mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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GRAVITY!!! You messiah!! Finally, someone to support me! I agree with you, completely! Banshee, calm the hell down, you're going crazy, do you really believe everything you hear? Look beyond it, banshee you are just totally nuts here, just calm down. The future can only be predicted, not completely spoken about.

But upon catching up on this post it is EVIDENT to me that fukushi and banshee cannot be persuaded to stop BELIEVING EVERY WORD THEY HEAR.

Look up, gullible's written all over the ceiling!
H-kon, I second your post. There is a real good chance it will happen in April yes. And that is so very close by that we just want to wake people up.

Pollux V, be careful now! You know me better then that! I don't believe everything I hear! When do you stop with that crap?:confused: Damn , you know very well where I come from.

Again, wake up, before you never have to wake up again...
Originally posted by Asguard
still dosn't solve the Roman empire thing

I've just noticed this thread.
a lot missed, but as for tht Roman Empire. the capital has not to be nececeraly Rome.
in the last 200 years or so of the Roman Empire the capital was located in Ravenna (sp)
to believe is not to believe

believe is not evidence,
evidence is not proof,...
proof is not truth,
truth is not believe,
believe is not spirituality,
spirituallity is not religion,
religion is not believe,

elephants do fly,
radioactivity is not dangerous,
if you believe something than that's truth,
you know it better: because you are,...
poison is healthy,....
if you can redicoul someone you have to do that,
killing is legal,...

the following sentence is truth,...
the previous sentence is false,...

Confused? I'm not,...
Did I miss something here? Anti-Christ should be by definition be "Anti-Love" that is Hate....

Hate comes from people like Osama....besides I watched Nostradamus on TLC. He said some one from middle-east will be the anti-Christ.....
again misconception

and deception,...Nostradamus didn't say that: cryptologists assume that,...and they tried to link the name Mabus to several outlaws and scumbags of the east,...
Abu Nidal
Abu Abbas

Nowhere is that written down by him,...that in any way the anticrist will be an arab or something like it,...


At the first page of this thread I've given a ink in which is assumed that Saddam Houssein is Mabus. Can't find that much information on Mabus.

Also there is mentioned in the Centuries of Nostradamus that the winner will be from the West.

I agree with Fukushi, there are a lot people mentioned as being Mabus.

Wonderful post Fukushi, the one above Kmguru...
incoming American Email...

We are lumped together becuase Bush apparently has an 85% or greater approval rating in our country for his actions. The majority of this culture agrees and supports Bush's efforts to make the world one big happy capitalistic democracy with the U.S. the shining crown. The citizens and big business of this country are behind the President, whether he purchased the office or not. The lumping and blackening of the U.S. is a choice it is making in it's actions and words.

The U.S. is being led by a man with small penis syndrome who spent time with "Uncle Ronnie" eating jelly beans and learning about something cool called "Star Wars." This is a man who can't even eat a pretzel safely!

Does that sound stupid? What's even worse is that the majority of American citizens don't get it. The U.S. is not innocent because it is supporting the little psycho. He is making organized attempts to bully the rest of the world and make totalitarian laws within our country. If Bush doesn't shut up and learn how to play with others, we (Americans) are going to pay the price in the future.

Small penis? Banshee, you should know what one does with it that counts, right?...just kidding...could not help it...Banshee and small penis the smae sentence I mean....he he he....:D :D :D
Originally posted by kmguru
you should know what one does with it that counts, right

So tell me,...what does he do then? I'm rather curious,...and bewondered that you know here 'he' hangs out,...tell us: do come forward , don't be afraid to 'come out' ,...


by the way : I just found out about: John Hogue it appears that he is a leading authority on the subject,...I invited him,...
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Go figure Kmguru... I didn't like him at first sight!:D

May I suggest you people check out Fukushis link. Please read it all.

Did you invite John Hogue to the thread Fukushi? Then it can become a wonderful discussion here...:)
Quote from Fukushis link..

Then there is Saddam Hussein of Iraq. You can find his name matching that of Mabus by using a simple occult word game. First spell m-a-b-u-s backwards; then turn any letters around that can represent a new letter once reversed, such as "b" turned to a "d." Thus, "Mabus" spelled backwards is "Sudam." Use the law of replacing one letter and you get "Sadam." Phonetic redundancies allow you to spell it with an extra "d" and it becomes "Saddam."

Despite the current bellicose climate between Israelis and Palestinians, I still hold that Saddam Hussein of Iraq is the chief candidate for Mabus, to date. He considers himself the protector of extremist Palestinian aspirations -- namely; the deep rooted desire to push Israelis into the sea and take back all Palestinian lands seized in Israel's 1948 war of independence. He has pledged a force of up to 5 million armed Iraqi Mujahadeen poised to assist their Palestinian brethren in the coming conflict. Intelligence reports indicate that Saddam Hussein is rapidly rebuilding his chemical and biological weapons arsenals. He may yet produce atomic bombs -- either smuggled from former Soviet sources or through manufacturing a crude bomb of his own. The most conservative Pentagon estimates say Iraq could build or procure an atomic weapon in less that five years.

(End of quote)

And another, VERY CLOSE BY...


If my interpretations from June 2001 are accurate then you will see the perpetrator of the attack on America this September of 2001 banished and annihilated no later than early April of 2002. That conclusion can be derived from an understanding of Quatrain 24 of Century 6, which reads:

Mars and the sceptre (of Jupiter) will meet in conjunction,
A clamitous war under Cancer:
A short time afterward a new king will be anointed,
Who will bring peace to the earth for a long time.

The JPL American Ephemeris sets the next conjunction of Mars and Jupiter for early April of 2002. The early-20th century Nostradamus scholar, Wöllner, puts it for 24 June 2002. I believe the first calculation is more accurate but I would not rule out the drift of predicted events to a slightly later time, like the summer of next year.

America is ruled by the sign of Cancer in astrology. The current American president, George W. Bush, is also born under the sign of Cancer. Thus one could decode the second line of the prophecy above to read "a calamitous war under America and its leader." If this is a correct decoding of the line, then America’s war waged by President Bush against terrorism will be a calamity for his country, the American economy, and perhaps bring catastrophe even to himself.

I really suggest you read the whole article, don't forget to click on Continue please...
Originally posted by H-kon
Nostradamus is very accurate when it comes to date, and i think that i know when the next big war will start:


In the year 1999 and seven months:

My guess:

9/11 = WTC attacks + 7 seven months.

= April 2002.

Bush/Blair and EU planning a major assault on Iraq, and Somalia.

Moslem world making an alliance and goes to war against the westerners. Did you guys see the polls in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Jordan, Iran, Pakistan, Jemen, Qatar, U.A.E?

"The great leaders will be friends for 12 years"

Soviet collapse - December 1990 with Gorbachev signing the break up of the DUMA.

April 2002 - Thats pretty close.... especially since Vladimir Putin is getting pretty fed up with the western world at the moment.

Well just to let you know that all the religious books says that world will end in middle east. But when, no one knows about it. All religions have their own set of beliefs according to their religions, if christians have their reasons that world is going to end then jews and muslims might have their own. But how do we know that they all are pointing to same time or is anti christ is going to be Christian? Muslims, Jewish or Hindu?. He could be athiest or agnostic but what do we know about him? I mean I am sure that world is not going to end any time soon. I have my reasons. :D
Any ways and I just bought my play station 2 so I would like to enjoy it for while. :p

this is outragous: Bush & Blair nominated for peace nobelprize!!!
please vistit this link to vote agains their nomination,....
my guess is that they nominated themselfves

Now if there's one thing for shure about the anti-crist it's this:
He corrupts people with ease,...manipulating, pulling the strings and the puppets dance,...

by now he's aware that we're on to him,...and the april thing could be correct, maby,...just maby,...we turned the tables
and just maby: there's nothing going to happen, just because we are concious about it,...

atleast I am,...and that's maby enough,...
but if it isn't and the f*cker bombs some basement with this atomic nuke device,.....then even I wish for the world to react,...
Markx, *I mean I am sure that world is not going to end any time soon. I have my reasons.*

Give me your reasons please! I am dying to know about them. Thank you!

The anti-christ is just a word, a symbol. Most people know what is meant by this. And godbelieving, Jew, Moslim, Catholic, Protestant or whatever, is as old as the history of mankind. In the days of Nostradamus it played a significant part, as it does now-a-days.

The more people become aware of the existance of Mabus, the better. Fukushi is very right here!

I am aware of it, so that makes at the least 2 of us here at Sciforums! I bet there are a lot more people aware of it, they just don't dare to speak up on the boards. Afraid they will be accused of , 'believing everything they hear', as Pollux V mentioned so nicely.

Guess you people think about it twice and open up! Nuclear weapons are available, on both sides!

How long before they are going to actually use them...??

bush won't wait! The winner shall come from the West!!!
even stronger:

The winner is born on American soil !!!

and By the way: those people who are afraid to speak up are probably right: you should be afraid because you are going to exerience the same boycot as other people that speak up:
if not wors,...
for example: they 'll cut your welfare-check, if your not on welfare then they 'll find an other way to infringe you with some other stuff,...maby even use medical records,...agains you,...

and don't argument on this if you're not the one speaking up,...
cause then you are clearly not the one they will harrass so YOU won't expirience all this,...

Has anyone watched a movie called "on the beach"
This will be the reality if someone DOSE use Nukes. The utter destruction of ALL LIFE (except bactira). Im not going to comment one way or another on the mabus thing but BUSH HAS TO GO. He will destroy the world if he is allowed to deploy Nukes. HE WILL KILL ALL INCLUDING PEOPLE LIVING IN THE US.
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