Let's all have a big fight over my mortal soul.

I thinks people who force their beliefs on others are all equally oppressive.

I have yet to see a rational atheist on this board.

edit: correction, I forgot spurious.

we do not have goddamn beliefs! hence there is nothing to force
we approximate thru concurrence and understand that all formulations are tentative and are subject to revision

you troll again by casting aspersions
you calling me a nazi now?

a rationality no doubt determined by solely by you eh?
For something to be probable or improbable, it has to be defined.

you are going in circles. the god of the christian bible, the creator, is very well defined

As for communication, there may be an objective analysis there, PMS used to be called hysteria and natural sexual inclination, nymphomania.

when you have a "personal god" religion, where god is watching your every move, and intercepting your every prayer and talking back to you, you can't say that this is outside the interest of science
we do not have goddamn beliefs! hence there is nothing to force
we approximate thru concurrence and understand that all formulations are tentative and are subject to revision

you troll again by casting aspersions
you calling me a nazi now?

a rationality no doubt determined by solely by you eh?

Join the club of disbelief, buy the tshirt

you are going in circles. the god of the christian bible, the creator, is very well defined

when you have a "personal god" religion, where god is watching your every move, and intercepting your every prayer and talking back to you, you can't say that this is outside the interest of science

I have met many Christians and there is no well defined Christian God.

Depends, can you objectively assess the personal God? What is a God to that person?
the god of the christian bible, the creator, is very well defined

Please. By whom? Non-Christians?

Christians have a wide range of definitions for their God, some of them even (seemingly) mutually exclusive.
i think it is hilarious how you think that making money out of this is a bad thing

The campaign? No, thats not the hilarious part.

I just find it funny that people need a club to legitimise a disbelief.
I have met many Christians and there is no well defined Christian God.

Depends, can you objectively assess the personal God? What is a God to that person?

you can leave all those personal details aside and focus on the main things, which are writen in the universal books of the respective religion, the christian bible, the torah and the qran

it's defined right there, just read genesis... I dont know what is the complication
no, only things that are extremely complex and alegedly came out of nowhere

I htink there is a strong case for ID, call it 'GOD'...so be it. Not that evolution or some variant cannot occur at some level but when things are too perfect i have every reason to believe some sort of intervention transpired beyond chance or luck.
you can leave all those personal details aside and focus on the main things, which are writen in the universal books of the respective religion, the christian bible, the torah and the qran

it's defined right there, just read genesis... I dont know what is the complication

Hmm so what you think the books say is what we should all accept?

I htink there is a strong case for ID, call it 'GOD'...so be it. Not that evolution or some variant cannot occur at some level but when things are too perfect i have every reason to believe some sort of intervention transpired beyond chance or luck.

but then, you are just transfering the problem to a different level. Who designed the designer?

evolution doesn't need a designer, it works through natural selection... natural selection allows for complexity to arrise if small leaps which are LOT more probable
Hmm so what you think the books say is what we should all accept?


if you want to follow that religion, then yes
if you want to criticise that religion, then yes

because anything that is not in the books is product of individuality