Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

Uh please, you deliberately use negative terminologies against the people who are different from you, you use terms that demean, insult and denigrate. Your entire approach to anyone who thinks differently than you do is to treat them with contempt and derision.

Those are blatant lies, sam. It's too bad theists have to continually lie to make their point.
You have now claimed that it can be done. Go ahead show me. You sat on the sidelines on the other definition and seemed very pleased with yourself that it was not explainable. My point was that other concepts - some we take for granted as true - are also very hard to explain. You thought that was absurd. OK, come off the sidelines and show us it is in fact a good litmus test.

It would appear you need lessons on how to debate. First, you make a claim and then back it up. Will you be backing up your claims anytime soon?

I didn't think so.
And yet, the stories are NOT the same. Your claim is vacuous at best. If they were the same, it would be the same cult.

It's really intellectual dishonesty to make such claims, sam. Are you trolling again?

Why would it be the same cult? Are you saying all people process the information in the same way? That there no two opinions on anything in the world? That a hundred people who underwent the same process would derive the same experience from it? Why would you say that?
i have accepted the lord jesus as my savior and am readied for battle
blood will be spilled in the lords name on this day
we will be avenged


on guard craven knave
you day of reckoning is at hand
Whats wrong with everyone?

(Q) is fumbling ineptly, Gus is behaving like a vaudeville act.

Red, please help! :bawl:
Why would it be the same cult? Are you saying all people process the information in the same way? That there no two opinions on anything in the world? That a hundred people who underwent the same process would derive the same experience from it? Why would you say that?

It's interesting sam, that you make the claims, you don't back them up and then turn the questions on me, as if I made the claims.

Keep in mind the word "DUH" as I explain in simple terminologies to you.

It would be the same cult if the stories were exactly the same. DUH

People process the same information when the information is the same. DUH

There are plenty of opinions, but opinions don't make up reality. DUH

A hundred people who are delivered a message should here the same message and synthesize it the same unless they are unable to think. DUH
There are plenty of opinions, but opinions don't make up reality. DUH

if you see a foolhardy assertion such as that, presented with such fanatical conviction., you can bash away until the goddamn cows come home
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