mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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:) Wonderful!:) Keep on processing... ;)

Sirius? You know Sirius is famous because of their inhabitants. So tell me, who did you meet and do they allow you to colonize it for Earthlings?:)

My previous known memories are uploaded... :bugeye:
..year 2250...
...scout probe report....
...location: Sirius system....
....status: deserted..........
.....planetary data: 1......
.....named: xilon-4i....
......swaping location to xilon-4i...
.....planetary scan commencing...
.....scan completed...
......result data...........
.....signs of previous inhabitation...
........signs of advanced life forms.......
........increased radiation is 12% of the planetary surface....
............H20 concentration: 40% of the planetary surface....
...............O2: moderate..........
....................incoming signal..........
.....mached as top priority package.......
......information transmit........ follows: you have entered the Kshanyan space sector,
....identify yourself............
.....FTL information request to earth.......
.........identity request allowed....
........processing start up location coordinates........
......................message as follows: planet is deserted, new location is:43254565633:14455:125125:2355532.....
......send final information data....... sent.....

The Stone in the Tree, guess it has to do with executing Nature. It's a little bit literal and Nostradamus spoke in symbols, so I don't know if I'm correct here.

Good call... ;)

No lollipop for me then?

Someday... in the future... in another encarnation... :D
Sorry... we don't have technology to send it through computer... :p

The Proud Nation Restored can also mean the Middle-East.

Yeah... I thought that when I went to sleep. I remembered that they liked when the WTC collapsed...


The more people beleive of something, the more likely it is to happen...

Yup... Reality is based on our beliefs (I already talked about that, didn't I...? ;))


TruthSeeker, where did you find that Quatrain and how did you come to the conclusion it has to do with Mabus and the war on terrorism?

It's only some quatrains after the one you picked about Mabus. That one was C2Q62. Mine was C2Q70. The dart coming from the sky instantly reminded me nuclear missiles... those ICBCs that the US made during the Cold War. I just linked it... How would Nostradamus describe a nuclear missle? Like a dart coming from the sky... ;)


really, we are held back only because of lack of appropriate technology. But tht will change soon. You know what a big difference was between 19th and 20th century, so what could happen in 21th?

We have to conquer the speed of light though...

you believe in so many things, so why not add The Great Solarian Federation possibility somewhere in the future?

There IS a Federation called... if I remember well...The Galaxy Federation. It's base is in Sirius. It's composed by beings of many stars such as Orion, Vega, Pleiades, Lyra and even our sun...
But that's kind of confidential information... so, don't spread it... :D:D

Seriously... we can't get out of here not even in Spirit. Times are so bad that they created a kind of spiritual isolation barrier around Earth... But the Galaxy Federation is helping in our transition for the fith dimension... ;)

Ok... now better I shut up...
Or the Alpha Omega Congregation will complain with me...
Dammit... I forgot all the names... :(
Better look up in the Avatar Archives... ;)

PS: It's not you... It's really Avatar... if I remember well the name... :)

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Latest Update Concerning Nuclear Activity...
Feds Order Underground N-Weapons
Tuesday, March 26, 2002


SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The Pentagon and the Energy Department have directed the nation's nuclear weapons laboratories in Livermore, Calif., and Los Alamos, N.M., to compete for the chance to design a hydrogen bomb that could destroy targets underground.
To the dismay of arms-control proponents, the Bush administration is advocating such weapons -- which would slam into the earth at high speed and then explode underground -- as a means of attacking command bunkers or biological and chemical weapons facilities possibly buried in such places as Iraq, Iran or North Korea.
Work on preliminary designs for the weapon -- known as the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator -- begins next month at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in northern California and Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. Scientists at both labs will propose modifying weapons rather than designing a new bomb from scratch.
That distinction plays a role in arms-control debates in the post-Cold-War era. Arms-control advocates say designing and building new weapons provokes other nations to follow suit, at a time when the fear of "rogue state" nuclear weapons is growing.
The Bush White House, like the Clinton administration before it, says it has no plans for new nuclear weapons designs. But critics charge that extensively modifying an existing weapon for a new purpose is equivalent to a new design.
"If I take my Honda into the shop and it comes out a Ferrari, that's not a modification, it's a new car," said Marylia Kelley of Livermore, who leads Tri-Valley Communities Against a Radioactive Environment.
She and other opponents argue that producing such weapons blurs the line between nuclear and conventional weapons, increasing the chances that nuclear weapons will be used.
Proponents maintain that nuclear weapons could reach some buried targets that could not be destroyed by conventional bombs. Energy Department officials also say the preliminary design contest will help maintain the skills of scientists at the labs, 10 years after explosive testing of weapons in Nevada came to an end.
Lawrence Livermore's candidate is the B83, a hydrogen bomb designed for the B-1 bomber. Los Alamos will work on the B61, which has already been modified 11 times, including the modification for earth penetration.
The initial design work, officially called feasibility studies, was requested by the Nuclear Weapons Council, a coordinating body of military and Energy Department officials. The three members are Marine Corps Gen. Peter Pace, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Pete Aldridge, the undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics; and John Gordon, the administrator of the Energy Department's National Nuclear Security Administration.
The Air Force, which would drop the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator from its airplanes, is also involved in the studies, which are to begin in April after Congress is notified.
Lawrence Livermore officials said they could not comment on its feasibility study, the second step in the seven-step process to design and produce a nuclear weapon. Modification of the weapon would keep the nuclear explosives portion of the bomb -- known as the "physics package" -- largely intact. But the bomb's casing and interior supports would be strengthened.
The Bush administration nuclear-weapons policy, laid out in January in the Pentagon's Nuclear Posture Review, de-emphasizes strategic nuclear weapons but promotes the development of "advanced concept" battlefield weapons such as the earth penetrator.
Earth-penetrating weapons are built long and thin to smash through earth and rock at high speed. In some non-nuclear tests the weapon's exterior casing has melted from the friction. In tests to date, weapons have penetrated only a few dozen feet.
The B83 is 12 feet long and 18 inches in diameter. It was developed at Livermore in the 1980s and has the advantage of already being built to withstand impact. Its detonation is delayed to provide the plane time to clear the area; otherwise, the crew would be flying a suicide mission.
Livermore scientists have studied the B83 as a potential earth-penetrating weapon since the 1980s. Both the B83 and the B61 have a feature known as "dial-a-yield" in which the bombs' explosive power, or yield, can be adjusted. The maximum yield is more than a megaton, the equivalent of a million tons of TNT, a mountain of conventional explosives.
At high yield, the B83 would produce an explosion greater than 2 million times more powerful than the "bunker-buster" bombs that the Air Force has used against Taliban and al-Qaida caves in Afghanistan.


Cheer up! Everything will be fine! Don't worry about it... live more the present... ;)

You are passing your message. We expect them to receive and pass to other people. We need to spread it. But you don't need to be so sad about it. We are learning! Our mistakes make us grow up. So don't worry... everything will be fine. ;)

yeah!, and mine too;):D

btw Pollux, what happened with your homepage. is it finished?
I'm making one right now, specially for folks @ sciforums to read. Sorta profile/introduction . a small page for the link under my posts
I guess I just decided to fudge it. Wasn't really interested, I guess. Maybe I'll start up another....
PolluxV and Avatar,

Listen to Banshee. She has lots of important information to you. I just reminded her about the future...
She is doing her job, and I'm proud of her, as well of many people that are doing their parts.
You two should do yours too. ;)

I do not have enough financial resources and knowledge to do my job Seeker:( Maybe you could help with tht financial and I'll do my part of educational;)

I want to devote myself to the study of ancient past, but the reality and country in which I live prevents it (geologs, hystorians, scientists are amongst the less paid people here:mad: )
So I'll take an e-business program in university and do the hystory studies in my free time, unfortunately.
:) I'm just passing information here guys. :) Don't have a well paid job. Don't need it either.

I wish you all the good and happiness you can get Avatar with your study. :) May the road to glory lead you right into the shining Sun. :) With all the money you need to make your wishes come true. ;) :)

It are just lessons in life and the future which are spoken of in this thread...Lessons which are paid for in a different way. Sometimes with Happiness, sometimes with a lot of Sadness and pain. Life Experience does never come easy...:)
Originally posted by Banshee
My previous known memories are uploaded... :bugeye:
Really??:) , then perhaps you could teach me how to do that. For real , not by my immagination;) . For me as an ancient-history-fanatic tht would be of the greatest importance.
I can provide you with secure encrypted communications [255], so you can share with tht secret.
I have a good encryption program:cool:
wait...hang on a sec, what are yeh talking about? I don't have enough time to look back through the thread...
Money is not everything...

I could give everything I have and everything I could have only to be Loved by whom I Love... :(

funny, I was discussing this with my sister online (she lives in UK) yesterday. With money you can't buy hapiness, but you can buy the conditions with which you much likely woll acquire one.
This is true, this is real life, unfortunately.

I can not buy old artifacts with no money, I can not see pyramids with no money(it is true nomatter what you say[again unfortunately]):(
but I'm an optimist:)
Money can't pay for Love.
And Love is everything I want... :(

Love is the most valuable thing in the Universe.

And still... I give it all to you...
And don't receive it back...
In the way I want to... :(

No it can't, but there are a lot of other things to love, not just people. Say- I love nature, rivers, forests, sea. I love thm. Do I receive I don't know, but it's enough for me to have these feelings. Human love is a different aspect, and you can't say you love me, because you don't know me enough (and I'm not gay:D). I can not love someone/thing I do not know. Some say - Jesus loves you- but hell, why do I have to love Jesus(Yeshua). I mean I can respect him yes, but love.............
Love is smth you just don't give away to a complete stranger. You may get burnt.
tht's what I think, you can think different, you may hate me for these words, but tht won't change anything for me, maybe only you;)
See Ya:)

and so this tread dies,..............farewel,........bye now!,...........sleep tight,.........

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