Mining Operations

terpinator72 said:
Im sure you could look over all the planets and find something on them to debate was put there by ETI.
They already have done this. Now they are moving on to the moons.

The fact that a very reasonable and more likely reason is given doesn't concern them. The are kooks.
The main reason I do this research other than my insatiable need to know rather than not know is because of assholes like you that arrogantly ignore facts and evidence that results in a game of roulette with the lives of almost 7 billion humans.
Oh your not alone, the governments, the security agencies, NASA/DoD, scientist and many others are playing this game of ignorance roulette and it has to stop. These ones playing this game of ignorance roulette are jeopardising your life, your children’s lives, your parents lives, your grand children’s lives and people are just allowing it to go on and on.

You disgust me.

Where have all the good people gone?
What facts are you implying are being ignored?

A proposed Theorum or Truth will withstand scrutiny, in fact if the "Facts" are tolled up and are unquestionable, they will speak for themselves because of their undeniable truth.

This suggests that there is no ignoring, but only Ignorance. Ignorace of either those that do not see the facts for what they are or Ignorace of those that suggest facts exist that don't truly see the truth themselves.
FieryIce said:
The main reason I do this research other than my insatiable need to know rather than not know is because of assholes like you that arrogantly ignore facts and evidence that results in a game of roulette with the lives of almost 7 billion humans.
Oh your not alone, the governments, the security agencies, NASA/DoD, scientist and many others are playing this game of ignorance roulette and it has to stop. These ones playing this game of ignorance roulette are jeopardising your life, your children’s lives, your parents lives, your grand children’s lives and people are just allowing it to go on and on.

You disgust me.

Where have all the good people gone?

How is debating the existance of ETI comparable to russian roulette? And how is NOT knowing about ETI jeopardising our lives when it reality, if we DID ALL KNOW about these facts life would change dramatically, and who knows how crazy the millions of crazy people would be?!?
Gale. Norval. You guys stopped being funny months ago. Bluster and bombast are a garnish, not a main course. It does not take the place of an argument. It might be tolerated if you had an actual point, then presented evidence to support that point. At some stage (long ago) you were expected to build an actual argument and present your case in a clear and coherent manner. You’ve merely collected images without the necessary cataloging of data. Real researchers would have already collated the data so that if ‘Joe Anybody’ says ‘this object, this lat-long’, you should be able to instantly reply: Well Joe, you must be talking about blah-blah catena, names of the individual craters (where applicable) are blah and blah and blah, and here are the individual crater diameters and composition of the parent body. You’re also expected to show at least a high school level of comprehension in geology and astronomy. An eighth grade understanding of physics might help as well.

Gale sez: ‘They’re mining resources’. Did you bother to look up the mass-density of Miranda? It’s mostly ice. This can be acquired from much smaller moons more easily and affordably. Same point for silicates or metals. (Good luck finding metals on Miranda)

Heaven never fell. There are no angels or demons. Never were. Myth and legend invented by goat eating, desert dwelling barbarians. Even if they existed, they would not need or use starships and nukes. They also would not post a heavily medicated and blindfolded chimp at the weapons station. The world does not need better angels; the world just needs better humans. In the meantime, you need to do some homework so you can at least ‘fake it’ better than you have to date.

I want you guys to actually study the tutorials above, then re-examine photos of Miranda.

PS Stop trying to be condescending. You’re not good at it and have not fooled anyone. You’re reputation as simpletons with computers will not change until you do more homework and post with meaningful content instead of the childish mudslinging you shown thus far.
Ahhhhh Heathen, again. How nice of you to add your two cents worth. And, about all it is worth too. I see your little green square on your profile has changed, and in just seventeen posts. My my, you are impressing someone. (hows the little ones?) It is also interesting how none of these types of posters seem not to want to share any information about themselves. They hide behind assumed anonymous names. Of interest is the caliber of ALL your posts to date and the threads you have posted in. A remarkable pattern to say the least.

Now, as to the topic of resource harvesting taking place in our solar system, such as probable mining operations. I asked FieryIce (Gale) NOT to post some of our data and pictures as I want to use them in our 2004 Summary Report. I do think she has presented enough here to at least cause those that read to peruse this concept on their own. We, Gale and I, are only explorers, not accredited scientific researchers. Yet our explorations seem to have caused much discomfort and questioning amongst the powers that be here on earth. Mostly it could be said that we are just two witness to what is occurring with these Bad ETI’s that have been cast down to the earth. Missing all that they once had makes them a bit testy. Based on just what she and I know I wold say that disclosure is probably going to come this year.

It is not about discussing IF ETI are here, it is finding out the WHY they ARE here that is most enlightening. Our research and investigations are at an end and now must be documented and posted. Summary 2004, “Threshold”, is going to be very interesting to those that have been following along this exploration of ours.

I do think she has presented enough here to at least cause those that read to peruse this concept on their own
Yes, and they also read the logical and much more plausible explaination of Miranda's shape.
Heathen good job. Though I doubt they understand a fraction of that.

Yet our explorations seem to have caused much discomfort and questioning amongst the powers that be here on earth.

It's not so much that you make us nervous...its that rational people like myself hate stupid people like you and fire. When all you do is rant and rave without evidence to present your case it gets old fast....funny sure...but old. It's like listening to a person rail on and on about not drinking Coke and Pop Rocks at the same time because your stomach explodes. They're too stupid to realize that's not what happens!

Mostly it could be said that we are just two witness to what is occurring with these Bad ETI’s that have been cast down to the earth.

Thank god you two aren't head of anything important. With paranoia like that I'd fear for my life. Now let me stay far away from you two physically.

Based on just what she and I know I wold say that disclosure is probably going to come this year.

Said every year by nutters in league with you guys.
Persol said:
Yes, and they also read the logical and much more plausible explaination of Miranda's shape.

Just because it's more plausible, does not mean it's likely. You seem to believe they are CRAZY because they don't agree with a more plausible explanation. Maybe they just would rather find the more exceptional explanation and investigate that first?

Many great discoveries have been made by discounting what is considered plausible, and accepting and researching the more exceptional theory.

What I think is at play here is merely scientific cultism if you will. Scientist's seem to take offense to the idea that just ANYONE can find something that is of extreme signifigance. They seem to feel, only THEY CAN find it. If they can't find it, they know YOU can't find it! You're just a stupid woo-woo.

If NASA claimed Miranda was mined, none of you would be so arrogant and haughty. For example, I once suggested someone visit a site which claimed that NASA tried to cover-up evidence of an active geyser on Mars. A fanatical skeptic claimed that was a woo-woo idea. However, NASA has said repeatedly they think Mars is geologically active. That Geysers may be active on Mars several times now.

So it's not crazy, UNLESS a non-scientist suggest's it.
And, after looking at the images, Miranda does look like it's being mined.. It DOES have that appearance. It's not that far out there, if you consider WE are going to be mining the Moon soon.

Now, if some fanatical debunker's want to beat a fanatical woo-woo into ACCEPTING you're more plausable theory, that's fine, but it probably won't work. Just comming from two completely different spectrums.

You can't claim they are nut's for even suggesting it look's like it's been mined. There's nothing wrong with that. Unless you're a fanatical debunker who ALWAYS fights every exceptional claim or suggestion.

In the end a woo-woo will see an alien mined world. The fanatical debunker will see a natural phenomenon. :m:
But in reality.. I thought ETI's were more advanced then us here on Earth.. Why would their mining operations look like ours with all of these photoreceptic neuronmetic transmitters?

Wouldnt they just be able to "zap" the resources out of the ground without digging?

Its easy to look around for things that look similar, but try looking for something unique?

CraterChains are your chance norval.. They seem very fascianting, and while i am skeptical about the whole mining operations, these crater chains are much more plausible..

Not to go to the Nth degree and say that I believe war ravaged the whole universe.. But possibly some weaponry testing or something?

Crater Chains should be your cup of tea.
I look forward to your 2004 summary.

Norval wrote:

“I see your little green square on your profile has changed”

I’m colorblind, so I have no idea what you mean or why you thought it worth mentioning.

“hows the little ones?”

Whether I have or have not sired children is irrelevant. Are you trying to change the subject?

“It is also interesting how none of these types of posters seem not to want to share any information about themselves.”

Interesting in what way? And what do you mean by “these types of posters”? As to my preference for anonymity, I value my privacy.

“They hide behind assumed anonymous names.”

Can you get through one sentence without using loaded terminology? If you misinterpret it as ‘hiding’, that’s your problem. One of my ‘real world’ names is Enoch. Only close friends need to know this. Or were you just fishing for any excuse to dismiss someone’s argument? If an argument is solid and has the ring of truth, identity is extraneous and meaningless. Or were you still accusing me of being an alien?

“Of interest is the caliber of ALL your posts to date and the threads you have posted in. A remarkable pattern to say the least.”

My status as an empirical realist (non-believer of all things supernatural) is hardly a secret. I oppose evangelism, cultists and crackpots. I oppose the ’re-stupidification’ of America and the modern world in general. I promote critical thinking. How can this be characterized as ‘remarkable’?

“We, Gale and I, are only explorers, not accredited scientific researchers. Yet our explorations seem to have caused much discomfort and questioning amongst the powers that be here on earth.”

Collecting pix from the web and inventing implausible stories about them is not exploring. As to the ‘powers that be here on earth’, you’re not even a blip on their radar screen. You really should get over yourself and your delusions of adequacy.

“Bad ETI’s that have been cast down to the earth.”

Riigghhtt. Just dress ‘em in a Bill Blass tux and they blend right in, yah?

“It is not about discussing IF ETI are here, it is finding out the WHY they ARE here that is most enlightening.”

No reverend Norval, it’s about the fact that you have concealed your ‘angels and demons’ mythology behind a sloppy-space-war story and neglected to disclose that to everyone. For months. And I’m still pissed that you’re still begging absolute strangers for money.

“Summary 2004, “Threshold”, is going to be very interesting”

Depending on the average person’s sense of humor, this may prove to be the first accurate statement you’ve made.
btimsah said:
Just because it's more plausible, does not mean it's likely.
Sadly it is more plausible and likely. We have an asteroid belt and gravity to prove it.
You seem to believe they are CRAZY because they don't agree with a more plausible explanation.
No, they are kooks because they see it as evidence of something artificial when it is able to form compltely naturally.
Maybe they just would rather find the more exceptional explanation and investigate that first?
Ok then. I say Santa did it.
Many great discoveries have been made by discounting what is considered plausible, and accepting and researching the more exceptional theory.
You forgot the additional cavet 'when new unexplainable facts come to light'. I'd like you to list one major scientific discovery that was otherwise.
If NASA claimed Miranda was mined, none of you would be so arrogant and haughty.
You're damn right we would. We have had several threads were we make fun of certain completely unscientific projects which NASA has funded.

Believe it or not, there isn't some club you have to join to be listened to... you just have to not be a kook.
Persol said:
Sadly it is more plausible and likely. We have an asteroid belt and gravity to prove it.
No, they are kooks because they see it as evidence of something artificial when it is able to form compltely naturally.
Ok then. I say Santa did it.
You forgot the additional cavet 'when new unexplainable facts come to light'. I'd like you to list one major scientific discovery that was otherwise.
You're damn right we would. We have had several threads were we make fun of certain completely unscientific projects which NASA has funded.

Believe it or not, there isn't some club you have to join to be listened to... you just have to not be a kook.

I find their kookism more enjoyable, and likeable than you're arrogance and pompus attitude, so I suppose were even.
Now I begin to understand. If you can view Persol's light hearted, friendly attempt to get you to see the falsity of your thinking as arrogant and pompous, then there is little hope for you.
btimsah said:
I find their kookism more enjoyable, and likeable than you're arrogance and pompus attitude, so I suppose were even.
Luckily the goal of science is not to entertain you....

But hey, I'm willing to admit that Santa did it. Where teh hell do you think he gets all that coal for the kooks?
I find it incredibly curious that sensible adults pursue such enterprises as alien watching.

It's an interesting part of our psychology. But ultimately it's a deluded state of mind, just like those who hold Scientific theorys and modles to be ultimate truth.

"Science" is not truth, and it's only thanks to "Science" that you are even thinking about the possibility of Alien life. The universe is a model that works with the data we have about the world. The idea of life sustaining planets are models. The smartest scientists know that models change all the time, and they are rarely convinced of the ultimate validity of their model.

On a more general plain, reading about the world or learning the mathematics of it are not knowledge of the world. Our knowledge of the world is what we see, hear, feel. All that we read and think are just ideas, ideas are not knowledge even if they can predict the behavoiur of the universe accurately.

There are much more interesting things to pursue than proof of alien life or governmental conspiracies or the attention a crackpot gets.

Enlightenment and happiness comes to mind.
Gale wrote:

“Compared to our resource havesting, Europa sure has some simular markings.”

Not similar enough to assume mining operations. Oh yeah, where’s the buildings for processing and refining the raw materials? Which would probably be mostly ice. Which you could get from a lot of smaller objects without the hassle of dropping into and climbing out of Europa’s gravity well. Look at this:

The inner moon ‘Io’ would make more sense….if you’re heavily into sulfur compounds. And have really good shielding against the gonzo intense radiation.

You still have not clarified exactly who is doing the mining. Is it the angels or is it the demons?