
RoyLennigan said:
no, the only thing that alters the dna in your body is cancer.

Please, that is nonsense. Alot of studies show Mobile phones or even bad air cn alter your DNA.
I know this is reiterating many things said previously, but it's needed. I find no good reason why marijuana is still illegal in the U.S. It's less harmful than legal substances like alcohol and cigarettes. So where does the government have the right to keep it illegal? Another ploy by the U.S. government, driven by greed and not by logic. Marijuana is not at all physically addictive. Mental addiction can occur with any substance. Video games, food, sex, ect. The drug itself is not addictive. As far as marijuana leading to other "harder" drugs, that's BS. It's all a matter of the individual. If they enjoy the euphoria of any drug than it's a matter of what type of highs they enjoy and the strength of each. There are numerous pot smokers who have never cared to use stronger drugs, it's a matter of the individual, not the marijuana. I myself smoke, and do not at all feel compelled to shoot up some heroin because it will get me "high". The government profits by keeping marijuana illegal, and that's the bottom line. :m:
leopold99 said:
i gave abou 4 or 5 links that say you are wrong
you gave me links to sites with people that agree with your point of view..nothing of substance. The fact that the majority of major heavy drug users have used marijuana at some point just goes with what I said that if someone is inclined to get high, and enjoys the euphoria...than it's only logical to assume they started at the easiest attained, milder drug...marijuana. There is no proof that marijuana in any way compells someone to try stronger mind altering substances.
GeniusNProgress said:
you gave me links to sites with people that agree with your point of view..
those sites were unbiased sources
one of them being a pro drug site

like i said in the post of the sources
i avoided sites such as norml and anti drug sites
both types of sites are biased
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and if your argument is 'ban marijuana cause it leads to harder drugs'? ytou should watch the well good and well funny film 'Grass'. narrated by Woddy Harrilson it shows exactly the absurdity ofStat propaganda about cannbis. they have tried all kinds of ridiculous ploys since the 30s to demonize weed. the first films showed these hillarious films of white folks puffin on reefer and then murdering each other....'marijuana KILLS' then they trid other tactics when people sussed that was crap. tis has gone on and hey we're in 2006. for fuk sake wake up you gullibles

oh yeah. one of the ploys was 'marijuana leads to harder drugs'...well like, rrrr what happend to marijuana makes you kill??

what happened to that leopold

but listen. EVEN if it does. that is no reason whatsoever for you and your cronies to tell people who use it they cant use it. to tell people they cannpot grow plants. you are facists when you do this. trying ti impose your idsras and practices onto others who do not want it. ANDit will NEVER work. so give itup already
duendy said:
and if your argument is 'ban marijuana cause it leads to harder drugs'? ytou should watch the well good and well funny film 'Grass'. narrated by Woddy Harrilson it shows exactly the absurdity ofStat propaganda about cannbis. they have tried all kinds of ridiculous ploys since the 30s to demonize weed.
which is exactly why i avoided anti drug sites
duendy said:
...well like, rrrr what happend to marijuana makes you kill??

what happened to that leopold

but listen. EVEN if it does. that is no reason whatsoever for you and your cronies to tell people who use it they cant use it. to tell people they cannpot grow plants. you are facists when you do this. trying ti impose your idsras and practices onto others who do not want it. ANDit will NEVER work. so give itup already
i never said marijuana makes you kill

and i am not saying people shouldn't use it

i have no problems with marijuana
but i do feel people that want to know the truth will be reading this thread
that is why i selected unbiased sources for my links
RoyLennigan said:

Mutations are changes in an organism's DNA that potentially affect the correct functioning of genes. They occur naturally due to replication errors, mispairing of homologous chromosomes, or through unavoidable exposure to natural radiation (e.g., cosmic rays)

In the last decade, a serious new dimension has been added to the LSD controversy. A number of scientific papers have been published indicating that LSD might cause structural changes in the chromosomes, genetic mutations, disturbances of embryonic development, and malignant degeneration of cells.
RoyLennigan said:

Sure, this is no problem. For this one you need to look at the 4th video called "rat mutation"

Now if you could find anything that could in any way contradict this then maybe you might have something. But I feel that will be quite hard seeing as I have already tryed this.

But thats besides the point. I beleive that is plenty of evidence to back up my statement.
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ok i stand slightly corrected. mutations seems to occur in somatic cells even naturally. but drugs like LSD and marijuana don't seem to have a large effect on this, as shown by the link you included.

The Effects of LSD on Chromosomes said:
...These children received LSD daily in two divided dosages of 100 to 150 micrograms for a period of weeks or months. The frequency of chromosome breakage in this group was less than 2 percent and did not differ from that of the control group...

it does show some evidence for mutation due to LSD, but i would like to see more studies on that specific matter.

i think i had a momentarly lapse of reason there. i know that anything can potentially affect the copying of chromosomes in the body, and that is how cancer forms. i guess that is what i was saying, but it means that we're both right and i was a bit wrong.

i think these articles were saying that damage is mostly done by causing a greater chance for mutation to occur in the process of cell division. i'm not sure if the usage of lsd or cell phones can cause damage to existing cells (though the wording makes it look as if it does).
RoyLennigan said:
i think i had a momentarly lapse of reason there. i know that anything can potentially affect the copying of chromosomes in the body, and that is how cancer forms. i guess that is what i was saying, but it means that we're both right and i was a bit wrong.

i think these articles were saying that damage is mostly done by causing a greater chance for mutation to occur in the process of cell division. i'm not sure if the usage of lsd or cell phones can cause damage to existing cells (though the wording makes it look as if it does).

Well, it's all about how you look at it. See what if it were to go like this i.e. (your genes were altered by bad air or cellphones or even marijuana and you had been using both for a long period of time and want to have a child. When you conceive your child has mutations. Due to the fact that your DNA had been altered because of this.) Although I must admit it is highly unlikely it could still happen correct?
Ricky Houy said:
Well, it's all about how you look at it. See what if it were to go like this i.e. (your genes were altered by bad air or cellphones or even marijuana and you had been using both for a long period of time and want to have a child. When you conceive your child has mutations. Due to the fact that your DNA had been altered because of this.) Although I must admit it is highly unlikely it could still happen correct?
actually, it isn't unlikely. in fact its so likely that it even happens to people who aren't exposed to large amounts of radiation or carcinogens. mutations are normal in the sense that they have so many different causes, it is hard to track them all down. also, mutations are not always harmful (though they are most of the time).

but yes, it would be safe to say that people who are exposed to more carcinogens have a better chance of having more mutations than others. also, drugs like marijuana have a much higher chance of affecting chromosomes in germ (reproductive) cells than body cells. but only when the chemicals from marijuana are still in the bloodstream. once they are gone, that chance is gone with them. that is why pregnant women are advised not to drink or do other drugs. but i think that men and women who plan to have a child should also not do any kinds of drugs for at least a few weeks before conception.

the reason your child would have mutations (if you are exposed to things that cause dna mutation) is not because your own body cells are mutated, but because the 'half-cells' created by your reproductive system are mutated; the egg and sperm cells.
RoyLennigan said:
actually, it isn't unlikely. in fact its so likely that it even happens to people who aren't exposed to large amounts of radiation or carcinogens. mutations are normal in the sense that they have so many different causes, it is hard to track them all down. also, mutations are not always harmful (though they are most of the time).

but yes, it would be safe to say that people who are exposed to more carcinogens have a better chance of having more mutations than others. also, drugs like marijuana have a much higher chance of affecting chromosomes in germ (reproductive) cells than body cells. but only when the chemicals from marijuana are still in the bloodstream. once they are gone, that chance is gone with them. that is why pregnant women are advised not to drink or do other drugs. but i think that men and women who plan to have a child should also not do any kinds of drugs for at least a few weeks before conception.

the reason your child would have mutations (if you are exposed to things that cause dna mutation) is not because your own body cells are mutated, but because the 'half-cells' created by your reproductive system are mutated; the egg and sperm cells.

Well, thats a good way of looking at it. But that is not my point.

I'm trying to say that it could alter your DNA to the extent which coul effect your children long after the marijauna is out of your system. Which is what is far less likely to do much damage. See the thing about this is that it would have a mild affect. I think a direct cause of this could be from the cancer causing chemicals in Marijuana. Which would make it even more accuarate to say that it alters your DNA. But wouldn't give you a full explaination on it.I would have to either find research already done on this. Or I would have to do my own research on it. Which would be fairly expensive and would take me some time to get around to doing. But I have full intentions on researching effects of Marijuana on the DNA.
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RoyLennigan said:
ok i stand slightly corrected. mutations seems to occur in somatic cells even naturally. but drugs like LSD and marijuana don't seem to have a large effect on this, as shown by the link you included.
whoa there cowboy
i never said marijuana causes cell damage or dna damage
i said lsd does