Malaysia imposes dress code for non-muslims, THE FRENCH WAY

Lucysnow said:
Flores you speak of 'eastern' men being ineffective managers in business do you also mean Chinese and Japanese men? It might help to be specific because with the term 'eastern' you stereotype all.

I'm sorry, did I say eastern? I meant ancient/dust collecting/uneducated/uncivilized

I meant those men that think that they are god's gift to humanity, the saved elite.

I meant those men that would give up their life and didicate their lives to protecting ancient ruins built some 2000 years that they call god's symbols, and take them for a shrine.

I meant those muslim men that call anyone that dies amongst them a Shahid, while they call the poor janitor of the 911 building who died and left a family of six, enemy kafir SOB casualty.

I meant those muslim men that put their women on hold wrapped up in sheets back home while they go to America and Europe to study and become something, and when it's time to marry, they go back to their pickeled women on the storage shelve and pick one.

I meant those men who won't use a tooth brush because their prophet 2000 years ago used a floss instead of a brush...duh...because there was no brush and a floss was state of the art.

And how about those muslims that think that god ordrained rights for men only and that women are second if not 10th class citizens. They play with authenticated and weak Hadithes just to keep things status quo. They authenticate what they wish and throw away what they wish.

I love those muslim men that exclude the wife that cooks his meals from a dinner table full of men, because she's not supposed to be seen by others, and when he is done feasting with his buddies, the wives must wait for an empty house to eat the scrapes and clean afterthem.

Muslim men that marry only for sex and exchange wives as frequent as they exchange bed sheets (but of course, god said, they can have four).

And if you think that the east is limited to arabia, then you're wrong, China and Japan have a great deal of these men. Why don't you check the forum on chinease killing baby girls to get a real sense of how males really feel about females.

Lucysnow said:
None of them Flores? Don't you think that this is a sweeping statement needing just a little qualification or should we assume that it is only European and African men who make good fathers and husbands?

Most of them Lucy. And many here as well, but not as bad. Comeon, let's be frank. How many people here REALLY REALLY REALLY want to have a baby girl???. How about praying for a dozen baby girls? Can I get a volunteer arab here who prays everyday for dozen sons to tell me sincerely that he wants daughters instead.

Right from the getgo, we females are unwanted, undesired, except for sex and child bearing of course, and then they have to learn to deal with us and they GIVE us charity rights, just like PMS is claiming Islam did. Well, thanks, but I don't want their charity, because their hearts are diseaced toward women from the get go. Again, not all, but most men.
Flores said:
I hate to bring it to you, but there is no balance beam in heaven, although that was my best event. The line (Serat Mostaqeem) is a straight productive rightous life....period.
Of course, the nodding islamic schools will waste ample times trying to teach children total giberish like the one you bring us here thinking that we will be so wowed by it.

Well, we shall wait and see Flores, we shall wait and see.

The Islamic schools do this while the rest of the world are discovering new vaccines, conducting space research, making fine arts and musics, making jobs and lives available to people, ect...But of course, learning about the balance beam line up in hell/heaven land is much more important and a great tool for living this life.

You seems so fascinated by the MATERIAL side of life and ignoring the spiritual side, flores, the west is COLLAPSING FROM INSIDE, the west is MORALLY BANKRUPT AND ETHICALLY CORRUPT..I dont give a shit about fine arts and music...etc while my people are losing their humanity....


Pope attacks 'culture of death' in The west

''A culture that no longer has a point of reference in God loses its soul and loses its way, becoming a culture of death",12272,761999,00.html
Quote:I'm sorry, did I say eastern? I meant ancient/dust collecting/uneducated/uncivilized

I meant those men that think that they are god's gift to humanity, the saved elite.

LOL. Is it true...I mean the toothbrush thing?

Quote:And if you think that the east is limited to arabia, then you're wrong, China and Japan have a great deal of these men. Why don't you check the forum on chinease killing baby girls to get a real sense of how males really feel about females

I dont that's why I asked you to qualify the statement. But we could make negative stereotypical claims about men from ALL over right? I know I could? As for China where females are considered a 'second happiness' it is the one child policy that has women having abortions or killing their babies so dont go blaming the men. And as for muslim women? What diatribe do you have for them? Or are they hapless victims of tyranny? There are no happy muslim women? No decent muslim men? Let me share with you what I remember from american news over the past few months: A family starved four of their foster children to the point of death. A family in NY was arrested for having sex with their two children, using them for porno films (some containing dogs) and selling them to pedophiles. A twenty-four year old waitress was arrested and under charges for killing two of her newborns. Lets go further back: A woman purposely drives her car into the lake with her two children in the backseat. A teenage girl went to the prom and had her baby in the bathroom, dumped the child in the waste basket and then proceeded to go back to the party. A new jersey girl was pregnant and instead of having an abortion went to a motel room where she delivered with her boyfriend where they bashed the newborn in the head and dumped it in the back of the motel. These last two examples came from very well heeled families by the way. God what should we say about american women? What kind of culture produces such insensate, uncivilized barbaric women that they would behave in such a fashion?
Flores said:

Flores good to see you again. I have to agree with you about the western world and specialy about USA. I think USA got lots of good that no other country either muslim or non muslim can offer.

I am from pakistan but i grew up in usa and I think it is the best country in the world for muslims or non muslims. Some times it feels lik that muslim forgot their teachings and they adopted it. Offcourse there are bad things and draw backs in usa, racism and hate etc etc but they are like any other country. My loylalties are with americans sorry Proud Syrian but I think I will never cut the tree which provides me a shelter.

There are fundamentalist in usa like southern batists etc but besides them there are plenty of nice and friendly people who respect me and my religion as same as theirs. Arab countries in general are so so corrupt and I don't see Arab population doing anytnhing about it etiher. That hurts me the most. Some muslims try to blame every thing on Israel and USA, this is simple BullShit. First clean your own house than blame the others. Last but not least I like to say to all my christians and american friends here that I am happy to be part of this country.
Glad you like it skywalker but there are good and bad people everywhere and in all religions. From what Flores had to say about 'eastern' men that would also include YOU! Arab countries corrupt? Yes but isn't the U.S also corrupt? So perhaps wasting billions of dollars cleaning up Iraq they can start by trying to give Americans decent public schools (preferably without gun detectors) and maybe even affordable health care. By the way Skywalker you should be careful less homeland security doesnt haul you off to prison without charges, representation or stated time of release.
Lucysnow said:
Glad you like it skywalker but there are good and bad people everywhere and in all religions. From what Flores had to say about 'eastern' men that would also include YOU! Arab countries corrupt? Yes but isn't the U.S also corrupt? So perhaps wasting billions of dollars cleaning up Iraq they can start by trying to give Americans decent public schools (preferably without gun detectors) and maybe even affordable health care. By the way Skywalker you should be careful less homeland security doesnt haul you off to prison without charges, representation or stated time of release.

Yes I know what she means. I know homeland security is after all the muslims in usa but is it any different then any other country? Well have problems in all the countries in some countries they are more and in some less. If arab countries can change their goverments and let people decide what they want then they will be like usa too or better in cases. Flores argument is not saying that ALL the eastern man are like Proud Syrian but lots of them are due to lack of education and basic religius education. I will write more later I gota go to bed. Sorry. bye for now.
Repo Man said:
So PM,hypothetical scenario. You are in a foreign country. It is tropical, and hot, so you are wearing a t-shirt and shorts. A large homosexual man in that country sees you in your "provocative attire",is overcome with lust, and assaults and rapes you.

Would you feel that you bore some responsibility for your own assault?

Proud_Muslim, I'm still waiting for your response. Would you feel you were responsible for your own rape?
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Lucysnow said:
I am saying, as I have stated before, that I have no SYMPATHY for any adult who does not exercise judgement and caution.
Then I suggest you say what you mean. Stating that some women deserve to be raped because they acted stupidly only lends credence to the belief that women bear responsibility for their attacker's actions.

What I am saying is that there is a difference between influence and force which is implied when one is speaking about changing the dynamics within a culture where the participants do not deem anything wrong or there is an overwhelming stance against change.
I never implied force, that was your assumption. As to the perceived 'overwhelming stance against change' I simply don't buy it. Wherever people have attained a certain level of education and freedom they begin to fight for more. To put a turn on one of Herbert's axioms; first they must know that freedom is possible. We've seen it in China and Korea, India and South Africa, all of Europe and the Americas. What I do believe we're seeing is an 'overwhelming stance against' western ideologies and foreign policies/practices. I can't say I blame them given the history but this doesn't mean that some are not crying out for help and it doesn't mean that we shouldn't still try to help.

I believe that the 'abuses' you speak of ... will change naturally over time and from within.
That's quite likely but I'm not willing to leave it all up to chance. I'll do what I can and speak out to promote that change.

How do you prioritize teaching a girl to read when the family cannot afford basic necessities of life
I understand there are other pressing issues but that does not make these unimportant. I still don't understand what your stance really is. You seem to agree that there's a problem but then fall back to listing the 101 reasons why it can't or shouldn't be changed.

They want change but they do not want to become like us, they do not want what we want, their idea of freedom differs greatly to ours. It is foolishness it ignore this fact and even worse to assume they are wrong.
Given a basic level of human rights I don't see a problem with this.

but what about when Africa refused ais because they did not want the genetically modified grain and food that was offered?
Actually, the African nations were convinced not to accept the food by asinine, self-righteous, misguided, ignorant, well fed, fat-fuck American activists who think that 'organic' food is better for you and the ecology (as if there were any other kind of food than organic) and that 'genetically modified' means some Frankensteinian test tube conglomeration of fish and wheat DNA. So maybe you have a point.

What about when Iran tells the U.S that they do not want them to send long term medical teams into their country after the earthquake?
Fine by me.

Except, regarding both of these instances, ask yourself who it was that really didn't want the food and the medical assistance? Because I can guaran-fucking-tee you that it wasn't the people who were starving or dying for lack of medical aid.

us stop focusing on the issues of others when they are not asking us for help
Well, no Lucy. Because it depends on whom you ask about it. There are some people who don't want our help and that's well and fine but there are others who do want our help. How do we decide between them? Who do we listen to? You're making it seem as if these cultures are speaking with a unanimous voice decrying our involvement and it's simply not true.

Sound harsh? It isnt. I respect people enough to make choices in their own best interests.
But we're not only talking about people who have made a decision and now have to live with the consequences are we? We're talking about people making decisions regarding the well being of other people. What decision did the 7 year old make, Lucy, when her mother decided to circumcise her? What choice did the wife make when her husband's family killed her because her dowry wasn't large enough? What choice did the woman in New York make when she was being raped and killed and no one would intervene or even call the police? But I guess they'll just have to learn to live with the choices they made, huh?

Do you see the ethnocentricity in your stand?
No, but I see that you'd would attempt to brand me with it.

This could have been avoided if the volunteers had seen the locals as equals and co-authored a plan of action, instead they treated them as children who were to take their orders for their own good.
Perhaps so. Of course the flip side could be that the volunteers actually knew what they were talking about (after all, Texas gets hit with lots of hurricanes too) and the locals refused good advice because of cultural pride. That might not be the case but I find it interesting that you immediately jump to certain conclusions.

Because we all know that Africans are just a bunch of poor starving people living naked in the jungle right? They don't travel and if they do its as a refugee right? There are no middle class Africans right? Do you see how patronizing you are?
LOL That's funny, didn't you just say, "How do you prioritize teaching a girl to read when the family cannot afford basic necessities of life ie: clean water, food, health care?" Apparently they can afford a vacation abroad but not food. :rolleyes: Perhaps you didn't realize it but it is the poor and disenfranchised in any society that are the most often victimized.

You're really reaching here to make me out to be the bad guy by putting words in my mouth. Where did I imply that no Africans could afford to go on vacation or that they were all poor, starving, naked, and living in the jungle? Please tell me. They're your assumptions, you live with them. I believe nothing of the sort.

So if you want to see change begin with the mothers.
This is a non-issue, I never said that only men need to change, it has no apparent relevance to the discussion at this point unless you'd like to present it. Personally, I think it's yet another red herring. Keep reaching.

You want me to say its bad, okay its terrible, horrific, now what? What to do now?
Do what we can to affect a change.

First of all i dont believe that at all. I dont know many woman who think they are inferior to men.
You don't know 'many' or you don't know any? I ask because if you do know some it seems rather absurd that you don't believe it. Or do you not believe that there are traditions and rituals that perpetuate it? Where then do you think it comes from?

Most people in developing countries know more about our lifestyles and political/social agendas than we do about thiers.
Yeah, that's why anytime I'm overseas and tell someone I'm from Chicago they say, "Bang, bang... Al Capone" (I honestly cannot tell you how many times that has happened). They know what they get from the media, same as us, and the media does not present anything straight. Most people in this country don't know what's going on here. And with government controlled media in many of these developing countries, they know even less.

Because if you did you would say, I mean its not as if I havent asked for the plan.
You know you're really starting to piss me off with these backhanded assumptions you're making about me. I began my response to this by listing off the volunteer activities I pursue and the groups that I make regular donations to but I thought better of it. I really don't have anything to prove to you nor do I need to respond to what amounts to an ad hominem attack. You want to know what my plan is? I put my personal time, effort, and money towards that which I believe in and this most certainly includes women's rights and humanitarian issues.

Now you have really floored me! no cultural practise or tradition can be voluntary.
Oh come on. I was raised in both the Roman Catholic and Avengelical churches yet I no longer go to church, pray, or believe in such a god. Certainly we are influenced by our cultures but to say that we perform cultural traditions involuntarily is absurd. What it does take is effort, study, and thinking for one's self. Just because you'd rather be a sheep in the herd on its way to slaughter doesn't mean it's the only way to be.

I also disagree that anyone is trying to drag canadians or americans backwards.
Apparently you haven't heard about Kansas forbidding the teaching of evolutionary theory or listened to a recent broadcast of "The 700 Club" but the 'we' I was actually meaning to refer to was humanity in general.

Much of what we are seeing in the world today is a BACKLASH a RESISTANCE to what they see as a CULTURAL IMPERIALISM.
Yeah, that's right. The U.S. sent troops into Iraq because they weren't buying enough Brittany Spears CDs. :rolleyes: How is it our fault if people buy what we sell? If they don't want to watch our movies then they can make and watch their own movies. The only 'culture' I'm pushing is a basic set of established and enforced human rights. Such as this: I'm not saying that people can't do what they want they just don't have the right to oppress and violate people who feel differently.

See what I mean? We are not so diametrically opposed you and I in ideology it is the method of action we do not agree with.
I've yet to see you advocate any action. Thus far all you seem to be saying is 'let them do it themselves'.

i also think that you make assumptions about other cultures that would come across as patronizing and arrogant to people from those cultures.
You're the one making the assumptions. I'm just not willing to let someone justify abuse and violence with bullshit arguments and pleas to the sanctity of tradition.

PM, I'm all for the culture of death, but the Pope's comment refers to abortion. Obviously, the Pope's commit refer to the modern western culture that is responsible for death, not television and cars. Western Society has much bigger problems than who's wearing what. There are millions of abortions a year in the US.
Quote: Then I suggest you say what you mean. Stating that some women deserve to be raped because they acted stupidly only lends credence to the belief that women bear responsibility for their attacker's actions.

Well all circumstances in life are different wouldnt you say? I believe people need to side with caution. Look at what PM is saying and his point of view, if I were to go to a place where the majority of men think similarly wouldnt I be a silly cow for not heeding advice and covering up? Mind you I also have little sympathy for females who go off with men on a date, drink all night, go home with the guy, kiss disrobe fondle and let him crawl on top and then say "no no I dont want sex" thus placing herself in a situation where she can be taken by force. These gals make responsible women look ridiculous. If they dont know how to behave with men then perhaps they should consider a chastity belt.

Quote: I never implied force, that was your assumption. As to the perceived 'overwhelming stance against change' I simply don't buy it. Wherever people have attained a certain level of education and freedom they begin to fight for more. To put a turn on one of Herbert's axioms; first they must know that freedom is possible. We've seen it in China and Korea, India and South Africa, all of Europe and the Americas.What I do believe we're seeing is an 'overwhelming stance against' western ideologies and foreign policies/practices. I can't say I blame them given the history but this doesn't mean that some are not crying out for help and it doesn't mean that we shouldn't still try to help.

What makes you think they do not know freedom is possible? Like I have asked before how are you going to help? What do you as an individual intend to do? What is your plan? And more importantly WHO is crying out for help?

Quote:That's quite likely but I'm not willing to leave it all up to chance. I'll do what I can and speak out to promote that change.

That is fine. You can speak out as much as you like. Has speaking out changed PM's beliefs? I think not. You mentioned those who cry out for help, well I am ONLY interested in those who seek help and are in the process of helping themselves. I am not interested in those who are chained to a bed and enjoy their slave status. To those I say 'I'm happy if your happy'

Quote: I understand there are other pressing issues but that does not make these unimportant. I still don't understand what your stance really is. You seem to agree that there's a problem but then fall back to listing the 101 reasons why it can't or shouldn't be changed.

My stance is stated right above. For example if I cannot convince a woman that a love marriage is better than an arranged marriage I will respect her position. My examples of India were made only to give an indication of how complex and interrelated these issues are and why its best to leave them to people who understand these dynamics (those people of course are the activists within these countries).

Quote: Given a basic level of human rights I don't see a problem with this.

Well then we agree but I am not sure we would agree as to what the basic level would be.

Quote:Actually, the African nations were convinced not to accept the food by asinine, self-righteous, misguided, ignorant, well fed, fat-fuck American activists who think that 'organic' food is better for you and the ecology (as if there were any other kind of food than organic) and that 'genetically modified' means some Frankensteinian test tube conglomeration of fish and wheat DNA. So maybe you have a point.

Well no actually they understand that GM grain has created problems in places like Mexico where the pollen from GM killed off indigenous heirlooms. GM's (Monsanto variety) are often not self-generating placing farmers in a position where they will have to consistently shell out money for grain. Africa is not the only country to resist GM's Europe has all but banned it, a point made by African nations who believe they were pawning off on them what Europe wouldnt buy. There is no data as to the long term consequences of using GM grain so they are smart to ere on the side of caution. Personally I wouldnt want it either. And by the way many GM's are organic because they have been genetically modified to not need pesticide.

Quote:Except, regarding both of these instances, ask yourself who it was that really didn't want the food and the medical assistance? Because I can guaran-fucking-tee you that it wasn't the people who were starving or dying for lack of medical aid.

Agreed but they have a government. And unless you are willing to use military force you have to accept the decisons of said government.

Quote: Well, no Lucy. Because it depends on whom you ask about it. There are some people who don't want our help and that's well and fine but there are others who do want our help. How do we decide between them? Who do we listen to? You're making it seem as if these cultures are speaking with a unanimous voice decrying our involvement and it's simply not true.

No I am not. I am saying that you do not respect that people can revolutionize their own countries and cultures, you think they are dependent on you to do so for them and I strongly disagree with this.

Quote: But we're not only talking about people who have made a decision and now have to live with the consequences are we? We're talking about people making decisions regarding the well being of other people. What decision did the 7 year old make, Lucy, when her mother decided to circumcise her? What choice did the wife make when her husband's family killed her because her dowry wasn't large enough? What choice did the woman in New York make when she was being raped and killed and no one would intervene or even call the police? But I guess they'll just have to learn to live with the choices they made, huh?

Well you are not paying attention. There is a big difference between all the examples you gave. The seven year old is dependent on her family, she has no choice but then neither did her mother who is engaging in the ritual and doesn't think there is anything wrong with it. A murdered woman had no choice but that is no different than anyone who was killed by someone...murderers pay for the crime after the fact but that does not stop the crime from being committed. What I hear you speaking of is STOPPING or ARRESTING these acts of violence and I am saying that you cannot stop atrocity's from taking place, especially when they are taking place in the intimate environment of the family, unless you suggest cameras being installed throughout the world to makes sure people arent doing bad things.

Quote:perhaps so. Of course the flip side could be that the volunteers actually knew what they were talking about (after all, Texas gets hit with lots of hurricanes too) and the locals refused good advice because of cultural pride. That might not be the case but I find it interesting that you immediately jump to certain conclusions.

No the argument was made that the 'pride' seemed to come with the helping hand. They were not there to manage they were there as extra manpower to an already existing team.

Quote:LOL That's funny, didn't you just say, "How do you prioritize teaching a girl to read when the family cannot afford basic necessities of life ie: clean water, food, health care?" Apparently they can afford a vacation abroad but not food. :rolleyes: Perhaps you didn't realize it but it is the poor and disenfranchised in any society that are the most often victimized.

Rubbish. Middle-class and wealthy women also arent free to choose whom they marry, they too are caught within cultural expectations. My example of poverty and feminism in India was, as stated above, an indication of the obstacles facing ACTIVISTS. They are in no more a position in making sweeping changes than you are BECAUSE of poverty and a over-population. Many Indian men living in the U.S go home to find a wife and she is usually educated and middle class and returns to the States to live with her husband, its all arranged and she would see absolutely nothing wrong in that. In India families take out ads in the paper looking for suitable husbands and they advertise the women as if they were advertising a car, but they have money to advertise, they see nothing wrong in that, are you going to change them too? You look at culture as only affecting the poor when it is everyone within culture who is affected by culture, middle class women from African nations also perform female mutilation on their children. My examples in the former post were directed towards your assumption that you can just walk into a culture and change something, I was pointing out what some of the obstacles towards change are within a specific culture. You read what I write without understanding what I say.

Quote: You're really reaching here to make me out to be the bad guy by putting words in my mouth. Where did I imply that no Africans could afford to go on vacation or that they were all poor, starving, naked, and living in the jungle? Please tell me. They're your assumptions, you live with them. I believe nothing of the sort.

I was being sarcastic because of your smilie with the rolled eyes and comment about "how could they possibly afford a vacation in canada" As if an african going on vacation is unheard of. So that being the case I assumed you must have some limited views on those who live in developing countries, along with the view that they are so desperately in need of your help.

Quote:This is a non-issue, I never said that only men need to change, it has no apparent relevance to the discussion at this point unless you'd like to present it. Personally, I think it's yet another red herring. Keep reaching.

Dont speak to me of red herrings because you have said absolutely nothing to convince me that you have any idea on how to solve ANY of the worlds problems other than being 'outraged'. You are simply an idiot if you believe you can change female circumcision without appealing to the sensibilities of family and community specifically mothers and grandmothers who perform the act.

Quote: Do what we can to affect a change.

Dude talk is cheap! What do you do? What is your plan to affect social change?

Quote:You don't know 'many' or you don't know any? I ask because if you do know some it seems rather absurd that you don't believe it. Or do you not believe that there are traditions and rituals that perpetuate it? Where then do you think it comes from?

Well I guess I dont know any. The only example I can think of is a friend who tends to run after men who treat her shabbily, but I think that is mostly a self-esteem issue not an assumption that men superior to her. She keeps choosing the same type of asshole over and over and finds no interest in the men who really like her and pursue her. Personally I think she digs it. As a matter of fact if I asked her if she thought males were superior to females she would accuse me of being absurd. I live in NY and I dont know anyone who practises any religion or tradition to the point of losing happiness, freedom or perpetuating a belief that men are better than women. The only person I know who performs ritual is a wicca witch and everything she does is to feel 'at one with the goddess'. For everyone else it is christmas, jewish holidays, you know the usual stuff. I would be interested in hearing what you notice among the people you know. I have conversations with women all the time about men but its usually about how infantile and unreliable they are or something along those lines.

Quote:Yeah, that's why anytime I'm overseas and tell someone I'm from Chicago they say, "Bang, bang... Al Capone" (I honestly cannot tell you how many times that has happened). They know what they get from the media, same as us, and the media does not present anything straight. Most people in this country don't know what's going on here. And with government controlled media in many of these developing countries, they know even less.

I have experienced different. It is mostly abroad that I became clued as to the various foreign policies that affect other countries and it was always by local papers or people. I was amazed at the awareness of people in central america concerning the United States and how it affects their lives their economy. Bolivian people are quite aware that it is an american company privatizing their water and they are angry and in the streets over the affair. In India the local poor is quite aware that it is Coca cola that has siphened all the water from their wells and selling it back to them. They are aware that dams are being built to benefit large foreign corporations when they are being dislocated and losing their natural environment and income. Mexicans are quite aware that their farmers are being shafted as NAFTA forces their government to accept low-grade and low-cost corn that local farmers cannot compete with. Yet we complain when an unemployed farmer crosses the border to find opportunity that was taken from him at home. Why do you think CAFTA created such a fuss in central america and had poor people demanding their governments reject the U.S proposal that would fuck them over in the interest of U.S corporate wealth. Why do you think FTAA conference ended with a watered down, wait and see conclusion? These nations dont want their national soverignty undermined by U.S interests, the easily perceived posers of 'justice' and 'human rights'. But your an activist right? So you should know all this already.

Quote:You know you're really starting to piss me off with these backhanded assumptions you're making about me. I began my response to this by listing off the volunteer activities I pursue and the groups that I make regular donations to but I thought better of it. I really don't have anything to prove to you nor do I need to respond to what amounts to an ad hominem attack. You want to know what my plan is? I put my personal time, effort, and money towards that which I believe in and this most certainly includes women's rights and humanitarian issues.

Good for you. Then you are an activist, I know many.

Quote: Oh come on. I was raised in both the Roman Catholic and Avengelical churches yet I no longer go to church, pray, or believe in such a god. Certainly we are influenced by our cultures but to say that we perform cultural traditions involuntarily is absurd. What it does take is effort, study, and thinking for one's self. Just because you'd rather be a sheep in the herd on its way to slaughter doesn't mean it's the only way to be.

And how many educated people are there who are devout christians, muslims etc? You live in an environment that supports and fosters freedom from belief, if you were born elsewhere you would have evolved differently...especially if you were born in a different caste or economic group. I grew up in an environment were all religions were regarded with interest but where none were adhered. I respect the belief of others. I was raised in a multi-cultural cosmopolitan environment where differences were accepted and often appreciated. I have been traveling since a child because my mother loved to experience other cultures and herself grew up in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and religious environment. I consider myself privileged and fortunate enough to have resources that many in the 'herd' do not. I do have a special pity though for catholics.

Quote: Apparently you haven't heard about Kansas forbidding the teaching of evolutionary theory or listened to a recent broadcast of "The 700 Club" but the 'we' I was actually meaning to refer to was humanity in general.

Yes I have. They have a right to do whatever they like in their communities and schools. If it is a public school then members of the community can address this in the courts under separation of church and State.

Quote: Yeah, that's right. The U.S. sent troops into Iraq because they weren't buying enough Brittany Spears CDs. :rolleyes: How is it our fault if people buy what we sell? If they don't want to watch our movies then they can make and watch their own movies. The only 'culture' I'm pushing is a basic set of established and enforced human rights. Such as this: I'm not saying that people can't do what they want they just don't have the right to oppress and violate people who feel differently.

I didn't say that they sent troops in because of Britney, but they most certainly sent them in for oil and U.S foreign investment. Take your pick, whether left or mainstream the news is the same.

Quote: I've yet to see you advocate any action. Thus far all you seem to be saying is 'let them do it themselves'.

Yes that is what i am saying. I do agree with direct action but only when there is a request for solidarity. I am not a crusader, I do not perceive people around the world as a mass of suffering idiots. I believe in solidarity. I believe that those who pick up arms, demonstrate, change government, transform and revolutionize their own environments in their own best interest deserve solidarity and stand strong because they know what their needs are and know how to ask for help and organize. They need support but they do not need anyone to do it for them. I have a great deal of respect for the inner strength and determination of the individual determined to see change ie: Castro, Che, Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, Aruhadti Roy, Phoolan Devi, Lech Walesa, Rosa Parks (I personally LOVE that woman) Malcolm X, Martin Luther King.....All examples of people willing to stand up for what they believe and revolutionize their enviorments against what some would consider insurmountable obstacles.

You're the one making the assumptions. I'm just not willing to let someone justify abuse and violence with bullshit arguments and pleas to the sanctity of tradition.
Lucy, don't you believe in self-evident rights, that all people deserve to have?

My stance is stated right above. For example if I cannot convince a woman that a love marriage is better than an arranged marriage I will respect her position. My examples of India were made only to give an indication of how complex and interrelated these issues are and why its best to leave them to people who understand these dynamics (those people of course are the activists within these countries).
What's the difference between an arranged marriage and rape if the women has no choice in the matter?

Agreed but they have a government. And unless you are willing to use military force you have to accept the decisons of said government.
No one here seems to argue that somethings cannot be stopped until sufficient support is attained. However, the point was that the country which does such a wrong, immoral, and backwards.
Quote:What's the difference between an arranged marriage and rape if the women has no choice in the matter?

Well in many cases the young woman accepts the husband chosen for her but if she is absolutely opposed and is forced into the marriage then the answer is none, because at that point she expected to behave as a wife and she becomes dependent on the sensitivity or lack thereof of her husband.
Lucysnow said:
LOL. Is it true...I mean the toothbrush thing?

Yes Lucy, Muslims are not to use the western evil toothbrush. We are to use an ancient twig of a tree to clean our teath just like our 1500 years ago Prophet did. Of course, Prophet muhammed was excercising the state of the art most modern technique for cleansing the teath, but just like everything about islam, his acts are frozen till today and dictated by a Sunnah. The ancient act is called Sewak.
Check it out at:
here's more about the ancient toothbrush sewak. Of course, I also love to brush my tooth after every meal, and I commend the prophet about it very much, but the Saudis tell me that the western brush and toothpaste are the devil's brush. I wonder if Prophet Muhammed be using the sonic brush with Jell paste that I use...I think he would...What do you think?


It is permissible to take for a Miswaak all types of tree twigs provided these are not harmful or poisonous. It is forbidden to use a Miswaak from a poisonous tree. Miswaaks from the following trees are not permissible:
(1) Pomegranate
(2) Bamboo
(3) Raihaan
(4) Chambelie
Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) FORBADE THE USE OF Raihaan as Miswaak because it causes the sickness, Juz-zaam
The following are the types of Miswaak are recommended:

(1) Peelo tree
(2) Zaitoon or Olive tree
(3) Bitam or
(4) Any bitter tree
(5) Walnut tree

"Make a regular practice of the Miswaak, for verily, it is healthy for the mouth and it is a Pleasure for the Creator " [BUKHARI]

"Make the Miswaak (i.e. its use) incumbent upon you, and be constant in this practice because Allah's Pleasure is in it and it increases the Reward of Salat from ninety-nine times to four hundred times."

"Use the Miswaak, for verily, it purifies the mouth, and it is a Pleasure for the Lord. Jib-ra-eel (Alayhis-Sallam.) exhorted me so much to use the Miswaak that I feared that its use would be decreed obligatory upon me and upon my Ummah. If I did not fear imposing hardship on my Ummah I would have made its use obligatory upon my people. Verily, I use the Miswaak so much that I fear the front part of my mouth being peeled (by constant and abundant brushing with the Miswaak)." [IBN MAJAH]

"Was it not for my fear of imposing a difficulty on my Ummah I would have ordered that the Miswaak be used for every Salaat." [BUKHARI]

"The Messenger of Allah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) would use the Miswaak (regularly) prior to sleeping and after rising from sleep." [MUNTAKHAB]
okinrus said:
PM, I'm all for the culture of death, but the Pope's comment refers to abortion. Obviously, the Pope's commit refer to the modern western culture that is responsible for death, not television and cars. Western Society has much bigger problems than who's wearing what. There are millions of abortions a year in the US.

I did not know you were with the pope when he made his speech and actually he told you what he meant !! :rolleyes:
Flores said:
Yes Lucy, Muslims are not to use the western evil toothbrush. We are to use an ancient twig of a tree to clean our teath just like our 1500 years ago Prophet did. Of course, Prophet muhammed was excercising the state of the art most modern technique for cleansing the teath, but just like everything about islam, his acts are frozen till today and dictated by a Sunnah. The ancient act is called Sewak.
Check it out at:

Stop misleading people by this BS, I use toothbrush and I have no problem with that. these hadiths are SUNNAH, they are NOT OBLIGATORY...go get some education about what sunnah means... :rolleyes:
Repo Man said:
Still waiting.
Heh... good luck :D. It will probably be a very long wait. PM probably wont answer you because his answer will go against the whole basis for his arguments in this thread. So he prefers to just ignore in the hope you'll go away and he wont have to look like a bigger fool :p.
