Mars, destroyed by war?!

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This aerial photo shows a wider surface area, clearly showing the unique crater like shapes found in the Carolina Bays. Since there are three or more crater impressions shoulder to shoulder is why the Carolina Bays came to our attention which are close to CS chains, we do not class them as such.
Why are only craters left?
That question, and the next two along with your first question, is basically along the same line of reasoning. Would you mind if I clumped them together? In return you may add two new questions to the list. Think carefully about those two new questions and, you have the option of when you post those questions and their format.

Earlier in this thread Persol posted a picture (thank you Persol) of what is referred to as a “carpet bombing” tactic. Note what are called the Highlands of Mars and that they are heavily cratered as noted by most comments of scientists concerning them. If mars had bodies of liquid prior to this hypothetical war they would now be considered as the “low lands” where it is also noted that there are few craters. Note my response to the first question, and comments in my reply.

Why are only craters left? Where are the things blown up? Where is the debris?
Because of the unusual properties of CS chains and their great resemblance to what we know are weapons caused markings on our own planet from our wars we suspect that many singular craters may have been weapons also. Mars I highly doubt is the indigenous home to whom ever were having this hypothetical war. There are some very interesting photographs of Mars showing what may indicate destroyed designed structure. But it is obvious that little remains. It would appear that who ever may have had this war wanted Mars thoroughly destroyed. We have seen our wars do this to some areas of our own planet. Some of those areas are still uninhabitable due to residual chemicals. Fortunately we have yet to have pictures of what our own massive atomic bombs will really do as far as damage.

I am off the boat for a couple days and headed to Seattle to do some research at the library and get on the high-speed line at the office.
Hi BigBlue, again good questions.

HIROSHIMA AND NAGASAKI were aerial blasts:

“The atomic bomb, nicknamed "Little Boy", which was dropped on the Hiroshima City, exploded at an altitude of 580 meters above a hospital close to the present A-bomb Dome (the former Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall) at 8:15 am on 6 August 1945”.

“The atomic bomb, nicknamed "Fat Man", which was dropped on the Nagasaki City, exploded at an approximate altitude of 500 meters above a tennis court at Matsuyama-cho of Nagasaki City at 11:02 am on 9 August 1945”.

Hiroshima before:
Hiroshima after:

We don’t know if earth was bombed for sure yet, that needs to be investigated further, we agree BigBlue.
If I understand your timeline right, it would have been bombed a short enough time ago that records of the attack would still exist, unless it happened away from population centres. Am I right? Or would this have been an accidental bombing, or perhaps on an ET installation on Earth and hence far from human eyes?
There are other factors about "bombing", take for instance World War II saw the heavy bombardment over Europe, admittedly the weapons were conventional, but take for instance England was hit by alot of Nazi rocketed propelled "Buzz-bombs". They weren't particularly well aimed so didn't form chains, but they did leave buildings destroyed and crater marks.

The craters now adays have now become indents in fields and are now apart of the local countryside, you don't still see them because admittedly life has continued to grow over/around them.

Although life might be on this planet to malform them to scenery, it doesn't mean that if there was no life they would not have been malformed too, for instance winds can whip sand into sandstorms that can batter away at rock surfaces and carve shapes, or smooth rough surfaces.

Ontop of all that you should also note the 0.38 G in comparison to our own planet, as a bomb dropped from the sky above would need to have "projectile" force applied to create the sorts of craters you keep mentioning.

This is why I still continue to suggest those craters are no more than a trail of fragments from a meteor breaking up, since they would land at the same applied velocity and the angle of decent would not be too far out from it's path of trajectory when fragmented.
Are you questioning about Mars, as this thread is about Mars or earth?
A time line has yet to be fully developed as to this hypothetical war on Mars and about our solar system. My personal opinion is that Mars seems to have been at war for many decades because of the astronomer’s notes, drawings, and pictures over those decades. It is strongly suspected that whom ever was in our solar system were also at war with each other prior to recent history and those squabbles may have been going on for many centuries. Possibly even extending over several millennia. We do not know what and how the Carolina Bay formations were made. There are some good theories and some not so good. The East Coast Indian stories give us a possibility of a few ideas. We have also the West Coast’s Indians tales of “silver beings that fell from the skies” that give rise to some thoughts. The dates appear to be of about the same time period which is about 500 AD to about 1200 AD. You bring to the table good points BBH, but I doubt that they were accidental bombings, think more along the lines of earth not having CS crater chains and that there may have been survivors of the losers that may have come to earth. In such a case your idea of a possible ET presence but not an installation would apply well. We are not sure they were weapons at the Carolina Bays. It may be something else along the lines of “seeding” in preparation to endure a long stay here, or from the legends the surviving losers of that war were getting to the only place they knew would not be utterly destroyed?

You bring up several points that are already known, thank you though. It is doubtful that unguided bombs were used as we do still today. Probably more along the lines of smart bombs, or as we use guided missiles? Some good thinking too.

There are Bottke Chains on Venus as reported by scientists, but the radar imaging is not of a high enough resolution yet I think to possibly show smaller CS types of crater chains like we have on Mars. We have only one that may qualify as a CS chain and is still being investigated. The use of a CS chain-producing weapon may not necessarily have been used against a ground target.
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I was waiting for Ellimist to continue along this line of reasoning, but it looks like he has backed out. Your question is of great importance and most intriguing. How and where could we discover such an answer to your question?
It's difficult to theorize with an almost total lack of information.

The common sci-fi "return to barbarism" theory (that the agents were human, who subsequently crashed on the Earth and forgot everything) doesn't go here because you've postulated that the war finished just in the last few centuries.

The ET theory requires the (largely unsupported by evidence) existence of local ETs. Technological artifacts on other planets would provide good evidence of this theory, but our presence on other planets is extremely limited, so this is a faint hope. Other evidence given on this forum (photographs of supposed buildings and monuments on other worlds) is generally not credible for a couple of reasons:

1) The size of the aforementioned structures is invariably on the lower limit of the resolution of the photograph, no matter what that is. So, we must accept that, for some unknown reason, ETs only built progressively larger and larger buildings the farther away from Earth they got, and smaller ones the closer they got.
2) The analysis of photographs is a skill - since a large amount of information that we are used to (from binocular vision) is normalized right out of a photograph, sometimes we see things as being different from the way they are when we only have a picture.
Like our old friend <a href="">the impossible triangle</a>, some things can fool your eyes when you only see them from one angle.

So, I am unwilling to accept the other photographic evidence of ETs at face value as it is presented here. As a result, if we want to demonstrate the existence of ETs to support this theory we'll need to find other evidence of their local presence.

If the ETs are the cause, then we are left with a few theories as to why the Earth would be spared in this system-wide war.
1) Earth is protected by some law - like a wildlife preserve or a sacred taboo
This is hard to believe, since I can't imagine what law would stand in such a war.
2) Earth is strategically unimportant to the ETs, so there weren't any here
Again, the rest of the system was attacked, and Earth doesn't have any special attributes that would make it less interesting for occupation.
3) They missed
If this were the case then there would still be ETs here, and again, no solid evidence has been produced that there are. They might concievably have left after the war, but that's really reaching.

What's the theory crater? I can't really think of a sensible scenario offhand that explains the present arrangement of things. Maybe you've got an idea.
The CS crater chains theory gave reason to think again about all craters we see. There are many types of craters and some show similarities to atomic weapons craters. With that and the astronomers observations down through history we developed this Mars War hypotheses and that the ET’s would have losers and winners. With earth being the only place that the newest features of CS type chains are not showing up. (so far)

Researching available lines of history such as old writings, paintings, mythology, religions, and so on gives rise to an ET presence as I posted earlier. There is such a large amount of circumstantial evidence to support this along with mankind’s increase in knowledge should have shown us something. Here is where we get into the “conspiracy” crap about a cover up in this ET war scenario.

If we accept what our governments have been saying and their denial then case closed. If not, then what else stands out throughout our history as indicators of deception and cover up? Why would it need to be covered up? Why would our governments want to cover it up and at such great efforts? Why would ET want it to remain secret at all costs? What I find interesting and you bring up the point, why was earth spared?

The answer may be seen in a mirror. Apparently ET has had a great interest in the affairs of mankind for millennia. From the stories it also would appear they have a great interest in our bodies, DNA, and reproduction. But why would the winners spare the earth and the loosing ET’s that got here from that war? Mankind may be the “new kids on the block”, but someone apparently thinks were important enough not to destroy us or our planet just to get at the losers that came here. At least not yet. So I think your #1 is the cause we are not destroyed.
The governments of the world may not be sufficiently equipped to examine the presence of ET in the first place; I generally doubt the conspiracy angle, not because of my belief in the words of governments but because of their demonstrable lack of competence in other areas.

Whether or not it's reasonable to believe that ancient cultures with vivid imaginations about the functioning of the world were telling the whole truth (and not for instance, some kind of pictorial allegory/advertising, as is suspected with the Code of Hammurabi) is another matter. Often, there is a premise behind the arguments for the ancient depictions of ET which goes something like this:

"Ancient people of any kind are not imaginative enough to invent this story."

Ancient people are also considered too dull-witted to have managed to move large stones, invented calendars, or made large-scale petroglyphs, even though these things have been done in many different places. Usually I'm willing to put these sorts of wonders down to human creativity. There have been times in the past when a brief loss of history and knowledge was enough to trick people into thinking that things done by humans could not have been.

Anyway... are you postulating that the ETs have all left then? Or that they are still here, or that they died out?
Honestly, what would aliens that can travle between planets know about stone masonry any way? I really dont think that aliens could have say, built the pyramids or stone henge. Why? Could YOU build the pyramids or stone henge? Of course, what the hell do you know about mud bricks or big slabs of stone, these things are not technology, why would you know them or be able to teach primitives about them?
*chuckles*, the middle one BBH, taking a day off and will be back. Most all are aware of things like that SpyMoose, were trying to track back from a war scenario to Et still on earth with a big cover up now. To quote some one once, you do with what you have where you can get it. I doubt ET had much of their technology with them if they were the losers crashing and landing here. Good thoughts BBH.
Stone masonery is one of the first basic building blocks of a growing civilization so logically that would apply to all species.
Guess SpyMoose isn’t coming back like Ellimist, what do you think the reason for that is? Sorry for the delay in getting back to you BBH, but had some data to go over and it related to this thread.

Today we are much more technologically advanced than, say back at Roswell for instance. Or even what we knew before balloons and the Wright brothers flew. Today we have the experiences and many scientific ways of examining what seemed impossible just a few short decades ago. Often I am reminded of the “selective hearing” that is developed by parents to their children and often to each other, in like manner are scientists and religionists. Often because it flies in the face of “accepted science” these ideas get “pigeon holed” and pushed aside with our any real thought as to the potential validity of what is being presented.

Pattern recognition is an art that can be developed for many information gathering endeavors. Reverse engineering is another investigative means of discovery. Why not apply “reverse engineering” to the questions of was or is ET here? Start from the premise that ET is here and go backwards with questions instead of trying to discover ET by assuming ET is not here. By doing this some things become clear very quick. Based on the theory that CS chains are easily recognized as weapons of war and that Mars may have been destroyed by war, besides Earth not having evidence of CS chains on it, we can see a probable reason for secrecy.

What becomes apparent also is that those ET’s that are “out there” do not like the ET’s that are here. Why? The ET’s that are here apparently lost the war out there but have made friends here or, have coerced some here to help them. In all cases there is ONE thing that must be maintained to keep it all covered over. Control of information.
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