
Mosheh Thezion said:
DID I MENTION... in CA... there are stores... you can go to.. and buy the very best from around the world....

Are you serious? I thought it was illegal in America. Wow.
hug-a-tree said:
It costs like 20 euro here for an ounce of coke. Not that I do it or anything.

Excuse me? 20 EU a GRAM for coke would be dirt cheap, but 20 an OUNCE is unheard of, except probably in Bolivia. Damn', in Europe even grass is 400-900 EU an ounce.
some poster here claims cannbis is a 'depressant'...? NO, it is not. it is a 'stimulant'. a depressant is a sbstance that if you keep taking it it will eventually comatose you and lead to death. this is alcohol territory not cannbis. tho of course one can abuse cannabis

another ting.this STUPID FUKIN STATE/

many of you are naive about this. for a start the State has twofaces. a face that seems all worried and presents itself as wanting to wage war of illegal drugs, but the other hidden face MAINTINS this war , not for cares about people, yoth etc. NO. it is their need for the VASt amounts of money collated via the keeping these drugs illegal!! see and read Dan Russell's DRUG WAR. it'll blow ya minds. he names names to

allllso. in our media is tis bullcrap about cannabis use leading to 'menta; illness', and that this situation's been excacerabted by the general use now of the super strainsof cannabis , like skink etc

ok, listen up. i started tokin befo many of yous were out of infants. then you could have moreor less a menu of diverse forms of cannabis, eg., Afghani, Nepalise,
Lebanon, Thai Stick, Congolize,Califonian....etc etc etc. then there was this frantic persecution of users. this coninued, adn along with tis street drugs became more and mo in the hands of criminals (before it'd been more hippies, peae and love type of ting)pppdrugs got mixed, especially Black. it was called 'formula' in tis country, UK. .......soon skunk came. and pople felt they could rely on it for its guaranteed THC. so see what i mean. the same fukin powers blaming skunk's abuse by yout are the same ignoreant sily mithering fukers--as USUAL--who DROVE people To it. who had screwed with the free diverse forms previous

the STATE is an ARSE. it ceates all the evils it then pretends to care about and gets votes to sort out

drop it!
tablariddim said:
Excuse me? 20 EU a GRAM for coke would be dirt cheap, but 20 an OUNCE is unheard of, except probably in Bolivia. Damn', in Europe even grass is 400-900 EU an ounce.

Sorry, my bad, a quarter of an ounce. Big difference there.
duendy said:
some poster here claims cannbis is a 'depressant'...? NO, it is not. it is a 'stimulant'. a depressant is a sbstance that if you keep taking it it will eventually comatose you and lead to death. this is alcohol territory not cannbis. tho of course one can abuse cannabis

Hey Duendy dude! While nervous system depressants can eventually lead to coma and death, stimulants overload the system in the opposite direction, but can have the same effects in the end, leading to death. People have died from drinking too much of those super-caffeinated drinks, where one cup is equal to four cups of strong coffee. It causes severe nausea, tremors, and sometimes heart attack.

Marijuana does not generally do that, and the lethal dosage of THC is very very difficult to reach under normal circumstances, which is why overdoses on marijuana are pretty much unheard of. It can cause an elevated heart rate (which COULD lead to other more serious conditions), but it's not necessarily a stimulant in the classic sense. I believe it DOES have stimulant effects, but those are secondary.
I believe it would be more aptly called simply a euphoriant, which is more akin to a mild hallucinogen. And yes, very strong doses of marijuana can cause full-blown hallucinations, though in general it is merely a mind alterant.

The human brain has certain receptors (CB1) that only a very very narrow class of chemicals bind to, and included in this elite class are THC and certain other cannabinoids. Most of the CB1 receptors are concentrated in the hippocampus, which probably explains its effects on memory. (obviously)

The discovery of cannabinoid-specific receptors proved that the cannabinoids in marijuana are a distinct class with their own psychoactive effects. They were once simply called a narcotic.

That's all I know. Goodbye.

Anyone else have something to add here? It's an interesting area, because I have seen marijuana classed with several different types of drugs.
liberal translation of dutch drugs education site

Can you get addicted to cannabis?

There is no physical addiction. A user doesn't have to be taking more and more to get the same effect. It stays the same. Neither does the body protest when it is deprived from cannabis.

Mental addiction occurs with a subset of cannabis users, especially with the ones that use it on a daily basis. This is especially so when the drug is used to escape reality, because of boredom or lack of a future. In those cases it is possible that the situation arises that only hasj or weed are important and everything else becomes uninteresting.

price: 2 to 7 euro per gram. Availability - good (coffeeshops)
For Leopold

The Netherlands 2001 (15 – 64 year) vs United States 2003 (12 and over)

Canabis ever use: 21% NL vs 41% US
Cannabis recent use: 6% NL vs 11% US
Cocain ever use: 3.6% NL vs 14.7% US
Cocain recent use: 1.1% NL vs 2.5% US
Ecstasy ever use: 3.6% NL vs 4.6% US
Ecstasy recent use: 1.5% NL vs 0.9% US

Despite cannibis being semi-legal in the netherlands there appear to be less users (although there needs to be some caution with comparing the figures).

Ecstasy continues to be (second to cannabis) the main illegal drug for young people in the clubbing
circuit, in particular parties, although there are indications of a tendency to moderate the use.
• Among visitors of Amsterdam trendy clubs, the percentage of current users of ecstasy decreased
from 41 percent in 1998 to 19 percent in 2003.
• In The Hague the percentage of ecstasy users among young clubbers was at the same level as in
• Elsewhere in the country, key figures in the partying circuit also noted that young clubbers handled ecstasy ‘more prudently’ and were better informed of the risks. Visitors of discotheques in rural
areas in the eastern part of the country do not seem to be an exception.

It seems that good information actually does bring drug use down.

If you ever wondered why the Dutch rule the world:
Dutch-grown marihuana contains more THC on average than foreign-grown marihuana types (see
Figure 4).

Opiates and cocaine According to the latest estimates, the number of problem users of hard drugs amounts to approx. 32,000. This number is accompanied by a fairly large margin of uncertainty, varying from approx. 22,000 to 42,000 problem users. Compared with earlier years, no change has taken place. Per thousand of inhabitants, this is low compared to other countries of the European Union (see Table 2).

Tolerance of cannabis doesn't there seem to have any detrimental effect of the amount of hard drug users.

The toxicity of cannabis is minimal. In the past twenty years, the Statistics Netherlands (CBS) has not recorded one single death directly related to the consumption of cannabis. The number of deaths caused as a result of amphetamine or ecstasy use is not known. There are probably a few cases per year.

In 20 years no one died of cannabis in the netherlands.
yes.. in CA... THERE ARE STORES...

you can go there and buy the very best.. if you have a prescription.

there are several here in LA... one is called the 'Farmacy'


cannibus is a depressant... thats why it makes you tired and lazy....
it is definately not a stimulant... i know... ive done them all.


it is not addictive... just habit forming.. but i have noticed that the socalled addiction lasts for no more than 3 days...

i.e.. if i smoke it today... i will want more tommorow.. seriously.

but after 3 days.. i dont care anymore.. doesnt matter...

it reduces stress and relaxes you... so you can get used to it.. and think you need it.

but if you stop using it.. you'll notice that your less depressed and lazy, and that... for me.. is a good thing...


Ricky Houy said:
No not mixed in with the plant

It's supposed to be naturally in the plant, like tobacco strains are in marijuana strains

Nah, that can't be true. They're entirely different species.
Well, quadraphnics. It's complicated but not exactly how i said it. Most of shwag has tobacco properties in it.
tablariddim said:
Excuse me? 20 EU a GRAM for coke would be dirt cheap, but 20 an OUNCE is unheard of, except probably in Bolivia. Damn', in Europe even grass is 400-900 EU an ounce.

Good god, thats a very high price for weed.

Shwag one ounce in texas is 35-50 US

Nug of any kind is 10-25 a gram 175 US for an ounce from most people.
the question has been raised "does marijuana lead to other drugs"

Ongoing studies of teenagers and their drug use patterns show that very few use other drugs without first trying marijuana.

and this:
So, does early marijuana use cause later illicit drug use? If the researchers effectively removed genetics and environment from the equation in this twin study, then the answer is yes.

in my search i have avoided biased sites such as norml and anti drug sites
leopold99 said:
the question has been raised "does marijuana lead to other drugs"

Ongoing studies of teenagers and their drug use patterns show that very few use other drugs without first trying marijuana.

and this:
So, does early marijuana use cause later illicit drug use? If the researchers effectively removed genetics and environment from the equation in this twin study, then the answer is yes.

in my search i have avoided biased sites such as norml and anti drug sites

Thats really interesting research.

Is there any more supporting text?
How 'bout this: make it legal to have it but illegal to obtain in. Nice little loophole there. You can have it and use, but gettin' it is a bit of a toughie. :p
Ricky Houy said:
Is there any more supporting text?

There are no studies in existance where ZERO hard drug users report starting out with the hard drugs, they all report first trying light drugs.

this from a pro drug site
Does marijuana use trigger subtle biochemical changes that encourage drug-taking behavior? Or does cannabis give kids an entree into social circles where stronger drugs are used? The study doesn't have all the answers, but it does offer kids another reason to heed their elders.

in the interest of fairness
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yo, all those who believe cannabis is a 'depresant'. see that computer, google it. ask it 'is cannabis A depressant?'....let me know
leopold99 said:
how about this.

What is more, in rats this cell growth appears to be linked with reducing anxiety and depression. The results suggest that marijuana, or its derivatives, could actually be good for the brain.
what i hate about 'studies' such as this. is that animals are being tested on, WITHOUT thjeir consent. they haven't CHOSE to go chew a cannabis leaf voluntarily. they are usedas biochemical machins by the whitecoats. it is disgusting!

but regarding cannabis and larning. well i have always favoured it over -fro example-alcohol-for its stimulating creative inspiration. for unlike alcohol, in its later stages, cannabis heightens sensual awareness...
leopold99 said:
There are no studies in existance where ZERO hard drug users report starting out with the hard drugs, they all report first trying light drugs.

this from a pro drug site
Does marijuana use trigger subtle biochemical changes that encourage drug-taking behavior? Or does cannabis give kids an entree into social circles where stronger drugs are used? The study doesn't have all the answers, but it does offer kids another reason to heed their elders.

in the interest of fairness

I've heard of a few people starting off with hard drugs and never using pot, but using pot to get off of hard drugs.