Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

It's interesting sam, that you make the claims, you don't back them up and then turn the questions on me, as if I made the claims.

Keep in mind the word "DUH" as I explain in simple terminologies to you.

It would be the same cult if the stories were exactly the same. DUH

People process the same information when the information is the same. DUH

There are plenty of opinions, but opinions don't make up reality. DUH

A hundred people who are delivered a message should here the same message and synthesize it the same unless they are unable to think. DUH

Please step out into the world occasionally, you may be surprised to find that yay and nay have not been the only options for a very loooooooooooooooooong time.

Btw, your opinions don't make up my reality, just as mine don't make up yours. That right there is evidence of your sorry thinking DUH.
(Q) said:
People process the same information when the information is the same.
The most cursory knowledge of psychology will tell you that this could hardly be further from the truth.
did you miss this

Ah, so you can't explain yourself, as I suspected. Hot air.

Now, go sit in the corner and keep quiet while the adults are talking.


did you just declare victory?
while my back was turned?
is there even a topic of discussion here, still?

why don't q and sam take their shit to PM and let the thread move on?
You people have broken my faith in civilized discourse. Bad enough that redarmy11 should have a soul, or that anyone should want it. But now people are fighting about things that don't even have to do with who gets stuck with it.
ok, redarmy, here is a practical point to help you in your choice.

if you choose to be a theist, which religion are you going to choose? and within the religion you choose, which sub-denomination will you choose? what if you pick the wrong one?
Why would he need to choose a religion? There are many theists without religion.
Get a tattoo? :confused:

No. Go and try swimming in the river in your town or a lake, at November when water is cold and makes your skin cry. Go and stop eating that which is unhealthy. Go and read a book and criticize every part of it, than go outside and find truth conveyed within the book by applying its morals to everyday life.
The most cursory knowledge of psychology will tell you that this could hardly be further from the truth.

"Apples can be red, green or golden in the color of their outer skins."

Please process this information differently.

"God is in heaven"

Now, try this one.
I've seen brown apples

What is an apple?

I'm color blind so what is red?

I'm redarmy11 and I'm a cowardly, fence-sitting agnostic. I is feeling left out. :(

Theists: show me the Light and the Way.
Atheists: convert me to the Dark Side.


P. S. You are all mad. :)
I wouldn't.

It's a gift you know. Take it or leave it, just don't make me beg.