Mars, destroyed by war?!

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craterchains (Norval said:
So it is now official from NASA that Mars did have a lot of water on it, and that that water HAD to have been in recent history.

Because of the decay rates of some elements that form under water when exposed to out of water conditions they know that water had to be on Mars in very recent history. In the neighborhood of less than a couple hundred years.

They may discover when re-examing the images from Viking and Mariner missions that the water substance was even more rescent than a couple of hundred of years.
But wouldn't that information have to come from another source than NASA, say like European agencies (ESA) because the American Defense agencies would not release viable information?
Is that tinfoil hat getting a little sweaty FuryIce? You still haven't shown proof that NASA is lying or is bent in covering up everything. And "I know it, it's just that way" isn't going to cut it. Opinion is not fact. Oh wait I MUST be in denial! :rolleyes:
blackholesun said:
still haven't shown proof that NASA is lying or is bent in covering up everything...Oh wait I MUST be in denial!

Other countries are now working towards getting out to examine the space past our clouds, so just maybe these other countries are not swallowing everything that is or has been printed by NASA or western base science.

Your doing very good with your denial blackhole, it is very evident.
So FieryIce if other nations also agree with NASA and find nothing suspicious out there what are you going to do?
I am not waiting, I all ready have enough evidence to convince me, it is the why and where that I am after now. Get over it WCF, governments lost it credability along time ago with me.
Watch the rogue scientists for the real story, or the ones getting "black listed".
Yes, and where is all this supposed evidence Ice? I hear nothing of real evidence from any of the conspiracy theorists in here. You all just go in circles and never go anywhere. You all say you have evidence but I haven't seen it. So you're either in a tight click and similar to the Illuminati and hide everything or you just don't have anything of earth shattering importance.
blackholesun said:
supposed evidence Ice? ... and hide everything or you just don't have anything of earth shattering importance.

First off, blackhole, you have to get your head out of the hole to see the evidence. That would be a good place for you to start first.
yes, thats why you dont see the evedence, not because there is none and no one is showing any, its because your head is in a hole :rolleyes:
FieryIce said:
First off, blackhole, you have to get your head out of the hole to see the evidence. That would be a good place for you to start first.

That statement is not really evidence. That's just a tripe insult proving to me that you don't know anything at all. Once again if we don't agree with the kooks they insults us even more.....great way of proving your case guys; insulting the ones you're complaining don't "understand" you.
No evidence? Some are blind besides not being able to read. Since we have posted some of the pictures and links to the originals, posted the scientists comments and links to their sites we wonder why YOU can't see any of it? Must be a case of selective learning or a very bad case of ADD. :D
If you find the present evidence proof of government conspiracies and alien abduction then you might be the one suffering from a mental disorder not I. All I suffer from is occam razor warship. For I find it far less likely that the government is covering up a massive abduction program by horny alien sadists so that only the most incircumstantial and unverifiable evidence comes through, then it all being a total fabrication by people that at the very lest lack critical thinking skills.

If you can show me better evidence then please do.
I must say for the record that WCF is beginning to show his true colours and stink.
It is very evident from ITs posting and lack of logic that IT (WCF) is far from using human intellect, therefore, I have some suspicions about WCF.
craterchains (Norval said:

What ever you say dud. FOCLMFAO

Thank you for verifying that I am correct and that the way of reason is more likely true. I’m glad you find your epiphany funny, most usually go into shook when they relies discover that they waste a good percentage of their life on total bull shit. Now that this argument is done with lets start closing this thread.
Is that a hint of control the thread WCF? Are you getting tired of seeing real facts and being forced to deny or otherwise just falsely de-bunk (as they say) the facts?

You are so funny.
goofyfish said:
So... back on topic, or close the thread?

I vote for "close it." There's nothing being discussed here beyond, "you're ignorant!" "No, you are!"
Ohhh, but it is just starting to get interesting here. You see, now we can tie in many of these other threads on the topic of aliens and their agendas. More proof that we have had one hell of a war in our solar system and many don’t want that information talked about.

Damn, it is so very typical of the losers of that war that were cast down to earth to use what ever means to cover this up.

1. Motive? Some ETI’s thought they should be the co-rulers of the Universe along side King Jesus and not the Humans that were created for that job. Jealousy.
2. They fought amongst themselves and have “tested” humans for several thousands of years. Our legends and history show this clearly.
3. They have tried to cross our genetic traits with theirs and bear offspring.
4. And now after having their butts kicked and tossed down to the earth with out all their great big ships, technological devices, and bases. Those having been destroyed by war. So advance the humans technologically so they can attempt to replace that apparatus.
5. Tuff break ETI’s, Welcome to Earth, the Prison Planet of the worst trouble makers in the universe, for the next thousand years at least.

Why close such a thread that offers the only other alternative for so many things we can clearly see in all the space photos of our solar system? Bad aliens getting their butts kicked is just too great of an idea I think personally.
There are plenty of alternative theories to yours many of them far more realistic and feasible.
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