mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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It's easy to envision 'the end of the world' or 'the end of your life'
but that's not the issue here,...

It's not about walking around with a sign wich says:

that's bulshit,....

It's about being alive while life itself becomes impossible to live,...
when life on earth becomes unliveble,....IE: Hell@earth

that's what this is about,...dying in vain,....dying in pain,...dying in despair,....

who's controlling the media? who's controlling world politics? who's responsible for killing? who's responsible for polution? what's the reason for agression? why uphold an economical system that doesn't work,....

that doesn't imply that everything should take a hold : but It should all be converted to a better understanding and should be deviated towards a system that cares for the people,...not for profits,....

who's controlling birht-rates? and with what methods?

I behold the answers,...but nearly nobody really cares,...
this is not MY pessimism,'s theirs and perhaps yours too,...

WE CAN make a difference,...WE CAN change the world,...WE CAN stop the Anti-crist,...


Are you blind?

Is it so difficult to see who's poisoning the earth,...poisoning the minds of people,...feeding them with hate,... Blinding them with fear,...
Telling them they are have the right to kill: the right to destruct : the right to poison and to polute and ect, ect,...

shall I call you simple,...or just plain dumm? It's not my intension to misconceive enyone,...
but you have yourself clearly deceived,...and you drag others with you,'d better be silent and listen then,...

IE: first put you brain in gear, before you put your fingers in motion.

If you would open your eyes you would see,...
you can't see if you will not open your eyes,...
then if you won't open your eyes,...
it's not just to write down what you wrote,...
I'm not trying to convince enyone here,...
I'm giving away info from the source itself,...
Beelzebub, tasteless, to say at the least...:confused:

Pollux V, it is not the age that matters, it is the understanding that there is something completely wrong! Just say, 'I'll believe it when I see it' is simply stupid! Yeah, put your head in the sand, the easy way out!

Damn, are you all blind??!! Everybody has to make a stand here. It is just so obvious where the greatest danger is coming from and who wants to rule the worlds opinion and has the most influence on the worlds politics and misbehaviour.

Open your eyes please, people of Sciforums. Maybe we CAN make a difference if we all join together here.

It doesn't matter if you are old enough to vote. What kind of remark is that anyway? It is refusing to see...

I make sure to tell this to as much people as I can reach. Open up your heart and your eyes and CARE FOR HUMANITY'S SAKE...
My uncle, and very close to us, was a two star general in the Army -- and worked in intelligence. He said something interesting to me once, when as a teenager I was spouting off some conspiracy theory.

He smiled and said "let me tell you a secret. Do you really think the government is organized and intelligent enough to really keep any great secrets like that for long? Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms. The world is the same now as its always been, millions of little conspiracys -- every person, family, company, government cospiring to get as much of the pie as they can. And the good thing is, since everybody is equally in on their own conspiracies - it kind of cancels any cooperation out"
Re: even more sens to it !

Originally posted by Fukushi
Wa = Ma upside down !!! thanks ! I corrected al posts,...
I'm studiying the verses now,...
there are astoundingly many verses applicable to certain things that are happening in the world now,...(or have happened)

btw: you want to see something weird?
:eek:pen word, now type in plain times the flight nr. of the flight with destination :eek:ne of the twin towers: Q33NY
then select:
and change to wingdings, s
ee what happens,...cruell,...ough!

There wasn't any flight with this flight number. It is simple Bull shit. However I do agree with your different views. But this one was cleared long ago. There are lots of things under that wingdings writings that can be change accoriding to what we want.
How blind can you be...

*Do you really think the government is organized and intelligent enough to really keep any great secrets like that for long? Military Intelligence is a contradiction in terms. The world is the same now as its always been, millions of little conspiracys -- every person, family, company, government cospiring to get as much of the pie as they can. And the good thing is, since everybody is equally in on their own conspiracies - it kind of cancels any cooperation out"*

And did you really believe your uncle?? How blind can you be?? Please, think a minute before you start agreeing with your uncle, just because it is your uncle. That's the reason you believe it, isn't it? If it had been someone else, a stranger, who told you, you wouldn't have believed him/her!

Again, How Blind Can You Be?? Jesus, are you all that stuck in your cozy consumption society that you just don't want to see what is happening under your noses?? The rumours about the U$ involvement in everything sneaky and suspicious is a little too obvious!

What does have to happen before you eye-shielded people finally see the light?? When it finally is too late, nobody will be able to even see the light. :confused: Look at the world. Look at what is going on! And I mean, LOOK at it and think about it real hard!

Do I have to post every email I get about the Shadow Cabinet and other secret activities of the U$ government??

I will be happy to do so...
I used to live near Los Alamos, NM. Area 51 - places like that . . . certainly there are *secrets*, military secrets. But when the Stealth fighter was being tested, of course dolts like you who believe everything thought it was MORE probable that it was a UFO than a secret military plane. What are they testing now? We don't know, military needs to keep its technology secret. You think its more probable that aliens wasted vast amounts of energy to come here to earth and hide and deal with our idiot leaders?

Can I sell you some great real estate in Florida?
don't believe: KNOW !!!

Thanks Banshee, I was just about to say the same:
a two star general in the Army who worked in intelligence now that's where you've got to 'believe' in : HA HA HA (sarcastic tense laughing)
-when as a teenager I was spouting off some conspiracy theory :
what was it then? and does it aply to this thread? and where did you get the idea? and why did you change your believes so quikly so to speak? doesn't that put your mind to think : how could you be so reluctant to something where you first 'believed' in verry strongly?
first of all: if the aim of your post is to dissmiss this thread as a conspiracy theory: think again,...
If you try to tell us a secret that isn't one: then please talk about the 'secret' wich you do not value as a 'secret'.
if he had really told you a secret he'd had to kill you. YOU LIED
the world is certainly not how it's always been. YOU LIED
Military Inteligence is not a contradictio in termis. YOU LIED
intrigues are not to be compared with conspiracies. YOU LIED

debunk some other themes if you want: I do not ask you to criticize nor to try to prove it's not true,... YOU LIED AGAIN
He smiled and said "let me tell you a secret"
and you bouht that so easely? then why don't you just as easely 'believe' it (your terms : not mine) when we tell you something? when we tell you something wich is true,...unshakebly so,....even undeniable !!!
And why do you try to dissmiss it as a theory? that would be nice,....if all would just be some kind of theory that made suffering,...
- a theory is : an hypothetically truth, but this is not at all hypotheticall: AGAIN YOU LIED
-MASSA & INDIVIDUAL HYPNOSIS (if you don't know what that means then first study to know some facts: before you answer)

I can debunk every misfit you try to imply: and yes: maby you will succeed in keeping me ( and others ) buzzy with that: but if you're not willing to form a front in you head : then don't. If you're not willing to free yourself then don't: but do not aspect me to eleviate you or don't try to make me de-leviate you: that would be your wish? WEL FORGET IT !!! YOU ARE JUST ANOTHER PATRIOT / POWN
By the way: Osama bin Laden was and probably still is on the payroll of the CIA and that's just one of the facts that is no secret!!! it's there for enyone who wants to see,...but you don't,...
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Beelzebub, I apologize. I reacted wrong, took your words the wrong way. My humble apologies.

I second the whole post by Fukushi. And leave it with this for now. I'll be back...

In the meantime, Open your eyes, people!!!
Lied? I could certainly be wrong, but that is different from a lie child. Incidentally, ever consider the fact . . . the possibility that you don't have the corner on the "truth" either? Maybe when we die we find out, maybe our brain just stops and we don't find anything. Until then, everything along these sorts of lines are opinion.

Its funny - you think you are in the minority? And that most people have their "eyes closed"?

Heh! Fact is you fit right in with the majority! Most Americans believe in one or more of these things:

Our planet is run by/or hides/or is regularly visited by Aliens.

Homeopathic medicine or something equally silly like faith healing.


That Uri Geller really was bending spoons with his mind (despite being debunked).

And more.

You are not in the minority, MOST americans believe idiotic things.

If you KNOW the TRUTH, go claim the $1,000,000 reward held in escroe by James Randi @

Oh, actually I'm sure that if you can't prove it to anybody - its because its a "setup" or something.

The universe is pretty exciting in all the ways we can see steadily in front of our eyes, only poor observers need to try and believe in such stupid shit!
Mark of the beast - aka Barcodes? You must have slept for 15 years. Try microchips or datadots. Our dogs have it now. And rich kids in Pakistan are getting it (too many kidnapping for ransom).

But even microchips are not necessary. We now can scan a face for identification. That is more intrusive than a microdot or barcode that must be scanned in close proximity. For facial identification, they are slowly going to put them in Walmart and may be seven-eleven to watch for shop-lifters. Forget about the government - it will be done by the businesses.

Imagine this. Say, you went to Walmart (it could be any store). You bought something that has what they call an inventory control tag (which is really to foil stealing). The place is busy and the store clerk did not de-magnetize or remove the tag. Now, as you walk out of the store, you hear behind you an announcement about that stupid inventory tag. Since there are so many people also behind you walking out, you just ignore it and go to your car. In the meantime, the computer took a picture of you and circulates that picture to every other store in the country in a matter of minutes. .....
There we go again...

The same BS about the $1.000.000. Jesus, why the hell are you people constantly coming up with this nonsense!! :(

If I was a little less friendly, I should say 'Go f**k yourself!', child.

Anyway, I am friendly, so I keep quite, for now. I am not an inhabitant of the U$. I am Dutch, from the Netherlands.

*The universe is pretty exciting in all the ways we can see steadily in front of our eyes, only poor observers need to try and believe in such stupid shit!*

First, there are UniverseS, in multiple. No beliefs, facts. I've done some good observing, with open eyes!

Second, Astrology is made up by humans. Again, good observing, with open eyes!

The other part I leave alone, too silly for words to get into. And it is not what this thread is about. If you want to talk about Healing, extraterrestrials and you have actually something to say about these items, then go to the right thread.

In the majority?? How come so much inhabitants of the U$ have their eyes closed then?? How the hell can it happen that the majority of the U$ population has been fooled by a creature like george w. bush?? How the hell did it happen, his 'election' and all the rest of the mess he is making in the world now-a-days??

He is not alone in this no. He is probably the one who gets it his way, because the U$ has more money to spend.

If A-bombs are becoming a fact, it will soon be over! Before you can say another word. Then you'll find out if there is a life after this life...

Talk to you later... :confused:
I can't stand the Shrub (Bush) either -

You make many assumptions. I grew up in Germany, though I'm a US Resident . . . and even if I was raised here, your generalizations are silly.

You are stunningly arrogant! You honestly believe YOU are better than most people eh?

Good luck!! Heh!
No way! I am in no way better then the rest!

Why do you have to ridicule me immediately?

It is easy done, calling me names and trying to intimidate me, just because I have a different view on life then you do.

Well, let it be so. Your loss, not mine...
so so so

for you the truth is having supernatural powers néh?!? Hehehe,...
You're a funny guy ya now: you just made me laugh LOL
thanks for that ! hehehe,...

I don't have enything to prove: because there's nothing to be aproved,...
do you have to prove something ? do I let you proof something ? Do you let me proof something ? You would want me to proof something HAHAHAHA (I just fell of my chair)
okay then: as requested : the truth: (for you to interpret)

Proof lies within to see,
without the truth as key,
twist and turn,
the knowledge we burn,
is ours to know,
waisted when we go,...........


But I don't expect you to 'get' it, I don't even demand it,...
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The problem with saying that Bush is the anti-Christ is that the Roman Empire must be reastablished with him as head for that (acording to Nortradamis). So the white house must be moved to Rome.
Nostradamus is very accurate when it comes to date, and i think that i know when the next big war will start:


In the year 1999 and seven months:

My guess:

9/11 = WTC attacks + 7 seven months.

= April 2002.

Bush/Blair and EU planning a major assault on Iraq, and Somalia.

Moslem world making an alliance and goes to war against the westerners. Did you guys see the polls in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Jemen, Qatar, U.A.E?

"The great leaders will be friends for 12 years"

Soviet collapse - December 1990 with Gorbachev signing the break up of the DUMA.

April 2002 - Thats pretty close.... especially since Vladimir Putin is getting pretty fed up with the western world at the moment.
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