You've only proven my point by asking me 'what programs do I watch' as this exposes you as a gullible and needy puppet of the media.
Generally when I hear "liberal media", that is code for "Not Fox." Difference of terms.
As far as being a "media "puppet,"
I have broadband internet.
I don't have cable TV.
In theory, I could watch anything at home, stream it. I don't.
I believe the last TV I streamed was the AL'Jazeera feed, during the Egyptian revolt...and they
are pretty liberal.
If by liberal bias, you meant "Did not show nonwhites as inferior," I agree.
I explained sufficiently earlier why I would find such things unpalatable.
I was raised racist. I am not because I chose not to be.
It's been human friendships that have caused me not to embrace the bigotry I was raised in.
I don't get it, if racism is as heinous a crime as murder or theft, then why did people allow it to go unchallenged all those centuries?
(That and calling JuNie a woman? Khazakh? Uzbek? certainly somewhere Islamic...hmm...)
Racism was a crime back then...and it still happens. It's a crime now. Back then they did, in fact regard nonwhites as less than human.
We know better.
Back then they also bled people to try and cure them. Doing that now would have a person held on criminal charges.
Attacking a Native American now will have you up on charges also.
You've not taken a college-level American History class (at least, lately) if you are not aware we were never unanimous in practicing genocide, or that chattel slavery was completely accepted, even at our founding.
There was a movement against it for a very long time that culminated in the civil war after long years of agitation.
There was slavery, but there was also people who smuggled runaway slaves to Canada.
I will say that we accepted bigotry in the past by majority...but not all of us.
Also, what makes you think slavery and factories are economically incompatible? Admittedly, a slave has to be fed whether the factory's open or not, unlike a 19th century laborer who could be kicked out to starve.
But slave owners leased out to factory owners in the antebellum South. So there was nothing convenient about industrialization and the end of slavery. Slavery and industrialization aren't incompatible.
I delve into our past atrocities because I hope to stop the ones we're committing currently thereby...
But I wasn't alive when the crimes of the past were committed, so it would be a bit hard for me to do something about them, now wouldn't it?
Minus a time machine, which seem to be in short supply.
All I can do at this point is try and stop more damage from being committed, which is far easier said than done.
But I'm sure you'll smirk at that...and I don't think I care.
You have a very one-dimensional view of Westerners.
No matter what I type here, it's not going to filter through
your preconceived set of prejudices about what a Westerner is
Since you obviously know
everything there is to possibly know about Westerners,
and therefore are going to learn nothing about us...I believe that relieves me of the burden of having anything more to do with you on this forum.