
marijuana also exposes the user to other drugs

but the main culprit is like you said wes
the mechanics of a marijuana high in combination with it being a relativly mild drug coupled with the personality type leads to other drugs

there are some people that will say "marijuana doesn't force you to do harder drugs" and they are right, it's the type of person you are
marijuana is the first drug seen when someone exposes themselves to drugs. when they pursue it, or indulge it in on an offer, they are opening themselves to that aspect of the world. marijuana exposes nothing in and of itself... until you smoke it I mean. :)

actually I would personally recommend 1 LSD trip and 1 mushroom trip as a requirement at least once per adult, for reasons of perspective. of course I wouldn't force the issue, it's just a recommendation which if indulged, should be accompanied by some counseling on forthcoming events prior to indulgance. seriously, they are eye openers. I wouldn't recommend frequenting either, but a few times in a lifetime is highly desirable as I see it.
spuriousmonkey said:
Let's make everybody take an official personality test and if they are prone to trying hard drugs we just put them in jail.

Hehe, yeah that seems like the general idea doesn't it? It's pathetic. It's just a means of control. I don't blame anyone for wanting such control, as IMO it's simply instinct to attempt to control environmental factors to as much of an extent as one can.


It's my personal opinion that when someone IS prone to such experimentation or addiction, society must allow it up to the point that direct physical harm is caused to other individuals or their property. The people who do so, need to in order to learn what they must from the experience. Providing advice to them on your opinion of their behavior is perfectly reasonable, but forcibly preventing it short of the harm clause above is IMO, criminal. IMO, such allowances are the cost of freedom, regardless of one's personal tastes.
Kotoko said:
leo darling...

Arguing with duendy is akin to repeatedly bashing oneself in the face with Nerf bat. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't really do anything either. It's kind of a exercise in futility, where you are the only one frustrated (not to mention the headache you get trying to read her posts in the first place). She doesn't realize she's insane and full of shit, and no one can tell her that she is. You can try to tell her, but then you are the problem. heh.

Marijuana is bad for your health, mmkay?

I don't care if you smoke it though, as long as you aren't harming anyone else. Parents who smoke while they should be supervising their young children are stupid and should have their children taken away. People who drink in excess while they should be supervising young children should likewise get dealt the same fate. Both people who smoke or drink and drive are also criminals. But as long as you do it in your own home, it's your body.
speak to me. have guts .......what?
can you not read article?
and also,hey. i am not holing up some scientists --the bleedin obvious --report to justify t myself what i sayall along. i can tink for myself. but article amuses me for one cause it shows wat a right fukin stupid mss the whole charade issss

and listen up leopold, etal. the CRITICAL issu is not whether it leads to harder drugs. it is YOU etc have no right whatsoever to tell me etc, who are adults, what plant and/or we may choose to ingest

duendy said:
speak to me. have guts .......what?
can you not read article?

These aren't things I haven't said to you before, several times.

By the way, are you a pikey, rroma or gypsy? Because your English sucks, even more than most. Especially coming from the UK where it is your primary language. Either that or the pot has gotten to you way more than you think.

Look at your posts from our perspective, they are mostly incoherent, completely lacking spelling and grammar, and they are ripe with paranoid comments. I'll repeat, Marijuana is bad for your health, mmkay?
Kotoko said:
These aren't things I haven't said to you before, several times.

me))oh yeah, like where ? i did a check on ye. what i find. a whole host of dipsy trivia posts,,,,,,and ONE, aaaah. sumhin bout 'flaws of buddhism'...? hmmmmmmm. you a Buddha-ist. and .....i put it that it is errrvery flawed, and you defend it. is that ya beef kid?

By the way, are you a pikey, rroma or gypsy?

me))mind ya fukn biz

Because your English sucks, even more than most.

me))not as much as your manners yu dodgy little buddhy. careful of ya 'merit'...hah

Especially coming from the UK where it is your primary language. Either that or the pot has gotten to you way more than you think.

me))wud love to tie yu donwn and fill u wid ganga smoke. might...mite chill yu. yu horrid girl

Look at your posts from our perspective, they are mostly incoherent, completely lacking spelling and grammar, and they are ripe with paranoid comments. I'll repeat, Marijuana is bad for your health, mmkay?
and i repeat. not as bad as you are. now off it and meditate
See what I mean, leopold? Just a scrappy little junk yard dog with nothing important to add to any conversation. Best to just kick her to the curb before she bites.
Kotoko said:
See what I mean, leopold? Just a scrappy little junk yard dog with nothing important to add to any conversation. Best to just kick her to the curb before she bites.
yur doin enuf bitin for everyone scrappy little junkyard dog ...wuff wufff!
In his marvelous little book, "The Doors of Perception", Aldous Huxley quotes the Cambridge philosopher C. D. Broad:
". . . we should do well to consider much more seriously than we have hitherto been inclined to do . . . the suggestion that the function of the brain and nervous system and sense organs is in the main eliminative and not productive. Each person is at each moment capable of remembering all that has ever happened to him and of perceiving everything that is happening everywhere in the universe. The function of the brain and nervous system is to protect us from being overwhelmed and confused by this mass of largely useless and irrelevant knowledge, by shutting out most of what we should otherwise perceive or remember at any moment, and leaving only that very small and special selection which is likely to be practically useful."

In referring to this state of all-knowing as Mind At Large, Huxley continues:
"Each one of us is potentially Mind at Large. But in so far as we are animals, our business is at all costs to survive. To make biological survival possible, Mind at Large has to be funneled through the reducing valve of the brain and nervous system. What comes out at the other end is a measly trickle of the kind of consciousness which will help us stay alive on the planet.

"To formulate and express the contents of this reduced awareness, man has invented and endlessly elaborated those symbol-systems and implicit philosophies which we call languages. Every individual is at once the beneficiary and the victim of the linguistic tradition into which he has been born--the beneficiary inasmuch as language gives access to the accumulated records of other people's experience, the victim in so far as it confirms him in the belief that reduced awareness is the only awareness, and as it bedevils his sense of reality, so that he is all too apt to take his concepts for data, his words for actual things. That which, in the language of religion, is called "this world" is the universe of reduced awareness, expressed, and, as it were, petrified by language.

"The various "other worlds" with which human beings erratically make contact are so many elements in the totality of the awareness belonging to Mind At Large. Most people, most of the time, know only what comes through the reducing valve and is consecrated as genuinely real by the local language. Certain persons, however, seem to be born with a kind of temporary by-pass which circumvents the reducing valve. In others, temporary by-passes may be acquired either spontaneously, or as the result of deliberate "spiritual exercises", or through hypnosis, or by means of drugs. Through these permanent or temporary by-passes there flows . . . something more than, and above all something different from the carefully selected utilitarian material which our narrowed, individual minds regard as a complete, or at least sufficient, picture of reality." -Aldous Huxley, The Doors of Perception, 1954, Harper & Row.

The old notion is that a drug that makes you feel good, like booze, when you stagger around and say, "Hey, I'm great, I'm the best one on the block", that's not what we mean by feeling good or getting high. Getting high is that sense of union, wonder, revelation, merging with something that's bigger than yourself.
--Timothy Leary
first off all im going to tell you to yah off deundy to tell you thge truth she is a genius i talk to ehr alot over private messages she is trying to point out that herds are eye opener they open your mind to many diffrent thougts that woudlnt be able to comprehend if you havnt done the drug it is not her fault she is trying to tell you what she knows which btw is ALOT about the issue of drugs everything i have learned from ehr is an eye opener ive already know many of the things we discuss but she knows more about the subjects and expandes more on the ideas i have in my head her grammer and spelling should not friggen matter at all who cares about what race she is jsut drop it there is nothing you can do about it and its going to stay the same as it is now

drugs have been used all throught ancient times to bring people to spiritual arest to help to get to know himself better and the surroundeds we all live in... it is only now that drugs are viewed bad and the reson why they are viewd as mad is because they make you think MAKE YOU THINKG DEEPLY about world issues and everything that is happeneng around us... now why would they be view as bad?? because we live in a world where medie the goverment and everything is based on dummying down the masses so they are easier to control think about it if certian drugs make us think of course they are going to put out the word that they are bad beacuse they dont want us to think! alchohol doesnt make us think it make us think that much it makes us want to party and have a good time MJ on the other hand does the oppisate that is why it is illigel....

see in the acient time people didnt really get addicted to drugs beacuse they didnt know they could be addicted now all people hear about drugs beeing addictive and the bad effects of the drugs HMMM that makes me think even more and you want to know why beacuse i ahve just thought has it ever occerd to anyone that the media has already subliminally put the effects of all the drugs into our minds? what i mean by this is now people, teens, adults are only doing these drugs to TRIP out to get fucked up and we see it on tv all the time in acient times they did the drugs to like i siad befor better get to know the envorment and ourselves if we didnt have the Tv or the news papers telling us about tripping out and jsut getting fucked up we would still be doing the same as the ancients... when we all do drugs we shouldnt do it to jsut trip out THAT IS THE BAD ABOUT DRUGS NOW we should be doing drugs to open our mind to let us see the things we havnt noticed about life befor THIS is the positive of drugs and this is how it should be this is what should go through everyones heads while they are doing drugs... and hopefully you all see what im trying to get at and what duendy is getting at also.... there is just ALOT more then meets the eyes of the blinded...

p.s. deundy dont shink down to there level they are just trying to push your buttons for knowing thinkgs that they cant comprehend they are jsut basically trying to get you to flip out enough so you get ban on these forums just keep doing what you are doing and dont let it phase you ;)
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Ember-To-Inferno said:
first off all im going to tell you to yah off deundy to tell you thge truth she is a genius
i was going to read your entire post but this dissuaded me
LMFAO hey man trust me i could care less if you dont want to read my post you probly wounldnt understand that much of it anyways im just a stupid 18 year old anyways you shouldnt keep grudges everyone has diffrent oppinions why hold people agiasnt what they have experianced know or seen since you yourself have probly experianced many diffrent things.
well it looks liek to me you are holding one against duendy for having a diffrent view then you do and you basically said that by saying

i was going to read your entire post but this dissuaded me

that looks like agrudge to me not wanting to read my post becuase you dont like duendy's views on certian things and me agreeing wiht her basically? but lets get back on topic now i am not here to change the topic or provoke people i would like people to comment on what i have prevoisly said and not this non sence since it is off topic
Ember-To-Inferno said:
well it looks liek to me you are holding one against duendy
after you have tried in vain to read most of duendys posts i think you will see where i'm coming from
welll acually i read every singal one of duendys posts that i see i enjoy reading them acually they make alot of sence if you ask me the spelling errors are jsut a way to say hey if you want to understand what im saying put more effort into reading the errors make sence of the sentances..
if imadfe ttyher mkidrteakes tyha sdhr mkaskes tyhwen i weuoldn;'t ber tasken werioswly eityer

try real hard to make sense of that sentence
if you can not then you aren't trying hard enough