Mining Operations

Personaly I'm not sick of this crap.

I think it's good fun. Otherwise I wouldn't do it.

I am trying to illicit a logical arguement for the claims by questioning the hypotheses directly and specificaly.

I am not here to close my eyes to the truth and show everyone here how much I can close my eyes to the truth.

Instead of dancing arround the actual claims I have gone straight for the crux of them. Questioning the claim itself instead of questioning individual motives or individual integrity, I tried to make this clear.

It has nothing to do with vision. It has to do with logical reality. (On a side note, I am well aware that logical reality isn't neccesarily reality initself. Reality for the individual is the subjective experience.)

Logical reality is in essence the language we use to describe what we call the known world. We have agreed upon rules for this language (Or rather we have had these rules imposed on us). And to make statements using this language you need to follow these rules. The rules are logic.

The statement of "They can't see what has not been proven, thus nothing can be proven, untill it has been proven." is clearly absurd. (please correct me if I am wrong!)

I'll use and example, obviously anyone with eyesight can see the light, you don't need a formula to explain it in order to see it. In a way it is absurd to empirically test wether it exists or not (But we do it anyway for some reason). The existence of light is just that, the existence of light. However what the testing acheives is an attempt to explain the existence of light. It's the explenations that are either accepted or rejected not the light itself.

What we have in this case is the existence of craterchains, we all accept that we have seen photographs of this phenomenon. Now we look to reasearchers and experts to tell us the reason for why they exist. The reasearchers draw from their work and observations explenations for the phenomenon. Then they make claims about their explenations.

We as the uneducated mass look to the claims and see which are more feasible according to our own knowledge. And to some extent we also look at who is making the claim, do they have the expertise and training to make the claim?

In this case the 'tidal disruption theory' is much more feasable. Because it is well documented, well founded and seems to fit with observed phenomenon.

However so far, in the case of the 'ETI theory'. We have minimal documentation, no substantial foundation besides speculation and no substantial observed phenomenon for it to fit with.

By questioning this theory of ETI, we are calling for evidence that would convince us to believe otherwise. Or atleast logical explenations for why we should consider the minimal evidence of photographs as adequate.

Furthermore science is not the new God. Science is not a replacement for God (only sublingual advertising is that). Science is in essence a language for talking about our world. A very methodical and strict language.

I am not dumb enough to think that the great and holy Science has all the answeres or will explain everything some day. Far from it. Theories and even scientificaly accepted axioms change all the time. Science is always changing it's mind when something better comes along. And to be innovative in the field and thinking outside the box (like Einstein) is the way of progress and revolution in science. A paradigm shift requires a revolutionary new perspective on the world, this comes through innovation and new discoveries.

BUT to be revolutionary something has to be damn well founded. So in a sense we are doing the Norval-Gail duo a great favour by pointing out the gaps in their theories.

Because as long as there are huge gaps in a theory it can not be accepted. This means that the faithfull duo, IF they want to be taken seriously, should find ways of filling these gaps. They should go out and find the evidence. Then they can come back and tell us all about it, instead of making unfounded premature claims.

It's not a matter of simple belief in the possibility of ETI. It's a matter of faith in the language of logic.
Okay, but this is the pseudoscience section of a site called You know full well there's going to conjecture and theory on any number of topics, but mainly UFO'S and ETI stuff.

Some of you seem to wish to end any conjecture regarding aliens.
I'd just like something I'd be inclined to believe after a bottle of Nuit St George and a double dose of my beta blockers.
Here's another cool image, doesnt this look like a mined area? Ordinarily I don't notice this type of thing, but the shape of the crater is hexagonal, but more importantly is the inside of it.

Why would you think that there's anything remarkable about the middle of the crater.... also it helps sometimes to flip images like this upside down.

<img src="">
Well, what did flipping it upside down do? It's still got a hexagonal shape with the mined look to it.. When I was talking about the inside I was talking about the entrance and exit ramps circling down the crater. Similar to:



I figured it somewhat resembled these mines on earth and fit this thread. If you notice the moon crater one has what could be called an entrance at the bottom (on you'r flipped image) and at the top on the original viewed one. It's a flat area allowing access to the circling roads inside the crater. Looks cool, and actually I read on there that some scientists were using this crater and some the ASTEROID EROS trying to figure out what causes the extreme "regolith" witnesses on both bodies. I'm here to say that some of these extreme rock growth area's might be mined area's... :D
What's the lat/long of the crater? How can we have mined the moon when we've only been there for a total of 6 times for brief periods?
SkinWalker, you are late in the discussion obviously.

It's not us who have mined the moon...

It's evil extra terestrial intelligences. They waged war in our solar system in ancient days because they were jealous that we were created in the immage of God and they were not.

Can't you see that it MUST be true? :rolleyes:
Actually, I knew what Btimsah was getting at, but I was curious if he would out and out say that a polygonal crater was evidence of mining or habitation or some garbage.

Polygonal craters have long been indicators of fault/fracture typology among moons, planets and asteroids. The Barringer crater in Arizona has a square shape due to orthogonal system fractures in the region (perpendicular joints on a dihedral angle of 90 degrees). The hexogonal craters present on the Moon (some are even pentagonal) are indicative of conjunctive joints (intersecting joints, often with opposing slip directions and dihedral angles can be 30 - 60 degrees).

As I've said previously, Btimsah... just because they look astounding to you, doesn't mean that these features you see cause any concern for geologists who see them. There has been much information published on polygonal craters and fracture indications.

Vocabulary and Terms for Btimsah

Orthogonal Joint
Conjuntive Joint

Recommended Research Concepts

"polygonal impact craters"
It's probably a natural feature, but I still feel it belongs in the "mining operation's" PSEUDOSCIENCE area.. lmao.

Isnt this the area for conjecture? :confused:
It's probably a natural feature, but I still feel it belongs in the "mining operation's" PSEUDOSCIENCE area.. :D

Isnt this the area for conjecture? :confused:
FieryIce said:
Heathen thanks for you kind words of encouragement.



There are two theories about Iapetus’s extreme surface differences. The one theory states that material from Phoebe dropped off and collected on Iapetus but the scientists say the material on Iapetus does not match material on Phoebe. The second theory is the darker swath on Iapetus is interior volcanic material coming to the surface but scientists say that no clear evidence can be found that erupted fluids have resurfaced Cassini Regio.

I propose a third, resources harvesting.

Iapetus is covered by extremely dark material
PIA06166: Encountering Iapetus

There is another theory about Iapetus

FieryIce wrote:

“Heathen thanks for you kind words of encouragement.”

We are not here to encourage or discourage. We are here to examine ideas for plausibility. Your proposal has very practically zero plausibility:

“I propose a third, resources harvesting.”

Precisely what kind of resources could be harvested from Iapetus? A ball of pure water ice would have a mean density of 1.00 g/cm3. The mean density of Iapetus is 1.27 g/cm3.

Virtually no metals and very few silicates and a whole lot of ice. I repeat: Precisely what kind of resources could be harvested from Iapetus?

P.S. Hoagland? As a referent? Are you sure you want to hitch your wagon to that crackpot?
QUOTE "#6.) A sensational claim is only wrong, if it’s presented by a woo-woo, or someone not as educated as yourself. If a fellow debunker presents a sensational claim, pretend the idea has merrit. (Take one for the team) "

How nice of you to take one for the team btimsa :D

It don't look a bit like a mining ops to me. :m:
craterchains (Norval said:
QUOTE "#6.) A sensational claim is only wrong, if it’s presented by a woo-woo, or someone not as educated as yourself. If a fellow debunker presents a sensational claim, pretend the idea has merrit. (Take one for the team) "

How nice of you to take one for the team btimsa :D

It don't look a bit like a mining ops to me. :m:

This thread is still here? Wow. :eek:
craterchains (Norval said:
QUOTE "#6.) A sensational claim is only wrong, if it’s presented by a woo-woo, or someone not as educated as yourself. If a fellow debunker presents a sensational claim, pretend the idea has merrit. (Take one for the team) "

How nice of you to take one for the team btimsa :D

It don't look a bit like a mining ops to me. :m:

You.... Do... Know.... That I wrote number 6? So if you are/were suggesting I am a debunker boy are you incorrect! I often don't see anomalous things in what you call anomalous and vice-versa.

Maybe were both full of it, maybe were not. Either way our way of looking at these issues is a helluva lot more exciting and interesting than SOME OTHER PEOPLES. :D
SkinWalker said:
Actually, I knew what Btimsah was getting at, but I was curious if he would out and out say that a polygonal crater was evidence of mining or habitation or some garbage.

Polygonal craters have long been indicators of fault/fracture typology among moons, planets and asteroids. The Barringer crater in Arizona has a square shape due to orthogonal system fractures in the region (perpendicular joints on a dihedral angle of 90 degrees). The hexogonal craters present on the Moon (some are even pentagonal) are indicative of conjunctive joints (intersecting joints, often with opposing slip directions and dihedral angles can be 30 - 60 degrees).

As I've said previously, Btimsah... just because they look astounding to you, doesn't mean that these features you see cause any concern for geologists who see them. There has been much information published on polygonal craters and fracture indications.

Vocabulary and Terms for Btimsah

Orthogonal Joint
Conjuntive Joint

Recommended Research Concepts

"polygonal impact craters"

Okay, that's all well and good. Except for the chance that the Polygonal crater was not created by natural means. Yes, it probably was. However, unlike you I enjoy giving the more sensational explanation the time of day. Why? Because it's more interesting and I think fair.

To never give sensational answers any consideration assumes we know everything. We don't so I won't just accept that it HAS TO BE NATURALLY MADE.

This I think was the crime that NASA first started in the 60's. Everything has been assumed to have been created naturally, no matter what they photographed. You tend to do the same thing.

This always seems to be where we disagree and diverge. You will not see anything other than natural and I just don't find natural interesting. :m: