Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

they had the same basic requirements (except I am not sure but I think that modern man has the largest brain among primates) but modern humans were better at surviving and reproducing

What real benefit is a larger brain for survival.:shrug: Taken at face value our larger brains dont exactly benefit life in general and i dont see how it enabled us to survive. The only possible argument would be for constant expansion and reproduction to harsher environments. I hardly believe nature made provisions for us to one day have nice clothes and plasma screens.
Its your choice what you believe; I believe the whole universe is connected; the hows and whys are beyond my comprehension, but it seems to me illogical that everything is connected and meaningless.

I'm sorry but this is not a reply to the improbability of the existence of a creator. Do you have one?
Quite right, also I'm not out to convince or convert anyone here.

i will be the judge of that
20000+ posts and q is still arguing with you
something is amiss here

presenting as an opinion, whatever it that you claim you not be doing, will still require, at the very least, a modicum of reason and rationality underlying it

the same for any goddamn expression allowed in via the vbulletin code

20000+ posts finds you and god tight like that eh?
we'll see about that


convert to a vegan
convince to stop murdering
S.A.M. said:
I believe the whole universe is connected; the hows and whys are beyond my comprehension, but it seems to me illogical that everything is connected and meaningless.
I agree with Varda, S.A.M., this is shit. :D

You would seem to be an agnostic theist. Have you considered becoming an agnostic atheist?
What real benefit is a larger brain for survival.:shrug: Taken at face value our larger brains dont exactly benefit life in general and i dont see how it enabled us to survive. The only possible argument would be for constant expansion and reproduction to harsher environments. I hardly believe nature made provisions for us to one day have nice clothes and plasma screens.

wait, you think larger brains don't favour survival? what about more/faster sinapsys? the ability to form strategies, to articulate complex forms of comunication, to learn what things are made of and how to use them? you don't think these abilities would favour expansion and reproduction to harsher environments?

I'm sorry but this is not a reply to the improbability of the existence of a creator. Do you have one?

It is to me; I'm assuming that the natural is the plane of reference we can access right now. There is no reason for there not to be more than that. To a bacterium, I am an improbability.
It is to me; I'm assuming that the natural is the plane of reference we can access right now. There is no reason for there not to be more than that. To a bacterium, I am an improbability.

but hang on a second, you can't use what YOU believe in an argument, that's not science
i will be the judge of that
20000+ posts and q is still arguing with you
something is amiss here

And it has to be me?:bugeye:
presenting as an opinion, whatever it that you claim you not be doing, will still require, at the very least, a modicum of reason and rationality underlying it

Of course, but that approaches the question, if it is rational to me, do you accept it as rational to you?
the same for any goddamn expression allowed in via the vbulletin code

20000+ posts finds you and god tight like that eh?
we'll see about that

Bah, idjits

convert to a vegan
convince to stop murdering

Vegan? /shudder/
*murders Gustav*
but hang on a second, you can't use what YOU believe in an argument, that's not science

I'm not the one confusing my beliefs with science.;)

What I believe is separate from what I consider empirical observation.
I'm sorry but this is not a reply to the improbability of the existence of a creator. Do you have one?

looky here kiddo
go read up on some particle physics
shit pops up from seemingly nowhere

how hard is it to extend that courtesy to any conceptual formulation?
looky here kiddo
go read up on some particle physics
shit pops up from seemingly nowhere

how hard is it to extend that courtesy to any conceptual formulation?

pretty hard, we're talking about something very complex
the concept of a creator "god" is not fallacious in and of itself
evidence abounds if one cares to look
it is only when this conceived creator is arbitrarily removed from the chain of causality that questions should arise
pretty hard, we're talking about something very complex

there was this comedy (loser movie)
couple of guys pitch to investor
"blah blah blah....it is complicated"
all bought it and got funded

very funny
lemme identify
