mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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I can not love someone/thing I do not know.

Unless you have Unconditional Love, which is the True Love... ;)

tht's what I think, you can think different, you may hate me for these words, but tht won't change anything for me, maybe only you

I can't hate...

If you can't hate you are no human. So either you are a genetically or mentaly altered humanoid or an alien. In either case no harm in discussing anything with you;)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Saddam Hussein
A Palace for the Antichrist : Saddam Hussein's Drive to Rebuild Babylon and It's
Place in Bible Prophecy
by Joseph Chambers
Joseph Chambers seeks evidence that Saddam Hussein's attempt to rebuild Babylon
is a fulfillment of Rev 18
Ishtar's Gate :

Babylon (from Bab-ili, meaning "Gate of God") was known for it's power, wealth and as a great religious center. The "golden age" of Babylon was under the rule of Nebuchadnezzar. (Nebuchadnezzar II, the most important of the Chaldean, or
Neo-Babylonian, kings, reigned from 605 to 562 BC. Although he is called Nebuchadnezzar in the Old Testament, his Babylonian name was Nabu-kudur-usur; modern historians often refer to him as Nebuchadrezzar.)
Little remains of Babylon's legendary glory. Desert sands long ago swallowed up the hanging gardens that were among the wonders of the ancient world.
Archaeologists who uncovered the splendid Ishtar Gate at the beginning of this century shipped it off to Berlin. Most of the other treasures found here are now at museums in Germany, France and Britain.

At the site where the royal complex once stood, a poster proclaims, "From Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam Hussein, Babylon Invokes Its Glories on the Path of Jihad and Glorious Development."

BABYLON IS RISING AGAIN!(Photos of new Babylon) :

Iraq is definitely the location of the Tower of Babel (Land of Shinar) (Gen. 10:10; 11:1-9). Scholars place it approximately 62km south of modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. Tower of Babel ruins have not been located by archaeologists.

Saddam Hussein, today's ruler of Iraq, began the rebuilding of Babylon over these ruins during the Iraq/Iran war to help keep his people from becoming demoralized because of this protracted and costly war. Later, after failing to secure control of the oil market, by the taking of Kuwait which lead to the Gulf War, Saddam, having received sanctions constraining Iraq, has been unable to complete the rebuilding of Babylon. Even so, he strongly identifies himself with the ancient ruler, Nebuchadnezzar, believing to be akin to him and having been "given" the vision to restore the once great empire and becoming it's ruler. It has been said that they even look alike!

Zech. 5:5-11; note: "in the land of Shinar" = Babylon = Iraq

In September 1987 the First International Babylon Festival, under the patronage of Saddam Hussein, was held in the newly revived city of Babylon, the restoration of which began in 1978. For this event Saddam Hussein had a special seal minted
which featured his portrait side by side with the great Nebuchadnezzar of Daniel's days, stressing the similarity of their appearance. The festival's official theme was: "From Nebuchadnezzar to Saddam Hussein, Babylon undergoes a

Saddam Hussein sees himself as the incarnation of Nebuchadnezzar, as the successor of the ancient world leader to rule again a mighty empire from Babylon.
That empire comprised the modern nations of Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, and Kuwait. In August of 1990 Saddam Hussein attempted to reclaim a portion of that empire when he invaded Kuwait. The invasion was stopped --- BUT
NOT Saddam Hussein!

Side Note : ANCIENT NATION : House of Israel (Jacob) .....DERIVATION or LINK :
flag:"Union Jack"; flag of Britain: meaning: "a union of Jacob" .....CURRENT NAME
: British Commonwealth; America; and other western European nations . *
Jacob (renamed Israel) started a lineage of princes over the twelve tribes of Israel.

Edom and their evil works will be cleansed from the face of the earth.
Jacob-Israel (America and Britain) triumphs over his wicked brother Esau. There is soon to be a monumental event happening in the Middle East. Nuclear events......the Areas of Jordan and Iraq will be uninhabitable.

The Bible speaks extensively of Babylon, and identifies it as the evil city. It was the birthplace of the seed of Satan the devil.

Saddam Hussein has been appointed to prepare the way for the evil beast that will arise. This man is the man of sin, the very essence of evil. And he will arise with all the power of Satan the devil (Rev 13:2).
Originally posted by TruthSeeker


If you can't Love you are no human. ;)


LOL, you're right, but lets not push these to extremes.
Back to Mabus...Newsletter...READ PLEASE...

(1 APRIL 2002)

Dear friends,
I have followed the etymological trail for decades, trying to uncover clues to just what the 16th-century prophet, Michel Nostradamus, meant when he code named the third and future candidate for one of his three antichrists as the enigmatic “Mabus.” Those of you who have read my books on Nostradamus have followed my interpretation of his Third Antichrist eastward towards the future and infernal princes of the Near East. I still believe that the weight of Nostradamus’ interests and prejudices pull the divining rod of possibility towards the magnetic hotbed of Middle Eastern and North Africa despots. Today’s Arab and Iranian terrorists and misguided zealots are our prime suspects. For me the Mabus mug shot is flashed upon the film of my curiosity by Nostradamus’ favored mind-melding “camera” of classical metaphors. In other words, I have seen him too often color his prophecies in the Kodak moment of ancient Greek and Roman images of the future. If the ancient Roman’s called the Danube “Hister,” Nostradamus would hide his Second Antichrist’s name behind that classical Roman label. He would cloak a vision of a child dreaming his diabolical dreams while resting on the banks of the "Hister" and hide the name of the young Adolf "Hitler."

My interpreter’s hackles rose to attention when I first saw Nostradamian clues nudging me to consider that the next antichrist would come from where they once worshipped the “infernal God of Hannibal.” (Century 2 Quatrain 30). I had an epiphany after discovering the Romanized name given to that Punic god of Carthage, once Hannibal and the Cartheginias had been conquered and absorbed into Rome. The Romans renamed their god “Baal Hammon” “Thurbo Majus”! Those of you who are not yet under the spell of anagrams (word plays) might overlook the fact that one easily replacable letter — as per the rules of anagram — turns the “j” into a “b” to get Nostradamus’ name for his third antichrist (Majus = Mabus).

I first saw this Mabus-Majus connection in 1985, and since then it has led me to believe that many a young terrorist tough who, during the sixties and seventies, passed nearby the ruins of Thurbo Majus’ Carthage — to train at and later apply their infernal trade from the neighboring headquarters of the Palestinian Liberation Organization — can stand as candidates for Nostradamus’ Mabus, the Third Antichrist. Moreover, Majus, the former “Baal Hammon,” is a Phoenician god who was worshipped across regions that today include North Africa, Egypt, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Iran, and the Saudi Arabian peninsula. Thus I could not resist considering that Nostradamus by playing “Baal” with us is expanding his classical metaphor to pin the Third Antichrist label on a terrorist coming from the modern regions who once worshipped “Majus.”

A study of the last two antichrists indicates that most of the letters needed to decode the name of the Third Antichrist could be found in his enigmatic name. For instance: PAU NAY OLORON (in Century 8 Quatrain 1) becomes Napaulon Roy (Napoleon King); Hister easily becomes Adolf “Hitler.” So, if Nostradamus is being consistent then we should find the name of the next and final antichrist virtually hiding in the letters M-A-B-U-S.

Certainly the next target for the U.S. war on terrorism can be found by reversing the letters “mabus” to “subam” then reversing any letters again, such as a “b” into a “d” to get “sudam.” That leaves one the freedom in anagramming to replace one vowel “u” with an “a” to get “Sadam.” The law of eliminating or adding redundancies to letters allows one to double our “d” to get “Saddam” Hussein.

Play the same game with Usama bin Laden and you can find that u-s-a-m-a + b has nearly all the fixings to cook Nostradamus’ code name: “Maaus + b.” You need not take the “b” from “bin” Laden to replace one redundant “a," but if you wish you can take the “b” and get “Maabus” then cut the redundant “a” to get “Mabus.”

Even so, a good Nostradamus scholar never closes the door to a different possibility.

After the events of 9-11, I have received what I might call “new leads” from hundreds of you out there. Many of the leads are products of ignorance and naïveté, but some of you are onto something.

The following emails from members of my newsletter list are perhaps some of the most cogent examples of what hundreds of you have suggested ia a new candidate for the Mabus enigma — a world leader living far closer to home than the distant and disturbed Middle East.

The first email is from Robert Davis, who granted me permission to share it with you all. Robert stated, “I believe you are missing a major point in your analysis, why do we continually assume the 3rd antichrist will come from the East? The first 2 did not, granted they are the most obvious choice at the moment but we are ignoring one inescapable fact. There is only one superpower capable of bringing total devastation upon the world, the USA! They already bring "terror from the sky" and have taken the first step to ignoring human rights and rules of war etc. I believe George Bush deserves investigation as perhaps the 3rd antichrist. To bring evil upon the world does not necessitate being perceived as evil ,war has a momentum of it's own and quite often outstrips the best intentions of men. Just a thought!!”

Next we have a letter from Antonio Alvarez, who, like many of those who write in this vein, have stated no animosity against the U.S. president but cannot deny that Nostradamus’ rules of anagram must consider the possibility — no matter how far fetched it might seem — that Nostradamus intended G. W. Bush as “Mabus.” I have received permission from Antonio to share some extracts of his letter with you all:

“It was very interesting to read in the Hogue Prophecy Archive, 4 June 2001 [“Who will be Mabus?”], the way you tried to decode the name Mabus to try to find out who Mabus could be. But in all your decodings you did not try another possibility. If you take the first two letters of Mabu, that is "Ma", and rotate them 180 degrees, and then you mirror the turned around "a" you will get "gW", then you add "bus", the resulting name is "gWbus". Rotate 180 deg. "Ma" you get "pW", then you mirror "p" and turn it into "g", add "bus" and you get gWbus. The president of the United States is George W. Bush, and in Latin languages the "h" is silent, so it would be "George W. Bus", you use only the inititial of the first name, and you get "GWBUS". Don't you think this is another possibity?”

My answer to David, Antonio and hundreds of you out there who have written me similar letters — and the hundreds of thousands of you who have not written but I sense hold the same premonition — is the following:

Yes, the decoding of Mabus for Bush cannot be ruled out. It may also be possible that Nostradamus has mistakenly seen a composite of several people as one figure. Since my first book, written back in 1986, I have posed a theory that the farther Nostradamus looks into the future the more likely is the chance that the strangeness of our distant times are cloudier and harder to interpret through the filter of a mind programmed by the limitations of the 16th century.

Certainly leaders bound together by a dark destiny can be mistaken as one and the same antichrist. Moreover, one culture’s hero is another culture’s hellion. For example, back in September of 1990, a full four months before President Bush Sr. launched Operation Desert Storm against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq, I wrote the following observations which later appeared on page 226 of the deluxe illustrated edition of The Millennium Book of Prophecy in 1994 (you can also find this passage on page 258 of the paperback edition):

“Then there’s Nostradamus, always ready to catch one’s projections in the flypaper of his obscurity. Century 8 Quatrain 70 could adequately describe the ascent of Saddam Hussein and perhaps refers to the subsequent alliance of some Arab states with America in Operation Desert Storm: He will enter, wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing over Mesopotamia [Iraq]. All friends made by the adulterous Lady: the land dreaded and black in aspect.

“Nostradamus often used symbols for countries. Christian-programmed interpreters might figure this adulterous Lady to be the modern-day Babylon of Baghdad. An Iraqi interpreter of Nostradamus might think she represents America’s hypocritical “Statue of Liberty.” An Islamic interpreter would perhaps say Nostradamus is implicating the “great Satan” America as modern-day Babylon. Moreover, pro-American Arab leaders are her evil friends...”

I added the following coda in 1991 before publication:

“...If your childhood was spent in a Palestinian concentration (excuse me) refugee camp, it is quite clear who the wicked, unpleasant, infamous, tyrannizing fellow entering Mesopotamia was. American coalition forces entered Iraq with an air and land offensive after 17 January 1991, so the prediction could also stand for the past or future American president. Prophecy doesn’t care about the West’s identification with being the good guys.”

The final judgment of time and events as they actually transpire still do not care.

President Bush senior is eclipsed by the future President Bush junior, who clearly is poised to launch the United States into another Gulf War against Saddam Hussein in our near future. I think you will see the war ultimatums coming this May, followed by the attack on Iraq either in early July or as late as October, just prior to the mid-term U.S. elections. The only thing that might delay the plan is an unraveling of the Middle East in this Easter’s dawning Arab-Israeli war

I for one still say that Nostradamus intended Mabus to be a North African or Middle Eastern figure because of the prophet’s use of classical metaphors.


The court of future history and events will be the judge.

As far as I can interpret the Mabus/Third Antichrist prophecies of Century 2 Quatrain 62 and Century 8 Quatrain 77, the criterion the future will use to reach that judgment depends of the fulfillment of the following events:

1.) Whoever Mabus is, he is one of the first to fall in the war he launches, be it a war on America or a war on terrorism.

2.) His death will be war cry for revenge and there will be a devastating counterattack.

3.) The reaction to his martyrdom and the counterattack will set in motion a 27-year war that only sees terrorism as its first stage but could eventually escalate and widen its theater of destruction to include an exchange of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons between a number of nations. This may include the worst-case scenario of a potential three-way war fought between the United States, Russia and China over food and other resources in the 2020s.

I believe the fulfillment of the first two steps is likely to happen before the end of 2002.

Yasser Arafat (his PLO code name being [m]Abu Amar) may soon die a martyr. Easter 2002 has seen the beginning of “The Field of Thorns” — Yasser Arafat’s code name for a calculated last stand against Israeli occupation of the West Bank. If Arafat becomes a martyr, as he believes he soon will be, and if in response the Arab world rises up in a region-wide war against Israel and its American ally, then he could be Nostradamus’ intended Mabus.

If it is not Yasser Arafat, then another Arab martyr could come from the actions of the United States moving blindly forward with their plans to invade Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein. I have stated since 1997 that Nostradamus’ quatrains imply that Saddam would face death from a cruise missile cutting into the bowels of one of his reinforced bunkers.(See pg. 740-741 of Nostradamus: The Complete Prophecies). Thus he, as the Mabus prophecy says, “soon dies.” If his rapid extermination makes him Mabus then expect a “horrible undoing of people and animals” coming as a result of the post-Saddam Iraq disintegrating. The collapse of Iraq could destablize the Middle East while it might draw another president from Texas into his own version of the Vietnam quagmire.

Now, for Mabus to be the American president, “gW Bus(h),” he, regrettably, must be one of the first to fall in his war on terrorism. It must be noted that the American president has often made forceful, albeit linguistically simplistic and repetitive, attempts to remind the American people that his war on terror could last for “twenty to thirty years.” If he were to be killed and it was proven that his death came from the hands of terrorists, then you will see the “terrible undoing of people and animals” coming from an all-out American revenge attack on those nations of the East that are viewed by the Bush administration as part of the Axis of Evil.

I believe that this travail-full year of 2002 will not pass without my being able to declare who, or what, Nostradamus’ intended for Mabus.

The lands populated by humans will become uninhabitable,
Great disagreement and discord in order to obtain lands:
Kingdoms given to men incapable of prudence,
Then for the great brothers [usually implying Russia and America] death and dissention.
C2 Q95

History runs at a fast pace and it seems to me that the issues of this bulletin can only touch on themes that require far more in-depth examination. For those of you who want a more detailed dissertation on topics like Mabus/Bush, the Middle East and the possible futures born out of the events of 9-11, I wish to cordially invite you to read the just recently released Third Edition of my most popular Nostradamus book entitled: Nostradamus the New Millennium. It should be available at your local book store, or you can purchase it for a discount by going through the link at my home page [].


I wish to end this newsletter on a more uplifting note by sharing a collective response to another commonly asked question:

The attack on 9-11-01 leaves me shocked and mute. The mounting war fever and the national denial of America’s part in our dysfunctional relationship with the Middle East seems unaddressed by the policies and actions of the current administration. It seems we are marching blindly off to war and my children are asking, “Why?” What words of encouragement or at least what explanation would you give to children about this attack? What would you tell them is the cause of their parents repeating the mistakes and wars of the past in the near future?

Just remember that this current travail is caused by humanity being unconscious and conditioned to be predictable. It is possible that the dire events of the coming 30-to-100 years will inspire enough people to break with the past and its misery and conditioned reactions to give birth to a new and spiritually harmonious humanity. But this humanity will not come from collective actions. It will come one individual at a time. If you ask me what to tell children, I will say this: always seek love and awareness at all costs. Know that being authentic will get you in trouble, but do not stop being authentic, no matter how difficult it may be living in a world that supports dreamers rather than helping us to re-awaken the birthright of bright glory that a society of sleepwalkers conditions us to suppress. And finally, let me say to the children that their innocence is the source of all hope and genius for the present and the future. Do not allow grown-ups to suppress this birthright of innocence. Do not be angry with them if they try (because they will try). Be compassionate to them. Feel sympathy for them. They were once like you. The grown-ups have lost what you have not yet lost. That is why they are always afraid and angry with each other and go to war. They were once open and smart. Now they are knowledgeable and stupid. Allow them to help you function in this world. Everyone needs a functional name and needs words to communicate to others, but do not be identified with your name, your country and your words. Do not borrow anyone else’s experience, rather, learn not to repeat their mistakes. Only follow your own experience and never let even well-meaning grown-ups trespass upon your innocence and turn you into frightened and divided souls. This is the great challenge. Learn how to live in the world but not “of” the world. If you can do this then each of you will bring us one life lived closer to the birth of a new and harmonious humanity.

With tenderness, eternity and love,

John Hogue

"Whoever Mabus is, he is one of the first to fall in the war he launches, be it a war on America or a war on terrorism."

Nobody said Mabus would fall in strictly physical terms. GW Bush's outrageous black-and-white doctrine of good vs evil has already created major conflict in the Middle East that is backfiring on him. Mabus could cave into his own doctrine as GW Bush is doing today.

Nobody ever said GW Bush was smart, and he's busy proving that he's not. The consequences of his stupidity could easily affect this nation for decades. It took Bush less than a year to resurrect the Ugly American image, and he is quickly turning America into the most hated nation on this planet...

By Dan Balz and Dana Milbank

April 3 — In the days after Sept. 11, President Bush outlined a global war on terrorism that was striking in its moral clarity, summed up in his Sept. 20 speech to Congress when he said: “Every nation in every region now has a decision to make. Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”

“In sheer common sense, if someone is not with you, does that mean he’s automatically against you? I don’t think it’s a good principle.’ — ZBIGNIEW BRZEZINSKI

National security adviser to Carter THAT EITHER-OR approach has given way to a murkier reality in the Middle East, where the administration’s response to the chaos-particularly regarding whether to consider Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat a terrorist-has shown the limitations of doctrines drawn in the language of absolutes.

The problem of classifying Arafat has angered foreign policy doves and hawks alike. Hard-liners say Bush should call Arafat a terrorist and treat him as an enemy. Others say the Arafat case exposes the flaw in the Bush doctrine: It ignores the vast gray area between friend and foe.

In the past few days, the president has defended himself against the sharpest criticism of his conduct of foreign policy since the attacks of Sept. 11. He and his advisers now must reckon with the prospect that the Middle East conflict will force a delay in, or substantial changes to, the next phase of the war on terrorism-apparently aimed at Iraq-that they have been planning for months.

Bush’s instincts to see the war on terrorism as one of good vs. evil served him well after Sept. 11, as he rallied an international coalition for a military campaign in Afghanistan that dislodged the Taliban regime and at least dispersed the al Qaeda terrorist network responsible for the attacks on the United States.

But as he has confronted the escalating war between Israel and the Palestinians, Bush has sounded anything but certain, the black-and-white rhetoric of his war on terrorism replaced by what administration critics have described as hesitancy, inconsistency and ambiguity.

“Bush had great clarity immediately after 9-11 and has gone from being sharp to being blurry,” said former Reagan administration official Kenneth Adelman, who is close to Vice President Cheney and other Bush national security officials. “I think it’s been very fuzzy and disappointing.”

Adelman embraces Bush’s with-us-or-against-us formulation and says it should be applied to Arafat. “The administration should say regardless of the reasons the Palestinians are upset, what they are doing is violating all principles of decency and civilization,” he said. “These are not suicide attacks, these are homicide attacks. That’s the kind of clarity I don’t see.”


Equally critical, but for the opposite reason, are less conservative strategists who say Bush’s good-vs.-evil approach is too black and white. Bush, they point out, is not the first to use the with-us-or-against-us formulation. Vladimir Lenin used a similar phrase in his revolutionary writings: “He who is not with us is against us.”

“This is Leninism,” said Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was President Jimmy Carter’s national security adviser. “In sheer common sense, if someone is not with you, does that mean he’s automatically against you? I don’t think it’s a good principle. Unfortunately, most of life cannot be delineated in terms of black and white. It’s in various shades of gray, and foreign policy has to be sensitive to that.”

Brzezinski, who teaches at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, said the attempt to impose the all-or-nothing doctrine has created a muddle. “I wish I knew what our policy is,” he said. “On the one hand we’re winking and giving [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon the green light, and on the other hand we’re voting in the United Nations for Israeli withdrawal.”

Secretary of State Colin L. Powell sought to explain that seeming contradiction during a round of interviews yesterday on network television. The administration, he said, has told Sharon that the United States recognizes Israel’s right to defend itself but that it wants the current invasion to end as quickly as possible.

“We have never given him a blank check, we have never given him a green light; we have never talked about traffic signals at all,” he said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.”

“We have made it clear that we believe the right answer is a political process that moves us forward, and that political process is also there for the Palestinian side.”

The administration’s critics argue that two miscalculations have plunged Bush into the current problem. The first was the decision at the beginning of his administration to play down the importance of the Middle East, and the second was seeming to ignore allies’ recommendations to become more engaged immediately after Sept. 11.

“I think his advisers underestimated the negative impact the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was having on the region-pretty badly,” said a former official in the Clinton administration. “They underestimated the level to which the violence would go, and they did not appreciate the importance of U.S. engagement and the effect it could have on the second leg of this anti-terrorism war, which was Iraq.”


Gary Schmitt of the Project for a New American Century said, “The administration is caught between those who are arguing the primary strategic goal is now Iraq and this is something of a tactical diversion — that we need to calm down to stay focused on our priority — versus others who say now, whether we like it or not, something that has been an irritant is now the front line. It’s no longer a strategic sideshow but a strategic theater of its own.”

The Middle East conflict challenges another of Bush’s post-Sept. 11 doctrines — that a cumbersome international coalition should not be allowed to define the mission in the war on terrorism.

“The administration’s view has been that it can single-mindedly focus on what they perceive the threats to us [to be] and that others will acquiesce, accommodate or ultimately support that,” said James Steinberg, who was President Bill Clinton’s deputy national security adviser. “But that we don’t, in turn, have to make any accommodations to the priorities
of others.”

A former official in the administration of Bush’s father noted that the current president made an accommodation after Sept. 11 by calling for the creation of a Palestinian state. But he said the administration has been “asleep at the switch” as the violence has escalated out of control. “His advisers dropped the ball,” the official said.

Leon Fuerth, who was Vice President Al Gore’s top foreign policy adviser, said it was inevitable that the Bush doctrine would founder, noting that no such doctrine can apply to all circumstances.

“It catches us in a dilemma, and the consequences of that dilemma are very powerful,” he said. “They make you choose between fidelity to your doctrine and muddling your way through. We’re in the muddle-your-way-through phase, [because] the application of this doctrine throws us so completely onto the Israeli side that it can create ruinous consequences in the Arab world.”

© 2002 The Washington Post Company
rare Planet Alignment,...

Several planets are assembling toward a rare alignment later this month, when five of them will crowd into a patch of sky small enough that all will be visible in a single glance. The setup will provide a planet-watching opportunity that won't be repeated for a century.

"Forget it," says Michael Shara, an astrophysicist at New York’s Rose Center for Earth and Space. "No astrologer can predict from planetary alignments or any other celestial configuration when a specific event, good or bad, will occur on Earth."

In May 2000, a similar planet line-up occurred. In its advance, there were numerous astrological predictions of earthquakes, floods, wars and other disasters. Despite all the ballyhoo, absolutely nothing abnormal or unexpected happened that was in any way tied to the alignment, scientists say.

here's a link
and one more link

It's usually not phisical... it's just spiritual transformations...

There's no "end of the world", there is just a transformation...


Planetary Traffic Jam Overhead

Cambridge - Apr 04, 2002
Comet Hale-Bopp dazzled us for weeks. The Perseid meteor shower thrilled us for one night. But the world hasn't seen anything like the planetary traffic jam that's going to occur the last week of April and the first two weeks in May!

Inching across the sky like bumper-to-bumper commuters on their way to work, a rare planetary alignment will allow sky observers to see every planet in our solar system in a single evening! "There will be other opportunities in the future to see the planets in different configurations," says Philip Sadler, Director of the Science Education Department at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA) in Cambridge, MA, " but it won't be anything like this for at least another 70 years. This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience."

Even more amazing, two very special events will occur during this
planetary line-up. On May 10, the planets Mars and Venus will appear to pass so close to one another that, to the naked eye, the Roman God of War and the Roman Goddess of Love will become one.

Earlier, on May 5, something even more spectacular will happen. The bright planets Mars, Saturn and Venus will group together to form a perfect equilateral triangle in the western sky. This dazzling configuration will be visible almost everywhere on Earth. In the Middle East, this pyramid-shaped specter will hang directly above Bethlehem.
We are having lots of alignments this year...


"Even more amazing, two very special events will occur during this planetary line-up. On May 10, the planets Mars and Venus will appear to pass so close to one another that, to the naked eye, the Roman God of War and the Roman Goddess of Love will become one."

That's interesting... they will become "one in flesh"... :)

"Oddly enough, more than 2,000 years ago, this same grouping of planets may have caught the attention of the Biblical Magi. On April 1, 2 B.C., the planets Mars, Saturn and Venus came together to form a perfect equilateral triangle over the city of Bethlehem. Now, in the 21st Century, amid the turmoil taking place in the Middle East, the ancient Roman gods of Love, War and Agriculture/Wisdom, are coming together to look down upon this war-ravaged landscape once again."


Importance zero

This Palestinian and Israëlian Conflict is not even the lead subject for top summit between Bush and Blair,...
They have their own agenda towards winning this war wich many people still refuse too see, is going on.


Hard Messian Talk,...breaking proliferations treaty,...
breaking Atom testing proliferation treaty,....
Withdrawel from ABM treaty from 1972,...
Withdrawel Kyoto protocol,....
Leave top taliban co-workers unharmed in pakistan,...
Pakistani forces clash with Indiën forces,...culminating in nuclear War,...but attacking Iraq is and remains a heads up goal for Bush,...

Last edited:
fck bush

if I was an american I would have been ashamed of such a presiden't. what were you thinking, when electing tht guy?:confused:
This is very interesting...
So you all think Bush is the new antichrist? Well, everything is possible so why not? But personally I don´t believe that. So maybe if more people thought good of him instead, he would feel that and change his ways. :)
He´s not an evil man, just a very afraid and confused little boy in a grown mans body.
Perhaps you are right Bebelina...
That's what makes Unconditional Love easier... because we know that it's not his fault... is his fears...

Btw... for me... it seems that people think he is just an asshole, instead of antichrist...

Originally posted by Bebelina

He´s not an evil man, just a very afraid and confused little boy in a grown mans body.

he's not afraid. he's an idiot. idiot's are not afraid. they are feared by all others.

bush's never been elected!!!
but you can't deny tht (even if the votes were falscified) atleast 40% of people of america voted for him. he had a large support. I think tht maybe some ~5% were falscified.

People are stupid. everywhere. us is no special case in this. I quess it's a part of our evolution :sigh: :p
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