Mars, destroyed by war?!

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Well, obviously if you start with premise A, then A is easy to prove... that's not really reverse engineering.

Reverse engineering is attempting to understand an existing, verifiable phenomenon by breaking it into component parts. This can be done with something like a device, which is (at least apparently) all present; with 18th century science, you might very well be able to understand the purpose of a television by taking it apart into components and charting out their functions.

In this case you're starting with CS crater chains as one piece of evidence. However, claiming that they are "weapons of war" presupposes an entire scenario which must include ETs with interplanetary flight, whose civilizations somehow fell to fighting and destroyed themselves. These conclusions have little other supporting evidence, and much of what exists can be interpreted in other ways, so this is a lot to assume from a line of craters, no matter how straight it is.

Now, if information was being controlled by an advanced civilization, I would think that they would be pretty good at it. For instance, if I wanted to hide my alien presence on the Earth, and a bunch of Inca dudes were carving my portrait on the side of their house, I might ask them to stop. It would be difficult to see why modern evidence of ETs would be suppressed, but ancient evidence would be a popular discussion topic in the media if the ETs were trying to hide their presence.
True, the CS type of crater chains gave the first clue. Since then we have discovered that there are two, and maybe three distinct types of CS chains. Bellow is a link that shows many CS chains on Mars. Pan and zoom around a bit and you will see many more. Now dig about on the web and you can find pictures from Mariner 9 and compare them to today’s newer pictures. Many changes have taken place. Many scientists are starting to admit that Mars may have undergone these changes in the very recent past.

Many assumptions can be drawn from what we have, but there is so much more yet to consider that much of those assumptions wont hold. They didn’t destroy themselves, they did fight amongst themselves. Our mythology is full of these stories. What seems to hold up is the idea that there was a far superior force that came in recently and kicked these warring faction’s butts and they had only one place left to escape to, Earth. Will that superior force be back to finish the job? I think so.

Control of information, the dissemination of wrongful information, the flat denial of any knowledge. These all have been used to keep people from finding out what is really going on. Just looking about these forums shows many threads where good information that is true gets attacked, and just like a CS chain, there is a definite pattern to it. We have contacted several scientists about CS chains, nobody wants to touch it for some damn reason. Or if they do admit we have something and start to look into it they shortly take on a different tune. The only real response that continues to develop and is damn strange is we keep getting more information and from the most unlikely sources. We requested a copy of the Voynich manuscript after seeing it mentioned (of all places) at the Astronomy Picture of the Day site. We received it and nine other images that we haven’t seen anywhere else. We are in possession of an ancient manuscript that hasn’t even been translated into english yet. To our knowledge we are only the forth research team to receive a copy. Go figure. Wouldn’t you start to wonder if maybe you were on to something?
I looked at the Voynich manuscript when it turned up on APOD some time ago. My brief review of the scanned form, which is not complete (nor was my survey of it), led me to believe that it was an encyclopedia of some kind, owing to the many pictures of plants that it contained.
As I'm not fluent in many languages and I'm unsure of the origin of the Voynich manuscript, I've never made any attempts to figure out the script.

What were the other nine images you mention?
Please settle for this one bit of info as to what one of the pages depicted. Most were badly copied of the extra ones we received. There seems to be a depiction of a township in one of the nine. Yes I agree it is a book of knowledge of some kind. Plants, humans / animals, and birthing. This manuscript was in the hands of the Jesuits for centuries.

Tolkien was a language person and I think he used this lettering in the Lord of The Rings. Kind of interesting.
No, that would be one of two things -

Tengwar, which Tolkien invented as far as I know. Look here:

Not really the same far as I can tell...

Or Nordic Runes, which he borrowed from... well, Norway - look here:

Which also doesn't look like the letters in the Voynich paper. I assume (since the general consensus seems to be) that the work is written in a cipher. If it's a work of metaphysics, it's entirely possible that Voynich coded it to protect himself from religious persecution.
Grant it there are differences in the script but there are simularities:

or Rings
Assuming that Voynich wrote it, that could be a big assumption.

Another mystery question:
what happened to the mountain on Mars?
Where did it Go?
Why would
1) Tolkien use Voynich's script to write his books
2) No one notice for the last two years?
I didn't say Tolkien use Voynich's script and what is "No one notice for the last two years" refering to?
Maybe like you BBH, they just never stopped to think at the time, or to continue looking, questioning, and thinking. Hell we are all guilty of that one. Just like CS crater chains, unless one stops and thinks, really questions the accepted theory and explanation, it just settles in and becomes part of what you know that isn’t so. What baffles my mind is that for 37+ years nobody thought that these CS chains might have been caused by intelligence. Ask somebody how often 50 dice will all come up sixes? Then ask how many times they will all come up sixes, and in a row? What I find more interesting is the strange apparatus and pregnant women in various stages of development. Seems there is quite the tail to be told of the Voynich manuscript.

Mars tells quite a tale too if you go here and pan around a bit.

People have been studying the Voynich manuscript for quite some time - there are several websites/mailing lists devoted to its study. However, as Norval mentioned, the APOD site posted a page from the manuscript two years ago (sometime in 2002).

If the lettering in the manuscript bore any visible relation to the Tengwar, even if those on the sites and mailing lists didn't notice (and I think that's too much to believe already... Mystery Manuscript enthusiasts and not a single one reads Tolkien) the general public had access to a clear, obvious, and compelling page out of the book. Someone would have noticed before now.

Now, there may be some interesting things that it says, but I would imagine the girls and plumbing content to be medical, owing to the large amount of apparent botanical information that's also in the book. Although I can't say for sure, since the transliterations people have provided are enormously unhelpful, I would initially expect this book to have little bearing on your search for ET.

Lastly, Voynich did not write it, he only acquired the thing in this century, whereas it's though to be 500-800 years old. The popular theory is that Francis Bacon wrote it, although the evidence that he did is circumstantial.
BigBlue, I do know the information about the Voynich manuscript offered on the net. Don't you think since we have a copy of the manuscript we would investigate it particularly the extra pages and the other manuscript?

Another mystery question:
what happened to the mountain on Mars?
Where did it Go?
Eh, my mistake about Voynich being the author, sorry about that. Still, I'm unsure what this document has to do with ETs.
Just wanted to say good bye to all the ones I have met here at sciforums. Judging from the responses we have stimulated here at these boards and threads we are certain of one thing. Not everyone here is human. There are those that will, at any cost, try to keep ones from learning about them. Why they are here and what their agenda was and is. Reverse engineering has given us these technologies of computers and much more. It would be shear stupidity to think that “they” wouldn’t be out here on the web. The demons of our religions are the same ET’s that are mutilating our animals and abducting many humans. They have been kicked out of the heavens and if they try to leave they get their ships blown out of the heavens by the victors that are still out there. The deception is over.

Good bye, and thanks for all the fish.
Star_One said:
Also, why is this forum full of skeptics?, i dread to think of the ratio in here :rolleyes:

Perhaps because this is a pseudoscience (pseudo, as in fake) section of a Science board. The purpose of which, as I see it, is to discuss what the kooks and flakes are doing to disseminate bad science to the world.

Too bad we can't get past all the kook shit and into the more subtle pseudoscientific claims being passed off as real science.
SkinWalker said:
Perhaps because this is a pseudoscience (pseudo, as in fake) section of a Science board. The purpose of which, as I see it, is to discuss what the kooks and flakes are doing to disseminate bad science to the world.

So, you're calling all those who consider theories outside the norm to be kooks??

Too bad we can't get past all the kook shit and into the more subtle pseudoscientific claims being passed off as real science.

This I agree with.
VRob said:
So, you're calling all those who consider theories outside the norm to be kooks??

Certainly when they fail to grasp the concept of ruling out all other options withIN the norm. When they fail to address reasonable, intelligent, science-based explanations and arguments that are much simpler and make a world more sense, without having to add formerly uninvolved elements into the equation, When they have held so firmly to their belief that even if someone gave them irrefutable proof that they are truly a whack-job they'd still hold on to said belief ...

Oh sure. Kooks.

You did not answer the question asked. Why the need to included about a half dozen equations into your answer? Judging by your answer, I agree with your statement. But, conversely, I could easliy turn the tables on you and say if you're unable to consider the non-standard explanation for many incidents, YOU could very well be the kook.

In addition, like I proved in another post, you do not pocess the knowledge of the subjects you continue to attack.
sure VRob, and you could also punch me in the face and call me a wimp when I couldn't get up, but then I could call YOU a wimp! And it would be very zen, but It wouldn't be what the facts are telling us now would it?
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