Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

The inability to process information does not preclude the information process.

Does that mean you read the same thing I did and reached a different conclusion?

Why do you suppose that is?
Please use my examples to explain your position. So far, you have not.
You want me to relate the perceived colour of apples to... what? To my perceptions about God? I'm not sure what you're asking.
Theists equate belief with thinking. Their opinions are based on beliefs, not on the corporeal.
How will thinking about God conclusively establish his non-existence? Put aside your natural distaste and consider the question rationally. You've clearly made your mind up. Why don't you start by telling us on exactly what basis? Seriously. I ask in a purely philosophical spirit. Draw on all the corporeal phenomena you wish in framing your response.
You want me to relate the perceived colour of apples to... what? To my perceptions about God? I'm not sure what you're asking.

The point was simple. Processing information based on thinking is entirely different than faith and is congruent to everyone. That is, congruent to everyone with the ability to think.

How will thinking about God conclusively establish his non-existence? Put aside your natural distaste and consider the question rationally. You've clearly made your mind up. Why don't you start by telling us on exactly what basis? Seriously. I ask in a purely philosophical spirit. Draw on all the corporeal phenomena you wish in framing your response.

Gods existence or non-existence isn't the point at all, it is theists CLAIMS to gods existence which is the real issue. Since I've seen absolutely nothing that would even give me an iota of inference gods existed, I am not of a mind to think they do, despite the mountains of claims theists make.

I continually ask the question to theists, "Where do you get the idea gods exist?" They have yet to respond.
RE Dawkin's The God Delusion

This book doesn't offers anything novel - does it? It also doesn't cover the traditional philosophical arguments in very much depth. It's user friendly which is fine, but, Why would anyone reading this book form any sort of negative opinion about Dawkins? None of the significant idea's in the book are his, nor, with the exception of evolution, are they covered in great depth.
<< atom,

“ Logic is a poor mans Wisdom. ”

So you choose the only other alternative then, illogic, is that it? >>

Thats a rather trite comment.

Logic has it uses..it helps us to set the DVD recorder, or in my case it helps me to ask someone else to set the DVD recorder (usually approx 8 yrs old!)..however pure logic alone doesnt build a happy home.

And is never likely to. :rolleyes:
So where are we?

Ah yes. I have a problem. If I suspend my disbelief in God (in view of the complete lack of evidence in favour or against - read the thread.:rolleyes:), I'm logically forced to suspend disbelief in everything else - from elves to Santa Claus. I'm not happy with this. What can I do?
Red, I think the fight for your mortal soul is over. And, because we all witnessed it, no one really won.

But all right, how about this: no one is seriously purporting Santa to be real. I mean, he's really and demonstrably made up from the start. Same with the Easter bunny. Although you might have a case with elves or something. But those could still just be called "faerie stories". This God character is purported though to be real. He's got books and everything. He's described as a real, not fictional character. Does that help?
So where are we?

Ah yes. I have a problem. If I suspend my disbelief in God (in view of the complete lack of evidence in favour or against - read the thread.:rolleyes:), I'm logically forced to suspend disbelief in everything else - from elves to Santa Claus. I'm not happy with this. What can I do?

I can only say that I sympathize with you, redarmy11.