Mars, destroyed by war?!

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Well I saw nothing in there about liquid water in the last 100 years. Care to point it out?
Pseudoscience proponants don't believe in citation. They would rather those that read their rants can't follow back to original sources for clarity. Ambiguity serves them better. I, too, was wondering about the liquid water question. "Recent" on Mars is a few million years. Though I have read speculation from some scientists that some sort of liquid could have created some of surface morphology in the last few hundred years. Not necessarily H2O. But this was discussed long before Spirit and Opportunity landed.

Still, what credance does water provide to a spurious hypothesis that a war ensued on Mars?

craterc. said:
But, with out all the experiences to draw on many scientists will never make the connections that some of us with a far greater experience base will make.

What does oceans of water have to do with mass destruction on Mars? Oceans of water would have to have crossed over the surface of Mars to wipe out Mountains and crevasses and big craters. That I am aware of to get that volume and mass of water / liquid to flow like that would take marsquakes, big asteroid or comet hits, big atomic bombs, or possibly a massive big starship parked in close orbit. A ship or “city” as described in the bible of 1,500 miles square? Like our moon causes the tides here on earth, picture a tide a ship like that would cause if parked over a planetary area. Just let the planet rotate under you and the water does the rest. Mere speculation, but based on visual observations and photos taken over the past 100 years.
"Seems some pseudo science is becoming hard science? "

Bingo. In fact, any pseudoscience can be realised. If we can imagine it; it is possible. Ask me why, if you think this is an outrageous claim.
Any pseudoscience can become science once verifiable evidence arises for it. As for crater chains being caused by aliens once derelict alien war ships are found, or alien artifacts or actual proof of any form of sentient intervention, then this will also become a science. Until then there is no reason not to assume that this is a natural event, remember occam's razor its still more likely this is caused by gravitational drift of meteorite fragments then by alien warships carpet bombing unguided atomic bombs on their foes.
Hey Mikey and WCF (OCF *winks*)
Hell only those that think they will win all the lotto’s for the rest of their lives would believe that a comet could ever make a single crater chain of the CS type, let alone the hundreds of them. Just as nuts to think there would be much evidence left up there if it was an annihilation of everything on the surface of Mars. Any big looser ships, or parts there of, would have been salvaged is my thought. There isn’t much left laying around after any war for very long before it is salvaged. Again, this is all conjecture based on all the photos and evidence throughout history, and again, I highly doubt that any of these ETI’s were indigenous to our solar system, both the winners, and the losers. All things considered, I would say that there were probably above surface battles between craft of various sizes, extreme surface bombardment, and had it’s own oceans of water used as a weapon against it.
craterchains (Norval

I think we already went over with you the mechanics of gravitational drift and how it was not at all impossible even unlikely that it would cause crater chains.
craterchains (Norval said:
Hey Mikey and WCF (OCF *winks*)
Hell only those that think they will win all the lotto’s for the rest of their lives would believe that a comet could ever make a single crater chain of the CS type, let alone the hundreds of them. Just as nuts to think there would be much evidence left up there if it was an annihilation of everything on the surface of Mars. Any big looser ships, or parts there of, would have been salvaged is my thought. There isn’t much left laying around after any war for very long before it is salvaged. Again, this is all conjecture based on all the photos and evidence throughout history, and again, I highly doubt that any of these ETI’s were indigenous to our solar system, both the winners, and the losers. All things considered, I would say that there were probably above surface battles between craft of various sizes, extreme surface bombardment, and had it’s own oceans of water used as a weapon against it.

Either you're writing a science fiction book or you watch too much Stargate. You have no evidence for a war and you're twisting what NASA scientist are saying about past water (and by past I mean millions or billions of years ago given that the rocks formed by the water wouldn't look as they do if just formed a few hundred years ago...THINK WEATHERING). There is no way anyone in their right mind would trust a word coming out of your mouth. All you're doing is heavily speculating BS.
No, WCF, if you read the scientists reports for yourself you will see that they agree that the model they have will not work. Also that the mathematical probability of it happening is near nil for just one to happen. Therefor having hundreds of them with an almost nil probability gives great doubt that they are in any way “natural”. Unless of course you include intelligent war weapons as “natural”.

BS (blackholesun)
Sorry if I don’t go to your church and believe the way you do of your leaders (NASA scientists are not my gods or first choice of reputable scientists) be that as it may. There are many others that are looking at all the evidence and giving other “speculations” besides myself. So far the old “acceptable way of believing” seems to be getting a kick in the ass and out the door. The great “billions of years” media words are not working here. As has been shown, I was not wrong in my summation that Mars HAD a lot of water. It is now a KNOWN FACT. Now to wait a bit longer and get vindicated that it was in it’s VERY RECENT PAST. Put that in your pipe and smoke it BS.
thats strange, I read other scientific reports that said their models worked and that it does happen often enought.
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Really WCF, if you want to rehash CS types of crater chains, please bring up that thread. This is about war on Mars as a probable cause for the destruction that can be seen from observations.

EDITED to add,

Denial is so comforting to you WCF that I would think posting in this thread is only a job? :D
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Well then since you have no valid evidence (AKA crater chains are natural) you have no evidence that mars was destroyed by war.
The evidence is in the photographs, the notes of astronomers for over a century. As your government appointed media scientists keep babbling about billions of years the real truth is clearly seen in the photo comparisons taken decades apart. This planet wide destruction by super weapons and liquid movement is clearly just speculation on my part and others. Just as those science gods speculate too, and are so often proven wrong.

Your denial dosnt make everyone else stop searching for the truth.
If we can imagine it; it is possible.

So, according to your logic, anything that comes from the imagination can be made possible?

Fire breathing dragons, for example?
Climate changes on mars just decades apart do not have any connection to your hypothesis. Again its far more likely a natural event until proven otherwise.
(Q) said:
If we can imagine it; it is possible.

So, according to your logic, anything that comes from the imagination can be made possible?

Fire breathing dragons, for example?

No. But fire farting dragons I can see.
craterchains (Norval said:
BS (blackholesun)Sorry if I don’t go to your church and believe the way you do of your leaders (NASA scientists are not my gods or first choice of reputable scientists) be that as it may. There are many others that are looking at all the evidence and giving other “speculations” besides myself. So far the old “acceptable way of believing” seems to be getting a kick in the ass and out the door. The great “billions of years” media words are not working here. As has been shown, I was not wrong in my summation that Mars HAD a lot of water. It is now a KNOWN FACT. Now to wait a bit longer and get vindicated that it was in it’s VERY RECENT PAST. Put that in your pipe and smoke it BS.

Hmm...because I was quite sure they would find past evidence of water on Mars. On the other hand they must be sitting on those photos of all those city ruins and crashed starships that litter the surface. I seem to recall quite a bit of Hiroshima showing after it was nuked. If you say this "war" happen only a few decades ago there would be much more evidence then random craters in the ground. Remember, extreme claims call for extreme evidence. I don't let myself get caught up in the delusion. I believe the logic needed by you is missing.
... also ask why are these aliens so stupid that they can't have guide smart bombs and need to carpet bomb with crappie nucks that can't even have equal yield to each other (noting the differences in crater size in some crater chains)
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