
Legalize Mj?

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I would like to know reasons for the no votes if thats possible.

I cant see any logic in wanting it to stay illegal, you either have an unwillingness to accept fact or a tendency to pretend that there is no problem when there clearly is. Many people you wouldnt even think of probably smoke pot, they are going out of their way to break the law to get it but yet if they are caught they will be given a criminal record thus limiting their chances in life. There must be a very good reason for the want to keep it illegal that Im missing, all reasons Ive seen so far in this thread are not strong enough reasons for the suffering and restriction on people's choice of lifestyle.

I agree with tablariddim, people are going to break the law that are addicted to the hard drugs, so why make society suffer from their habits? Why cant we just tax it and thus making it cheaper so they dont have to steel? I can only see one flaw (and its a big one) in this arguement and that would be that its possible that addiction will go through the roof, destroying people's lifes in the process because even although they may be extrememly addictive (Im talking about coca and heroin) they do damage your body and mind both in the short and long term. This is why if it were going to be legalised then you would have to raise people's awareness so much that they simply wouldnt want to take it but its been tryed with tobacco and it doesnt work, despite all the negative ads on the tv people will still smoke and thats because its addictive, coca and heroin being many many more times more addictive than tobacco. So if many people were addicted to hard drugs then society will suffer in a different way as a consequence.

If you really want to live up to your namesake, I suggest a dosage of 5 gms p. cubanis or other related mushroom containing psilocybin.

after that, read on...

1. Define "bad"
2. Define "us"
3. Define "incentivates"
top mosker said:

If you really want to live up to your namesake, I suggest a dosage of 5 gms p. cubanis or other related mushroom containing psilocybin.
I have tried it. I saw a couple of flying pink elephants with little yellow dots, but I don't see how that can help me. Oh.... and that lizard dragon that came out of the pool almost ate me alive....

after that, read on...

1. Define "bad"
2. Define "us"
3. Define "incentivates"
  1. Not good
  2. Not them
  3. Makes it more likely
TruthSeeker said:
I have tried it. I saw a couple of flying pink elephants with little yellow dots, but I don't see how that can help me. Oh.... and that lizard dragon that came out of the pool almost ate me alive....
thusly proving that you have never eaten mushrooms... c'mon, if you're going to make up drug stories, try not to pick something cliche.

  1. Not good
  2. Not them
  3. Makes it more likely
3. incentivates (from truthseeker's unabridged new dictionary - collegiate edition) - makes "it" more likely
How would legalized drugs "incentivate" (LOL, good word) crime in any way?
spidergoat said:
Also, there are vaporizers available that do not burn it, also decreasing possible health problems.
Can you elaborate (or link) please?
TruthSeeker said:
  1. Is bad for them
  2. Is bad for us
  3. It incentivates crime
Is that enough?

Its bad for them; Im take it you mean its unhealthy. This is simply not true, its true to some extent but I think that statement implys something more than the truth, firstly, going by your logic beef burgers, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate etc should all be illegal. There is no logic, you cannot prohibit everything in life that may be unhealthy or bad for you.
Ill tell you why cannabis is not as unhealthy as cigarettes, its says it all in erowid but in a nutshell: Cannabis users do not smoke as much as tobacco smokers, they do not need to smoke as much of it to keep themselfs high or to forfill any addictive craving so they smoke less.

I dont know what you mean by its bad for us, there is simply no logic in that statement because firstly; cannabis is not the only thing in this world thats bad for us, infact compared to most things its pretty safe and secondly for the other reasons I gave in the previous paragraph.

In no way does it incentive crime. I have never known anyone to believe this statement because it in no way does it hold water. Cannabis is not addictive, I believe true addiction is physical addiction, as this is a consequence that applys to everyone, phycological addiction does not, cannabis is proven not to be physically dependance forming. People can think they are addicted to anything, You could say that you are addicted to fitness, chocolate or television, this does not mean your body cannot function without them. As its non addictive, people that use cannabis will not spend all their money on it, this means they will not go out and steal to get money to buy it like a cocaine addict will - the difference is cocaine is physically addictive, you will experience heavy withdrawl from cocaine and heroin etc.

The only way cannabis incentives crime is because its illegal, you are commiting a crime by using it or selling it. And like anything illicit, people will always sell it because it makes them alot of money because it is illicit.

Im begging you to search for the truth about Cannabis/ marijuana, as aside from all the consequences of spreading lies about it, it makes you look pretty daft - and I dont mean that in an offensive way. If you dont then I dont mind that much.

top mosker said:
thusly proving that you have never eaten mushrooms... c'mon, if you're going to make up drug stories, try not to pick something cliche.
I was just making fun of it anyways... :D

3. incentivates (from truthseeker's unabridged new dictionary - collegiate edition) - makes "it" more likely
i would follow Avatar's advice... :p
one_raven said:
How would legalized drugs "incentivate" (LOL, good word) crime in any way?
Producing more drugs, making it more likely for people to use it, making people crazy... :D I mean... imagine if there was a legal industry on marijuana. The demand would be quite elastic, and the prices would probably be quite high, since people would be willing to pay whatever they need to get it. Not to mention on the profit that the government could have through taxes. It would look like the cigarrete industry, or the condom industry. :D But if the prices would go too high, or if poor people would consume it, then the real income of buyers would become smaller and if they wouldn't have enough money to buy it, guess what? They would start stealing it, thus raising criminality.
Captain_Crunch said:
Its bad for them; Im take it you mean its unhealthy. This is simply not true, its true to some extent but I think that statement implys something more than the truth, firstly, going by your logic beef burgers, cigarettes, alcohol, chocolate etc should all be illegal. There is no logic, you cannot prohibit everything in life that may be unhealthy or bad for you.
Yes, you can. Have you ever watched that movie... what was the name... that movie with Silvester Stalone, where he was a cop and Arnold Schuazenegger was the president... "The Demolitor" or something like that... ?:D

Well, anyways.... chocolate is not so bad. I mean... it even have good properties. But what I implied is that stuff that is VERY bad for you should be illegal, or we should be educated to avoid those...

Ill tell you why cannabis is not as unhealthy as cigarettes, its says it all in erowid but in a nutshell: Cannabis users do not smoke as much as tobacco smokers, they do not need to smoke as much of it to keep themselfs high or to forfill any addictive craving so they smoke less.
Not what I've seen and heard...

I dont know what you mean by its bad for us, there is simply no logic in that statement because firstly; cannabis is not the only thing in this world thats bad for us, infact compared to most things its pretty safe and secondly for the other reasons I gave in the previous paragraph.
Again, experiences in my country would say otherwise...

In no way does it incentive crime. I have never known anyone to believe this statement because it in no way does it hold water. Cannabis is not addictive, I believe true addiction is physical addiction, as this is a consequence that applys to everyone, phycological addiction does not, cannabis is proven not to be physically dependance forming.
Again, proven not to be true in my country. Particularly, because it usually serves as a bridge (or I should say gateway) to more potent and addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroine.

People can think they are addicted to anything, You could say that you are addicted to fitness, chocolate or television, this does not mean your body cannot function without them.
In a way, they are addictive because they release serotonine. But in another way, you are right because the "chemicals" in those products are not addictive themselves.

As its non addictive, people that use cannabis will not spend all their money on it, this means they will not go out and steal to get money to buy it like a cocaine addict will - the difference is cocaine is physically addictive, you will experience heavy withdrawl from cocaine and heroin etc.
Again, my experience in my country tells it to be untrue. Eventhough marijuana is not very addictive, it can be used as a bridge to more addictive drugs. and drug dealers use it all the time. They often mix marijuana with some other highly addictive drug, thus making addiction more likely. It is a very tricky industry. Making it legal would be quite dangerous in that way...

The only way cannabis incentives crime is because its illegal, you are commiting a crime by using it or selling it. And like anything illicit, people will always sell it because it makes them alot of money because it is illicit.
Yes, true enough. Still, some people are allowed to use it because of health issues (they use it as some sort of treatement). Go figure... :p

Im begging you to search for the truth about Cannabis/ marijuana, as aside from all the consequences of spreading lies about it, it makes you look pretty daft - and I dont mean that in an offensive way. If you dont then I dont mind that much.
Once again, I'm not lying. I'm pretty used with thinking about this drug stuff. I mean.... I've heard on the news before that drug dealers put drugs on candies and sell it to kids, in front of schools. that probably doesn't happen here, but in my country, it does (or used to- i've heard that a long time ago). I know all the consequences and all the tricks that any producer may have to make it more likely to sell huge quantities of drugs.
Well, anyways.... chocolate is not so bad. I mean... it even have good properties. But what I implied is that stuff that is VERY bad for you should be illegal, or we should be educated to avoid those...

Well, tobacco and petrol should be banned/ illegal as they cause cancers.

Again, proven not to be true in my country. Particularly, because it usually serves as a bridge (or I should say gateway) to more potent and addictive drugs such as cocaine and heroine.

Its a gateway because its illegal, you have to go to some unscruplious character to get it therefore making the contacts that will sell you more dangerous drugs if you feel like it.

They often mix marijuana with some other highly addictive drug, thus making addiction more likely. It is a very tricky industry. Making it legal would be quite dangerous in that way...
Again, this would only happen because its illegal, if it does actually happen.
If it were legal it would be regulated.

Yes, true enough. Still, some people are allowed to use it because of health issues (they use it as some sort of treatement). Go figure...
What does that prove, alcohol can also be used for pain release but produces the undesirable effects of intoxication. That proves that it should be legal is it is a multipurpose drug.

Once again, I'm not lying. I'm pretty used with thinking about this drug stuff. I mean.... I've heard on the news before that drug dealers put drugs on candies and sell it to kids, in front of schools. that probably doesn't happen here, but in my country, it does (or used to- i've heard that a long time ago). I know all the consequences and all the tricks that any producer may have to make it more likely to sell huge quantities of drugs.

Yes, the drugs that they will be selling will be cocaine and heroin etc which are really bad as they produce addiction both physical and phycological and very detremental to ones well being. Marijuana is relatively harmless compared with tobacco.

Good pain relief for those that are allergic to propriety medicines ;)

Grow ya own ;)
Captain, how would you regulate the market of drugs? I mean... how would you prevent producres from mixing more addictive drugs with the "mild" one?
TruthSeeker said:
Captain, how would you regulate the market of drugs? I mean... how would you prevent producres from mixing more addictive drugs with the "mild" one?

First off, I'm not saying a regulated "drugs" market, rather; a legal controlled and regulated market for marijuana.

If there was such a market, the drug would become public domain, it would not be exclusively controlled by drug dealers, infact it would be participated in by legal and above baord companies that would only have dealing in marijuana and they would be required to abide by standards and inspections by legal entities. This would force down the price of marijuana so it would no longer be as beneficial to drug dealers to sell it when you know you can get a high quality packet from the supermarket that has been weighed accordingly.
Think of it like the tobacco industry but with that awful killer weed being substituted with marijuana.

As it is just now, if contaminating marijuana does take place then this is because its the same unscrupulous character that will be selling the harder addictive drugs so the opportunity is there for contamination. Also, because it is illegal there are no quality control or people to regulate the standard or weight of what your buying. It is out with the realms of the law therefore there is no regulation, you just have to hope that your dealer is honest - in this country thats the majority, alot of dealers will only sell marijuana and are entirely trustworthy people. I like to think of these guys as doing a service for the community because thats what they're doing in essence.
TruthSeeker said:
I was just making fun of it anyways... :D
You might think it's just a bunch of kids on the internet getting high, and you can just laugh at them, but I, and many others take the psychedelic experience very seriously. If you would experience it, or at very least just read up on it, you too, would see that it is not just seeing a bunch of colors n stuff, but the opening of your doors of perception. The psychonaut is changed permanantly after the experience.

truthseeker, instead of wasting your time trying (read: failing) to be the comedian of sciforums, go educate yourself. Use your brain instead of letting it go to waste:

If you don't want to do drugs, I can respect that, but don't spread lies about them when you know you don't know anything on the subject.

top mosker said:
You might think it's just a bunch of kids on the internet getting high, and you can just laugh at them,
yeeeess... :D
but I, and many others take the psychedelic experience very seriously. If you would experience it, or at very least just read up on it, you too, would see that it is not just seeing a bunch of colors n stuff, but the opening of your doors of perception.
I know. I already mention that first nation people used to use it for spritual enlightment, didn't I? It does activate ineresting parts of the brain. It does increase perception. But like everything else, it is not good for you if consumed in excess. And the problem with drugs is that they can be pretty addictive, and even if it is just psychological addiction, it is no good for you body, you know? First Nations people always used it in moderation. It was part of their rules, you know? Modern sociey doesn't have such rules. In fact, modern society motivates people to consume more than what they need.

truthseeker, instead of wasting your time trying (read: failing) to be the comedian of sciforums, go educate yourself.[/quote]
I don't try to be a "comedian", I just chill out, that' all... ;)

Use your brain instead of letting it go to waste:
With that, than I would be wating my brain...

If you don't want to do drugs, I can respect that, but don't spread lies about them when you know you don't know anything on the subject.
Lies? Don't know anything about the subject? Gimme a break! I've talked more about drugs than anyone else in this thread! From sociologic issues to the biological and historical ones! Just because I don't use them, that doesn't mean I don't know anything about them!

In fact, I don't use them because I know a lot about them... :rolleyes:
TruthSeeker said:
Yes lies, you have said absolutely little that could be taken as the truth.

Don't know anything about the subject? Gimme a break!
You know very little on the subject, nearly everything you have said about marijuana being physically addictive and extremely bad for your body is all lies and should be treated with extreme prejudice.

I've talked more about drugs than anyone else in this thread! From sociologic issues to the biological and historical ones! Just because I don't use them, that doesn't mean I don't know anything about them!

Youve demonstrated that you know that originally some "drugs" (as you collectively bracket them) were used for spiritual reasons by amazonial indians and the incas/aztec populus of South America, however, this doesnt really have anything to do with this subject and you have produced no undisputable argument that would be a logical reason to have marijuana kept illegal. Basing your argument on very little facts.

In fact, I don't use them because I know a lot about them... :rolleyes:
Actually, you have demonstrated that you know very little on subject.
Youve talked about things that exist only your mind and dont reflect the reality.

