Mohammad's Character

Is this what you would call an enlightened outlook?



<robert spencer islam gallery>

So the artist is aiming to emulate the Taliban/Gaza? Maybe he'd like to step in their shoes for awhile and see what it feels like to be the child of a war refugee camp.
So the artist is aiming to emulate the Taliban/Gaza? Maybe he'd like to step in their shoes for awhile and see what it feels like to be the child of a war refugee camp.

Or, he could simply become a Muslim and revel in "enlightenment."
Yeah he could become a Muslim. Maybe then he could share in the liberation of being splattered with the blood and brains of his near and dear ones and be held to impossible standards of behaviour.
Yeah he could become a Muslim. Maybe then he could share in the liberation of being splattered with the blood and brains of his near and dear ones and be held to impossible standards of behaviour.

You're so cute when you lie. ;)
As a sdie note tell me this why is it that when the people that are suiside bombing and carrying the anti everybody slogan boards allways allways have there face covered. I would think they would want everybody to know that they were the ones doing the deed would they not. Or am I missing something like the people that beheaded Nick Berg they all had masks on and it was not even a fair fight it took six of them give or take to behead one person that was tied up to boot.
As a sdie note tell me this why is it that when the people that are suiside bombing and carrying the anti everybody slogan boards allways allways have there face covered. I would think they would want everybody to know that they were the ones doing the deed would they not. Or am I missing something like the people that beheaded Nick Berg they all had masks on and it was not even a fair fight it took six of them give or take to behead one person that was tied up to boot.

Actually if they had their faces covered when they were "suicide bombing" wouldn't it make the people around them suspicious?

If you think a little harder you might come upon why occupied people with minimal means of defense would not want to be identified. Think Zorro.
As compared to those brave soldiers who throw white phosphorus from 10,000 feet and go home to their families?
As compared to those brave soldiers who throw white phosphorus from 10,000 feet and go home to their families?

Actually they are Pilots not soldiers and they drop not throw. The throwing part ended in WW1 actually.
Actually they are Pilots not soldiers and they drop not throw. The throwing part ended in WW1 actually.

Don't tell me, tell Sabah Abu Halima:

One day human-rights-worker Fares Akram brought my group to a house in Beit Lahiya in the north of Gaza. He wanted to show us the hole in the roof made by a white phosphorus shell. It was smaller than a manhole, and throughout the apartment building the walls were still blackened and the studs charred.

The matriarch in that house was Sabah Abu Halima, 45. Today she is a psychological wreck. In the few instants in which the long tentacles of white phosphorus were trapped in her house, she lost her husband, three sons, and her only daughter. Relief workers from the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund say that Sabah is plagued by "nightmares and deep feelings of sadness."

Sabah also lost a daughter-in-law. The woman, whose name I don't know, died in Egypt, being treated for her burns after the war. When this woman whose name I don't know died, her badly-burned daughter was alongside her: 3-year-old Farah Abu Halima. The Egyptian hospital sent the girl back to Gaza before long, not fully treated. Her picture is above. An uncle is holding her. Farah is also psychologically damaged. She can't remove her fingers from her mouth when people come to visit, and she clings to her uncle.

And if tomorrow, she decides to blow herself up, do tell her what a bloody coward she is.

I'm sure you'd know all the right moves to make as your family burned to the bone around you.

And if tomorrow, she decides to blow herself up, do tell her what a bloody coward she is.

Poor Sam, always a sad sack story in her back pocket, all the time ignoring her own back yard.
Actually if they had their faces covered when they were "suicide bombing" wouldn't it make the people around them suspicious?

If you think a little harder you might come upon why occupied people with minimal means of defense would not want to be identified. Think Zorro.

Well no you see they will dress as women or they will hide in cars. And I dont by the crap that they are like Zorro. They dont want to show there face because they are protecting there family and friends I say if you are going to do something like that let everybody know who did it. I am not just talking muslims here either I am talking every single individual that has feelings of this kind needs to step up to the Plate and say hey it was me. And I noticed you stayed away from the 2 plus against one tied up guy in the case of Nick Berg. As for the inocent people getting hurt that happens in war especially when one side or the other uses them and human sheilds it happens and will continue to happen.
As compared to those brave soldiers who throw white phosphorus from 10,000 feet and go home to their families?

Probably more along the lines of those "brave" soldiers who used children as shields.