Mars, destroyed by war?!

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I'd be able to consider the non-standard explanation if I was certain that all other, more mundane, explanations were completely discounted. That's my whole point.
VRob said:

You did not answer the question asked. Why the need to included about a half dozen equations into your answer? Judging by your answer, I agree with your statement. But, conversely, I could easliy turn the tables on you and say if you're unable to consider the non-standard explanation for many incidents, YOU could very well be the kook.

In addition, like I proved in another post, you do not pocess the knowledge of the subjects you continue to attack.

Okay, so here VRob is getting at Chunky for

• evading questions.

• talking about things of which he lacks sufficient knowledge to discuss.

Then surely this must be a different VRob to the one that I was talking to the other week?

Unless of course you're willing to accept Swamp gas, the Planet Venus, or the Roswell Report, ect.... Then, I'm right there with you.


What are you talking about?
I'm talking about your evasion and factually bereft pronouncements in the NASA editing photos? thread.
AD1 said:
I'm talking about your evasion and factually bereft pronouncements in the NASA editing photos? thread.

I didn't evade anything, or propose any NASA editing of photo's, without collaborating evidence to back my position. Shutttle flights have recorded many anomolies which they haven't explained yet(IMO), and there have been insider eyewitness who have come forward stating NASA routinely airbrushes out objects that aren't supposed to show up.

I never pointed out any specific photo.

If you're going to accuse, I'd appreciate some evidence myself.
I didn't evade anything, or propose any NASA editing of photo's, without collaborating evidence to back my position. Shutttle flights have recorded many anomolies which they haven't explained yet(IMO), and there have been insider eyewitness who have come forward stating NASA routinely airbrushes out objects that aren't supposed to show up.

I never pointed out any specific photo.

This is largely irrelevant to what we were discussing in the thread. But now that you mention it, who are these people who have come forward to say these things about NASA routinely airbrushing objects out of their photographs?

If you're going to accuse, I'd appreciate some evidence myself.

I suggest you re-read the last page of the thread.

Just did, but the only thing I found was you unable to accept testimony from former astronauts simply because they've admitted to believing in the ET hypothesis.

Incidently, Mitchell gains much of his belief from speaking to high level Intelligence sources. He's been quoted as saying that he's been told IT is a reality, but it is kept secret at the highest levels.
Just did, but the only thing I found was you unable to accept testimony from former astronauts simply because they've admitted to believing in the ET hypothesis.

Are you deliberately mischaracterising what I said?

Incidently, Mitchell gains much of his belief from speaking to high level Intelligence sources. He's been quoted as saying that he's been told IT is a reality, but it is kept secret at the highest levels

I'm simply not interested. This is nothing to do with what I asked of you.
you don't even have bullet holes. When meteors impact there tend to be lots and lots of smaller meteors with them. if a "shower" of these meteors happens to hit then there will obviously be a smaller vicinity in which they will hit. This has happened in cities (On earth none the less :rolleyes: ) which meteor fragments managed to pelt small neighborhoods or even pelt entire cities. On a larger scale you could see craters beign formed in a "chain" so to say by this same action only as stated above much larger. Both are speculations, but mine has proven and witnessed events to back it up.
Just a quick pop back in to say hi and bring up the latest research on the War on Mars that we are doing. Note that scientists are now saying that Mars had a lot of water on it. We have known that there had to be a hell of a lot of water on Mars for a very long time. The evidence is in the old astronomer’s pictures and satellite pictures from decades ago. They clearly show all the changes that have taken place on Mars over the past century, NOT the past few millions of years, as they would have us believe. But, LOOK for yourselves, its all right here on the net, just takes a few clicks and a want to know what really happened.
I do know what happened. Water was evident most likely a few million years ago. NASA's evidence says so because they are there. They have provided a number of very credible points of evidence. You are not. You just look at craters and imaginary castles. So who is more credible? Hell, it certainly isn't you.
Ah ha! So you understand now...

and a want to know what really happened.

There it is. You got it. The only reason you think the shit you have been spouting is true is because you want to believe it. Just you. No one else. No one else cares to believe something so blatantly untrue. Well that explains a lot. Thank you.
I came across a couple of very interesting quotes since blackhole brought in a quote:

Luk 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

Mat 15:14 Let them alone: they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Must be a pretty big hole or ditch.
The only ones to fall into the hole are the ones that convince themselves of something dispite contrary evidence. Remember that in biblical times, everything talked of "faith". But faith has no meaning in science.
So it is now official from NASA that Mars did have a lot of water on it, and that that water HAD to have been in recent history.

Ones like blackholesun, and ellimist may want to grab some salt and pepper so the crap they spewed about their “faith” in their scientists will taste better as they eat those words.

Faith is another word for trust. No, I don’t trust the scientific interpretation much of the time as it is only speculation as I have done. But, with out all the experiences to draw on many scientists will never make the connections that some of us with a far greater experience base will make.

Because of the decay rates of some elements that form under water when exposed to out of water conditions they know that water had to be on Mars in very recent history. In the neighborhood of less than a couple hundred years.
craterchains (Norval said:
So it is now official from NASA that Mars did have a lot of water on it, and that that water HAD to have been in recent history... In the neighborhood of less than a couple hundred years.
Care to back this up with a source?
Persol, check the NASA news releases, duh!!
Guess you can't comment Persol until you read it.
A saying my kids have:
Picking your nose and chewin it, chewin it.......foclmao
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