Mining Operations

btimsah said:
I rest my case.
Well btimsah if that is all the evidence you need to believe that someone has been mining Miranda then it is easy to see why the ufo phenomenom is going strong...
Stryder said:
In respects to Gravity, you have to at first identify what Gravity is. I tend to think that gravity is due to the electromagnetics of matter at a sub-atomic level, this means that some elements will have a greater Gravity (and Mass) while others will have less.


Stop talking out of your bunghole, Stryder! So far there is NO KNOWN interaction between electro-magnetism and gravity. GET THAT?
So Phlog what is Gravity hey?

If you are going to just turn around and suggest it's due to the mass of a body, as I've mentioned a simple experiment could be carried out to define if thats accurate.

Simply placing two different substances to generate bodies, that have been weighed within the planets gravitational field to have the same weight, and placing a smaller body to see which one it's drawn near to.

If the materials have been selected correctly, you could have one that is a conductive metal, while the other could be something like rubber or plastic, with the smaller body also potentially being the testing of different substances.

I think the outcome would prove electromagnetics is apart of what defines gravity in bodies, and the more conductive the substance the higher the gravity. (For instance the sun has a high Iron composition)

Also Phlog, it's hardly talking out my Butt if there isn't any scientific reasoning currently established as the axiom of truth to what Gravity is.
shaman_ said:
Well btimsah if that is all the evidence you need to believe that someone has been mining Miranda then it is easy to see why the ufo phenomenom is going strong...

I never said I believed Miranda was mined. Nice try though.
If miranda was mined...................

The minerals were extracted, imported to America, hand fed to fiery ice's mom during her pregnacy.. and the result..

Fiery Ice discovering this mining operation..

In the future: Fiery Ice returns to Miranda, and eats a handful of dust like the old times.

JK :)
I have a degree in sociology along with varying classes in pyschology etc..

This is the calibre of brainpower being pumped out of universities now a days?

Houston, we have a problem!

(Also note: I think pyschology=psychology)
FieryIce said:
This is the calibre of brainpower being pumped out of universities now a days?

Houston, we have a problem!

(Also note: I think pyschology=psychology)

Ok I didnt know that being in a hurry and not worrying about spelling = no intelligence..

I was just messing around.. it was supposed to be funny.. I guess you lack a sense of humor.

Stryder, what is it that you don't get? Scientists have tried to find links between electro-magnetism and gravity, both through experimentation, and by analysing the models that we currently have.

Guess what?
When one can’t see the trees because of the forest, then one needs to be out of the forest or above them to see the trees.

The same can be said when looking at images from space. Or looking at images of earth based resource gathering methods. You can’t see it’s a huge mining operation if you are standing in it. But from space it is easily recognizable. Often while looking at these photos from space of the moons and planets of our solar system I am reminded of the images of mans attempts to harvest earth’s resources.

It seems to me that it offers a much more plausible explanation than trying to match up some tectonic or other action that may have created these remarkable formations seen. It is my thought that many of these interesting formations are the results of ETI harvesting resources.

Trees? What about this orchard in Argyle, Australia?


Mining benches in the AK1 open pit at Argyle.

Compared to Miranda.


PIA02218: Miranda
PIA00140: Miranda
So, blackhole are you attempting to say that the striated terrain on Miranda was cut out by the action of ocean waves?
Thank you for that great chuckle Blackholesun, still ROFLMFAO
But, granted it was some form of other input. Surfs up on Ganymede, the largest of Jupiter’s moons too? You been tokin too much :m:

There are some far more interesting pictures of Europa that I am sure Fiery will soon be sharing with you all. Certainly looks like abandoned resource harvesting to me. But that is just a personal opinion from looking at many resource harvesting operations here on earth.
