesize and understand written text?]

Peace be unto you ;)
I have no idea what you are prattling on about. It's a fact that as modern historians study early Islam they assume there is no Allah. Just as they assume there is no Zeus.

Source please?
Source Please?
Source Please?
Source Please?
Source Please?

Do you understand the 2 words above? If not write it out a 100 times on a piece of paper. Here it is again:

Source Please?

I don't think it can get any simpler than this. But, maybe the words "Allah" cause you to Ape Shit?

Peace be unto you ;)
Mods should put any thread you make automatically into the cespool. That is where the "unintelligent" debate happens.

I'm not the one who needs to provide proof- go read a history book. If you strongly feel they are wrong then you are the one who needs to provide the evidence.

It is funny how you are ducking the challenge ever time and pinning it on me. You have YET to provide a single piece of evidence- all you are saying are worthless statements and in the words of S.A.M "brain farts"- I'm not getting pissed off, I'm simply amazed at your inability to understand anything. And amazed that you can not provide a single piece of evidence (with source) to back up your claims - yet the mods are letting this thread run.

I'm not the one trying to revise history- YOU ARE- so put up the evidence or STFU- [does such language go through to you? Or do you not have the ability to synthesize and understand written text?]

Peace be unto you ;)
Put up evidence for what 786? For the LACK of GOD? Is THAT what you are asking for?

YOU said Mohammad was a real person, I then said provide some contemporary evidence. THAT'S the way it works 786. I thought you were doing a science degree? :shrug:
You can have a talk with your science professors - have them explain it to you.
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Source please?
Source Please?
Source Please?
Source Please?
Source Please?

Do you understand the 2 words above? If not write it out a 100 times on a piece of paper. Here it is again:

Source Please?

I don't think it can get any simpler than this. But, maybe the words "Allah" cause you to Ape Shit?

Peace be unto you ;)

As for how archeology is done, this may come as a big fat surprise to you 786, but archeologists, whether they are studying Medieval Islam, Ancient Aztecs, Imperial Rome or Classical China, simply assume there are no "real" Gods and that the Emperors were not "real" emissaries from real Gods when conducting their research.

Here's some sources have a look:

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I have to say I don't believee in god because of all the messy contridictions, the fact that there has been no miricale etc nothing at all to support any religion,ps sorry for any speeling ang grammar errors