Mars, destroyed by war?!

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*This is my reiteration so that chainsy can have a fair attempt to respond without avoiding the accusation. Come on, respond without resorting to unfounded ad hom attacks.

Everyone please note that mr. chains here clearly does not take himself seriously and is putting forth nothing more than a ruse. A lie. A hoax.

This is self-evident in his last post. I am glad I now have confirmation that he knows his ideas are unfounded.

Anyway, saying a theory isn't good gives and implies nothing for your own ideas.

It is rather obvious now that there was no such war. The only evidence presented for such a hypothesis was lines of impressions in dust, which, as chains himself pointed out, craters easily do. This idea by the chains person is only figment of imagination. Science Fiction.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: The mere fact that he posted here in the Pseudoscience section demerits everything in his case.
Your point is well understood. With out further comment I must get back to work. It’s been a fun vacation to stroll about these boards, I do wish they would pass a pooper scooper law here though. I leave you all with just one thought. What if I am right?
,, shit eating grins, and NASA requested our research data from that site Skinwalker,, we didnt offer it,,, it was requested,, bigger shit eating grins.

ADDED, I am impressed, the bigest boat in the right area of the pic is about the size of the one I work from. but that pic is many years old and the boat I am on is not shown.
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It looks like you're getting a cold shoulder in another certain forum. Listen, why are you trying to concince us of such an extravigant claim with so little evidence? You show use a line of craters and say "It must be ET". But I could just as easily say that it was a line of volcanic blasts craters due to plate techtonics. But guess what? The evidence doesn't show this at all. Same with your theory. There are no buildings, no debris of any kind around the area or anywhere else on mars. So what theory do people pick? The one that makes more sense given the evidence, and than pick the most logical conclusion. Don't try to convince logically thinking people otherwise. You just get a cold shoulder. Here and in other forums.
Volcanic craters was considered and discounted, you do not need to tell me about this one possibility again.

The Plumbbob testing done in 1957, Pascal-A, Pascal-B and Pascal-C. Pascal-A had a 5 foot cement stem, Pascal-B and Pascal-C had plugs. Pascal-B, it had a concrete plug, similar to the concrete collimator used in Pacscal-A, but this time it was placed just above the device at the bottom of the shaft and sealing the opening with a four-inch thick steel plate weighing several hundred pounds. Both Pascal-B and Pascal-C had this steel plate. When Pascal-B was detonated, Brownlee estimated that the steel plate was traveling at a velocity six times that needed to escape Earth's gravity. The mass of the collimator cylinder was at least 2 tonnes which turned to vaporized concrete striking the cover plate that propelled it off the shaft at high velocity.

Now here you have cement turning into vapor, what would happen to the steel plate if not propelled off the shaft and was closer to the placement of the bomb? about vapor? For more test results and the test information, see:

I do not see in any of my posts that I have been anything but logical. I believe I had already in a previous post touched on the issue of character assassinate and such tactics as verbal or otherwise assaults on anothers character is not using viable scientific, mathematical or logical reasoning resulting in unusable answers to the line of questioning.

If I live in a house in BC or Norval lives on or off a boat in Tacoma, personally I do not see the relevance to the investigation.

I am sorry but all these negativistic responses are not going to discourage either Norval or myself from this line of investigation.
Some posters it seems have actually been doing a little thinking about these crater chains, when in reality it is only one of several prospects for evidence that Mar’s had a major war. We have never seen the real destructive capabilities of mankind’s own weapons fortunately. Their destructive power IS capable of vaporizing most of a city in just one missile. Besides of devastating everything for many more miles in all directions. Now imagine thousands of these devastating kinds of bombs or missiles. At one time mankind had the capacity to wipe our selves off the face of this planet 60 times over. There is stronger evidence that Mars had oceans and a thicker atmosphere. Planetary war would have vaporized and blown away much of it all. I do agree that there should be a nut or bolt or something left though. You run all the formulas you want, what we want is critical assessments by weapons experts. As has been stated, we have only just begun to investigate Mars. We have been investigating CS types of crater chains for about two years and have noted all scientists’ remarks as to their uniqueness. What we have discovered are crater chains on Mars where scientists have said there were none. Look that up. What we see is one thing, it is what we don’t see that is also very important. We don’t see any disruption to these catinas from later strikes. That indicates that they are the newest formations on those surfaces. It is also that they are the newest formations all over the solar system because of no infringements. Note also that Phobos is heavily crater chained. There are no older chains partially obscured by other craters. As I stated there is more evidence, if you but look and think and stop flapping your fingers at your keyboards.

We don’t have to defend another theory, and Bottke’s et all can try to defend their own as we are doing here. Everyone has their own idea on how these CS types of crater chains may have formed, only one will prove true in the end. We have already been recognized as having a valid point concerning the probability of being caused by intelligence by several scientists and they are investigating it further. They also agree that the possibility of these having been formed by a comet or meteor breaking up and impacting the surface is infinitesimally small. Where as you have had a couple of weeks to think about this, if at all, we have been studying these for a couple years and NASA for about 14 months. Catch up, but that is what all students, learners, and runners do, till one day you find yourself by the wayside, back in the pack, or out in front.
Vacation aint over till monday. *big cheesey grins*

Earth is the only planet photographed where we have yet to find pictures of CS types of crater chains. Food for thought.
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The earth has very active tectonics that would wipe away a creator chain, if I'm wrong then show me a crater chain on Venus?
It is telling that crater chains are found on mars, jupiter's moons, our moon, and most other bodies in this system. Some of which have already been resurfaced.

Yet they claim that this has happened in the last hundred or so years?

And they have yet to explain the very simple question.... what possible benefit is there to laying down a straight line of weapons fire on such a large scale?
craterchains (Norval said:
Earth is the only planet photographed where we have yet to find pictures of CS types of crater chains. Food for thought.
Actually, it does... a very quick survey would tell you this. They are just mostly resurfaced.
Have you found the indigenous home of the Venus flytrap yet? When you do, you will know why we know its home area and why it became a part of our research archives.. Post a picture of that area. Want another hint?

Try searching things out for yourself, or are you used to the silver platter? The pictures are there along with the scientist’s comments.

You may want to view the data sets and pictures of Io, a moon of Jupiter that is very volcanic in nature. The scientists even use pictures with arrows so you should be able to follow it I think?

It was touched on, but not answered-

Where are the targets of the supposed attacks?

Why are only craters left?

Where are the things blown up?

Where is the debris?

And where are these apparently intelligent beings and crafts?

And why haven't we intercepted any of their radiowaves, assuming they use them?

And of course, if there was a war, that means there would be casualties on both sides. Where is the debris of the civilization that created the "crater chains" ?

You know you cannot say erosion or weather, because the craters would be gone as well.

Answer these questions. Go ahead, give yourself some merit.

I will keep repeating these until you answer them.

If you cannot answer them, you will understand that your idea is deeply flawed. And once you understand, you can finally realize how things work, and you can finally realize how the term "evidence" is of pantamount importance in persuasion and knowledge of the universe. Until you provide some sort of proof, not something that can easily be made up without evidence, you will not be taken seriously by anyone. Even NASA.

Another thing, I will point out, yet again, your lack of eloquence and your posting this in the pseudoscience section gives your idea no merit and furthers doubt of your integrity.

Regardless, just answer the questions and stop avoiding the obvious contradictions to your idea. Give it up.
craterchains (Norval,

Your the on presenting your idea, you have to present evidence not I, I only need to contradict you, you said "Earth is the only planet found without crater chains” I say "oh ya, prove it!"
craterchains (Norval said:
Have you found the indigenous home of the Venus flytrap yet?

You didn't seriously think my analogy refered to Dionaea
did you? Because of your obvious trolling, I was refering to a special type of venus fly trap: the spurcamen productum.
You ask for answers, so do we all. If you are serious I will work WITH you but you must also answer my questions and provide the photographic evidence. As this thread is about the hypothetical or theoretical war on Mars and your questions are all suited to Pseudo-science so will be my answers of course. You pose seven questions and a couple suppositions in your post along with a couple assumptions. Here is my answer to your first question, which was “Where are the targets of the supposed attacks?”
In good faith I offer the following answer which answers several of your questions.
Apparently and quite obviously utterly destroyed. If those are craters of weapons of similar nature to atom bombs, not much would survive and our Rover I was hoping would spot something of obvious manufactured origin. It seems to have broken now.

In turn you are to track down and post an aerial picture of the indigenous home of the Venus Flytrap along with a quote of the old indian legend mentioned in the research pages you will find as to how the Carolina Bays were formed. Something Skinwalker seems incapable of doing or highly reluctant for some reason. Hope you can do better.

WCF, Please address your question in the proper thread and stop your lame attempts at cross posting threads.

You make me laugh. Thank you.
craterchains (Norval,

That funny I was addressing what you said to me on this thread, though I have to admit its difficult jumping around from all your threads since they are all the same.

you said:
Try searching things out for yourself, or are you used to the silver platter? The pictures are there along with the scientist’s comments.

I said:
Your the one presenting your idea, you have to present evidence not I, I only need to contradict you, you said "Earth is the only planet found without crater chains” I say "oh ya, prove it!"
In doing so I only used what you said as an example of how I did not need to present evidence, only questions.

you said:
WCF, Please address your question in the proper thread and stop your lame attempts at cross posting threads.
why I haven't seen a Red Herring fallacy for a while now thanks for showing it to me.
chains said:
your questions are all suited to Pseudo-science so will be my answers of course

[sarcasm]That wasn't expected.[/sarcasm]

Saying a civilization was "utterly destroyed" answers nothing. If there were buildings and constructions and whatnot, you know we would have seen something right now. Rover or no. The satellites would have.

You apparently concede the point that you have here only a hypothesis. Not a theory or explanation. You still don't have evidence. Which, I suppose, Spirit is going to obtain for you. But this goes back to how debris will have already been found by satellites alone. And this all goes back to how wish to answer scientific questions: "Where" and "Why", with vague, ignorant answers just lends your merit to the level of "hoax" or "kook" or "bullshit". Choose what you will.

Venus flytrap? Aerial view? I am not sure how that is relevant or even where it came from. The only thing I can say to this is: Mars is not the earth.

"".....kneeling at a sacrificial alter, she prayed to the Great Spirit to save the brave and her perishing people. After her invocation, a star fell to the earth, and rain soon followed. Days and days of rain quenched the fire. Great holes burned in the earth by the fire were filled, forming a great inland sea." (Algonquin Indian legend, Touring the Backroads of North Carolina's Upper Coast, p.268)

Of Lake Waccamaw

"The local Indians are known as the "People of the Falling Star," and they believed the lake was created by a falling star, perhaps a great meteorite." (Waccamaw-Siouan Indian legend, Wild Shores, Exploring the Wilderness Areas of Eastern North Carolina. p.150)"



Bob Kobre:
"In that there has been an increasing interest in the Carolina Bays as possible impact features I felt that the reader might like to know of my own opinion on how these features came to be. Simply put, I believe that these near flat, shallow, structures were formed by terminal flare induced steam explosions of wet exposed ground."

Is that what you want?
Thank you for taking the time to actually check this out. In doing so you are in reality making sure of our past research into these things. You did well enough to warrant another answer. The evidence you are looking up will be required to understand the whole of the hypothesis of the war on Mars and what happened to any survivors from the loosing side. The Carolina Bays are the indigenous home to the Venus Flytrap and other endangered flora. Remember the Flytrap is a flesh eating plant also. I will respond again tomorrow with a better answer to your next question than I gave the first. But that answer still stands. Now look at the bomb damage done to Japan from very small airbursts of atomic bombs. Think of much, much bigger bombs, or even weapons of similar nature being used in the war on Mars. I will respond more tomorrow. You did quite well.

WCF, thank you for your insightfull input.
But if the war had been only in the last few hundred years, why didn't we notice our planet being bombed?

Also, the atomic bombs in Japan were not airbursts, I don't think. Far as I remember they hit the ground.
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