Well, racists argue that shows their superiority.
I'd say it shows viciousness.
I see it differently.
It shows how ridiculous their sense of victimhood actually is. The classic gripe and whine for white supremacists is the
There is black history month, gay day and women's month or whatever. If we wanted to add white male week, only that week will be called racists, sexist, homophobic, etc, even if they model that week on all the others. One is not dealing with honest or rational consistency.
The complaint is that there is no "white male week". Which would entail what exactly?
It would encompass the wars fought in history and the present, colonialism, their role in the slave trade (as the traders, ship captains and slave owners), the history of politics...
The failure to recognise that the rest of the year aside from "black history month" (which is closely connected to white history), "gay day" and "women's month or whatever"... all are connected to or in place because everything is else about "white male" from a historical and cultural standpoint. Even more curious is how he states that having a "white male week" would be deemed homophobic.. Apparently white homosexual males do not qualify, nor should they be included in "white male week"..
Apparently this is a liberal deceptions - the deception by blacks, homosexuals, women to deceive the white males of the world. The horror that they (white males) get everyday of the year while blacks get a month, etc. The irony..
Wellwisher then goes on to talk and walk the walk of classic white supremacists:
The white straight Christian male has to walk like a lone wolf.
Poor boy..
And then the feelings of being victimised:
If he tries to associate, have pride or even helponly those who are similar to even partd of this self, he is a racists, sexists, homophobia, anti-semetic. If you contain any of the favorite groups, that gets a different standard that includes name calling. The name calling is only a hate crime if you are white, male, straight and Christian. The other way around has a different standard.
I do not think I need to point out how ridiculous this proposition and whine is.
He is too busy being the victim, the "lone wolf", to recognise that it is only bigotry, racism, homophobic, sexist and anti-semitic if you view non-whites, women, homosexuals and Jews other non-Christian as being beneath you and not equal to your white male self. If you go out of your way to ensure that those who are not white Christian males remain disadvantaged and support conditions that would ensure unfair and unequal treatment for anyone who is not a white Christian male..
No.. instead, it is easy to just play the victim because people will call you out on your bullshit when you spout racist, sexist, bigoted, homophobic and anti-semitic drivel. Poor baby..
And then he goes on to talk about a solution. Equality and how Republicans believe in true equality and how Democrats are the true racists..
There needs to one standard for all. The liberal dual standard creates the impression, without all this cheating, these other groups could not create an illusion of equality. I don't believe that liberal racist conclusion. Only the Dems think that way. Repulicans would prefer all have the same rules since they believe all are equal.
Equality for whom exactly?
Has he forgotten that the survey was of Republicans who believe inter-racial marriage should be illegal?
So you see what I mean Chimpkin? It's not that it's viciousness. It's that it is pitiful whining about how white supremacists now have to share the front of the bus with the coloured folks and history isn't only just about "white male" history but now encompasses all.. Welcome to the victimhood of the white Christian male supremacist.