Malaysia imposes dress code for non-muslims, THE FRENCH WAY

Hello Lucysnow,

May I ask what you're doing in Phnom Penh? (No need to answer if you don't want to.)

James I was compelled to respond to this. Right now I am in Phnom Penh where I will be for another six months. Cambodia is a country were 2 billion dollars in UN monies were used to ensure a 'democratic election' (2 billion that could have been put to better use elsewhere) and right now as we speak cambodia is still without a government (though they have had elections no party is democratic corruption is the rule of law here universal human rights or not).

The fact that human rights are violated doesn't mean they don't exist, as I've been arguing all along in this thread.

Peace keepers were successful in creating a thriving prostitution industry and NGO's feed off of Cambodian suffering like pariahs creating nothing but a culture of dependency and never instilling self-sufficiency.

That's a very sad state of affairs. What do you think should be done about it?

Last night I had dinner with the head of the UNDP (he's from Tanzania) and an English journalist who would tell you if they could that all these notions of yours about 'moral obligations' and imposing universal principles is nothing but hot air up some westeners ass and have nothing to do with real time politics.

Then I would respectfully disagree with them. (Have you had that discussion with them yourself, because you may be surprised at their views on human rights and moral obligations, as opposed to the day-to-day political and social realities of trying to implement these things.)

In this country only seven lawyers were left alive after the Khmer Rouge, presently there are judges who have no more than a high school education, teachers in the country side are not being paid a salary but there is a thriving expat community who are paid huge salaries to sit around French restaurants and admit quite openly that they are FAILING to instill anything, change anything and in many areas only make matters worse. As one Cambodian-American lawyer who works for the Documentation Center put it "These organisations only help themselves at the expense of the people and I wish they would get the hell out of my country!"

I cannot comment on this, because I am not aware of the details of the situation in Cambodia. Obviously, the people on the ground know what is going on more than I do sitting here in Australia.

How would they solve these problems, if they were able?

Excuse me if I don't address particular points etc. but the reality of this environment overpowers any discussion on 'morals' and 'rights' just doesn't exist here.

I disagree. My point of view on these kinds of situations is that I think it is deplorable that corruption and a disrespect for fundamental rights occurs. I am under no illusions that everything is rosy everywhere because human rights laws exist in international law (for example). However, the fact that rights are ignored or disrespected in practice does not mean they don't exist, as I've said before. In fact, it makes it even more important to educate people about these things, so that they can change their country from the inside, as you advocate. Don't you think?

If you are curious about how all this works in real time as opposed to theory I can always give you the email addresses of ngo workers, un workers and journalists who would be only too interested in imparting the truth about the principles behind principles (MONEY!!)

I'm sorry, but that is a jaded view of the world. I can understand it, given your current circumstances, but I cannot agree with you. I can only repeat that the fact that principles are not always put into practice does not mean that the principles themselves are bankrupt, or not worth striving for.

I wish you all the best while you are there, and would be interested to hear about the situation in Cambodia from you. This thread is probably not the place for that, though.
proud muslim, your signiture thing says "shield of islam"
i picture you more as one of those big spiky swords of islam

this thread is flawed, it should be. Malaysia imposes dress code for non-muslims, THE MALAYSIAN WAY, also France imposes dress code for muslims, THE FRENCH WAY

France isnt actually applying any codes against muslims. all the codes for muslims APPLY TO CHRISTIANS TOO. GET THAT INTO YOUR FUCKING SKULL. I dont actually know if Malasia is purely limiting Non-muslims by saying "all women must be covered head to toe" (muslim women have to do that anyway) or simply being fair and saying "no religions symbols to be worn"
No one other than malaysians(nor most of them) want to live in malaysia anyway so their little statement is kind of pointless. Westerners only visit to get cheap fake rolex watches, malaria and dysentry and then go home, apparently 'richer' for the experience.
I'm sure they'll just stop visiting and everyone will forget about malaysias little rules and realise how great it is to not have dysentry and malaria.
Dr Lou Natic said:
No one other than malaysians(nor most of them) want to live in malaysia anyway so their little statement is kind of pointless. Westerners only visit to get cheap fake rolex watches, malaria and dysentry and then go home, apparently 'richer' for the experience.
I'm sure they'll just stop visiting and everyone will forget about malaysias little rules and realise how great it is to not have dysentry and malaria.

actually Malaysia is a very rich and developed country, it houses some of the most modern and civialised cities in the world and probably the most beautiful skyscrapers in the entire world (it also has the talles skyscraper in the world)

and MILLIONS of people flocked to see the beautiful city in the Common wealth games (or olympic, im not sure) and also the "worlds strongest man" compettion is held in the capital city of Kula Lumpar. and yes loads of westerners go to Malysia for Business and tourism
Mr. Dennis should stick to real history i.e. the American Empire and it's threat to the Muslims. America has long been afraid of Islam and Muslims for they are not people to be easily conquered. This is the nature of Islam, it teaches all it's faithful to stand against oppression and injustice. That is why the U.S. fears Islam. 99.9% of Muslims do not hold violent beliefs, but yet they are judged by what the less than 1% of Muslims do. It's a shame, I guess the Christian world is championed by men like David Koreish, and Jim Jones. Wake Up America, you can be smarter than this. Fear and hate only begets fear and hate. Unfortunately, men like Dennis would rather be become reality.