
Legalize Mj?

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I believe from personal experience that caffeine is more addictive and from anecdotal evidence that smoking is much more addictive.
TruthSeeker said:
You deny that the evidence is correct, even when it is proven in reliable scientific magazines?

Really, I can't do anything if you don't want to accept the fact that marijuana is addictive. I have shown scientific evidence, and you simply don't want to accept it. I can't make you accept the evidence, so i will just leave it as it is. If you don't accept it, it is your problem, not mine.

Your wrong, i went through that so called evidence and pointed out the reasons to why it was inaccurate, unjustified, flawed nonsence.

I dont have to accept that evidence because it isnt evidence but propoganda. Why should cannabis be illegal when alcohol and other things that are damaging remain legal and endorsed by government? Its because they cannot control marijuana sufficiently, anyone can grow it in relative safety without anyone ever finding out and its just as good as the stuff they could sell you. Also, there is no money therefore no taxes that could be made from medical distribution, the pharmacuticals would lose trade and could not make any money from its sale.

Now, they have made some medicine that is basically marijuana extract that is going to be used by MS and arthritis sufferers, boom, there you have a way that pharmacetical companies can make money from it and guess what, it will be legal, its already been approved by government.

The government is corrupt, flawed and biased and I cannot accept this possition on marijuana is an injustice.
You really want to smoke, don't ya? :rolleyes:

Anyways... I was watching the news yesterday and it seems there is some connection between cultivation of marijuana with child labour.... how interesting...

Besides, if we start legalizing everything, we might as well live in a world where everyone is high, nobody lives in the real world and everyone is addicted to this s**t... what a wonderful world... :rolleyes:

Certainly not the world I want my kids to live in. :bugeye:
Unfortunately, that legal stuff won't get you high. It's also been reported, that MS sufferers who have tried it, say it's not a very pleasant experience.
TruthSeeker said:
You really want to smoke, don't ya? :rolleyes:

Anyways... I was watching the news yesterday and it seems there is some connection between cultivation of marijuana with child labour.... how interesting...

Besides, if we start legalizing everything, we might as well live in a world where everyone is high, nobody lives in the real world and everyone is addicted to this s**t... what a wonderful world... :rolleyes:

Certainly not the world I want my kids to live in. :bugeye:

You presume I smoke: I do not. I used to but not anymore.

Did the news say anything about children are employed in all kinds of industries and that is not restricted to the third world, they work in manufacturing, retail, hotels as well as agriculture etc? Child labour is due to poverty, demand and education as well as other circumstances. Also, people are more than willing to buy products that are produced from it so the demand is there. I think you have failed to see the relevance of that comment, it is not relevant in the slightest. Lets ban retail, the hotel and resteraunt trade, agriculture if that will stop child labour, which it wont. To stop child labour you will have to ban poverty, which Im all for.

Yeh, everyone will get physically addicted to things that are not physically addictive (I am being sarcastic, not to be mistaken for actually believing that nonsence).
The accusation of child labour was actually in Canada... caused by that particular industry...
The industry only exists because of its illegality. More and more, people are growing in closets. Truthseeker, living in the "real world" has nothing to do with what chemicals are coursing through your bloodstream. Your body is always "holding". The most potent naturally occuring hallucinogen is found in the human Pineal gland. Also, it should not be illegal to be an addict. Most of the problems with being an addict have to do with its illegality. You can live a long, healthy life as a heroin addict, as long as you don't have to live on the street, or sacrifice food or steal for drugs, or share dirty needles.
Well, if you are an addict, chances are that all those things won't happen. And chances are you won't be healthy...
You cannot make stupidity illegal. It should be illegal to punish people who have not committed a crime. If I drive high I should be arrested but if I am only hurting myself I should be free to do whatever I want that does not hurt anyone else. I do not like any one to tell me what to do not even my mom much less the government.
I know several addicts that are quite healthy they are able to balance all aspects of their lives and hold productive jobs as well. They are not criminals or thugs they are people who just disagree with the government’s right to make decisions about their life without consulting them.
You deny that the evidence is correct, even when it is proven in reliable scientific magazines?

Why not? Nixon did it when he was told by the board of researchers he put together to study the issue that it had few harmful side effects and should be legalized.

Anyways... I was watching the news yesterday and it seems there is some connection between cultivation of marijuana with child labour.... how interesting...

Wow, imagine that. I'd have never thought that a reactionary fearmongering media would say things like that. :p They also link it with terrorism. When are the death sentences for drug dealing going to be handed down.

Besides, if we start legalizing everything, we might as well live in a world where everyone is high, nobody lives in the real world and everyone is addicted to this s**t... what a wonderful world...

Yes, the number one reason why marijuana is illegal. The Gateway theory. That's a bunch of crap, it's only a gateway because you go to jail for weed, you go to jail for coke, hmm, might as well do some coke since I'm a criminal anyway.

Personally, I believe that most illegal drugs rightly deserve their illegal status. Their side effects are harmful and many. But weed should not be. It is not addictive, it is habit-forming, but so is scratching your balls. Gonna make that illegal next?

By the way, did you know that in earlier days hemp was grown in practically every garden? People used to make their own clothes from the hemp they grew themselves. Why spend money on underwear when you can make your own for free? Did you know that until recently hemp was the wonder fiber of the planet. Since it's criminalization, the history books have been rewritten and hemp has been removed. Do you know how much hemp is imported into the United States from the phillipines to make rope? Do you know that criminalization of hemp was originally racist? Only black jazz musicians smoked muggles (mostly). The whites got their marijuana in tonic form, at greatly intensified levels. Did you know that the criminalization of marijuana occured at the same time that dupont began producing synthetic plastics? When the pharmaceutical industries were securing their stranglehold on our balls? Did you know that in WWII farmers were encouraged to "Grow hemp for Victory?" The history of the prohibition of marijuana is a lesson in immorality on the part of the government. Grow hemp for food, fuel, and fiber.