
leopold99 said:
whoa there cowboy
i never said marijuana causes cell damage or dna damage
i said lsd does
causes damage in reproductive cells, there are many studies on it
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Ricky Houy said:
Well, thats a good way of looking at it. But that is not my point.

I'm trying to say that it could alter your DNA to the extent which coul effect your children long after the marijauna is out of your system. Which is what is far less likely to do much damage. See the thing about this is that it would have a mild affect. I think a direct cause of this could be from the cancer causing chemicals in Marijuana. Which would make it even more accuarate to say that it alters your DNA. But wouldn't give you a full explaination on it.I would have to either find research already done on this. Or I would have to do my own research on it. Which would be fairly expensive and would take me some time to get around to doing. But I have full intentions on researching effects of Marijuana on the DNA.
i was under the impression that the damage done to cells that could affect meiosis (after any trace of marijuana has left the body completely) was negligable in that it couldn't be distinguished from normal mutations that happen naturally.
RoyLennigan said:
i was under the impression that the damage done to cells that could affect meiosis (after any trace of marijuana has left the body completely) was negligable in that it couldn't be distinguished from normal mutations that happen naturally.

Well thats a tough one. But you could simply run test before and after with only one factor being the marijuana and test the differences. That would make it alot more simple to test. But there would always be a change and an extremely hard one to distinguish from. But technology advances everyday. Who is to say 25 years from now that would be a simple thing to run tests for.
Ricky Houy said:
Well thats a tough one. But you could simply run test before and after with only one factor being the marijuana and test the differences. That would make it alot more simple to test. But there would always be a change and an extremely hard one to distinguish from. But technology advances everyday. Who is to say 25 years from now that would be a simple thing to run tests for.
its a very complex system and i'm not sure if there's a simple test we can do to observe the effects, like you are saying. when there is thc in the bloodstream still, it is shown to have an effect on the production of sperm (causes less sperm to be produced, i'm not sure what the effect is in women, but there still is one). this either doesn't happen, or happens with such minuteness that it isn't observable when there is no thc present in the body. i think the damage done is so small that it doesn't really matter. but yes, in a few years we might be able to observe that small change due to marijuana, if it occurs.
RoyLennigan said:
its a very complex system and i'm not sure if there's a simple test we can do to observe the effects, like you are saying. when there is thc in the bloodstream still, it is shown to have an effect on the production of sperm (causes less sperm to be produced, i'm not sure what the effect is in women, but there still is one). this either doesn't happen, or happens with such minuteness that it isn't observable when there is no thc present in the body. i think the damage done is so small that it doesn't really matter. but yes, in a few years we might be able to observe that small change due to marijuana, if it occurs.

Yea, well I hope we are able to study it better.

The effect it has on women is that there cycle is slightly off i.e. instead of once a month its once every 5-6 weeks. I couldn't tell you if those are the exact numbers on it. But they are very close.
What's wrong with being high
What's wrong with all other drugs then?
What's wrong with incest?
If we keep on pushing....... sadly there will be no border of morality at all......
So? Is morality necessarily a good thing? All it does is limit mankind's potential.
To answer your three questions: Nothing, nothing, and nothing whatsoever.
Xellos said:
Well i have heard many things about marijuana from my friends. i was wondering what you think about it. Is it right? should they legalize it? i mean we have discussed it but they arent as intelegent as i think you are. I would like to know what you think about it from an intelegent point of view.


There is a super strength item on the 'market' called skunk, it is unlike the regular stuff and it causes psychosis and depression.

I knew loads of marjuana users and they were ALL addicts, you can't spend two hours hunting down the stuff at 3am in the morning and claiming you are not addicted! It slows the bodies responses destroys relationships as the ineraction diminsihes, its crap, in my first marriage my ex used it and it was very destructive, to him and to our relationship. Stay on natural highs and buy yourself a skate board!
but theyyyy wont.

this IS a act.

they wont. and whythe fuck should they take advice from a sukin hypocritical culture which on one hand gets all hysterical bout a natrualy growing PLANT, yet on othe is willing to FORCIBLY drug childre, many VEY young to fit into their indoctrinating factories/schools---ie., their 'ADHD@ etc scam. those drugs do do harm yet apparently that is turned a blind eye towards. parents are threatened of losing their kids--and sne do!--if thewy dont agee theyt are 'mentally ill' and need 'meds'. tis situation is SERIOUS shit

so . we haetes double standards.

now. we already have looked at the scam ofte mental health moement wit its labes of 'depression' and 'psychosis' right. so to USE their labels --as THEY are doing--to warn people off marijuana sseems a bit...contradictory

the whole REASOn skunk HAS become the eemingly main stain of marijuna is--listen up--is because of the persecution of people wanting the othe varirites. i have seen tis happen in my lifetime. when i first had my first toke in '71 you could geta MENU of diverse anges of cannabis. we is talkin Afghany, Nepalise, Lebones, Thai Grass, Califonnian, etc etc etc. seriously. actually you can in Holland in thie cafes. but as tings got heavy and black market dealers began mixing it with crap. people were driven to te 'quaranteed high of the more stronger bred varieites. supply and demand. so its the very same fukers moaning about the 'problem' that CAUSEDit. as fukin usual

but thre are oter covert tings going on too you may nowt know about. like the powers that be show tiois ever so concerned mask, but covertly WANT tyhis situation cause they use the drug monies for teir wars. this is all explained meticulously in Dan Russell's book 'Drug War'

yes. i know only too well how many, especialy youth smoke skunk likeits goin out of fashion. but that is because they lck education about sensible tokin. like they do about sensible boozin. but tis stuuupid so called 'war on drugs' excacerbates the problem. and thats its intention!

dontdont dont believe the HYPE
in our news today: 'Scientists say smoking cannabis DOESN'T lead to taking harder drugs: By Bob Roberts, Deputy Political Editor: CLAIMS tha cannabis use lads to harder drugs were yesterday dismissed as nonesense.
A report to MPs said most scientists rejcted the idea that smoking dope ecouraged people to try out Class A drugs like heroin and cocaine.
It said: "The gateway theory that the use of drugs like cannabis leads ont te use of harder drugs has little evidence to support it despite copious research."
The report to the Commons Science Committee also questioned the whole system
used to cloassify illegal drugs.
It said ministers' decisions to put drgs into Class A, B or C categrories with different penalties were not based on scientific evidence.
The report said: "Drugs are not classified on the basis of a set of standards for the harmthey cause. Th criteria used have varied depending on the drug in question."
The report said magic mushrooms were classified as a Class A drug for "unclear" reasons and despite evidence it was "several thousand times less dangerous than heroin".
Committee chairman Phil Willis said there were real questions about whether the classification system worked.
He said: "We want to see whether the system as it stands has a sound basis of evidence.
"We want to see whether it is evidence rather than political expediency that is driving decisions."
The Home Office is also growing increasingly concerned the system does not work. In January Home Secretary Charles Clarke announced plans for a complete overhaul of the way drugs are categorized and prohibited.
Class A drugs which carry a seven-year penalty for possession include heroin, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, crack and mgic mushrooms.
Class B drugs are amphetamines and barbituates carrying fie years for possession.
Class C drugs include cannabis, steroids, and the tranquiliser ketamine whic carry two years for possession.
The report comes after a UN drugs agency warned this week of te rise of dnce and sex drug methamphetamine, or crystal meth.
It is said it is more addictive than crack cocaine and is becoming a global problem.
The International Narcotics Control Board called on governments to introduce tougher restrictions on chemicals used in the maunufature of th drug, which allows users to stay awake for days and increases sexual arousal.
London-based INCB president Professor Hamid Ghodse said: If I want to pick on one major drug problem pandeic today, it is methamphetamine."
duendy said:
in our news today: 'Scientists say smoking cannabis DOESN'T lead to taking harder drugs: By Bob Roberts, Deputy Political Editor: CLAIMS tha cannabis use lads to harder drugs were yesterday dismissed as nonesense.
A report to MPs said most scientists rejcted the idea that smoking dope ecouraged people to try out Class A drugs like heroin and cocaine.
It said: "The gateway theory that the use of drugs like cannabis leads ont te use of harder drugs has little evidence to support it despite copious research."
nothing in your link supports your claim duendy
leopold99 said:
nothing in your link supports your claim duendy
1. what claim?
2. can you not read what is said?
let me reeat: theyclaim cannabis use does NOT lead onto harder drugs

and i dont rely on officaldom to let me know neither. i speak from personal experience, and observed experience of friends over the years

admit you are wrong and have done with it
leopold99 said:
i have provided 5 or 6 links that say you are wrong
you have yet to provide any that prove you are right
ohhhhh, and i just presented a new scientific research which says YOUR wrong, backed up by my personal experience

what arethe roots of tis axe u are grinding?....somethingpersonal for YOU??
leo darling...

Arguing with duendy is akin to repeatedly bashing oneself in the face with Nerf bat. It doesn't hurt, but it doesn't really do anything either. It's kind of a exercise in futility, where you are the only one frustrated (not to mention the headache you get trying to read her posts in the first place). She doesn't realize she's insane and full of shit, and no one can tell her that she is. You can try to tell her, but then you are the problem. heh.

Marijuana is bad for your health, mmkay?

I don't care if you smoke it though, as long as you aren't harming anyone else. Parents who smoke while they should be supervising their young children are stupid and should have their children taken away. People who drink in excess while they should be supervising young children should likewise get dealt the same fate. Both people who smoke or drink and drive are also criminals. But as long as you do it in your own home, it's your body.
leopold99 said:
i will agree with your post, not just this qoute but with all of it

but the drug statistics of the netherlands is still missing
those statistics will, in my opinion, prove that marijuana leads to other drugs

Sorry leo, but this is irrational thinking. I realize it's what's promoted by blah blah blah, but it's patently incorrect.

The fact is, everything a person does in this context is by their own volition. If they choose to try other drugs after having tried marijuana, that is because their personality type is such that they like to try that kind of shit.

The fact that they tried marijuana provides strong evidence, no?
as such then, marijuana doesn't lead anywhere. it's the personality that does.