You also don't seem to have simply been around enough people who don't share your skin color...because you seem to think we have to be indoctrinated to think this way.
In the first instance, the claim that familiarity with something prevents you from objective discrimination is not supported by any logic I know of. Secondly, the belief that the social world you inhabit ocurred naturally and is not the by product of the economic and political goals of other minds/forces/nations is naieve in the extreme.
When you grow up knowing people of different colors as people, they are just people, and I'm sorry you're too mired in your way of thinking to see that.
Certainly a confirmation of a simpletons way of thinking and an excellent example that behaving like a herd animal will inevitably dull your senses and your mind.
People are never just 'themselves', as no thing is just 'itself', but a multiplicity of other things connected in a complex web to a wider world. That probably bothers you but as I said earlier you are in the fortunate position of living in the modern, liberal world where you can dismiss my views as the rantings of some redneck racist, turn off your computer and watch TV instead where you will find nothing remotely challenging.
Race is still a social construct
Sure it is, which is why whites are more prone to skin cancer than blacks or why blacks have denser bones than whites or why blacks are more genetically varied than whites or why blacks are less intelligent than whites, etc, etc, etc... I'm afraid to inform you that your church has mislead you, race is no more a social construct than gravity and the sun does not go around the Earth.
The problem is that reality will never go away, and those things which make you run in fear from it remain, just like the strange behaviors of certain planets caused Copernicus to eventually call into question the Church's cosmic orthodoxy, forcing different races to live together WILL NOT result in an end to race as races themselves are evidence of the evolutionary process of divergence and speciation.
So, your contention is that white people are superior? Not just in charge, to be clear, but superior?
Because you've hinted at that, but never quite come out and said it....
That would be too shocking wouldn't it? They are more evolved, if one looks at the fossil record and can clearly discern the direction evolution has taken over millions of years, which you may have trouble doing. Is a man superior to a monkey? Can you even answer that question or will you simply utter the usual spineless liberal reply that everything is relative and evolution has no direction, ergo if survival suddenly demands that those who can swing from the trees and peal and eat bananas one handed are the fittest then hell, it's better to be a monkey!
Since I was saved by modern medicine several times over, it takes modern medicine, much time in filtered air, and occasionally breathing machines on occasion for me to be alive-at all one person pointed out, I am a low-level cyborg.
I'm completely unnatural.
Sure, but less generously your actually genetically unfit. It's no coincidence that those who tend to make friends with blacks and be the most vociferous supporters of black rights are women and homosexuals or the physically unfit or those who have something to hide, as their continued survival and/or power (as is the case with women) depends upon an
unnatural state of affairs in which they are held in a protective environment created by the white male.
Inevitably weakness is bred into the population until a critical point is reached whereby the existence of the alpha group is threatened and they are forced to take action to redress the imbalance.
Man people like you depress and disappoint me so freaking bad I ....just ...can'
Your dependency on your emotions is a weakness, but one which seems typical of most Westerners.