Mining Operations

exsto_human said:
I find it incredibly curious that sensible adults pursue such enterprises as alien watching.

It's an interesting part of our psychology. But ultimately it's a deluded state of mind, just like those who hold Scientific theorys and modles to be ultimate truth.

"Science" is not truth, and it's only thanks to "Science" that you are even thinking about the possibility of Alien life. The universe is a model that works with the data we have about the world. The idea of life sustaining planets are models. The smartest scientists know that models change all the time, and they are rarely convinced of the ultimate validity of their model.

On a more general plain, reading about the world or learning the mathematics of it are not knowledge of the world. Our knowledge of the world is what we see, hear, feel. All that we read and think are just ideas, ideas are not knowledge even if they can predict the behavoiur of the universe accurately.

There are much more interesting things to pursue than proof of alien life or governmental conspiracies or the attention a crackpot gets.

Enlightenment and happiness comes to mind.

Amen brother....

Very true, science and scientific theory is NOT absolute... A theory can never be proven to be true... It can only be proven untrue..

Scientists will easily admit that just the fact of looking at molecules and atoms has some effect on there movement and actions..

Truly we really do not know what they are doing when we are not watching them all the time..

There are many things on EARTH, that we do not understand, yet along trying to find out if ETI mined miranda..
Although apparent to some, though not all, even the scientists are coming up short on explanations for many geological features they have seen in photos. With one simple admittance of ETI what seems so mysterious becomes just the obvious and natural.

It is such a shame that some go to such an extant to deceive us from such natural common markings of ETI. CS Crater Chains are weapons marks of war, and these markings are where much of the materials came from for some in that war.

Just a personal opinion. :m:

even the scientists are coming up short on explanations for many geological features they have seen in photos
Funny, we seem to have posted explainations for you since you can't seem to find them yourself.
Easy Persol. There are features that we do not have a good explanation for. There are also ones that can be easily discounted, including alien mining .
Ophiolite said:
There are features that we do not have a good explanation for.
You are correct, but the dynamic-duo haven't pointed out any of these.
True. But that would require skilled examination of the data or intelligent reading of the literature on their part.
FieryIce said:


I guess no one wants to comment on the images themselves only comment about the person that posted the interesting
FieryIce said:
This has nothing to do with intelligent investigation of who has been mining Miranda?

It is not possible to have an intelligent investigation about who has been mining Miranda as there is no evidence to support the notion that mining has occured
You have turned this into a discussion about yourself and your belief system by:

rejecting the scientific method
failing to educate yourself in the basics of geology and astronomy
choosing to ignore serious criticism from those who are versed in those areas
displaying no common sense
FieryIce wrote:

“I guess no one wants to comment on the images themselves only comment about the person that posted the interesting”

My last post on page 4 did precisely that…addressed the images themselves (and possible implications and alternatives) without attacking you in any way. You are being most unfair in this regard. Please demonstrate the common courtesy which you appear to expect from everyone else and re-read my post from page 4:


Gale wrote:

“Compared to our resource havesting, Europa sure has some simular markings.”

Not similar enough to assume mining operations. Oh yeah, where’s the buildings for processing and refining the raw materials? Which would probably be mostly ice. Which you could get from a lot of smaller objects without the hassle of dropping into and climbing out of Europa’s gravity well. Look at this:

The inner moon ‘Io’ would make more sense….if you’re heavily into sulfur compounds. And have really good shielding against the gonzo intense radiation.

You still have not clarified exactly who is doing the mining. Is it the angels or is it the demons?
Damn heathen, yah just don’t get it do yah? Many here are on to your tactics of word usage and reasoning twists.

Your lack of any real reasoning on the topic is so comical to say the least. Buildings? FOCLMFAO god yer hysterical. And your links are not even relevant to the discussion but merely a side track of how. FOCLMFAO again. Got any good reasons for your deceptions and ploys? Who did it? Did you? FOCLMFAO ,,,,,,,,,,,,,again.

How about this?
Yes there is a lot of interesting stuff about “aliens” being here on earth. Yet, what I find interesting most of all is the lack of certain kinds of information about them. Take for example some of the posters here at scifoolems. :D

There are several posters that constantly and consistently deny there are ETI here, and as often as possible bring out garbage to just trash the threads that want to talk about them being here. What a complex they (the Bad ET’s) must have. Another point they often employ is their constant put down of the human race as a whole. Jealousy me thinks. I mean, after all we were given the qualities and attributes of the very creator himself. They weren’t. Tsk, tsk, such an attitude they seem to have about that.
Guy's, the only evidence you can gather on this subject are images, and since images are subject to interpretation the "woo-woo and debunker" will always fight over their meaning and appearance.

This is why, from now on, I just post images I find interesting and state what I see. I won't argue about it anymore. It can't really get anywhere.
Norval wrote:

“Damn heathen, yah just don’t get it do yah?”

No doubt, there are a great many things which I ‘just don’t get’. For example, your over reliance on “FOCLMFAO”. I’m pretty sure it stands for ‘fall off chair laughing my fucking ass off’. You’ve written it so many times that it has lost all meaning and almost certainly works against your intention of having people take you seriously. The actual targets of both of our posts are not each other. Rather, the actual targets would be the silent majority, the fence-sitting lurkers. They’ve already noticed that your repertoire of non-responsive replies has reached its limit. They’ve also noticed your habitual avoidance of saying what you actually mean by ‘good ETI’ (angel) and ‘bad ETI’ (demon). And you have the nerve to accuse me of ‘deception’?

Norval wrote:

“Many here are on to your tactics of word usage and reasoning twists.”

Way too vague. Please provide a couple of specific examples of what you are accusing me of.

Norval wrote:

“Your lack of any real reasoning on the topic is so comical to say the least.”

Irony cubed. And were you referring to the sham topic (mining Miranda) or the dead-horse actual topic? (angels with an apparently endless supply of bombs who decided to blast the fuck out of every solid object in the solar system so they could quarantine the demons on Earth and then allow the demons to take over the Governments of Earth rather than finish them off)

Norval wrote:

“Got any good reasons for your deceptions and ploys?”

I have not engaged in any deceptions or ploys. I informed you of my intention months ago. I intend to ‘crush a cult in its cradle’. I reminded you of my intentions within this thread: “I oppose evangelism, cultists and crackpots. I oppose the ’re-stupidification’ of America and the modern world in general. I promote critical thinking.”

Norval wrote:

“Yes there is a lot of interesting stuff about “aliens” being here on earth.”

Any evidence in support of this tabloid claim would be appropriate and welcome.

“Yet, what I find interesting most of all is the lack of certain kinds of information about them. Take for example some of the posters here at scifoolems. “

Let me guess….dis-info agents and quarantined demons. Zounds! Our pretense is undone and we’ve been found out! Attention fellow demons and dis-info agents….we must now initiate plan C! Oh yeah….. scifoolems? You’re like…54 years old, right? And you want people to take you seriously?

“I mean, after all we were given the qualities and attributes of the very creator himself. They weren’t. Tsk, tsk, such an attitude they seem to have about that.”

Evangelism is offensive outside of strictly religious fora. Make a note of it.

Here’s a novel idea. Test drive your ideas in a purely religious forum. Since angels and demons and ‘the very creator himself’ are purely theistic beliefs, your ideas just might get more play. Or not.
Actually heathen, I don't think Norval has ever used the word demon in reference to mining or even crater chains so then heathen that is a lie.

What is your fixation with demons?

Two people in different countries doing research is not a cult.

Neither Norval or I are church going religionists so you can put that idea where the sun doesn’t shine on the moon.

Your attempts at keeping this thread off topic, away from any real discussion about those images or other images is becoming old, STDD.
This is bloody hillarious, I don't think I've laughed this much over a 'serious' thread in a long, long time.

I especialy liked this part:

There are several posters that constantly and consistently deny there are ETI here, and as often as possible bring out garbage to just trash the threads that want to talk about them being here. What a complex they (the Bad ET’s) must have. Another point they often employ is their constant put down of the human race as a whole. Jealousy me thinks. I mean, after all we were given the qualities and attributes of the very creator himself. They weren’t. Tsk, tsk, such an attitude they seem to have about that.

It's quite entertaining to see the scientists here try to use logic to justify their skepticism against such a well of convincing evidence.

Good show! Keep it up.

But seriously,

I have reasons for why I believe that there are no ETI on earth, and I seriously doubt that it's because their psychic rays have brainwashed me and I'm pretty sure that I am not one of them myself.

The reason is this: I have never seen a UFO, I don't believe those how claim that they have. I have never seen a "ETI".

Pictures mean nothing to me, only what my eyes can see.

And on a tangent, I have no reason to belive in god or that we were 'made' in anyone's immage. And jealousy? You must be Americans, I have never witnessed such a fixation with jealousy as with the American people.

Please, at least try to look at it from someone elses perspective. It's a skill that can be quite usefull in life. And don't just picture someone with a transmitter in their brain telling them what to think.
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FieryIce said:
character assassinations are not an answer to the question or even addressing the question.
What character assassination? I attacked your actions, not your character. If you feel those questionable actions are a result of your character flaws, that is your problem.