Malaysia imposes dress code for non-muslims, THE FRENCH WAY

I did not know you were with the pope when he made his speech and actually he told you what he meant !!
PM, I know what the Pope means. Well, most of the time :) He's refering to contraception, abortion and euthanasia.
Proud_Muslim said:
Stop misleading people by this BS, I use toothbrush and I have no problem with that. these hadiths are SUNNAH, they are NOT OBLIGATORY...go get some education about what sunnah means... :rolleyes:

Wow, so Sunnah is now not obligatory??? We agree much more that we think. :rolleyes:

That's a great revelation, because covering the head, Hijab, the method of prayer, numbers of prayers, and others seems to be part of the Sunnah that you are telling is not an obligation of Islam. The Quran is very flexible to suit all ages and to allow for a universal message, and that's why it never dictated in specific that the women head has to be covered. On the contrary, the only restrictions for women wear was made for covering the breasts and private parts, which my bikini does wonderfully. So in a sense, a bikini for a woman is the only Quranic obligation....and I defy you to bring me one verse from the Quran addressing believing women (not the prophet wives) in regards to requirements of covering legs upto ankle, covering hair, covering arms, ect....come on now, ANSWER MY DAMN QUESTION.

In addition, The prophet married a christian and jewish ladies...and that is the basis for muslims now in making muslim man marriage to christians and Jewish ladies a hallal, but somehow they made the opposite Harram without a Quranic basis. Can you explain to me this point? Nothing in the Quran dictates that a muslim women can't marry a christian or jewish believer in god..Actually, jews believe in the one creator and that makes them believers. I want you to show me ONE Quranic verse that says that muslim women for muslim men. and a muslim women that marries a believer christian or jew is commiting sin....Come on, show me the pudding.

The verse belows implies that the rules was changed on a specific day for the prophet to allow for all interaction with christians and jews who believe in a creator and study the bible....No distinction between believers whether they are muslims, Christians, Jews, agnostics, whatever...If the person believe in the one god, then they are believer.period

The Dinner Table
[5.5] This day (all) the good things are allowed to you; and the food of those who have been given the Book is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them; and the chaste from among the believing women and the chaste from among those who have been given the Book before you (are lawful for you); when you have given them their dowries, taking (them) in marriage, not fornicating nor taking them for paramours in secret; and whoever denies faith, his work indeed is of no account, and in the hereafter he shall be one of the losers.
Proud_Muslim said:
Stop misleading people by this BS, I use toothbrush and I have no problem with that. these hadiths are SUNNAH, they are NOT OBLIGATORY...go get some education about what sunnah means... :rolleyes:

And to bring everyone back to the subject of this thread. I was able to extract a confession out of our most beloved PMS to state that Sunnah is not an Islamic obligation.

So on what basis is the Malaysia government imposing a NON REQUIRED, NON OBLIGATORY dress code that they claim is islamic...The only reason, I see behind their imposition is that they like their women in uniforms much like the Nazis like the jews marked with a star on the forehead.

On the other hand, the Frensh never imposed anything, they only prophibted so called religion symbols. So again, the Frensh and Malasian and very different, the Frensh are in the business of prohibiting certain symbols (few) that they find counterproductive to their society, while the Malaysians are imposing a uniform to all women.
And of course on the subject of Hijab and whether it's a requirement or not, let me bring some of the facts in:

In the entire Quran, only two mentions to the women wear are given. The tone used by Allah is very soft and in actuallity in both verses, god seem to be offering recommendation rather than dictating a law just like it was done with alcohol and pig consumption.

Let's examine verses claimed to be relating to Hijab:

And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their zeenah except what appear thereof; that they should draw their khimar over their bosoms and not display their zeenah except to their husbands, their fathers .... and that they should not strike their feet so as to draw attention to their hidden zeenah (ornaments). (24:31-32)

Firsts off, what does zeenah means...zeenah is decorations, unnatural additions. God in the Quran asks that the women stay natural, no need for breast implants, lipstick, ect...Women should only display their natural beauty that god has given them.

Second, is god requiring a khimar? What is a khimar? A Khimar is the equivalent of an umbrella, a loose cloth to be used over the head to protect from the heat. Men and women equally use it. I don't think that god in this verse is requiring a khimar, In cool climates, such a khimar for both men and women would not be needed to protect the head. I believe that god is just asking women to cover their bossoms (breasts)? I think that god is indeed using the word Khimar as a reference to describe that if such a thing (khimar)is worn, it should be drawn to the breasts, but by no means do I think that covering the head is a requirement for the verse above, and here's why:

First off, If the breasts are already covered with cloth (long loose dress), then why are we asked to draw the head clothing around our breasts??? Aren't our breasts already covered and concealed, so why the extra layer? And why didn't god ask us to cover the tummy and the legs as well? The reason that god is asking women to draw the khimar on their breasts, is because women used to bear their breasts naked and walk around with bear that case, god is telling believer women to draw their head cloth to cover the breasts, not the tummy. In other verses, god asks women to cover their private parts.

Second, In ancient and current arabia, where the heat is really deadly...I lived me....Temperatures can easily reach 140-150 F in the darn shade. :( Both men and women used to wear head covers to protect them from the sun.... White colors for the head covers where also used to reflect the heat. Women of ancient arabia used to often exploit their sexuality, since they had no other job to do beside trying to secure a man...Women often used to walk bear breasted with the darn head cover. The head cover was a must, just like an umbrella is a must in extreme heat and rain. Men used the same head cover and still use it in Saudi and gulf countries where the heat is a real problem.

It is my view that god who uses such elequont and precise language in the Quran, that if he required a head cover, that he would specifically ask women to cover the hair in fear that it might be bad or something.

The second mention in the Quran is here.
O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should draw over themselves their jilbab; this will be more conducive to their being recognized and not harassed. But God is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful. (33:59)

Jilbab is an outer garment dress.

Here god is asking in such soft tone that the prophet tell his wives, daughters, and other believing women that are living at the time to cover their body with an outer garment instead of walking in underwear or naked. This is asked not for the purpose of pleasing god, but for protecting the women from harrasment. If this was a request for god, then god would have said, for this is purer for them, or this is more rightous of them, ect...But god only used " so they are no harrassed". If all the men were decent and safety and peace were the order of business, god wouldn't have found the need to alert the women to dress less revealing.

At one point, muslims used to be so badly harrassed that men and women used to ask to hide their religion and not go out at all. Prophet muhammed hid his religion for a while before god told him to come public with it.

Now, two things, first aspect. this verse if solely directed to the prophet. It's not directed to all believer men. And PMS, you better believe that if the prophet told me to do something that I would do it, but the prophet is dead, and I have no fear of being harrased, and thus neither you nor 1000 mullahs can convince me that I have to dress in any special way.
Flores said:
And to bring everyone back to the subject of this thread. I was able to extract a confession out of our most beloved PMS to state that Sunnah is not an Islamic obligation.
So on what basis is the Malaysia government imposing a NON REQUIRED, NON OBLIGATORY dress code that they claim is islamic.

Your question implies that the Hijab is mentioned in the SUNNAH only which is of course far from the truth and very misleading.

On the other hand, the Frensh never imposed anything, they only prophibted so called religion symbols. So again, the Frensh and Malasian and very different, the Frensh are in the business of prohibiting certain symbols (few) that they find counterproductive to their society, while the Malaysians are imposing a uniform to all women.

Forcing muslim women to take off their hijab is RELIGIOUS PERSECTION, as you dont like anyone to force you to wear the hijab, muslim women there DONT like anyone to force them to take it off.
Proud_Muslim said:
Forcing muslim women to take off their hijab is RELIGIOUS PERSECTION, as you dont like anyone to force you to wear the hijab, muslim women there DONT like anyone to force them to take it off.

I like it when you use the term Hijab....Let's see how many times was the term Hijab (veil) used in the Quran:

I don't think that in any of them Hijab meant cloth.

[50.22] Certainly you were heedless of it, but now We have removed from you your veil, so your sight today is sharp.
Above it means ignorance.

The Sun
[91.4] And the night when it draws a veil over it,
Above, veil means darkness

The Cave
[18.57] And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the communications of his Lord, then he turns away from them and forgets what his two hands have sent before? Surely We have placed veils over their hearts lest they should understand it and a heaviness in their ears; and if you call them to the guidance, they will not ever follow the right course in that case.

You tell me, what veil means in the Cave Surrah.

Ha Mim
[41.5] And they say: Our hearts are under coverings from that to which you call us, and there is a heaviness in our ears, and a veil hangs between us and you, so work, we too are working.
Veil is definetly a terrible thing, god here uses to describe those lost souls.

Hijab as it is used in the Quran, means ignorance and darkness. God never used that word in a positive manner throughout the entire Quran, so why are you so proud in attributing it to women...I'm sorry, but I never found the word Hijab, veil, used in the Quran to mention women's wear and it's such a negative dark depressing word....And I find it very offensive that you use such a negative word that god used to describe ignorance as a definition for my dress.
Proud_Muslim said:
Forcing muslim women to take off their hijab is RELIGIOUS PERSECTION, as you dont like anyone to force you to wear the hijab, muslim women there DONT like anyone to force them to take it off.

Ignorant arabia also could argue that the prophet's prohibiting the making of idol stone gods is RELIGIOUS PERSECTION, but I think that we can all agree that prophet Muhammed destroyed all stone status in the Kaaba, much like the Frensh want to destroy all religious symbols that really Allah doesn't give a crap about.

While, the prophet have gotten rid of many religious symbols, he has never imposed a requirement on humanity much like the Malasians want to do.

109.1] Say: O unbelievers!
[109.2] I do not serve that which you serve,
[109.3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.4] Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
[109.5] Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

So the prophet said, that all of us are free to practice our religions, yet within his government he destroyed all stone gods....ponder a little on that, and tell me what is your take on it.
Flores said:
And of course on the subject of Hijab and whether it's a requirement or not, let me bring some of the facts in:

In the entire Quran, only two mentions to the women wear are given. The tone used by Allah is very soft and in actuallity in both verses, god seem to be offering recommendation rather than dictating a law just like it was done with alcohol and pig consumption.

This is very untrue and misleading, those verses were ORDERS and not recommendations..

Let's examine verses claimed to be relating to Hijab:

''And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their zeenah except what appear thereof; that they should draw their khimar over their bosoms and not display their zeenah except to their husbands, their fathers .... and that they should not strike their feet so as to draw attention to their hidden zeenah (ornaments). (24:31-32)

Firsts off, what does zeenah means...zeenah is decorations, unnatural additions. God in the Quran asks that the women stay natural, no need for breast implants, lipstick, ect...Women should only display their natural beauty that god has given them.

You see, you are TRANSLATING what the word zeenah means to suit your own purposes, ZEENAH here means their NATURAL BEAUTY not the make up, read the Arabic verse and you will see that very clear.

Second, is god requiring a khimar? What is a khimar? A Khimar is the equivalent of an umbrella, a loose cloth to be used over the head to protect from the heat.

So you admit it is a cloth over your head and Allah(swt) mentioned in the quran, if so, why would Allah(swt) mentioned this HEAD COVER ????????????

Men and women equally use it.

That is not true, the verse does not say men should use it as well, you are misleading people here.

I don't think that god in this verse is requiring a khimar, In cool climates, such a khimar for both men and women would not be needed to protect the head.

And what about COLD climates ????????????

I believe that god is just asking women to cover their bossoms (breasts)? I think that god is indeed using the word Khimar as a reference to describe that if such a thing (khimar)is worn, it should be drawn to the breasts, but by no means do I think that covering the head is a requirement for the verse above,

Are you saying that women at the time of the prophet(pbuh) were walking TOPLESS !! and that is why this verse came asking them to cover their breasts ?? this is ABSURD because Arab women since early Jahyliya have very modest code of dress.

Also I noticed you are using the words I THINK so much, it is not how you think Flores nor about how I think, it is how Allah(swt) thinks.

and here's why:

First off, If the breasts are already covered with cloth (long loose dress), then why are we asked to draw the head clothing around our breasts???

The exact word is WA LIADRIBANA ( ) it means you cover your head and you include the breasts so that they wont show under the khimar.

Aren't our breasts already covered and concealed, so why the extra layer?

Good question, what it meant here is your breasts should not show their shape.

And why didn't god ask us to cover the tummy and the legs as well?

how about 33:59 ?

The reason that god is asking women to draw the khimar on their breasts, is because women used to bear their breasts naked and walk around with bear breasts...

Oh my God....this is BLATANT BS...we are not dealing with African women in the jungle my dear, we are dealing with already modest arab women.

.in that case, god is telling believer women to draw their head cloth to cover the breasts, not the tummy. In other verses, god asks women to cover their private parts.

Why you dont become MUFASIR Flores ?? :rolleyes:

It is my view that god who uses such elequont and precise language in the Quran, that if he required a head cover, that he would specifically ask women to cover the hair in fear that it might be bad or something.

I like this statement: IT IS MY VIEW !!! Hasbona Allah wa nema Al wakil...

The second mention in the Quran is here.
O Prophet! Tell your wives and daughters and the believing women that they should draw over themselves their jilbab; this will be more conducive to their being recognized and not harassed. But God is indeed oft-forgiving, most merciful. (33:59)
Jilbab is an outer garment dress.

Here god is asking in such soft tone that the prophet tell his wives, daughters, and other believing women that are living at the time to cover their body with an outer garment instead of walking in underwear or naked. This is asked not for the purpose of pleasing god, but for protecting the women from harrasment.

I agree with what you wrote so far apart from this asking with soft tone, if your creator is asking you in sfot tone to do something beneficial, why you are not doing it ???

If this was a request for god, then god would have said, for this is purer for them, or this is more rightous of them, ect...But god only used " so they are no harrassed".

As if not harrassed does not equal purer for them !

Now, two things, first aspect. this verse if solely directed to the prophet. It's not directed to all believer men.

What ????? you dont even read the verse, do you ? here is it again:

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft*Forgiving, Most Merciful.

And PMS, you better believe that if the prophet told me to do something that I would do it, but the prophet is dead,

Oh I see, if the prophet is dead, then you should ignore all his sayings and his words !!! I feel so sad hearing that from you Flores .

The Prophet (pbuh) told people repeatedly and determinedly to do nothing but that which Allah had revealed to him. One verse from the Quran concerning this superior morality of the Prophet (pbuh) reads:

''Say: "I do not say to you that I possess the treasuries of Allah, nor do I know the Unseen, nor do I say to you that I am an angel. I only follow what has been revealed to me." Say: "Are the blind the same as those who can see? So will you not reflect?" (The Noble Quran 6:50)

and I have no fear of being harrased, and thus neither you nor 1000 mullahs can convince me that I have to dress in any special way.

May Allah guide you AND ME to his right path my dear sister...Ameen.
Flores said:
Hijab as it is used in the Quran, means ignorance and darkness. God never used that word in a positive manner throughout the entire Quran, so why are you so proud in attributing it to women...I'm sorry, but I never found the word Hijab, veil, used in the Quran to mention women's wear and it's such a negative dark depressing word....And I find it very offensive that you use such a negative word that god used to describe ignorance as a definition for my dress.

But you translated the word VEIL to equal HIJAB to make your point, it is not fair sister... :(

we in Syria call it Hijab, in Egypt they call it KHIMAR, in the Gulf they call it SHASHIYA...ETC.

But anyway, back to the point, would you like someone to force you to wear the hijab ???????? why the hell muslim women in France should be forced to take it off ??????????
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Flores said:
Ignorant arabia also could argue that the prophet's prohibiting the making of idol stone gods is RELIGIOUS PERSECTION, but I think that we can all agree that prophet Muhammed destroyed all stone status in the Kaaba, much like the Frensh want to destroy all religious symbols that really Allah doesn't give a crap about.

The idols were destroyed because they were placed in the first house built in history to worship Allah, the Pagans took over the Kaaba and they displayed their idols there in a gesture of deep humiliation to the ones who believed in Allah, so they were rightly destroyed.

While, the prophet have gotten rid of many religious symbols, he has never imposed a requirement on humanity much like the Malasians want to do.

109.1] Say: O unbelievers!
[109.2] I do not serve that which you serve,
[109.3] Nor do you serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.4] Nor am I going to serve that which you serve,
[109.5] Nor are you going to serve Him Whom I serve:
[109.6] You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion.

I agree, but the above verse is talking about RELIGION, I dont see Malaysia forcing anyone to become Muslims.....BIG DIFFERENCE.

So the prophet said, that all of us are free to practice our religions, yet within his government he destroyed all stone gods....ponder a little on that, and tell me what is your take on it.

I already explained my dear sister, the STONE GODS were placed in the KAABA, ALLAH'S FIRST HOUSE BUILT BY HUMANS ON THIS EARTH TO WORSHIP ALLAH BY THE FATHER OF PROPHETS ( IBRAHIM = ABRAHAM ) they were placed there to huimiliate Muslims and the MUWAHIDON ( those who believe in the oneness of God ) and early muslims were tortured, killed and murdered because they refuse to worship these what the prophet did was GREAT JOB...those idols should not be in the KAABA in the first place.

Another thing my dear sister, it is well known fact that the EARLY MUSLIMS(some of them were the prophet close companions ) when they went to AFGHANISTAN 1400 years ago they DID NOT destroy the Buddah statues there, they left them and they left people there practice their is only when the WESTERN-MADE Taliban thugs took power, they destroyed them, DOES NOT THAT TELL YOU A LOT ABOUT ISLAM ???????????
Proud_Muslim said:
This is very untrue and misleading, those verses were ORDERS and not recommendations..

They were not orders...God said. "Prophet, tell", not "Prophet , ordain". The prophet told many things that he took back, remember how the prophet told the believer to hide their religion when they were harrassed. Why don't you hide your religion then? Because, it's not an order, only part of a historic story. The prophet is dead and he can no longer tell. If god wish to order a decree, he would say. Allah ordains you to...much like he did with fasting, praying and the five pillars of Islam. God didn't say...O prophet, tell you wives to fast...He said, Allah requires you to fast. Big difference, but your head is too damn strong to bring any sense into you. Deep reprograming is required to make you read the Quran correctly, you have been programmed for far too long.

Proud_Muslim said:
You see, you are TRANSLATING what the word zeenah means to suit your own purposes, ZEENAH here means their NATURAL BEAUTY not the make up, read the Arabic verse and you will see that very clear.

You are lying to yourself. I'm not....The literal translation of Zeenah is decorations, meaning makup, jewelery, ect...Zeenah are exterior things and don't pertain anything to our natural bodies. Or god would have referred to animals as Zeenah :confused: Deprogramming you is very tough...and I understand your frustration...afterall, what are you? 30 years's not going to be an easy task.

Proud_Muslim said:
So you admit it is a cloth over your head and Allah(swt) mentioned in the quran, if so, why would Allah(swt) mentioned this HEAD COVER ????????????

Mention is much different than ordain. God mentioned many things. Mention is definetly not an order. If god wished to ordain a khimar, he would have said, wear a khimar....HE DIDN'T.

Proud_Muslim said:
That is not true, the verse does not say men should use it as well, you are misleading people here.

The verse never said that women should wear them. It merely said that they should be drawn over the bossoms. In the case of the men..they wear them, but they are not required to draw them down their bossoms.

Proud_Muslim said:
And what about COLD climates ????????????

When it's nice 70 degrees all year around, I hardly see the need to cover the head by both men or women...yet in Saudi, men continues to use Khimar and for a good reason.

Proud_Muslim said:
Are you saying that women at the time of the prophet(pbuh) were walking TOPLESS !! and that is why this verse came asking them to cover their breasts ?? this is ABSURD because Arab women since early Jahyliya have very modest code of dress.

Wow, look how low did you stoop to lie further to yourself..You are willing now to defend Jahiliya people who were the worst ever to proof a point....A3ozebellah.

Yes they were...TOPLESS my dear and BOTTOMLESS. Not only that they walked around topless, they had sex as they wish, no limit on number of wives...famous erotic dancing by many women in groups to entice the Sheikhs...Women were exploited with no was worst than the most famous prostitue streets in Holland. DOn't give me this shit about Jahyliya having a very modest code of dress...Jahiliya was one of the worst spots in the face of the earth...Just imagine naked women, plenty of alcohol, unlimited sex, and you have just pictured Jahiliya.

Proud_Muslim said:
Also I noticed you are using the words I THINK so much, it is not how you think Flores nor about how I think, it is how Allah(swt) thinks.

Of course I THINK, You on the other hand DON'T THINK...We all know that, but thanks for bringing it up.

Proud_Muslim said:
Good question, what it meant here is your breasts should not show their shape.

Breast will not show their shape under a conservative dress or a Jacket...I still feel the lack of need for god to ordain an extra layer of clothing. If he wished to cover the shape of breast, he could have just stated so in the Quran.

Proud_Muslim said:
Oh my God....this is BLATANT BS...we are not dealing with African women in the jungle my dear, we are dealing with already modest arab women.

Worst my dear brother...worst. African women are model citizens compared to Jahilia women....but I'm sure the Jahiliya women will appreciate your avid defence and may god award you for defending Jahiliya :D

Proud_Muslim said:
Why you dont become MUFASIR Flores ?? :rolleyes:

I'm my own Mufasir...thank you very much...

Proud_Muslim said:
I like this statement: IT IS MY VIEW !!! Hasbona Allah wa nema Al wakil...

You see, If I had no view like you, I would be blind, and god doesn't like those with no views or those that have blind hearts...

Proud_Muslim said:
I agree with what you wrote so far apart from this asking with soft tone, if your creator is asking you in sfot tone to do something beneficial, why you are not doing it ???

Because I don't feel harrassed....If I lived during Jahiliya at the time of prophet Muhammed and felt prosection or danger, you better believe that I won't leave my house.

Proud_Muslim said:
As if not harrassed does not equal purer for them !

It's not equal at all. And this ties to your lack of understanding of the term responsbility. The person the harrasses is the one who is not pure in the eyes of god...Me wearing additional cloth while might protect me from harrassment and danger will not purify me in the eyes of god.

Proud_Muslim said:
What ????? you dont even read the verse, do you ? here is it again:

O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e.screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). That will be better, that they should be known (as free respectable women) so as not to be annoyed. And Allâh is Ever Oft*Forgiving, Most Merciful.

A3ozebellah, again you are adding, changing and corrupting the Quran. I will not speak with you if you do that one more time. Show the verse as is...Don't let your ugly ignorant pen and key board add on the noble verses...A3ozebellah....List the verse as is then offer your documentry...Don't add to the Quran because it offends me greatly. Jilbab is not cloak nor veil...God didn't say free respectable, you did, god didn't say over their bodies, god didn't say completely except one eye, you did...You change the Quran and may god judge you on that.

also, It seems like you didn't read what I wrote. I said, believer MEN. It seems like god told only the prophet to tell those around him to do a specific thing. God didn't tell the believe men to ask their wives to wear something in specific. So the men are not in charge here.

Proud_Muslim said:
Oh I see, if the prophet is dead, then you should ignore all his sayings and his words !!! I feel so sad hearing that from you Flores .

He words are protected in the Quran and that's all I need.

Proud_Muslim said:
The Prophet (pbuh) told people repeatedly and determinedly to do nothing but that which Allah had revealed to him. One verse from the Quran concerning this superior morality of the Prophet (pbuh) reads:

This is wrong, because the prophet was admonished many times in the Quran...The blind man episode. Also, the Sura often came down after the prophet have done something that he was not sure about. So, out of the cave and the context of the Quran, Prophet Muhammed was a regular being prone to mistakes and liable for himself. He is not to be followed except under the context of the Quran, but the muslims have made a god out of him and decided to mimic him instead of living their lives.
Proud_Muslim said:
The idols were destroyed because they were placed in the first house built in history to worship Allah, the Pagans took over the Kaaba and they displayed their idols there in a gesture of deep humiliation to the ones who believed in Allah, so they were rightly destroyed.

Replace every idol word with Hijab and reread, maybe some sense can come back to you.

Proud_Muslim said:
I agree, but the above verse is talking about RELIGION, I dont see Malaysia forcing anyone to become Muslims.....BIG DIFFERENCE.

But you argued that Hijab is a sign of being muslim and that's why muslims don't want to give it up...Why do you contradict yourself.

Proud_Muslim said:
I already explained my dear sister, the STONE GODS were placed in the KAABA, ALLAH'S FIRST HOUSE BUILT BY HUMANS ON THIS EARTH TO WORSHIP ALLAH BY THE FATHER OF PROPHETS ( IBRAHIM = ABRAHAM ) they were placed there to huimiliate Muslims and the MUWAHIDON ( those who believe in the oneness of God ) and early muslims were tortured, killed and murdered because they refuse to worship these what the prophet did was GREAT JOB...those idols should not be in the KAABA in the first place.

Again, replace every idol word or STONE GODS with Hijab...Hope you feel better. Our religion is hijacked by your likes, I hope the prophet can come back to destroy this nonesense that we spend so much useless energy on fighting about. For god sake, a child die every five seconds from poor health conditions in Islamic countries and all you guys seem to care about is your idol man made Hijab and crap...
Proud_Muslim said:
Ufffffffff, you are so stubborn woman..I gave up.


Don't be mad, be glad :D

The reason that you are failing in your arguments is because you chose something other than Allah to defend. Allah is the "3rwa elwethka". Hijab is not. When you defend Allah, you can feel very strong because you have attached yourself to an unmovable very strong concept that noone can shake you from. Yet, when you defend stupid things, like Sunnah, pictures, Hijab, Sewak, number of times you should spit in Woodoo, five pillars, crap, you have placed yourself unto very shaky grounds and distant yourself from god. Do as your good nature and conscious dictates on you and trust, submit, and respect your creator, that's all Islam is about.
Flores said:
Don't be mad, be glad :D

The reason that you are failing in your arguments is because you chose something other than Allah to defend. Allah is the "3rwa elwethka". Hijab is not. When you defend Allah, you can feel very strong because you have attached yourself to an unmovable very strong concept that noone can shake you from. Yet, when you defend stupid things, like Sunnah, pictures, Hijab, Sewak, number of times you should spit in Woodoo, five pillars, crap, you have placed yourself unto very shaky grounds and distant yourself from god. Do as your good nature and conscious dictates on you and trust, submit, and respect your creator, that's all Islam is about.

Thank you for your advice my dear sister...I shall take it into consideration :rolleyes:

The reason I gave up is your own personal life, I dont think someone who dress bikini can be convinced in 1 or 2 days that the Hijab is a will take time, but I hope one day Allah will guide you...Ameen.
Flores said:
Replace every idol word with Hijab and reread, maybe some sense can come back to you.

But the prophet(pbuh) did not destroy the Hijab, he ORDERED it based on Allah instructions, big difference.

But you argued that Hijab is a sign of being muslim and that's why muslims don't want to give it up...Why do you contradict yourself.

Where did I say the Hijab is a sign ??? I said and always say, the Hijab is MUST, a RELIGIOUS DUTY.....did you ask yourself why you dont find a single woman without hijab in hajj ???

Again, replace every idol word or STONE GODS with Hijab...Hope you feel better.

This is absurd, you are mixing 2 very different things.

Our religion is hijacked by your likes,

Just because my views (which represent the views of the majority of Muslims ) does not suit you, it does not mean I hijacked Islam, if ISLAM is hijacked by my likes, then Islam is disgraced by the actions of your likes.... :rolleyes:

I hope the prophet can come back to destroy this nonesense that we spend so much useless energy on fighting about. For god sake, a child die every five seconds from poor health conditions in Islamic countries and all you guys seem to care about is your idol man made Hijab and crap..

it is YOU and your SECULAR culture is the one which cares about the Hijab, as you dont like someone to force you to wear it, the REAL Muslim women who wear it dont like someone like you to force them to take it off.

And oh, since you were talking about seconds, EVERY 12 SECONDS, AN AMERICAN WOMAN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED....very civilized... :rolleyes:
Proud_Muslim said:
I dont think someone who dress bikini can be convinced in 1 or 2 days that the Hijab is a MUST...

It has nothing to do with the bikini...Actually, the fashion now is actresses who retire and wear hijab and make Islamic shows.

The reason I will never be convinced to wear a Hijab is because my ass is clean and my heart is pure..I have no guilty conscious in regards to my actions. I have never had premarital sex, I never cheated on my husband, I never even dated before I got married. I feel very clean and I don't need a Hijab to purify me further. I have a clean white record when it comes to moral behavior, and that's the main reason you'll be unsuccessfull in convincing me to wear a Hijab.

On the other hand, women who feel guilty, who might have done things that they're not too proud of, might find in the Hijab a way to escape their old life styles...but the problem is that a dirty ass can never be clean no matter how much you wipe.
Flores said:
It has nothing to do with the bikini...Actually, the fashion now is actresses who retire and wear hijab and make Islamic shows.

Did nicole kidman retired and dressed the Hijab ?? :D

The reason I will never be convinced to wear a Hijab is because my ass is clean and my heart is pure..I have no guilty conscious in regards to my actions. I have never had premarital sex, I never cheated on my husband, I never even dated before I got married. I feel very clean and I don't need a Hijab to purify me further. I have a clean white record when it comes to moral behavior, and that's the main reason you'll be unsuccessfull in convincing me to wear a Hijab.

And I salute you for that but the Hijab is not dressed because you are not clean, you dress it to make you CLEANER.

On the other hand, women who feel guilty, who might have done things that they're not too proud of, might find in the Hijab a way to escape their old life styles...

This is not true my dear sister, otherwise how do explain those young beautiful European Muslim girls wearing it at early age ( 14-15 ) !! did they do horrible things as well ??

but the problem is that a dirty ass can never be clean no matter how much you wipe.

That is the case if you live in the west where they use tissues to wipe, but we Muslims use WATER, and it does wipe totally.... :D
Proud_Muslim said:
But the prophet(pbuh) did not destroy the Hijab, he ORDERED it based on Allah instructions, big difference.

That's what you think...and what do you bring for it....A weak Hadith with a silent prophet who supposidly points to the neck, wrists, and ankles...

Proud_Muslim said:
Where did I say the Hijab is a sign ??? I said and always say, the Hijab is MUST, a RELIGIOUS DUTY.....did you ask yourself why you dont find a single woman without hijab in hajj ???

Your head is so convoluted and your circular reasoning is really frustrating. Didn't you say in your last post that Malasia is not imposing their religion on non muslim, only the uniform. So you have to either admit that Malasia is imposing religious beliefs or that the Hijab is not a religious belief...Pick one, you are going to get dizzy chasing your tail on that one.

Proud_Muslim said:
This is absurd, you are mixing 2 very different things.

I'm not mixing, I'm showing the other prespective that you have shoved underneath the dusty carpet.

Proud_Muslim said:
Just because my views (which represent the views of the majority of Muslims ) does not suit you, it does not mean I hijacked Islam, if ISLAM is hijacked by my likes, then Islam is disgraced by the actions of your likes.... :rolleyes:

Ya Salam, words of wisdom....Anyone that discusses religion and think that they are right have themselves in a bend down position with their ass up in the air. You are a genious my friend...How long have you been discussing religion on boards.?

Proud_Muslim said:
it is YOU and your SECULAR culture is the one which cares about the Hijab, as you dont like someone to force you to wear it, the REAL Muslim women who wear it dont like someone like you to force them to take it off.

It's none of their business. Country codes and regulation are not dictated by the real muslim women, it's a democratic vote.

Proud_Muslim said:
And oh, since you were talking about seconds, EVERY 12 SECONDS, AN AMERICAN WOMAN GET SEXUALLY ASSAULTED....very civilized... :rolleyes:

Indeed very civilized, at least we know about it....It's out and in the open even for idiots like you to find about it. They say the first step in correcting problems is discovering the problem. In Islamic countries, little boys and girls are assaulted in their own homes by their own family member, Mullah, and Sheiks,and the society is hush hush about it. I knew a girl who got once raped in a mosque in the women quarters by a so called Sheikh. She was four years old. Her stupid parents used to send her to the mosque to learn about Islam...Her parents found out by accident that she's being raped when she was playing with her barbies Sheikh and students.
Proud_Muslim said:
This is not true my dear sister, otherwise how do explain those young beautiful European Muslim girls wearing it at early age ( 14-15 ) !! did they do horrible things as well ??

freud wants to talk to you perv