Mining Operations

FieryIce wrote:

“Actually heathen, I don't think Norval has ever used the word demon in reference to mining or even crater chains so then heathen that is a lie.”

Well, the ‘Bad ETI’s’ have been identified on your web-site as the ‘fallen angels’. Most of the regular xians I know describe them as more or less synonymous with demons. Speaking of your web-site, there is a discussion section titled:

“Democracy, or Demonocracy?”

This is one of the ‘discussion’ sections of your web-site. After clicking the link, scroll down to “open public posting boards” and click it. Then scroll down to “Government / Political Discussions”. Click once more and there it is in plain language.

Then again, there are no real authorities where obscure mythology is concerned. I’m not relying on the limited sample of xians I know personally:

“so then heathen that is a lie.”

No, it is not. I do not lie.

“What is your fixation with demons?”

I have no fixation with non-existent/fictional constructs. I just don’t like the idea of you guys fleecing the faithful.

“Two people in different countries doing research is not a cult.”

Norval has already admitted that people have given him money. Yeah, you’re attempting to found a cult. Way not kewl. Also, you two have conducted no research whatsoever.

“Neither Norval or I are church going religionists so you can put that idea where the sun doesn’t shine on the moon.”

As if that makes a difference. Did you view this disclosure as a point in your favor?

“Your attempts at keeping this thread off topic, away from any real discussion about those images or other images is becoming old, STDD.”

News flash. You’ve had no topic from the start. You’ve engaged in no real discussion despite several posters sincere and polite attempts to do so. And if “STDD” means what I think it means (same tactic, different day), well, never mind. Even my sense of humor has its limits. I’m pretty sure you two are trying to work up to a new-agey book-deal. I intend to prevent that from happening. The world has more than enough brainless-fucking-morlocks as it is. I would prefer that we reduce that population rather than increase it.
Heathen thanks for you kind words of encouragement.



There are two theories about Iapetus’s extreme surface differences. The one theory states that material from Phoebe dropped off and collected on Iapetus but the scientists say the material on Iapetus does not match material on Phoebe. The second theory is the darker swath on Iapetus is interior volcanic material coming to the surface but scientists say that no clear evidence can be found that erupted fluids have resurfaced Cassini Regio.

I propose a third, resources harvesting.

Iapetus is covered by extremely dark material
PIA06166: Encountering Iapetus
FieryIce said:
I propose a third, resources harvesting.

Sure. Now prove it or take the idea to the science fiction forum. Without evidence, there really isn't much to discuss.

In fact, I propose that the moderator move this whole thread to the cesspool.
OK fiery ice, and your great "bussiness administrative education" would make your geologist like "theories" have great foundation. :D
Yes blackhole, Iapetus is very interesting, along with Miranda and many others.


The image at left shows the reflectance at 4-microns, which is dominated by the minerals on Iapetus' surface. Two large craters are seen in this image. The polar water ice is relatively dark at this wavelength, so the ice cap is not seen. The next frame shows carbon dioxide on the surface. The carbon dioxide peaks at mid latitudes and shows less strength at the pole and along the equator (the dark band curving near the left edge of the image). The third frame shows the strength of water absorption on Iapetus. The brightest regions are due to water ice near the pole. The grayer areas indicate water bound to minerals on the surface. The color composite shows water as blue, carbon dioxide as green, and non-ice minerals as red.

PIA07003: Iapetus Surface Composition

There is something that doesn't seem to have dawned on anyone yet but *IF* all these moons, asteroids and planets are pitted due to Alien Mining, just exactly where have they been doing their refining or manufacturing and then on top of that what exactly have they been manufacturing?

I think since you will find most of those questions without answers, it proves that FieryIce's theory is just that... a theory. (not in the "science" sense of the word).
Since none of the 'evidence' they have presented would convince even a senile aardvark on an LSD trip there was little point in going to the next stage.

By the way, ClathrateCandy, sorry, FieryIce, why didn't they mine the Earth?
Stryder said:
There is something that doesn't seem to have dawned on anyone yet but *IF* all these moons, asteroids and planets are pitted due to Alien Mining, just exactly where have they been doing their refining or manufacturing and then on top of that what exactly have they been manufacturing?

I think since you will find most of those questions without answers, it proves that FieryIce's theory is just that... a theory. (not in the "science" sense of the word).

We will be mining resources on the Moon, to get to Mars. Why would it be so hard to then fathom that alien's are doing the same on other planets and moons?
btimsah said:
We will be mining resources on the Moon, to get to Mars.
Almost certainly not. Especially if we have any sense. There is little or nothing on the moon that would be even remotely economic to extract for a Mars expedition. (Unless you wish to say we are mining experience.)
It's like this Btimsah.

If you are going to mine a location, then you are going to refine either at the location or near the location, The likelihood then (in the terms of Space) is that you would build also at that location. Building at a location means that there would be someone to watch over production (machinery & people/lifeforms).

If you check the size of a Car factory and then look at say NASA's size in Florida, you would realise just how be an infrastructure such a site would be. You would also have to note that any developed alien race is bound to have some sort of Capitalistic methodology (unless they live in a superorganism state like Ant Colonies).

This expresses that mining would not just be about building spaceships or looking for fuel but also imply the sale and transport of such materials to where ever a homeworld might be.

(Note: this is all "Science-Fiction" to express where the facts would be)

The above would suggest that such an organised society without our own solarsystem would hardly go un-noticed. Especially with the thousands, if not millions of amateur astronomers constantly combing the skies for things that are out of place. (It's just most of the good ones attempt to talk to other astronomers to "triangulate" their findings and namely back them up.)
Stryder said:
It's like this Btimsah.

If you are going to mine a location, then you are going to refine either at the location or near the location, The likelihood then (in the terms of Space) is that you would build also at that location. Building at a location means that there would be someone to watch over production (machinery & people/lifeforms).

If you check the size of a Car factory and then look at say NASA's size in Florida, you would realise just how be an infrastructure such a site would be. You would also have to note that any developed alien race is bound to have some sort of Capitalistic methodology (unless they live in a superorganism state like Ant Colonies).

This expresses that mining would not just be about building spaceships or looking for fuel but also imply the sale and transport of such materials to where ever a homeworld might be.

(Note: this is all "Science-Fiction" to express where the facts would be)

The above would suggest that such an organised society without our own solarsystem would hardly go un-noticed. Especially with the thousands, if not millions of amateur astronomers constantly combing the skies for things that are out of place. (It's just most of the good ones attempt to talk to other astronomers to "triangulate" their findings and namely back them up.)

I hope I speak for everyone, when I say, WHAT!? I have no clue what you're talking about.. :confused:
It occurs to me that IF ETI were to travel the star systems and possibly galaxies I would say that they would travel somewhat light. Pick up necessary common elements in the systems you visit so as to conserve on transport energies. Yet it takes energy to move mass. There is no free lunch. We are yet learning to efficiently use energy. and there is a logical progression of ship size and multifunction components for intergalactic conservative travel. Just takes a bit of thought and the time to think tank it. A resource gatherer to a 10 mile big ship would be about a half mile big I am a thinking.
FieryIce said:
You must be tired of looking at the minerals on Iapetus' surface. How about Europa?

or how about the Escondida copper-gold-silver mine in Chile
Those two pictures have little in common.
There are lines/ridges in both of them. The lines in the mine picture are from roads. Are you suggesting that the lines on the surface on europa are from roads?
btimsah said:
I hope I speak for everyone, when I say, WHAT!?
You don't speak for me.
btimsah said:
I have no clue what you're talking about.. :confused:
It is not the first time you have failed to follow a plausible argument. Here is the logic.

FieryIce and Norval are arguing that:
There is a similarity between features on satellites and mining operations on Earth
This similarity is not coincidence, but is evidence of extra-terrestrial mining

If this is the case we should expect to see associated features. These would be found in two categories:
Directly associated with mining
• Ore separation facilities
• Local transport facilities
• Administrative and technical buildings
• Accommodation
• Ore storage facilities
• Spacecraft landing site

Associated with the culture that was carrying out the mining we would expect a host of other evidence, none of which we have.
Ophiolite said:
You don't speak for me.

It is not the first time you have failed to follow a plausible argument. Here is the logic.

FieryIce and Norval are arguing that:
There is a similarity between features on satellites and mining operations on Earth
This similarity is not coincidence, but is evidence of extra-terrestrial mining

If this is the case we should expect to see associated features. These would be found in two categories:
Directly associated with mining
• Ore separation facilities
• Local transport facilities
• Administrative and technical buildings
• Accommodation
• Ore storage facilities
• Spacecraft landing site

Associated with the culture that was carrying out the mining we would expect a host of other evidence, none of which we have.

Oh, okay, now I understand.

Then maybe;

- Ore seperation, local transport, administrative, accomodation, storage and spacecraft sites all are present yet we have so little images and closeup photography of Miranda we can't see them. Secondly, they my not exist at all, thirdly, they are underground or in an alternate universe.,,
Ophiolite said:
If this is the case we should expect to see associated features. These would be found in two categories:
Directly associated with mining
• Ore separation facilities
• Local transport facilities
• Administrative and technical buildings
• Accommodation
• Ore storage facilities
• Spacecraft landing site

Associated with the culture that was carrying out the mining we would expect a host of other evidence, none of which we have.


PIA03878: Ruddy "Freckles" on Europa

If Europa is not their home planet, I would not expect to see most of what is on your list. Wouldn't admin, tech, accommodations, storage etc. be on the carrier doing the mining and not based on an inhospitable planet or moon? I would expect to see some form of concentrator mechanisms but even then most of that would likely be taken with the carrier to the next harvesting site.