mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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*for example: they 'll cut your welfare-check, if your not on welfare then they 'll find an other way to infringe you with some other stuff,...maby even use medical records,...agains you,...*

bush already did so! He cut money out of the medical treatments and school equipments. The money spared, he's put into war fare. This is a fact and every good citizen of the U$ knows so.

Wellfare? You cannot count on it any more for sure. it was a measly little bit anyway, now you can forget about it at all, over a small period of time.

Doctors complained about the cut a month ago or so. I have to look it up. It's somewhere in my emails and it's a mess in there. My, my, Lets hope they will come to their senses. In Time!!!

Have the feeling the time is not far for actually using the nuclear weapons. Then the damage is done...!!!

(by the way, people who read this thread and don't agree with it or have to make a comment, then do it here in the thread please! not nice to read it in another thread.)

But you see, we see it too. Why can't you see it's not the American people doing it, but an illegal administration??? We are as helpless as citizens of this country to do anything about it, as you are with your government. Why can't YOU see??? Most of us hate the lumping in of the common folk with a few warlords that have taken over. We weren't even allowed to have the president we elected, and that was all a farce too....

WE are sick because this is being done in our names. We the people are not the Bush administration, and I would hope that you would acknowledge that, but in your rant you did not. What can we do? What is there available to us to do to stop George Weenie? Get a clue--- if we could do anything, we would, for the most part!!!!! We are not happy about the wholesale bombing either. We are not happy about the money for our children's educations and our elderly's medicine being used to destroy another country. We are not happy to be blamed and judged by the entire world, whose histories also echo similar atrocities..... We are not happy to read that self righteous people who are safe in other countries think that honest working people here are horrible and stupid because of a presidential pretender. Why aren't you lobbying YOUR government to intervene?

Sorry.... I am an American. I was born here. I do not have anything to do with the war. I am tired of being punished for it. Did we not learn about the castigation of the Jews? Only now, insert Americans.... Please be specific that the American GOVERNMENT is doing this, not the American people except where we are forced to. Our men are told they will be shot if they back down. Shot if they do, shot if they don't .... now you tell me that they are hideous because of it.....



This email was a response to the email I posted at page 1 of this thread, from the Netherlands. So there are American citizens who do not agree with bush??? And actually raise their voice!...My, my...

Perhaps you people can follow in her footsteps...!!!
Re: even more sens to it !

Originally posted by Fukushi
Wa = Ma upside down !!! thanks ! I corrected al posts,...
I'm studiying the verses now,...
there are astoundingly many verses applicable to certain things that are happening in the world now,...(or have happened)

I think there's a very simple explanation to why nostradamus' "prophecies" are so relative to so many things happening today. Its called archetypes!!! Certain themes do translate from 50 BC to 2002!! I believe that we as humans haven't changed very much since Nostradamus' time. We still have basically the same fears. So the deception, intrigue, destruction of cities by war... etc... would still apply today.

btw, I do think you're really stretching it with the Wa = Ma bit.

He he he ,...

You think I am strechi'n it? hehehe that's a good one,...

my answer: at least in a even matter to what already has been streched sofar, denial.

when you dare to say that you see patterns in a rorsach-test,...they can say you're sick,....

when an artist sees some meaning in a spot on a canvas they call it art,....(when it sells : if not > rubbish at worst)

when a man seeks closure on a environment issue they call him an idealist (rather then helping him)

when a sientist seeks closure in a theory they call him brilliant
(it doesn't even has to work, it can even be destructive !!!)

When you go out in jeans and t-shirt people walk you over,...
when you go out in a suit people kiss your ass and bowl to you,...
(you should reaally try it sometimes)

when you try to say something important, it gets discussed,...and denied at best.
when you say something irrelevant, there's suddenly a dialogue.

and you say : -I- am strechi'n it?!?
my answer: get out of here,...I know empiricall evidence gets sweeped under the table as being to subjective or lucid or , I try to explain it for you guys and girls in a more sientifically perspective,...but this is not 'exact' sience for you anyhow: so why 'critisize' it überhaubt,...(tout court).
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After I posted to a mailinglist for more information on Mabus, this email came in today:

>Altho Im no expert on Nostradamus, I did have an interesting
> experience last Oct/Nov when someone who is quite involved with
> Nostradamus questioned me or rather ET. I was told 'Mabus' was
> M - abu - S. The one I noticed was Mohammad abu Sita; aka
> Mohammad Atef, Osama bin Laden's right hand man who was killed.
> Then I was shown 'the one and the many' tho my friend seems to
> think there is one specific and the many and he disagrees that
> Atef is the 'specific'. He seems to think that another M abu is
> the correct 'specific' altho the last name does not begin with
> an S. It is also commonly accepted that this man would die
> reasonably early, and would signal the rise of the AntiChrist.
> If Banshee wants more information, I can research my notes and
> locate the other name that my friend is quite convinced is the
> specific.
> Respects,
> Vanessa
> =====

Banshee has asked for further information...
Hi there!

I am aware of it, so that makes at the least 2 of us here at Sciforums! I bet there are a lot more people aware of it, they just don't dare to speak up on the boards. Afraid they will be accused of , 'believing everything they hear', as Pollux V mentioned so nicely.

Here I come... ;)

I discovered this thread only now...

About the prophecies of Nostradamus...


still dosn't solve the Roman empire thing

Roman Empire means the mightest nation of the world. Nostradamus used Roman Empire, the Bible used Babylon. ;)

It's just simbology...

Mars and the sceptre (of Jupiter) will meet in conjunction, A clamitous war under Cancer:
A short time afterward a new king will be anointed,
Who will bring peace to the earth for a long time.

Mars and sceptre of Jupiter... in conjunction!
This astrologically means expension of war...
Cancer also means home... in the case... Earth...

I like the two last lines... :)

It seems that George Bush will be deposed... :D

Banshee... do you have more of those Nostradamus Quatrains?

The JPL American Ephemeris sets the next conjunction of Mars and Jupiter for early April of 2002. The early-20th century Nostradamus scholar, Wöllner, puts it for 24 June 2002. I believe the first calculation is more accurate but I would not rule out the drift of predicted events to a slightly later time, like the summer of next year.

I believe it will be in April too. I can discover when... but I need the Ephemerids to do that. I'll ask my mother to look it up... if she already bought the "new" one...

*Century 2 Quatrain 62:

Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One-hundred powers (Nations), thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.*

The comet has passed us on March 15.

This articles are coming from a website Fukushi mentions on page 3 of this thread. I'll copy the link for you here:

Let us know what you think please. Every aware human being has to join in as soon as possible. To much people around here who say it's BS, til it's too late...

What is... BC?

What do I think...
I guess we are f*****...

I guess Mabus is Anti-Christ's best friend...

Everything will be alright though...

PS: A version in French (maily the original) would be really helpful... the words are really important for the interpretation of the simbolism... And if Mabus in French is Suam... or Busa...? :D.
If it's impossible... no problem... we can use those too... ;)

BS, means BullShit...;)

Ask Fukushi if he has the French version. I think he does.

He will read this any how, so I guess it won't be a problem. Talk to you later...;) :)
La version Française

As requested :
This is a verry good search engine just enter any word related to a quatrin, and poef!
Or you can display the quatrins itself by just giving a number and you have the choice of displaying it in Englisch or in French: Voila !! S.v.p, Monsieur!
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Merci Beaucoup!

Merci beaucoup Fukushi!! :D:D

It's really cute in French... :p
... :bugeye: :bugeye:

French version... :D :

C'est tres miogne en francais... :p
... :bugeye: :bugeye:

... ;)



Le dard du ciel fera son estendue,
Mors en parlant, grande execution:
La pierre en larbre la fiere gent rendue,
Bruit humain monstre, purge expiration.


The dart from the sky will make its extension,
deaths in speaking: great execution.
The stone in the tree, the proud nation restored,
noise, human monster, purge expiation.

Stone in the tree... does anyone guess this?
It would be interesting do a new thread with a new game... who can guess what it really means...
The one with the best answer win a lolipop... :D

The dart is easy to understand... perhaps it can even be atomic bomb... :(
proud nation... what's the proud nation...? US I guess...

Does this means that the US will lauch an atomic bomb in Afghanistan...?

But what the heck is the stone in the tree!?!?:confused: :confused: :confused:

I guess I'll stay a long time this night trying to decode this...

Where are we in Nostradamus' prophecies...?
I mean... which century, which Quatrain...?

*Century 2 Quatrain 62: TruthSeeker.:)

Mabus will soon die, then will come,
A horrible undoing of people and animals,
At once one will see vengeance,
One-hundred powers (Nations), thirst, famine, when the comet will pass.*


Le dard du ciel fera son estendue,
Mors en parlant, grande execution:
La pierre en larbre la fiere gent rendue,
Bruit humain monstre, purge expiration.
The dart from the sky will make its extension,
deaths in speaking: great execution.
The stone in the tree, the proud nation restored,
noise, human monster, purge expiation

The Stone in the Tree, guess it has to do with executing Nature. It's a little bit literal and Nostradamus spoke in symbols, so I don't know if I'm correct here.

No lollipop for me then? :p

The Proud Nation Restored can also mean the Middle-East. There are proud people (moslims) there who don't give in without a fight. Since Mabus is from the Middle-East and first has to die, The winner will come from the West, that shall be the U$. Don't think of them as a proud nation in that context though. Then again, I can be totally wrong. Fact is, something is coming! Closer and closer now!

Wish I got an email back from Vanessa with more info about Mabus. Guess she is busy with other things...:(
The more people beleive of something, the more likely it is to happen so I suggest to keep all of the world accopolipsis stuff away and turn to smth more optimistic. How's about - we will conquer the galaxy stuff;)
*Q. Is there to be no Antichrist with a blue turban, then, calling down nuclear missiles on New York, as in the film?

A. Not if Nostradamus himself is to be believed. For him, the target of the Antichrist was always going to be *Europe* -- and, moreover, he would eventually be defeated.*

TruthSeeker, where did you find that Quatrain and how did you come to the conclusion it has to do with Mabus and the war on terrorism?

Just wondering...:)

Avatar, dream on! We won't conquer the galaxy... ;) :)
WHY NOT????:confused:
really, we are held back only because of lack of appropriate technology. But tht will change soon. You know what a big difference was between 19th and 20th century, so what could happen in 21th?:):cool:
you believe in so many things, so why not add The Great Solarian Federation possibility somewhere in the future?:)
The human race is not ready for such an exploration. Heaven forbid that they actually meet extraterrestrials and it are U$ inhabitants who are piloting the Spaceshuttle or whatever you want to call it. They should shoot first, then shoot again and later, when it is too late, they start asking questions.

The Great Solarian Federation? :) Only when you are the captain of the Fleet. ;) :) :cool:
future glimpse

year 2253......
4th known reincarnation.....
memory upload.....
subject confirmation....

entry from 26/03/2002 b.m.e [before my era]
A first generation i-net identity Banshee [latter known as the High Priestress of Earth] suggestedme to take over galaxy [Milky Way] . Of course then it was only a non-serious talk, but after I invented FTL and Other Life Memory Return method, I saw no futther possibilities tht would delay me from accomplishing tht. Myself together with the brightest minds of Sciforums [later-Scientifical Governmental Institution of Solarian Federation] designed and built a fleet of 12 great spaceships[Stardust, Explorer, Avatar, Earth, Humanity, Conquest, Photon, Sol-1, Exosci, Supernova, Predator, Signal]. And now I'm on my way to the 4th star star system of possible colonization [Sirius]. Solarian Federation now consists of 7 semi-independent worlds ready to shape the hystory.

..................................memory upload completed...
.....................previous known memories uploaded...
.....................start regeneration................
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