Man's intention

Cottontop3000 said:
P.S. Still don't hear any God (powerful or otherwise) whispering in my ear.

Of course you don't. To be able to hear it, you must first silent down all your preconceptions. They are the noise making you unable to hear God's voice.

Also, if I wanted to put my complete faith in a God, I'd sure like to be able to see or hear him before I make the commitment nowadays.

Of course.

I see no reason to trust what Peter, Paul and Mary (not the group) might or might not have actually said.

If you believe in something because you found a reason to believe in it, then you believe in that reason, but not in said thing.
If you are looking for reasons to believe in God, you can certainly find some, but then, you will believe in those reasons, not in God. This is why such a belief in God (believing out of reasons) never works, and if it seems to, it is not geuine or lasting.
Of course you don't. To be able to hear it, you must first silent down all your preconceptions. They are the noise making you unable to hear God's voice.

Yeah Cottontop, you should know god's the real quiet type.

My position is that of leaving it all up to God, making no assumptions either of His existence, nor of His non-existence.
But you are not being neutral – you are phrasing everything with the presumption of existence. You have effectively adopted the Christian position.

My position is "God, if you are there, let me know in a way I can understand".
Like I said I’ve been there and done that. When you get around to digging deeper, and if you are adequately analytical and perceptive, you will come to understand that the concept of god is pure fantasy and trying to talk to a fantasy or allow it to affect you is futile.

No, this is not what I meant. What you (and so many others were doing) failed because you have approached God with an idea of Him that you got from experience with other people.
Read my post again, other people only formed a small part of my studies. And you seem to be defining failure as the inability to communicate with a god – but failure is a meaningless term when the god does not exist.

In which case, you were most likely believing in an illusionary god, formed by the conditioning you were exposed to. You likely had no idea of God though.
Rather condescending of you, but, so? No one has yet shown that there is anything other than conditioning, self-induced or otherwise – isn’t that what you are trying to disprove?

“A person's belief (that he comes to believe) in God is God's doing, not that person's.”

………That is Christian doctrine and an unsupported assertion.”

Why do you think this is not a valid position?
Because you are attempting to use it as an axiom. Prove it first, or accept that it is only a fantasy speculation.

Do you think you have to be master over your belief in God?
An essential tenet of Christianity is free will to choose between God or not. If you are not the master of your belief then the freedom to choose requirement becomes nonsense.

And my stance is not in tune with certain mainstream Christian theologies. There are many people who think their faith in God is their own effort.
And why do you think this particular perspective you have chosen to explore is any more valid than theirs?

Why is this not relevant to your case?
This may be a crucial answer for you.
I already believed.

Well, all this only tells me that you thoroughly know something about the illusionary god you used to believe in. This doesn't mean that God doesn't exist though.
It is more than adequate to realize that the Christian god is only a concept – no one has yet shown it can be or is anything else. And what other type of god is there other than illusionary? You’ll need proof to answer adequately.

The way I see, you have some basics to understand that believing in God is not genuine if it has been conditioned into you by other people.
Then you’ve missed the point quite seriously, which I doubt you will understand until you’ve spent some more time searching, at least enough to overcome your current confused perspectives.

I think that now, you are slowly becoming ready to actually get to know God.
Unnecessary condescending bullshit.
Cris said:
Unnecessary condescending bullshit.


Sorry Water. I think I'm getting your point of view now, though. Maybe something like this: Once you let go of your perceived God (from the way you were conditioned to perceive Him as a child in church and the family environment, say), you become free, or open rather, to find the real God? Or to let Him find you? Is that close? I'm interested in your point of view and how you came to it in your life. Please let me know, either publicly or privately. You intrigue me. Thanks. :)
TheHeretic said:
Dont you think that man wrote the bible to be used as a guide to act as a decent person and used god to give them a reason to belief the bible. I dont think the bible is ment to be taken so literally. THe bible is just a book with god being the main character, and hopfully you learn a thing or two.

I think it's entirely possible. That's why I try not to condemn it too much. I do think there are good things about it, like the Ten Commandments, which are generally a good guide and code to try to live by. Although, I do reject and renounce the parts relating to a God, as I feel they are pure fantasy, like you suggest, that lure people to the bible.

A lot of the ideas in the Bible are fine, and I do blelieve that "Thou shalt not kill," and "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife," etc. But to believe that these ideas are inspired by a supernatural being, and not by a fairly wise man or woman instead, is nonsense. It's when you get into the class issues, the have's and have-not's, the arrogance and superiority complexes, the racial and religious discrimination, that I have a real problem. These issues lead to nothing but hatred, violence, slavery and war. Something fairly good and decent turned into a weapon, and into justification for war.

I wonder a lot about President Bush's motivations in this regard, even while he and his appointees spout fabricated lies about weapons of mass destruction.

Bear with me on this.

In Exodus Chapter 34, verse 10 (New King James version) God is quoted as saying: "Behold, I make a covenant. Before all your people I will do marvels such as have not been done in all the earth, nor in any nation; and all the people among whom you are shall see the work of the Lord. For it is an awesome thing that I will do with you.

verse 11: "Observe what I command you this day. Behold, I am driving out from before you the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite."

verse 12: "Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant with the inhabitants of the land where you are going, lest it be a snare in your midst."

verse 13: "But you shall destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images."

verse 14: "(for you shall worship no other god, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),"

These five verses say a lot to me.

1.) This God made a covenant to drive out several groups, or nations, of people living in Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Phoenicia and Asia Minor. They're still there, so I say he broke his covenant (if a "HE" made the covenant at all). (I have nothing against any of the descendants of these people. I'm just using this as an example of why I believe what I do about certain things. :) ) In reality though, this covenant sounds more to me like a human-inspired, human-motivated power grab for land and resources, in the second and third millenia B.C., cloaked as a religious crusade ordered in a sense by a "God."

2.) "He" ordered his people to "destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (for you shall worship no other God, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),". To me, this sounds exactly like a jealous or worried MAN more than a "God." Why is THE God scared and jealous? Of whom would God be jealous? If He was the One, the Alpha and the Omega, who does "He" have to be worried about? Some other God? Or a contrived God created by a man or men trying to ascend to a more powerful position in their neck of the woods. Could Moses, the recognized author of the first several books of the Bible, have been a power-hungry man intent on conquering hated enemies? Using fear and intimidation (of his God) to whip his gullible people into fighting form?

I'll leave that and all the rest of it to you to decide for yourselves. For me, though, it sounds too similar to what men and women are doing right now here in America. Using fear, intimidation and a God to prod a gullible people into war for the benefit of the elite. {Can you say Oligarchy, which Aristotle says all democracies ultimately transform into?}

Of course, I'm open to criticism, so let me have it. :rolleyes:
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Since religions have had such a great impact worldwide, I think it's fair to say that most of what they say, is (or was) true, one way or the other.

Cottontop3000 said:
But to believe that these ideas are inspired by a supernatural being, and not by a fairly wise man or woman instead, is nonsense.

I believe these ideas came from "God" through Moses and other prophets. God lives in humans: "You are the temples of God".

Why is THE God scared and jealous?

How can God seem like a human being? Imagine a volcano. It is calm the other day, then one day it becomes "angry" and kills many people by his anger. God expresses himself through this volcano. The matter expresses "itself" (God)

Explaining God with human emotions was the best way to explain him for us, when we lived 5000 years ago. We wouldn't have understood anything if God had spoken of himself as he really is. He spoke like that for Moses, then Moses translated it for us so that we could understand something about it. When people advance, they can understand more about God. This is why some religious scripts may sound weird to us today.

God (our true self) expresses himself through humans also. Humans are the only creatures who can express God fully. There's a difference between expressing ourselves and expressing our body (matter)
Yorda said:
How can God seem like a human being? Imagine a volcano. It is calm the other day, then one day it becomes "angry" and kills many people by his anger. God expresses himself through this volcano. The matter expresses "itself" (God)

ok well i refuse to worship any diety that unleashes a torrent of white hot magma on a small village every time he has a mood swing
Yorda said:
How can God seem like a human being? Imagine a volcano. It is calm the other day, then one day it becomes "angry" and kills many people by his anger. God expresses himself through this volcano. The matter expresses "itself" (God)

Explaining God with human emotions was the best way to explain him for us, when we lived 5000 years ago. We wouldn't have understood anything if God had spoken of himself as he really is. He spoke like that for Moses, then Moses translated it for us so that we could understand something about it. When people advance, they can understand more about God. This is why some religious scripts may sound weird to us today.

Well, I hope I advance more before I die. I can keep trying to understand, or I can basically just wait around for the tests to be graded. Sometimes I don't really care what the end result might be. Other times I kinda do. It would be nice for God to update the user's guide again though. Have we advanced very far, though, do you think? :)
killslay said:
ok well i refuse to worship any diety that unleashes a torrent of white hot magma on a small village every time he has a mood swing

At the same time, I have to agree with Killslay wholeheartedly.
killslay said:
ok well i refuse to worship any diety that unleashes a torrent of white hot magma on a small village every time he has a mood swing

Volcano erruptions are necessary. They're part of nature. Without them, the world couldn't work. There's nothing bad about them.

Cottontop3000 said:
It would be nice for God to update the user's guide again though.

He just did, 2000 years ago. It's not be necessary to update if we learn to read the living "law" which is our heart. Originally, God wanted to write the law in our hearts, not in "stone", because the law is living, and thus constantly changing (for us)

Have we advanced very far, though, do you think?

I think we have advanced pretty much in these 6666 years, but we aeons from the truth. This is just the beginning. Humans can't advance using their own will, our evolution happens according to natural laws. Everything has already happened and the goal has been attained. What we see is just a rerun of this neverending story.
Yorda said:
Volcano erruptions are necessary. They're part of nature. Without them, the world couldn't work. There's nothing bad about them.
no no, millions of innocent people choking on on the ashes and drowinging in there own blood is just a'ok, pompeii was like a carnival :bugeye: and there not a necessary part of nature, they exist only because of weaknesses in tectonic plates (i think)
and if we're going to use the "its gods way to keep the population in check" thing then i'm sure if he was that desperate to keep it in check he would come down and tell us all to stop rutting so much and to use protection when possible
Volcano erruptions are necessary. They're part of nature. Without them, the world couldn't work.

That pretty much contradicts everything you've ever said about your beliefs.

Since religions have had such a great impact worldwide, I think it's fair to say that most of what they say, is (or was) true, one way or the other.
Religions have indeed had a major impact on the world and our lives and cultures, yet their primary posit that a supernatural realm exists remains totally and utterly unsupported. And likewise your assertion re truth is similarly totally invalid.

I think we have advanced pretty much in these 6666 years, but we aeons from the truth. This is just the beginning.
Agreed, although as far as we can see modern humans have been around for about 200,000 years.

Humans can't advance using their own will, our evolution happens according to natural laws.
Nonsense. Our increasing knowledge about the universe and genetics is enabling us to make changes that will help us plan and direct our own future evolutionary stages.

Everything has already happened and the goal has been attained. What we see is just a rerun of this neverending story.
Have no idea what any of that is meant to mean. This is a conflict of your opening statement that we are at the beginning. In your misguided attempt to sound mystical you simply end up appearing contradictory and foolish.

But you are not being neutral – you are phrasing everything with the presumption of existence. You have effectively adopted the Christian position.

The logical argument suffices here: It is impossible to prove a negative, so we must take into account the possibility that the phenomenon in question exists.
Hence my presumption of existence in my response to you.

Like I said I’ve been there and done that. When you get around to digging deeper, and if you are adequately analytical and perceptive, you will come to understand that the concept of god is pure fantasy and trying to talk to a fantasy or allow it to affect you is futile.

As long as you think it a fantasy, you are trapped in the vicious circle.

Read my post again, other people only formed a small part of my studies.

By "other people" I mean everything anyone said about God or anything you've read by anyone about anything.

And you seem to be defining failure as the inability to communicate with a god – but failure is a meaningless term when the god does not exist.

Vicious circularity.

In which case, you were most likely believing in an illusionary god, formed by the conditioning you were exposed to. You likely had no idea of God though.

Rather condescending of you, but, so?

Not condescending. What I have for you is compassion, but you don't see it.

If you had no idea of God (but some ideas of an illusionary god), the consequence is that you could not communicate with God.

No one has yet shown that there is anything other than conditioning, self-induced or otherwise

If you believe there is nothing else, then this is all you will see, and noone can change that. Unless you let them, on such terms as it takes to show that.

– isn’t that what you are trying to disprove?

Yes, but it is not in my power to show that to you. This will probably look like evasion to you, but it is not. Just like no description, no analysis of a kiss can convey you the true experience of a kiss, no description or analysis of God can make you experience God. This is all I can tell you.

Because you are attempting to use it as an axiom. Prove it first, or accept that it is only a fantasy speculation.

;) Axioms are not provable.

Do you think you have to be master over your belief in God?

An essential tenet of Christianity is free will to choose between God or not. If you are not the master of your belief then the freedom to choose requirement becomes nonsense.

True. But insisting on being the master over the full content of your belief in God can lead to disappointments and superstitions.
After all, Christianity says God was there first, not you. You cannot define God, God can define you.

And my stance is not in tune with certain mainstream Christian theologies. There are many people who think their faith in God is their own effort.

And why do you think this particular perspective you have chosen to explore is any more valid than theirs?

Because *my* studies say so.

Why is this not relevant to your case?
This may be a crucial answer for you.

I already believed.

I am trying to show you that an ex post re-assessment of your belief and how it came to be offers you a completely different view on the whole notion of believing.

It is more than adequate to realize that the Christian god is only a concept – no one has yet shown it can be or is anything else. And what other type of god is there other than illusionary? You’ll need proof to answer adequately.

No matter what anyone tells you -- What is not yours, will be illusionary to you. So will God, if you depend on reasons to believe in Him.

I think that now, you are slowly becoming ready to actually get to know God.

Unnecessary condescending bullshit.

How is that? ... People are reluctant to take new paths ...

* * *


Sorry Water. I think I'm getting your point of view now, though. Maybe something like this: Once you let go of your perceived God (from the way you were conditioned to perceive Him as a child in church and the family environment, say), you become free, or open rather, to find the real God? Or to let Him find you? Is that close?

Yes, exactly!
We tend to cling on to already established perceptions (of everything, and esp. of God) because of safety, or because we are emotionally attached to them (and in that, completely discarding the power of our reason!).
In such a situation, it seems advisable, to identify what God is not -- this quest bears good fruit.

I'm interested in your point of view and how you came to it in your life. Please let me know, either publicly or privately. You intrigue me. Thanks.

Long story ... I don't really know how I came to it ... I certainly did not plan it the way it went and goes, and maybe this is why it goes so well.

I think what triggered me was that the scientific method per definition undermines itself and its findings, and as such, it is not reliable. This also means that any argument made with this method is questionable, and therefore not to be used as ultimate proof.
It was rather easy from there on.

* * *


1.) This God made a covenant to drive out several groups, or nations, of people living in Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine, Phoenicia and Asia Minor. They're still there, so I say he broke his covenant (if a "HE" made the covenant at all). (I have nothing against any of the descendants of these people. I'm just using this as an example of why I believe what I do about certain things. ) In reality though, this covenant sounds more to me like a human-inspired, human-motivated power grab for land and resources, in the second and third millenia B.C., cloaked as a religious crusade ordered in a sense by a "God."

Life on earth, with or without God, is a matter of practical concerns.

The religious reasons and the practical survival reasons always appear to go hand in hand.

2.) "He" ordered his people to "destroy their altars, break their sacred pillars, and cut down their wooden images (for you shall worship no other God, for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God),". To me, this sounds exactly like a jealous or worried MAN more than a "God." Why is THE God scared and jealous? Of whom would God be jealous? If He was the One, the Alpha and the Omega, who does "He" have to be worried about? Some other God? Or a contrived God created by a man or men trying to ascend to a more powerful position in their neck of the woods. Could Moses, the recognized author of the first several books of the Bible, have been a power-hungry man intent on conquering hated enemies? Using fear and intimidation (of his God) to whip his gullible people into fighting form?

And this is where the lost-in-translation problematic enters.
I speak for langueges and have a linguistic education. What the Bible says depends a lot on the language it is translated into.

The issue is multilayered, but relatively easy to understand for a linguist. For now, I'll say just that the Bible as it is in English, it conveys a particular Western understanding of Christianity. And as such, it is, in many ways, misleading.

Or, maybe, just like in the times of Moses, God allowed people to have brutal laws as they were too hard-hearted for anything else, God allows for the modern translations of the Bible as people are too hard-hearted to understand things that need a soft heart to be understood.

It is esp. one of the core concepts -- justice -- that has a very unfortunate rendering in English.

I warmly suggest you to read this article . It should help you overcome the most harmful Western misconceptions of Christianity.


As long as you think it a fantasy, you are trapped in the vicious circle.
The realization that it is fantasy is the conclusion not the beginning. The realization that nothing is there is the exit from the circle that you are just beginning to enter. How long will you wait for your imaginary god to convince you he exists? How long will you continue to speculate that a god is a possibility?

Vicious circularity.
So define failure then if it is not the inability to communicate with a god?

Not condescending. What I have for you is compassion, but you don't see it.
What you have missed is that I have been and explored where you are and have moved past it long ago. I have no need of a beginner trying to tell me what I know so well.

If you had no idea of God (but some ideas of an illusionary god), the consequence is that you could not communicate with God.
Please stop assuming I had no idea of God – you seem to be applying your own limitations to me.

If you believe there is nothing else, then this is all you will see, and noone can change that.
That isn’t what I said. When you commit and nothing happens, then what?

Unless you let them, on such terms as it takes to show that.
And for some reason you keep insisting that I haven’t done this. I’ve done the Christian “experience” and have moved on. It is based on myth and false hopes – I found nothing, not just from personal experience but from the wider perspective of historical and scientific studies.

Yes, but it is not in my power to show that to you. This will probably look like evasion to you, but it is not. Just like no description, no analysis of a kiss can convey you the true experience of a kiss, no description or analysis of God can make you experience God. This is all I can tell you.
So go do your Christian thing and fully commit to it as I did and then come back and we’ll discuss whether it is fantasy or not. It is not sufficient to intellectualize about this, as you appear to be doing. If you want to know for sure then you must plunge in completely without any doubts – and if God exists then it will reveal itself to you if it wishes, right? Go and be a Christian for a while. It took several years out of my life in my late teens for that.

I am trying to show you that an ex post re-assessment of your belief and how it came to be offers you a completely different view on the whole notion of believing.
You are talking bullshit while I am speaking from experience.

No matter what anyone tells you -- What is not yours, will be illusionary to you. So will God, if you depend on reasons to believe in Him.
More bullshit. Go try it and come back when you know what you are talking about.

How is that? ... People are reluctant to take new paths ...
It isn’t a new path for me – I’ve been there, done it, moved on. Christianity is nonsense.
(Q) said:
That pretty much contradicts everything you've ever said about your beliefs.

I have no beliefs.

Cris said:
And likewise your assertion re truth is similarly totally invalid.

Of course it's invalid.

Agreed, although as far as we can see modern humans have been around for about 200,000 years.

The records of human civilization only go back to about 6000 years. Ancient languages never go back more than 4000 B.C.

Since the oldest dates seem to go back 3000 - 4000 B.C, it gives credibility to the flood event, it happened at that time. This was the time when the "extreme dryness" of Sahara "begun", which was the physical 'source' of the flood.

I'm not saying that humans have only existed for a few thousands of years, I think they have existed for millions of years. But I believe this generation of humans has only existed for about 7000. There has been civilization for much longer than 7000 years, but the flood destroyed most of the remains.

Long ago, I believe there were two different human races on earth at the same time, and these had children with each other and created the human race of today (a kind of "mutation") One human race was very primitive, the others were much more intelligent (and much more intelligent than us also)

It is a misunderstanding that the Earth would have been created 6000 years ago, but OUR world, this generation of humans, were "created" then.

Have no idea what any of that is meant to mean. This is a conflict of your opening statement that we are at the beginning. In your misguided attempt to sound mystical you simply end up appearing contradictory and foolish.

There is only one truth, but there are infinite ways to explain it. Evolution has no end because we can't reach the unreachable (infinity). It doesn't matter how much our knowledge increases, we can never know everything. We cannot attain the goal by evolving in time, since the goal is not somewhere in time. The goal is already attained, and has always been attained: it is the present moment.

The only way to attain the goal is to stop believing in evolution. It is impossible to evolve to "the absolute", the only solution is to accept what we are, be what we are, where we are, at the time when we are. If I deeply live and accept my life in the present moment, then I am infinite, then I am God, then I am he who does not evolve because he is absolute.

The realization that it is fantasy is the conclusion not the beginning. The realization that nothing is there is the exit from the circle that you are just beginning to enter.

And you think the experience of Christianity is the same for everyone ...

How long will you wait for your imaginary god to convince you he exists?

Not a second. If I only wait, I have done nothing.

How long will you continue to speculate that a god is a possibility?

I don't have to speculate anything.
It took me a while, but I have come to realize that as soon as I stopped trying to believe in God, everything has become easy and relatively simple.
My experience is that the best one can do is stop trying to believe. This takes quite an effort though, as I had to consciously work through how I used to try to believe, nd why.

So define failure then if it is not the inability to communicate with a god?

It's not about failure, it's not a competition. As long as you view as a competition, you'll be disappointed.

What you have missed is that I have been and explored where you are and have moved past it long ago. I have no need of a beginner trying to tell me what I know so well.

Of course. And you have just said that the belief matters more than the person.

Please stop assuming I had no idea of God – you seem to be applying your own limitations to me.

There are two options in your case, since you say you had an idea of God:

a) You have truly believed in God and known Him, but didn't care, and this is how you let go of Him.

b) What you have actually believed in was an illusionary god, and this is why the belief hasn't lasted.

That isn’t what I said. When you commit and nothing happens, then what?

Have you committed, with your heart, soul and mind?

And for some reason you keep insisting that I haven’t done this. I’ve done the Christian “experience” and have moved on. It is based on myth and false hopes – I found nothing, not just from personal experience but from the wider perspective of historical and scientific studies.

Just because humans have rationalized God, doesn't mean that God is man-made -- it is only the existing, put into words.

So go do your Christian thing and fully commit to it as I did and then come back and we’ll discuss whether it is fantasy or not.

If you set out for failure, don't be surprised if you fail.
I shudder at how easily you put it -- fully commit! What that takes! What effort! I'd not dare to speak lightly about any commitment, as I know I could always point back and say, "But I wasn't really committed. I always had some second thoughts."

It is not sufficient to intellectualize about this, as you appear to be doing. If you want to know for sure then you must plunge in completely without any doubts – and if God exists then it will reveal itself to you if it wishes, right? Go and be a Christian for a while. It took several years out of my life in my late teens for that.

If I become a Christian with the explicit intention to "do it for a while", then I dare say that I will be disappointed, and it won't work.

I am trying to show you that an ex post re-assessment of your belief and how it came to be offers you a completely different view on the whole notion of believing.

You are talking bullshit while I am speaking from experience.

I'm not talking bullshit and you knew it if you weren't so emotional about the whole thing.

No matter what anyone tells you -- What is not yours, will be illusionary to you. So will God, if you depend on reasons to believe in Him.

More bullshit. Go try it and come back when you know what you are talking about.

I've tried out enough to know what I am talking about. I once *tried* to be a Christian too, *tried* to make myself believe. And all that. And I recently found where I went wrong back then.

It isn’t a new path for me – I’ve been there, done it, moved on. Christianity is nonsense.

I'm not asking you to reconsider Christianity! Not at all. I'm asking you to reconsider your basis for rejecting it.

Why I am doing this? It is my shock at seeing another person stumble.

* * *


I have no beliefs.

What do you have then?
Or will you substantiate the above assertion by saying there is no you?

It is a misunderstanding that the Earth would have been created 6000 years ago, but OUR world, this generation of humans, were "created" then.

This is interesting!

The only way to attain the goal is to stop believing in evolution. It is impossible to evolve to "the absolute",

Descartes actually worked out an argument to show how perfection cannot be reached gradually. It's in the Meditations, but I forget where. Does anyone remember?