
Im not quite sure of something, you know when you get cancer, do doctors prescibe the use of cannabis as an anti depresant, or as a painkiller?This may sound stupid, but iv never been sure. :m:
john smith said:
Im not quite sure of something, you know when you get cancer, do doctors prescibe the use of cannabis as an anti depresant, or as a painkiller?This may sound stupid, but iv never been sure. :m:

Well, the prescribe it to people with glaucoma - i beleive thats how it's spelled

Because it helps out with it.

They give it to people with aids who have somthing called hungary man syndrome or somthing because they can't hold down food but marijuna allows them to eat food.

Also, its givin to a cancer patient as somthing of an anti depressent/pain killer.
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It's given to cancer patients to counter the effects of chemotherapy, which is nausea and generally feeling terrible.
Another question guys, :m: joints do contain high amounts of tar, and so therefore DO cause lung cancer, and heart disease. Why, therefore do some people believe it to be the lesser of the two evils (smoking ciggies or smoking joints)?
john smith said:
Another question guys, :m: joints do contain high amounts of tar, and so therefore DO cause lung cancer, and heart disease. Why, therefore do some people believe it to be the lesser of the two evils (smoking ciggies or smoking joints)?
because you can get physically addicted to nicotine
ask anyone who smokes cigarettes how hard it is to stop

marijuana has no such addiction, you can not become addicted to it
Anything you smoke is bound to be bad for you, but marijuana doesn't contain nicotine, which is a poison and marijuana doesn't have to be smoked, it can be eaten or drunk as an infusion, you can't do that with tobacco. Also, some studies suggest it might have anti-carcinogenic properties.
leopold99 said:
marijuana has no such addiction, you can not become addicted to it

Ah, but it is here that i think you are wrong, i have a friend, whos parents smoke marijuana heavily.The guy cant get up in the morning unless he has a joint in bed, he has at least two between meals, and if he goes without, he becomes rapidly moody, depressed and cannot concentrate on anything. This to me shows some form of addiction.
john smith said:
Ah, but it is here that i think you are wrong,
no john, you are wrong
i have smoked pot, i know what i am talking about

yes there are withdrawal symptoms
but nothing even remotely resembleing nicotine withdrawal

i will say it again you can not become addicted to marijuana
Ok then, how do you explain my friends fathers behaviour when he hasnt had his full marijuana intake.

I dont believe that these are merely 'withdrawal symptoms'.They are too aggresive, and also he just cannot physically function during the day unless he has acquired his daily 'fix'.

Just because you didnt experince a form of addiction, does not mean that the same situation could lead to a different outcome for a different person. This guy IS addicted to smoking pot, whatever you say cannot, and will not change this simple fact.
marijuana has no such addiction, you can not become addicted to it
Well, you can actually. Trust me on that.
It's psychological but can be very difficult to get out of if you smoke it frequently for an extended period of time. It has a habit of making itself a lifestyle, and sucking the joy out of anything but itself. The lifestyle is addictive.
And extremely negative.

This, I'm sure, is why it's illegal.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are socially condusive activities. They mesh well with society, alcoholics can function perfectly in society, stoners can not.
It makes you forget about doing anything with your life and you just sit around getting high, and you're too spaced out to see the problem with that.
It generally just effects you mentally on a more extreme level than alcohol, and for longer. You just eventually pass out and wake up with a hangover drinking alcohol. The next day you're thinking straight and you're in the position to responsibly direct your life. But once you smoke pot for a few days your permanently half stoned and you just keep smoking it and smoking and procrastinating and forgetting and soon you're only smoking pot and watching tv, and this could go on indefinately because you won't have any moments of real clarity (despite the illusions of supreme clarity with universal significance- it's all just bullshit though in reality) and doing nothing but smoking pot makes perfect sense in your twisted brain.

These arguments "you're not hurting anyone when you're high" are misleading, getting into drunken fights is such a trivial thing in comparison to completely wasting your life which is what you do when you're a stoner.

Some people can just smoke it on occassion and function perfectly ok, but most don't.
The fact it's not technically physically addictive is misleading too because people just get stuck in haphazardly and before they know it they're not thinking properly and just destroying their life without realising.

I don't care if it's legal or illegal, but it should be clearer to everyone what it is.
Maybe the risks would be made clearer if it was legal, as it stands all anyone ever hears about it is how it's harmless and non addictive and should be legal etc etc and I think people are going in ignorant and once they're in they can't even notice the problems because they're wacked out stoners.

Look at the whole hippy thing, a whole sect of society were stoners and they started thinking about all shit which didn't matter and doing nothing but talking crap and getting high. And now they're old ugly dirtbags living in busted up shit hole houses out of town with dirty vans and nothing to show for their lives and hardly any memories.
That kind of sums up what weed does to people (I know they took acid and sh!t as well but the weed is what allowed them to think it was perfectly ok living such a ridiculous lifestyle taking acid all the time).

I think everyone should experience weed and acid, I really do believe they help one learn to think in more complicated ways.
There's clearly a point when it stops being beneficial though and the unfortunate thing is the person taking the drugs rarely will notice that point come and pass.
i am not saying there are no withdrawal symptoms

i AM saying you can not become physically addicted to marijuana

both nicotine and alcohol are physically addicting
it is almost impossible to quit either of them

the "addiction" of marijuana is mental
you just think you need it

Physical addiction is when a person's body actually becomes dependent on a particular substance

Psychological (or mental) addiction happens when the cravings for a drug are psychological or emotional. People who are psychologically addicted feel overcome by the desire to have a drug.
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Dr Lou Natic said:
Well, you can actually. Trust me on that.

me)))wouldn't trust ya as far as i could throw ya

It's psychological but can be very difficult to get out of if you smoke it frequently for an extended period of time. It has a habit of making itself a lifestyle, and sucking the joy out of anything but itself. The lifestyle is addictive.
And extremely negative.

me))one couod say same for a business corporate alacohol coke fueled lifestyle much mo better, dont ya think?

This, I'm sure, is why it's illegal.
Smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol are socially condusive activities. They mesh well with society, alcoholics can function perfectly in society, stoners can not.

me)))oh my Gooood, you cant be serious? are you serious, are ya ...arrre ya. oh.
look. for a kick off, smokining ciggies is becomin more and more socially Uacceptable. just read yeter that a califrnian place is banning ciggies-e smoking outside.
also where we are in UK, alcohol bingeing has gotten So out of control, hundreds of young pople, getting younger and younger are getting life threatening diseases, and also drink fuled violence is on the streeets. so what te helll are you talking abot ?

It makes you forget about doing anything with your life and you just sit around getting high, and you're too spaced out to see the problem with that.
It generally just effects you mentally on a more extreme level than alcohol, and for longer. You just eventually pass out and wake up with a hangover drinking alcohol. The next day you're thinking straight and you're in the position to responsibly direct your life. But once you smoke pot for a few days your permanently half stoned and you just keep smoking it and smoking and procrastinating and forgetting and soon you're only smoking pot and watching tv, and this could go on indefinately because you won't have any moments of real clarity (despite the illusions of supreme clarity with universal significance- it's all just bullshit though in reality) and doing nothing but smoking pot makes perfect sense in your twisted brain.

me)))well how come your 'sober' brain seems twisted...? dont think i haveever reead anything with an iota of insight from you here dr lou natic. i find your views abhorrent.
hae yo not thought tat maybe it is YOUR experience of grass you are meaning. cxan yuu not see that others' experience wth it my be diferent and more liberating. as usual the dodgy person blames the drug and not teir own nature.......take rightly the herb is condusive for heightened sensuality. ever enjoyed ses when pissed...?? you are like a rubber man, causealcohol is a depressant. it NUMBS your senses. thats why they used to use it for surgery. cutting legs off etc!

These arguments "you're not hurting anyone when you're high" are misleading, getting into drunken fights is such a trivial thing in comparison to completely wasting your life which is what you do when you're a stoner.

me))))))))i cann believe what i am hearing, truly. you are trying to say alchol is not a pime causeof bloody and murdeous violence. your argument is not wortheffort of challenge it is so lacking in insight
you shood come check out manchester lad, on a friday saturday etc nights. will soooon chanfe your mind i promise

Some people can just smoke it on occassion and function perfectly ok, but most don't.
The fact it's not technically physically addictive is misleading too because people just get stuck in haphazardly and before they know it they're not thinking properly and just destroying their life without realising.

me))))))))any activity can become obsessive.....drinkin, eatin, shoppin, gamblin, workin, sending silly unifformed posts to forums, etc etc. its nt the activity it is the person. itis also the system hat prson is in. and the lifestyle. our world has lost its soul so manypeople latch onto diverse ways of escape. many people choose to chane teir consciousness. you are attacking cannabis but bet you dont see dangers of sugar--which is a drug and insidiously harmful, coffeee, etc etc

I don't care if it's legal or illegal, but it should be clearer to everyone what it is.

me))well ifukin carew. how dare you and ytour cronies dictate to us what we can grow. what we can ingest and smoke. that make laws against Nature. you wankers. you fuuukin hypocrites

Maybe the risks would be made clearer if it was legal, as it stands all anyone ever hears about it is how it's harmless and non addictive and should be legal etc etc and I think people are going in ignorant and once they're in they can't even notice the problems because they're wacked out stoners.

me))))a person can get as much info as they wanna. how many know about dangers of alcohol. not many, cause thats why mo and mo youth are getting diseased.
and some times people dont wan to know. how many people buy ciggies when on fronts of packets now is 'these will kill you'. when pople wnat pleasure they will go fo it. the alternative is your mean sober little world. which is more visious than any fukin drug. tos secretly they use drug money to pay fo their wars!!!!

Look at the whole hippy thing, a whole sect of society were stoners and they started thinking about all shit which didn't matter and doing nothing but talking crap and getting high. And now they're old ugly dirtbags living in busted up shit hole houses out of town with dirty vans and nothing to show for their lives and hardly any memories.
That kind of sums up what weed does to people (I know they took acid and sh!t as well but the weed is what allowed them to think it was perfectly ok living such a ridiculous lifestyle taking acid all the time).

me)))yo men in comparison with your superior lifestyle, were you send dickhead absurd rants from your precious computer borin u all dead with its bullshite?oh right? hippies of te world? aren't you jealous of this dude here?.........

I think everyone should experience weed and acid, I really do believe they help one learn to think in more complicated ways.

me)))hmmmmm, contradictions now. annnnd, it has to be siad. unfortunately they didn't help you. ohhh well

There's clearly a point when it stops being beneficial though and the unfortunate thing is the person taking the drugs rarely will notice that point come and pass.

no. you are confusing abuse wit intelliget respectful use. i for example see you as quite rigid. you seem set in your ways and have avery negativeoutlook on life, and have racist views etc....if anyone needed to refreesh your muse with inpiring facilitators its you boyo
Well, there are some things you should know about marijuana.

1. It destroys long term thinking.
2. It destroys hand eye cordination
3. It is a despressent. - undeniably.
4. It can lead to other drugs, depending on the person
5. It causes several cancers. But what doesn't. If you don't believe this i think you should wonder why Bob Marley died from a smoking cancer. When he was a huge activist for making tobacco illegal.
6. It does cause alot of problems with crimes. Most drug dealers start off selling pot. Look at the crimes the commit.
7. It supports criminal activities at this moment.
8. It does damage to your DNA, which in terms effects your children.
9. Think about how good most kids life are when they smoke pot.
I can't really think of and pros for it. Other then it is relaxing, and good for a social life. :m:
Ricky Houy said:
Well, there are some things you should know about marijuana.

1. It destroys long term thinking.
2. It destroys hand eye cordination
3. It is a despressent. - undeniably.
4. It can lead to other drugs, depending on the person
5. It causes several cancers. But what doesn't. If you don't believe this i think you should wonder why Bob Marley died from a smoking cancer. When he was a huge activist for making tobacco illegal.
6. It does cause alot of problems with crimes. Most drug dealers start off selling pot. Look at the crimes the commit.
7. It supports criminal activities at this moment.
8. It does damage to your DNA, which in terms effects your children.
9. Think about how good most kids life are when they smoke pot.
I can't really think of and pros for it. Other then it is relaxing, and good for a social life. :m:

all of which (besides perhaps cancer if you've smoked for long enough or criminal consequences if you are in jail) go away after you stop smoking pot.
Your DNA is permenitly altered as wel as your cordnation system. Although your cordination system will get better it will never be at its full poteintal. Now the others do go away when you have quit smoking. But, they still cause damage, for the time you are on it. Enough to alter your life for better or worse depeding on the person.
Ricky Houy said:
Your DNA is permenitly altered as wel as your cordnation system. Although your cordination system will get better it will never be at its full poteintal. Now the others do go away when you have quit smoking. But, they still cause damage, for the time you are on it. Enough to alter your life for better or worse depeding on the person.
dna is altered? where do you get this from? the only thing thc does to genes is alter the current production of germ cells, which would only affect you offspring if you had any while you still had thc in your bloodstream. as long as thc isn't in the bloodstream, it isn't affecting the production of sperm. coordination is only affected while you're high. studies have shown that mental disabilities caused by marijuana usage (whether chronic or short term) disappear after the person stops smoking for about a month. the only damage left over is whatever small amount of stuff in the lungs including any possible carcinogens left behind. the consequences of smoking depend on the person.
RoyLennigan said:
dna is altered? where do you get this from? the only thing thc does to genes is alter the current production of germ cells, which would only affect you offspring if you had any while you still had thc in your bloodstream. as long as thc isn't in the bloodstream, it isn't affecting the production of sperm. coordination is only affected while you're high. studies have shown that mental disabilities caused by marijuana usage (whether chronic or short term) disappear after the person stops smoking for about a month. the only damage left over is whatever small amount of stuff in the lungs including any possible carcinogens left behind. the consequences of smoking depend on the person.

Read into European studies on this matter. I'm almost positive you will find something on the fact it will alter your DNA. Alot of things will alter your DNA Marijuana messes with the cannabanoids in your brain, which causes chemical changes in your system, in short affecting your DNA.
listen. lets be real. A:L drugs can be abused. and some can show side effects for some more than others. remember, eating bad food always has bad side effects

alcohol, the accepted drug. it can cause lots of diseases if abused, including the insidious damage to liver (yo dont find out till its too late!)

but THE most important point in my opnion, is: that te State has absolutly no right to prohibit qhat we choose to ingest. espcially someting s relatively harmless a cannabis

in fact, iti the very war on drugs that has caused strogr strains of cannis, like skink to become te favoued strain. thiis cause of the blck market and covery government moves.
also remember that many dealers in cannabis now also sell other drugs too. i remember for example in l70s 80s where some cannbis sellers wouldn't touch some of the othe harder drugs to sell. yet as drug war has caused gangsterism, this has changed. so kids goin for draw may have crack pushed into their faces, etc.

so it is no point ie., makin lists of negative effects of marijuana. tis has been tried big time by State beginnin wit reefer madness popaganda, and has it stopped people takin what tey want? no. and it also creates a forbidden fruit glamour too

but you see. secretly the State WANTS this. they use drug money to fuel their wasee Dan Russel's Drug War

cannabis is one of the only actual NATURAl drugs. and people have used it for centuries. think about it. what State LOVE to do is control. they dont want people having access to a natrually growing plant. they rather want you hooked on thie r drugs which are man-made and make PROFITS!
i know i know. this sounds like contradiction, for i am saying they want pple buying illegal drugs--covertly. but you see, as Russel explains. KEEPING them controlled keeps their price up. profit
Ricky Houy said:
Read into European studies on this matter. I'm almost positive you will find something on the fact it will alter your DNA. Alot of things will alter your DNA Marijuana messes with the cannabanoids in your brain, which causes chemical changes in your system, in short affecting your DNA.
no, the only thing that alters the dna in your body is cancer.