Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

Isn't that what yours was?:rolleyes:
So whats your opinion on chirality and alien seeding?

there is something outta whack with you
thought process, train of thought posting sequence, follows from, necessary consequence, whatnot

what was it?
what was it supposed to be?

you are annoying
there is something outta whack with you
thought process, train of thought posting sequence, follows from, necessary consequence, whatnot

what was it?
what was it supposed to be?

you are annoying

1. You are speaking about the panspermia from the lab of Hoyle Wickramsinghe and Narlikar

2. I am speaking of the chirality of amino acids found in natural proteins (and also found on cometary samples) and the possibility of such random seeding being specific to life.

kapeesch? sheesh.

edit: try this

You didn't have to delete that Johnny, I am abysmal at expressing myself. I tend to expect everyone to follow my invisible train of thought. :(

Dont hurt yourself; just my biochem basics raising their head


Many biologically-active molecules are chiral, including the naturally-occurring amino acids (the building blocks of proteins), and sugars. Interestingly, in biological systems most of these compounds are of the same chirality: most amino acids are L and sugars are D. Typical naturally occurring proteins, made of L amino acids, are known as left-handed proteins, while D amino acids produce right-handed proteins.

The origin of this homochirality in biology is the subject of much debate. Most scientists believe that Earth's life's choice of chirality was purely random, and that it is possible that the chemistry of some alien forms of carbon-based life - assuming it exists - may have opposite chirality. However, a few scientists are looking for fundamental reasons that favor the chirality as here on earth, such as the weak nuclear force.[1]
S.A.M we...I at least...know of chirality of a molecule. But the real question is why are you telling us this here in a thread about redarmy's question of existence of God?