mabus - the 3rd anti-christ

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Bebelina, bush is not the Anti-Christ. He's just a Reptilian! And you can send all the good, loving thoughts and vibrations by every concerned person on Earth to him, it will not work!

He's not afraid, he's a bag of BS, to say at the least!

Avatar, you are very right, he's elected by a lot of 'blind' people who went for his smooth talking at the time of the so called election. Still 85% of the Americans believe in him. :( Another part of the Americans have finally seen 'the light', to late, as always!

And it happens in all countries yes, bush happens to be the 'leader' of the biggest country with the nastiest weapons and he will use them.

There are people by the way, who tried to convince him that he is doing wrong to the world. The Maharisji was one of them. No succes in this! bush is a Reptilian...!
IF > than >...

If it had been an election-fight just between Gore and Bush,...

Then it would have been stupid,....that Bush won,...the contest,...
eehm, sorry for the patriots: ahum: 'THE ELECTIONS',...

well,...yeah, wasn't,...there was a verry big thirt party too remember,...

It doesn't matter even that they didn't got elected, has drawn votes from Gore, that the distance between votes of Gore and bush became levelled, that it would seem not to be too big to overcome,...

In the end,...they (the New World Order) still had to fake some votes, they did anything in their power to 'make it happen'.

Believe me when I say to you all: that Bush is not an idiot,...on the contrary: he's cooked, an egg,...hard boiled,...

But being afraid is not the answer,...
and just for the record: I'm not a terrorist,...

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Yet another book on Nostradamus

Colin Wilson in the Daily Mail April 20, 2002 talks about another book on Nostradamus, which has now been translated from Italian to English: Nostradamus, the final prophecies by Luciano Sampietro - who has been studying Nostradamus for thirty years, and is convinced that the prophecies were written in the Alchemists' Green Language (or Language of the Birds).

In it the events of 11/9 are prophesied in the verse:

"Sea of fire at the world centre,

The tower of the new city will tremble:

Two great blocks will be at war for a long time,

Then Arethusa will redden a new river."

The 'great blocks' refers, according to the author, to Islam and the West. Arethusa was a mythological nymph who was attacked by some nasty creature in a river; the author explains that she symbolises innocent humanity, such as women and children.

Luciano Sampietro claims that the use of the mysterious Green Language means that the dates found in Nostradamus are not the true dates. This is why the 'great king of terror' failed to descend in 1999. And predicts the Antichrist by the end of this year, followed by WWIII.

So another forecast of WWIII. It's a little confusing, all that different dates which are given by severaL people, who are trying to "translate" Nostradamus predictions. That something is going on is quite clear. Question remains, when does it REALLY hit this world... :(

I guess it's only logical that the dates given by Nostradamus are difficult to interpretate. He lived a long time ago. Fact remains that he predicted the great fire in London and the French revolution, which came true. (for instance)

Well, let's see what happens. Guess it won't take long any more anyways. Bye, bye, Cruel world...??!!! Probably for a lot of Earth-lings it will be bye, bye. Not to speak of Earth Herself...
I have said this once, but I'll repeat the more people believe in the end of the world or WWIII the more likely it is to happen ... no scidata to confirm this, but tht is my oppinion.


Then could everybody on earth please think of me beign rich:

and the planet prosperous,...not poluted,...

oh year: let's think it's not poluted then everything will be alright,...

let's think we all love the animals and rainforest that are gone from this planet,...maby they'll come back?

let's see,...oh year,: let's think,...then we are,....

hahaha could not have tought about more sarcastic ways to describe the world.
the more people believe in the end of the world or WWIII the more likely it is to happen ...

Now that's superstition! :confused: Again, and I repeat: Open your eyes a little wider and look at the world and what's happening!!!

When are the eye-shields finally coming off...?Goodbye, Blue Sky...Goodbye...
My eyes are open, but I don't really think it matters if someone has said smth going to happen if we know of no way how to prevent it...... and maybe our way of supposed prevention may actually lead to the professed (see bush and his stupid anti-terror campaign for instance) I think the best way is to do everything @ your best and if anything happens it wouldn't be your fault.
sitting duck to raging bull:

don't rage,...said sitting duck,...all is lost anyway so way rage?

AAAAH! You sittinhg DUCK you !!! ME,....: RAGING BuLLL !!!

(srry.: lost my mind: buzzy finding it ,...)
I'm not a sittin' duck... I don't wait helpless. If I saw smt I could do to prevent or to the matter I would, believe me, but I don't think tht I would have been affected then by some guy who predicted tht then.....does weather forecast's change the weather?
don't worry

It 'll all be over in a blast,...we won't feel a thing:D

I was merely trying to say something sarcastic,...don't take it to seriously,...or else:

You'll get as crazy as I am hehehe;)
Future has not happened yet. That means any small change can have a large effect 20 to 30 years from now. So sit back and relax. Just dont go to Los Angeles in 2010.

That's basically the story that's been going on yes,...

It's even more compelling to ponder what 'we' ordinary people can do agains a covert operation of that size,...
other then co-operate,...

any idears? couse my feeling is this: that I have been boycotted before,...and it will happen again and again until I walk in line,...

*AAAAAAAAAH* Getting another wave trough me,....auwch! cugh! Sigh!...

what was I saying? have I gone totally mad? what am I doing here? why don't I feel happy and okay now? why do I have the impression the world is nuts and know myself sane? while other people doing the killing declare the hunt on me is open? what have I done? Is it to late to repent? oh, devil take my soul!
I've said this before under World Events and Politics (avatar should know, he was with me at the time):

From the very, very beginning of time everything has been alright. Things have always, always gone for the better. This is the one constant in the universe, and it is not about to change for us humans. World War Three, at least the way you see it, will never happen.
From the very, very beginning of time, ther's been WARS. And it will repeat itself every so often till it's been enough.

Don't you learn? Look at history of human kind. They've always been fighting and making wars. How the hell can you say everything will be alright.

My goodness, look at what's happening! In Europe for instance! All kinds of racists are trying to get the power over the countries. Haven't you heard abolut Le Penn, in France? Well, he's not the only one.

It's going from bad till worse and more worse. Do you only follow the U$ news? How typical! Yes, I should have known so.

Open your eyes, replay of the same old story...!!!

One time it will be the last for this human race and it will be purified.

Talk to you later...
I live quite far from U$ Banshee and I haven't seen any of it's news, but we really make world a better place. sure it takes time and lives , but look at the progress we have achieved....yes there are many things tht make our world bad (drugs, wars, fundies) , but there are also so much good (internet, medicine, space travel) ....we progress...we might destroy ourselves in the process, but if we do then everything'll be alright....

We still stand together Pollux:) , come, let's kill some german NAZI's (there are many there) and make world a little better place ;)
he,...I got one

Garden of the world near the new city,
In the path of the hollow mountains:
It will be seized and plunged into the Tub,
Forced to drink waters poisoned by sulfur.

this one is actually happening in china: where the Mines are: (hollow mountains)
and the industry is poisoning the waters, and the people there become sic because they can't get fresh water there: and the goverment doesn't do anything to stop it,..
It's a known problem : and still there's no solution in sight.

One time it will be the last for this human race and it will be purified.

I will fortunatly see that happening... :)

You got one, eh? :):eek:

...It seems cool the happy face next to the eek one... :D

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